How To Make A Web Page


    This web site describes how to make a web page of your own and share information with others across the Internet. A web site is composed of one or many HTML documents.
    HTML stands for Hyper-text Markup Language and is the language that web pages are composed of. HTML is a grouping of tags that change the way the information on the page appears. Using these tags, you can create tables, lists, links, display images, bold text, underline text, make text appear smaller or larger and many other useful things. The web browser (a program such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer) reads the HTML file and decodes the page based on the tags that are present.
    HTML allows the 'linking' of documents which allows the reader of the website to visit other documents on the web page or other sites on the internet by simply clicking on a link on the page. These links make the Internet what it is. The creation of hyperlinks will be discussed in more detail further on.

    To create a web page, the following steps must be taken. Click on a link to be taken to a page explaining the step in further detail.

This page created by English 303 Students Rachel Galliano, Kyle Johnson, Joel Ford, Ben Roubique and Lydia Starns, February 2002.