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NT Historical Background




  1. 332 BC. Jerusalem capitulates to Alexander the Great without a battle.
  2. 323 BC. Alexander dies.
  3. 323 BC. Alexanders generals (Διάδοχοι) divide his empire. 
  4. c. 250 BC. Scholars make the LXX translation. (c = circa, about).
  5. 175 to 164 BC. Reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
  6. 140-37 BC. The Hasmonean (Maccabean) Dynasty.
  7. 63 BC. Pompey takes Jerusalem & makes Judea a client kingdom of Rome.
  8. 37-4 BC. Herod the Great
  9. c. 20 BC - c. 50 AD. Philo of Alexandria
  10. c. 4 BC - c. 30 AD. Dates of Christ
  11. c 46 - c 90 AD. Writing of the New Testament books.
  12. 66 - 73 AD. The first Jewish Revolt against Rome.
  13. 132-136 AD. The Bar Kokhba Revolt. Rome founds a new city, Aelia Capitolina, on the ruins of Jerusalem & plans to build a temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount. Half a million Jews died, and many others were sold into slavery. Afterward, Jews were banned from entering Jerusalem.

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