Shakespeare 249 (background)
The Tempest

Prospero--magician. Right Duke of Milan who let his brother take over governing so he could study magic. ( Reason dictates that he should have been governing). Prospero's brother took over and kicked him out and Prospero was exiled to an island in the Bermudas.

During the time of the play, England was colonizing the world. In the play, Antoinio takes over Prospero's land. Prospero takes over Caliban, the son of the hag(witch) who controlled the island. The image of Caliban (ie. The people on the` island) is negative. This justifies colonization by the English. Ho is not human. The English sent missionaries during this time to determine whether the natives were human and thus had souls worth saving.

Act I, Scene II, Line 267~ Caliban is subhuman so it is okay for him to be kept in service. "Littered" means to be born like an animal.
Dream~Ariel--represents air. She is the fairy who performs magic for Prospero. Nightmare~Caliban--creature of the Earth. He is "Chthonic"--risen from the earth, from below and is a servant/slave. He hates Prospero and curses him. (Sycorax is his mother. Ho taught Prospero about the island, and where to find food. Prospero taught him about the sun and the moon and how to talk. Prospero thought him to be ignorant because he could not understand his language. He has nightmares because he wants Prospero's daughter, European.

Colonization was justified by White Man's Burden -- it is his duty to spread Christianity and civilization to lesser people and different races.

Act I, Scene II, Line 439
Miranda and Ferdinand-Love at first site. Prospero pretends to disapprove. He wants to test Ferdinand. Prospero is a puppet-master and creates action through Ariel.

Act II, Scene II, Line 147
Gonzalo talks about his utopia.

Caliban worshops Sebastian and Antonia because they give him coins. He wants to be king.

The End~Prospero reveals himself to the king. Tells his brother that he will forgive him. He frees Ariel and Prospero leaves the island.

Reason controls passion because Prospero is controlling all of the action. Prospero's Prologue is Shakespeare's farewell to the stage.

Page 251 Sonnet 116~all the world changes but love does not. Line 3 Love is not true if it changes when the person loved is altered or ages.

Fidelity~Good looks will fade, but love remains if it is true.

Sonnet 130~"Blazon"-poetic device which describes the various parts of a person. Blonde hair and white skin represented purity. Her hair is described as black wires; her skin as brown.
Poem is a satire- it is making fun of the conventional poetic description of ladies.
Dark Lady- she may be his mistress, or evil. Ironic blazon-cuts her down.

Sonnet 138~A married man is having an affair but expects his mistress and wife not to sleep with anyone else. He knows she is lying to him; and thinks he is naive. Both are lying-she is when she she's telling the truth; he-when he says he believes her: Observed formalities~the last lines are a play on words. They cover their faults with lies to make each other happy.