" Nor will you if you can find other man's meat," said Lafitte, laughingly. " I thought you had taken your prize money and gone to Havana."

" No, seiior ; a pair of large black eyes and one small bag of five-frank pieces tempted me out of that."

" That is, you are married !"

" It is a sad truth, seiior, I am now captain of

a carbaret on Rue Royal, and my dame is first officer. And master Theodore, how fare you, seiior," he saitJ, abruptly changing the subject and addressing the youth. " It is many a month since I have seen your bright eye. Well, you are coming up to the tall man," continued the quondam pirate, curling his mnstachio and drawing up to the full attitude of his five feet one inch, uniil his eyes reached to the chin of the young buccaneer. " You will yet walk a deck bravely."

"How did you recognize me so soon?" inquired Lafitte.

" When you folded your arms, and threw your head up, in the way you have, while you spoke to the guard, I said to myself ' that's Captain Lafitte, or I'm no Benedict."

" Well, your penetration has done me good service, Pedro."

" Yes, seiior; I wish you may always proRt as well by having your disguise penetrated. Your tall figure, and way of fixing your head, will betray, you more than once to-night, if you are on secret business, as I conjecture. A little stoop, and a lower gait, like a padre, if such be the case, would be wisdom in you, as you walk the streets. You know the reward offered for your head, by the Governor."

" I know it, Pedro; and you have no doubt seen my proclamation for lh6 g'overnor's, wherein I have done him much honour, vahiing his head five times at what he fixes mine," said he, laughingly.

" And you are seeking him," exclaimed Pedro. " This is strange ; but it is like you, Captain Lafitte," he added, impressively. " There were six out of the seven standing with me, when you came up, who would have taken your life for a sous, if they could. Be careful, sefior ! but if you are in danger, you will find many brave hearts and ready

hands even in this city, to aid you. If you would like a taste of Bordeaux or old claret of the true brand, I should be honoured to have you seek it in my humble carbaret. The wine, the carbaret—all I have, is at your service, seiior."

^ All? good Benedictine," said his former Captain, playfully, and with a stress upon the first word. *' But I'll come, if thirst drive me ; so, adieu, and thanks for your timely service to-night."

" Adios, senor; the saints prosper you!" said Pedro, taking leave of his chief, and returning to his comrades ; while Laiitte, with a firm and steady pace, proceeded to the quarters of the commanding general.


■** That a sentiment, baring for its object tbe surrender of the city, should be entertained by this body, was scarcely credible ; yet a few-days brought the certainty of it more fully to view, and showed that they were already devising plans to insure the safety of themselves and property.

" In reference to these plans, a special committee of the legislature called to know of the commanding general what course he should pursue in relation to the city, should he be driven from his entrenchments." Memoirs of the War.


In the Faubourg Marigny, and not far from the canal of the same name, at the period of the war, stood a large dwelhng, constructed after that combination of the Spanish, or Moresque and French orders, peculiar to the edifices of this suburb of the Louisianian capital.

It was two stories in height; massive, with thick walls, stuccoed, originally white,^but now browned by the dust and smoke of many years. Heavy pilasters adorned the front, extending from the pavement to the cornice ; the roof was covered with red tiles, and nearly flat, surrounded by a brick battlement. The street in which this edifice was situated, fronted the river, and was principally composed of similar structures, many of which approached close to the trottoir, while others were separated from the street by a paved parterre, filled Vol. IL—9

with evergreens and numerous flowers, leaving a walk a few yards in length, to the dwelling. Two or three, including the one we are describings were situated still farther from the street, in the midst of a garden, with umbageous groves of orange, lemon, fig, and olive trees.

To the house in question, led an avenue, bordered by these trees, terminating upon the street, in a heavy gate-way. The gate was of solid oak, and placed between square pillars of brick, each surmounted by an eagle, his wings extended, in the act of rising from the column. The house, situated about twenty yards from the gate, and fronting the levee and noble river beyond, upon whose bosom rode many armed vessels, was square and very large, surrounded by ancient trees, which even at noon day defended it from the southern sun.

The spacious entrance of the mansion, with its lofty folding leaves, or more properly gates, thrown open, w^ould freely admit the passage of a carriage. It gave admittance from the front into a lofty hall, paved, and without furniture, with doors leading into large rooms on either side, and terminating in a court in the rear, also paved, in the centre of Avhich spouted a fountain. The court was surrounded with a colonnade or a sort of cloister, and Vv^as filled with plots of flowers and huge vases of plants, arranged with much taste by the proprietor in many picturesque and fantastic forms.

About the hour of nine, on the evening with w^hich our story is connected, this dwelling presented a scene of warlike animation. Sentinels were posted in front; officers arm in arm, were promenading in grave or lively discourse before the door—horses richly caparisoned for war were held by slaves in miUtary livery on the street in front of the mansion, where also a guard was posted in honor of the pre-

sent distinguished occupant. Citizens were occasionally passing in and out with busy faces, and hasty steps.

Horsemen, with brows laden with care or weight}'-tidings, rode frequently up, and dismounting, threw the bridles of their foaming horses to those in waiting, and rapidly traversed the avenue to the house, while others, hurriedly coming out, mounted and spurred away at full speed.

