Notice the difference in age between Franklin and Edwards. 1706 is when Franklin was born, and 1703 when Edwards was born. They are only three years apart, but they live in different eras. It was a choice they made. You can be like Jonathan Edwards even now, and some people are. Ben Franklin is part a of new outlook on the world. One that arises in Europe, then moves out from there. This is called the Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason.

Franklin, born in Boston, was the tenth son of fifteen children. His father was a tallow chandler and soap boiler. Franklin was needed to help his father, but he did not want to. Eventually, at the age of twelve, he was an apprentice for his brother who was a printer. In 1730, he married and had two children. He did many things in his lifetime. Franklin did many things in his lifetime. His observations on electricity were published in 1751. He went to England to represent the colonies in 1757 and returned in 1763. Franklin then was chosen as a representative to the 2nd Continental Congress and then was appointed as minister to France. He died in 1790, and 20,000 people attended his funeral.