Have you ever had that happen? You're sitting at the table eating lunch, and you know that if you every get up you'll wind up having to bring stuff for everyone else. So this is the dailiness of life. It's made up of little bitty details, rather than great big events. What a girl calls the dailiness of life is well water. As you can see the sentence continues after the parenthesis.
is well water
Pumped from an old well at the bottom of the
The pump you pump the water from is rusty
And hard to move and absurd, a squirrel-wheel
A sick squirrel turns slowly, through the
Inexorable hours.
So life is this water pumped up from this deep well slowly, minute by minute.
And yet sometimes
the wheel turns of its own weight, the rusty
Pump pumps over your sweating face the clear
Water, cold, so cold! you cup our hands
And gulp from them the dailiness of life.
Here we have this life creeping on, minute by minute. But, suddenly
the wheel turns and cold water comes out and refreshes you, so there are
these moments of renewal. It's a rather hopeful poem.