reset LDX #$00 cycle LDA hworld,X BEQ reset STX cache JSR $FFD2 LDX cache INX JMP cycle hworld .text "Hello, World!" .byte 13,0 cache .byte 0
submitted by: Almos Rajnai
And another smaller, better version
lda #<text ldy #>text jsr $ab1e ; ROM message out routine rts text .text "HELLO WORLD!" .byte $0d,$00
submitted by: Paul M. Gardner-Stephen
This program is exactly 26 bytes long. It prints "Hello, world!" in the top left corner of the screen. It doesn't loop but exists after printing the text once.
start LDX #$0D cycle LDA hworld,X STA $0400,X DEX BNE cycle RTS hworld ..byte 0 ..text "Hello, World!"
submitted by: Joona Palaste
This program can be made one byte shorter. Here is a 25-byte version:
start LDX #$0D cycle LDA hworld,X STA $0400,X DEX BNE cycle hworld RTS .text "Hello, World!"
submitted by: Joona Palaste