My So-Called Adaptive Resume
I've been working on my new resume. I started with my old resume, which desperately
needed a makeover. It hadn't been changed on my web site
since 1996. Dig the old email address. While the
style of the original resume holds up fairly well given the
standards of the time, it is out of date both in content and
style. I'm leaving the original one as is for historical
I used the article "Coding a Responsive Resume" by Jake Rocheleau. He posted his own resume here, along with his source code.
Using his resume and source code, I rewrote my own resume here.
If you compare my resume to his, you'll notice that I've added
my own picture and information. I've also added my own
background and color scheme. As far as the dark arts of
adaptive CSS, I left that alone. Cave codicem.