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Livy. Ab Urbe Condita.
From the Founding of the City

English 406 parallel lecture.


Virtus (virtue). Manliness.
Prove your manhood. Couage.

Vir. Man

  1. Dignitas.  Repect that's due to a person from others based on the person's accomplishments.  If you have accomplished worthwhile things, others owe you their respect.    Marius fleeing Sulla - soldiers wouldn't kill the great Marius
  2. Gravitas.  Is a popular word in modern politics.  Roman politician does not want to be one of the people.  He is serious at all times, esp in public.  Aristocrats are supposed to be dignified and serious at all times.  Has two uniforms - military for war, toga for peace.
  3. Integritas. Personal honor.  If you've given your word, mustn't break it.  Regulus legend.  Captured & carried  a message to Senate.  returned to the captors b/c he had said he would.
  4. Severitas.  Romans really differ from us here.  They are the people of the wolf.  Descend from Mars, god of war, & his animal the wolf.  Romans stress the notion that everybody experiences pain & suffering.  Everybody will die.  Should realize they are there & meet them directly.  Don't run in battle.  March up and destroy enemy or die trying.  They think this way militarily, but also applies to how they solve problems.  Infantry fighting their prime method.
  5. Pietas.

Ben Franklin was leaving the Constitutional Convention. "Dr. Franklin, Republic or a Monarchy?"

"A republic, madame, if you can keep it."

Civic virtue. The final defense of a republic is the citizen.

Cato was Washington's favorite play. Regulus playing in New Orleans.
Livy. Legends of early Rome.






Marcus Aurelius. Meditations.

Deon. Duty. Deontological vs teleological

Apaqeia apathy. Serenity.
God, grant me the serenity,
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Paqh pathe. Pathological

Adiafora Things that can't be different.
Diafora Things that can be different.

Hadrian's Wall


Antonius Pius

Marcus Aurelius. Verus. Verissimus.

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