- Obtain an account number in the basement of Wyly Tower.
- Enter the doors labeled "registration."
- Go down the stairs and enter the first office on the left.
- Present your student I.D. and ask for an account number.
- You can use the lab on the third floor of Wyly Tower. It is the door on the left.
- Many of the dorms have computer labs.
- If you have a personal compter with a modem, you can call the mainframe at 257-3311.
Set your modem to a 2400 band rate. Data bits-7. Stop bits-1. Parity-even.
Flow control-none. Emulation-vt 100.
- Logging on to the network.
- If you are using a university terminal, turn the knob on the lower right hand corner
of the monitor to make the screen bright.
- Type your user I.D. and press .
- The computer will ask you to enter a password. After you have entered it, the computer
will ask you to enter the password again to verify it.
- Your password has to be changed every 30 days.
- Hold down the key and press in order to get past the initial messages.
- When the computer says "more" or "running" in the bottom right hand corner of the screen,
hold down the key and press to move to the next screen.
- Sending mail.
- Find the address of the person you want to send mail.
- Log on to the network.
- Type "mail (address of person you are mailing)"
- To add an extra page to your letter, press F4.
- To add an extra line, press F2.
- Reading mail.
- Log on.
- Type "mail" and press enter.
- A list of your mail will appear.
- Move the cursor to the entry you want to read and press F2.