Mythology Packet - Table of Contents
Introduction to Myth 1
Introduction to Drama 6
Perseus search 11
Anonymous "How Coyote Stole Fire" 14
Aeschylus Agamemnon 17
Libation Bearers 40
Eumenides 56
Prometheus Bound 71
Ashbery "Syringa" 86
Auden, W. H. "The Shield of Achilles" 88
Bible Genesis 2-3 92
Genesis 39 95
Creeley, Robert "Kore" 97
Dante Inferno 26. 90-149 99
Duyn, Mona Van "Leda" 340
Eliot The Wasteland" 101
Euripides The Bacchantes 104
The Cyclops 126
Heracles 141
Hippolytus 161
Medea 182
Franklin, Ben "Remarks Concerning..." 204
Homer Iliad 18 207
Odyssey 11 211
Julian the Apostate "Letter to Arsacius" 222
Keats, John "To Homer" 224
Livy Ab urbe condita 226
Plato Protagoras 250
Rich, Adrianne "Orion" 252
Seneca Thyestes 253
Sophocles Oedipus Rex 278
Oedipus at Colonus 295
Antigone 314
Swinburne, A. C. "Hymn to Proserpine" 326
Tennyson, Alfred "The Lotus Eaters" 329
"Tithonus" 334
"Ulysses" 337
Yeats, William B. "Leda and the Swan" 340
"Leda" by M. Van Duyn 340
The Greek Alphabet   344