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Adapting to Adaptive Design 1

One consideration that needs to  be built in to any current website is what to do about various size devices.  My own web pages have to appear on smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and classroom projectors.  For many years, I only had to accommodate laptops and desktops, which were close enough in display size to not have to worry too much.  Then our classrooms got projectors and screens, and material had to be big enough for folks on the back row to read.  Around the same time, Steve Jobs said "Fiat iPhone," and there was iPhone.

A Reminder from Last Week

On June 29, 2007, at 6:00 pm local time, the Internet changed with the release of the iPhone.  The general trend from the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1991 until then was for ever-bigger monitors, meaning wider web pages and smaller fonts were possible.  Hard drives and RAM exploded in size and speed.  Also, the wretchedly slow dial-up modem gradually gave way to much faster cable connections, meaning that images and multi-media could be much larger.  Suddenly, millions of people were using devices that had much smaller screens, hard drives, and RAM.  Download connections were slower and, even worse, cost money.  Web pages designed for larger monitors had to be expanded beyond the limits of the screen, requiring constant scrolling back and forth to read the page.  Links that were fine for a mouse and cursor were impossibly small for fingers.

The answer to the problem is adaptive web design, or more broadly, responsive web design (To the degree that there is a difference, responsive design can include the site being aware of where you are, showing you a map to the nearest local store, for example.).  Some businesses have multiple sites for desktop and mobile, which doubles the work.  Others, like this page, react differently based on the device.  Only one page need be written using this method, but there are endless tradeoffs and complications.

  Here is my old home page as it looked in the summer of 2012.  With minor modifications, it looked like this for about ten years.  It wasn't very complicated or trendy, but it worked as a portal to my web site. I was happy enough with it until I got an iPhone.  Then my navigation bar at the top of the page became unusably small.

Once I got an iPhone, I got to look at this several times a day.  It needed an upgrade. 

When I began work on the Louisiana Anthology, I spent several months investigating different methods of publishing it before settling on my present approach.  Much of my web site is still unreconstructed because I actually find it easier to make new pages that follow new standards than to go in and redo an old page.  So far, I have three different adaptive designs I use on my site.

I. Navigation Slider

You are welcome to use my css and html for your own sites.  Share and enjoy!  Don't panic!

<meta name = "viewport" content = "initial-scale = 1.30>



<div id="container">

 <div class="binder">

  <div class="slider">

   <div id="start" class="additional-block">

<div class="header"> Dr. Magee - Home Page </div> <ul class="menu"> <li><a href="technav.shtml">Tech Links</a></li> <li><a href="louisiana_anthology/navigation/index.shtml">Louisiana Anthology</a></li> <li><a href="101/101nav.shtml">English 101</a></li> <li><a href="102/102nav.shtml">English 102</a></li> <li><a href="103/103nav.shtml">Honors 103</a></li> <li><a href="201/201nav.shtml">English 201</a></li> <li><a href="212/212nav.shtml">English 202</a></li> <li><a href="210/210nav.shtml">English 210</a></li> <li><a href="211/211nav.shtml">English 211</a></li> <li><a href="212/212nav.shtml">English 212</a></li> <li><a href="303/303nav.shtml">English 303</a></li> <li><a href="406/406nav.shtml">English 406</a></li> <li><a href="452/452nav.shtml">English 452</a></li> <li><a href="463/463nav.shtml">English 463</a></li>


Once I decided to put the anthology on my web site, I had to determine how to navigate the site. I like the navigation system of one of my favorite iPhone apps is SPQR, a combination of Latin library and dictionary.  While apps like Angry Birds might be pure programs, ones like SPQR are essentially web sites zipped up into an app, meaning we should be able to emulate its format.  I eventually tracked down an article on creating an iPhone-style navigation system for a web site.  While I liked the basic design, I had to adapt it for my purposes. 

  1. I deleted the iPhone image from around the slide bar--I just wanted the bar itself.
  2. I broke the system into multiple files.  When I looked at the code for the navigation, I discovered that the entire navigation was embedded in one file.  It was only a few categories that went a few screens deep, but it was already almost too complex to code by hand, which I was doing.  Also, the file would quickly become so huge that it would clog up the browsing process. Guilty confession: it took me a year to figure out that the java script is not necessary with the navigation broken up into separate files.  The script takes up 71 lines in the file, which isn't that much until you multiply it by the number of times it occurs on the whole site; about 14,700 lines of useless code all together.  Argh!
  3. I forced the navigation bar to the left side of the screen.  Guilty confession: the consensus now is that this part of building a web page should be done with <div> coding.  I tried this for a couple of days without success, then got angry and threw it all in a table.  Using tables this way is SOOOOOO 2002. 
  4. On my navigation pages, I wanted the page to display with a lot of "eye candy" on desktops, but to zoom in on the navigation bar on iPhones.  The following viewport command in the <head> of the page makes the iPhone zoom in on the navigation.  You can manually zoom it out to see the rest of the page, but by default you get a familiar iPhone menu.  YEA.
    		<title>Dr. Bruce R. Magee</title>
                <meta name = "viewport" content = "initial-scale = 1.30>
  5. All of my web pages that end with .shtml are actually composites of multiple pages with 'includes' files.  So this file:

    Gets pulled into a larger page and looks like this:
  6. Once the navigation system is in place, I can edit just the list that has the items in it without having to disturb the larger page.  It's easier to avoid, find, and fix mistakes with this system.

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