- We regard Native Americans as one big culture. There were similarities, but actually quite different.

- Lived in different places, different civilizations.

- They were more like Europe is now than America is now. There are minor variations in Europe like different languages, different ways to dress, etc.

- The Native American culture was like this except they did trade with one another and have some contact.

- It was very much a tribal system, though. Each tribe had own customs, languages, etc.


- was an Apache leader.

- was the grandson of Black Knife, a renowned warrior.

- the Apache were a people that lived by raiding sheep, cattle, and horses from their neighbors-- the Pueblo peoples, the Mexicans, and after the end of the Mexican War in 1848, the Americans.

- this was an honorable profession according to ancient understanding

- There are many similarities between greek mythe and the Native American myths. But early Greeks would not have lowered themselves to traders -- bickering for things.

- the raiders came in during the night and grabbed the the sheep and cows and tried to make a get away before anyone noticed

- this wouldn't do for Americans so they pursued conflict which lasted until 1886.

- "I Am Alone" is his speech in 1872

- stone houses (1414) He is probably talking about Pueblos which are houses carved out of cliffs. The only way to get to them was by ladder which makes it very hard to invade. They could kill each person as they came up the ladder.

- their iron shirts, their long knives and guns (1414)-- the Spanish had a technological advantage over the Native Americans because of their weapons and armor.

- they were received with friendship (1414) -- This was an invention of Cochise, never seemed to have a good relationship between Americans and Apaches.

- all must perish if this war continues (1415) --Apaches had no way to sustain warfare because of Spanish population. Problem was so many newcomers to replace the dead, but where the Native Americans were killed there was no one to take their place.

- America opened up immigration and high birth rates and was able to defeat Native Americans by force of numbers. This is the same way the North won the Civil War. The south actually won many of the battles, but there were 60,000 more Northern soldiers that came in and the South ran out of soldiers.

- try to save alive the few people who still remain to me (1415) -- He doesn't want to make peace, but for the sake of his people he will.

- I have spoken (1415) --This signifies giving of his word. In our culture, we do ths by written documents because we don't trust one another to keep their word. Cochise is saying trust me, I have spoken.


- also known as Bear Claw, cheif of the Kalispel band of the Flathead Indians whose home was in present-day Idaho, northeast Montana, and northwest Washington. This is a completely different section of the country from Cochise.

- In 1876, it was proposed that reseration Indians in Montana be required to pay taxes.

- This is still an issue now between American Indian tribes and the U.S. government regarding gambling and purchasing alcohol and tobacco products without paying taxes. Government is afraid they will buy a lot and sell it. This is illegal in Louisiana.

- What is the legal theory that allows the Native Americans not to pay taxes? They were here first so we made a treaty with the independent nations that they would have certain standards. It was there land first and we took it from them so in recognition of that we set up reservations. Reservations are places reserved for the natives who were the original inhabitants.

- This is Charlot's protest against taxes.

- Yes, my people, the white man wants us to pay him. He comes in his intent, and says we must pay him--pay hom for our own--for the things we have from our God and our forefathers; for the things he never owned, and never gave us.

Here are these people saying they want us to pay for what we already own. Does that make sense? Where's the justice?

- The Europeans came with ideas of private property. The Native americans did not understand how you could own the land. To them it was like owning the sky or the sea. You can sojourn there for a while , but not own it.

- Taxation was part of this whole system of owning things.

- ...his women have a rot. Does not his breath, his gums stink? His jaws loose their teeth...

Their teeth fall out and they have a rot. Our peoples teeth don't fall out, he says. These new people were messing everything up.

- We first thought he came from the light; but he comes like the dusk of an evening now...

Thought he came from the east, but they were wrong about him.

- ...he often smiled like a rabbit in his own beard...

The Europeans looked like rabbits with bushy facial hair. Native Americans did not have this.

- He says his story is that man was rejected and cast off...

Talking about a missionary preaching about Jesus.

- (page 1417) Typical complaints found all the way back to Benjamin Franklin. That is, if a white man came to a Native Amercian reservation, he was treated with hospitality. But if a Native American goes into town and has no money to pay for a nights rest, no one will take him in. They want money.

- Keneth was a 70 year old Indian who was rejected in the night for a place to sleep. If someone came to your door in the night would you let them in? Probably not.