Formatting Web Pages

    Formatting your web pages can be accomplished by proper use of HTML tags. Using these tags, you can make text appear bold, underlined, italicized, bigger, smaller, colored, and many other things. Below is a table listing several useful formatting tags.

<B>,</B>Bolds text
<I>,</I>Italicizes text
<U>,</U>Underlines text
<P>,</P>Defines a paragraph
<CENTER>,</CENTER>Centers text on the page
<BR>Inserts a line break
<HR>Inserts a horizontal line on the page
<FONT COLOR="RED">,</FONT>Changes the font color (to red)
<FONT FACE="ARIAL">,</FONT>Changes the font face (to Arial)
<FONT SIZE=+1>,</FONT>Changes the font size

For a more complete listing of HTML tags you can go here (HTML Tag reference).
Now that you know a bit of formatting, you can try modifying the web page you've created. Being that you like ice cream (see previous lesson). You would really want to emphasize that fact. So, you want to bold and center that and make it colored like your favorite flavor. This is what your page should look like right now.
This is a HTML page. I like ice cream.

You could make a few changes and have your page look like this now.
This is a HTML page. <BR>
<CENTER><FONT COLOR="BLUE" SIZE=+3><B>I like ice cream.</B></FONT></CENTER>

Which should display like this:
This is a HTML page
I like ice cream.

Now you've learned some basic elements of HTML formatting, it's time to move on to making links. Click here (Linking). Or click here (Main Page) to go back to the main page.

This page created by English 303 Students Rachel Galliano, Kyle Johnson, Joel Ford, Ben Roubique and Lydia Starns, February 2002.