Lecture 1.B.iii.  Creation Stories.

Genesis 1:1-2:4

  1. Day 1.  God created the heaven & earth.  Light.  Day & Night
  2. Day 2.  Firmament dividing the waters.  Firmament = Heaven
  3. Day 3.  Waters separated from land. 
    Land = earth, water = Seas
  4. Day 4.  Lights in  firmament of heaven - sun, moon, stars
  5. Day 5.  Water animals & winged animals
  6. Day 6.  Land animals.  Man and woman.
  7. Day 7.  Rest

Genesis 2:5-25

  1. The Lord God made the earth & the heavens.
  2. A mist rose up & watered the ground.
  3. God formed man from the dust of the ground.
  4. Planted a garden in Eden - every tree good to eat.  Tree of life.  Tree of knowledge of good and evil
  5. Rivers
  6. Adam alone. God created animals, and Adam named them.
  7. God created Eve.


  1. What is a firmament?  (רָקִיעַ - raqia᾿)?  How is it different from the sky?
  2. Do you see any problem with day 4 given what has come before?
  3. When is man created in Genesis 1?  Genesis 2?
  4. When is woman created in Genesis 1?  Genesis 2?

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