ENGLISH 201-84
Instructor: Dr. Bruce R. Magee
Winter Quarter 1999-2000

English 201-84 
Home Page: 


Office: GTM 222 
Phone: 257-3033 
Hours: 8:00-9:30 MWF 
2:15-2:45 MWF
8:00-10:00 TTh
or by appointment
English Department Home Page

Tech SREC (Southern Regional Electronic Campus) Page

This course is designed to introduce the most important British writers from the Medieval Period to the present. Given this scope, the course can provide only a limited study of any writer. Daily assignments are given on the syllabus so that you will know what is expected for each class. Follow the syllabus closely; read each assignment before coming to class. There will be three tests. The final will NOT be cumulative.


Abrams, M. H., ed., The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 6th. ed. New York: Norton, 1990.

Attendance Requirements

Because this is a course offered via the World Wide Web, attendance is not a part of your grade. I will schedule times for those of you in Rust onto meet to take the tests.  If you live further away, you will need to work with me in arranging to take the tests under a proctor in your area.

English 201 over the Internet: Requirements

We'll be studying British literature.  The readings are mostly the same as in my regular 201 classes.  I'm setting up the assignments as though the class is a T-Th class so people will be able to pace themselves. I'll be posting my notes to my web site before the quarter starts. We'll meet once every 2 weeks to have a quiz over the material covered in that period.  This will help keep everybody doing their work. I'm not sure what day.  We'll get the period that's convenient to the most people & work in the rest maybe at a secondary time.

We'll have one essay exam during the quarter & an outside mini-research paper (These are standard for all the 201 & 202 classes).

If you want to take the class, come by my office (GTM 222) & I'll sign your blue sheet.

Daily Quizzes 60%
In-class Essay Exam 20%
Paper 22%
Total 102%

The grading scale is A: 90-102%, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F:0-59%.


Registration Week: December 1-3, 1999
Period 1
Introduction to the Anglo-Saxon period. 1-17
Beowulf 18 (Note: When I just give the first page number, read the entire selection.)
Week 1: December 6-10, 1999
Period 1
Introduction to the Medieval period
Chaucer "The Wife of Bath's Tale" 65-67,106-133 
"Phyllis and Aristotle" (available on the web site only)
Period 2
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 165-199
Week 2: December 13-17, 1999
Period 1
Malory Morte d'Arthur 232-252 
Period 2
Week 3: January 3-7, 2000
Period 1 
Period 2
  • Donne "Ecstasy" 598
    • "Valediction" 597 
    • "Death Be Not Proud" 611 
    • "Batter My Heart" 612 
  • Herbert "Collar" 809 
    • "Easter Wings" 808
    • "Jordon I" 809
    • "Love III" 812
  • Marvell "Coy Mistress" 815 
    • "Garden" 817
Week 4: January 10-14, 2000
Period 1
  • Ben Jonson 
    • "To My Book" 619 
    • "On My First Daughter" 620
    • "On My First Son" 622
    • "On Giles and Joan" 621
    • "Queen and Huntress" 630
  • John Milton Paradise Lost 662-798
Period 2
Week 5: January 17-21, 2000
Period 1
Period 2
Week 6: January 24-28, 2000
Period 1
Period 2
  • Research Paper Due Today
  • Blake 
    • Poems from Songs of Innocence and of Experience:
      • "The Lamb" 1289 
      • "The Tyger" 1296 
      • "Garden of Love" 1297 
      • "Infant Joy" 1292
      • "Infant Sorrow" 1299 
      • "To Tirzah" 1300 
      • "The Divine Image" 1291 
      • "A Divine Image" 1300 
      • "Human Abstract" 1298
    • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 1313 
Week 7: January 31-February 4, 2000
Period 1
  • Byron "She Walks in Beauty" 1555
    • "When We 2 Parted" 1556 
    • "Darkness" 1557 
  • Shelley, P. "Mutability" 1671 
    • "Mont Blanc" 1690 
    • "Hymn to Beauty" 1694 
    • "Ozymandias" 1696 
  • Keats "On Seeing" 1773 
    • "To Homer" 1778
    • "Ode" 1793
Period 2
Essay Exam
Week 8: February 7-11, 2000
Period 1
  • Coleridge Ancient Mariner 1487-1503 
  • Wordsworth "We are 7" 1331 
    • "Tables Turned" 1335 
    • "Tintern Abbey" 1336 
    • "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" 1381
    • "Ode" 1382-1388
    • "The World Is" 1394 
Period 2
Week 9: February 14-18, 2000
Period 1
Period 2
Week 10: February 21-25, 2000
Period 1
Period 2

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