

The syringa is a bush named from the Greek word  surinx (syrinx, meaning the pan pipe)

· Orpheus was trying to get his wife back from Hades.  His music was so beautiful that he was allowed to lead her out of the underworld.  But he was not supposed to look back to see if she was following.  At the last minute, he turned back to see if she was following him, & she was pulled back into the underworld.  It is similar to the story of Lot's wife looking back.

Bacchantes were women worshipping Bacchus.  They did so by getting drunk and dismembering any man they came across.  They got Orpheus, and more recently, John Bobbit.

· Stellification: process of becoming a star.  Also called katasterism.  It is similar to becoming a god (deification / apotheosis).

· Orpheus was becoming a god