Julie Kane.
"Used Book."
What luck — an open bookstore up ahead
as rain lashed awnings over Royal Street,
and then to find the books were secondhand,
with one whole wall assigned to poetry;
and then, as if that wasn't luck enough,
to find, between Jarrell and Weldon Kees,
the blue-on-cream, familiar backbone of
my chapbook, out of print since '83 —
its cover very slightly coffee stained,
but aging, all in all, no worse than flesh,
through all those cycles of the seasons since
its publication by a London press.
Then, out of luck, I read the name inside:
the man I thought would love me till I died.
Kane, Julie. Jazz Funeral. West Chester: Story Line Press, 2009. <http:// www. amazon. com/ Jazz- Funeral- Julie- Kane/dp/ 0978599713/>.
Selected books by Julie Kane:
Body and Soul (1987)
Rhythm & Booze: Poems by Julie Kane(2003)
Winner in the 2002 National Poetry Series
Finalist for the 2005 Poet's Prize
Jazz Funeral (2009)
Winner of the 2009 Donald Justice Poetry Prize