

Ice cream cakes do not have to be complicated. They can be fun, simple and easily done at home. Ice cream cakes can be almost any flavor or combination of flavors, although I don't recommend using fruit in the ice crea, as it tends to be hard to  eat when frozen.

An ice cream cake is a delicious trea, combining two all-time favorites into one tasty dessert. Many bakeries and creameries offer ready-made ice cream cakes, but nothing compares to homemade versions. While it looks and tats like a complicated dessert, ice cream cake is actually quite easy to make.

We can start with a basic choclate or vanilla cake, and don't be ashamed to use a box cake mix. Sponge cake works very well for ice cream cakes, too. We want to make the cake in two layers. This can be done with two cake pans or by making one cake and using a bread knife to slice it into two layers, trimming off any excess so that there is no "dome" effect to the cake. The cake should be flat on top.

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