If you are not a already enrolled at Louisiana Tech University, you will need to enroll, either by coming to campus or else by enrolling electronically.
Note to all Summer 2002 English 303 Internet Students: By the first class day, email Dr. Minor so that he will have your e-mail address. If that address changes, email the new address. Any communication that is about your grades must be sent either to your University email address or if to another email address, by a password-protected email attachment. Such attachments can be sent in either Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. Check your email at least once per day. If you will be traveling, consider getting an email service that you can access from anywhere, such as Microsoft Hotmail or Netscape Webmail or email from Excite or Yahoo. To go to a lengthy alphabetical list of free web-based email services, click here. Dr. Minor's E-mail
Address: dminor@gans.latech.edu
2001-2002 Catalog Description of English 303:
ENGL 303: Technical Writing. 0-3-3. Preq. English 102. Development of technical writing skills and styles; various technical writing assignments, including a technical report.
Necessary Skills:
Basic writing skills, including knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, and organization; basic knowledge of a scientific or technical field.
Topics to be Covered:
English 303 over Internet has several benefits for the student:
But, this on-line course may present some difficulties for you, the student:
Students must have access to the Internet and the WorldWide Web, with a DOS/Windows-based or Macintosh computer system and Web-browsing software, such as Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. Also, students must have access to Email; some of the assignments will be sent as Email attachments, and it is possible that some of the assignments may be submitted via Email.
It is assumed that students will have access to a word processing program and printer that will allow them to handle the formatting of technical documents. Commonly-used word processors are WordPerfect and Microsoft Word. There are two computer labs open to students in Wyly Tower. Also, the computer lab in Madison Hall Room 165 is open to all Tech students. There are many other computer labs used in the individual academic units of Louisiana Tech University.
Primary Textbooks:
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Markel, Mike. Technical Communication: Situations and Strategies. 6th Edition. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2001. (Available at the Tech bookstore) |
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The Technical Writing Course Packet is now required for all English 303 classes at Louisiana Tech. It is available at the Louisiana Tech Bookstore (see Book store link below the textbooks). The Course packet gives information about many aspects of technical writing, and includes information about using Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Inside the packet is a sheet entitled "Plagiarism Statement," which must be read and signed and returned to Dr. Minor either in person or by mail. |
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Supplemental Textbook: This supplemental
textbook is optional; it gives good advice about technical
writing, from types of papers to points of grammar and punctuation.
There will be no specific assignments about this book. If you will
do a lot of writing on your job, this book or a similar handbook are valuable
reference tools.
Brusaw, Alred, and Oliu. Handbook of Technical Writing, (6th Edition). New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000. (Available at the Tech bookstore) |
Link to Louisiana Tech Book Store -- to order books online
Link to some representative online book stores:
A syllabus is available from the English 303 Web site. In general, reading assignments will be made from the appropriate sections of the textbook to prepare the student for the upcoming assignment. The specific assignments will be sent to each student via E-mail. The assignments will be submitted either by hard copy or by a completely-formatted word processing file by the date due. Because much of this course discusses organization and page layout/design for technical papers, papers sent in via e-mail or as a paper copy will need to be fully formatted by the student to ensure that all text formatting instructions were followed.
I have both Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect; both of these
word processors will convert from other word processing programs. However,
I will not re-format papers submitted as computer files because I will
not be able to evaluate each student's formatting ability if it is necessary
for me to help format a paper. We will use the ungraded homework assignments
to check our e-mail and word processing compatibilities.
Probable Assignments:
Assignment: Value: Comparison . . . . . . . . . 1X
Grading Equivalents:
F . . . 0-55 (depending on errors)
Final Grading Scale:
0-59 = F
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