A door leading into one of the large rooms from the paved hall of the mansion, through which persons were constantly passing, displayed within, rich drapery, curtains, deep window recesses, alcoves for ottomans and various articles of furniture indicating the opulence of the citizen proprietor of the dwelling. Swords, richly-mounted pistols, plumes, belts, military gloves and caps were lying as they were hastily thrown down, about the room, upon ottomans, tables and chairs.

Near the centre of the apartment drawn a little towards the fire place in which blazed a cheerful fire, necessary even in this southern clime to dissipate the damp and chill of the night, stood a large square table, surmounted by a shade lamp and covered with papers, charts, open letters, plans of fortifications, mathematical instruments, a beaver military hat without a plume, and an elegant small sword with its belt attached, which a tall, gentlemanly man, in the full dress of a raihtary chief, seated at the table, examining very intensely a large map of Louisiana, had just unbuckled and placed there.

The rays-of the lamp failing obliquely upon his high forehead, over which the hair slightly sprinkled with gray, was arranged after the military fashion of the period, cast into deep shadow his eyes and the lower portion of his face.

Raising his head from the chart for an instant to

address an officer standing on the opposite side of the table, his features in the bright glare of the lamp which shone full upon them, then became plainly visible. '

The contour of his face, now pale and thin, apparently from recent illness, was nearly oval. His age might be about fifty. His forehead was high and bold, with arched, and slightly projecting brows, bent, where they met, into a slight habitual frown, indicating a nervousness and irritability of temperament, qualified however by the benevolent expression about his mouth.

His eyes were dark blue, sparkling when their possessor was animated, with a piercing lustre, and when highly excited, they became almost fiercely penetrating. His countenance was marked with resolution, firmness and intelligence. His smile was bland, his manners easy, and his address pleasing if not winning, as he spoke to the officer opposite to him. When erect, his height might be above six feet, commanding and military. His frame was rather slight, yet apparently muscular. Although his physical conformation seemed to disqualify him for the fatigues and arduous duties of the camp, yet, the bronzed cheek, the deep angular lines in his face, and the field-worn, and military appearance, of the officer, showed, that with the hard details of a soldier's life he had long been familiar.

A gentleman in the dress of an American naval captain, much younger than the soldier, with a brown cheek, a frank air and manly features, leaned over his shoulder with his eyes fixed upon the chart, and occasionally making a remark, or replying to some question put in a quick, searching tone by the military chieftain.

In the opposite or back part of the room, walked two gentlemen, both of much dignity of person and

manner; one of whom, by his dress, was an officer in high command ; the other was only distinguished from a citizen by the mihtary insignia of a small sword, buff gloves, which he held in his hand, and a military hat carried under his left arm. They were engaged in low but animated conversation, one of them often gesticulating with the energy of a Frenchman, which his aquiline features, lofty retreating forehead, foreign air and accent, betrayed him to be. The citizen was graver, yet equally interested in the subject of conversation. The tones of his voice were firm, and there was a calm and quiet dignity in his language and manner, more impressive to an observer, than the gesticulative energy of his companion.

In a recess of one of the windows, a group of young oflRcers stood engaged in low-toned, but animated conversation ; while two or three of a graver age, promenaded the back part of the apartment conversing closely in suppressed voices upon subjects, which, from their manner, vi^ere of the (deepest import. '

Suddenly, a heavy, ringing tread was beard in the hall, and an officer of dragoons hastily entered, and without noticing the addresses,— " Ha ! colonel ! good evening." " What news, colonel ?"

"Hot haste, ha ! yo" Mississippians do nothing by halves !" from several of the young officers who crowded round him, he approached the table where the geraeral officer was seated and communicated some information to him, which, from its instantaneous effect, must have been of the most surprising nature.

Starting from his chair, with his brow contracted, his eye flashing, and his cheek reddened with emotion, he exclaimed in a stern voice which rung through the apartment,


" Capitulate ! capitulate ! the legislature capitulate ! By the G—d of Heaven we will see to that! —Where learned you this danaing treachery of our disaffected senate, colonel ?" he inquired, addressing the officer, while his eye burned with rage.

"But now, Sir; as I passed the Capitol, I heard it whispered among the crowd assembled before, the doors. Dismounting, I ascended to the outer gallery and found the house closed—yet—" " A secret conspiracy !" said the general, pacing the room in excitement—" go on !"

"As I was about to descend, a member, M. Bu-fort, came out and told me they were at the moment agitating the subject of capitulation to the enemy, and making at once a proffer to surrender the city into their hands—"

" The false, cowardly traitors !" exclaimed the commanding general incensed, and in a loud angry voice—" By heaven, they shall be blown up with their crazy old capitol to the skies. Governor," he said with readily assumed courtesy, turning to the gentleman in the blue dress of a citizen, " my immediate pressing duties will not allow me to go in person and wait on these traitors. To your excellency I entrust the office. Take a sufficient force with you—closely watch their motions, and the moment a project of offering a capitulation to the enemy shall be fully disclosed—place a guard at the door and confine them to their chamber. If they will not take the field, they had better be blown up to the third heavens, than remain there to plot treason against the state."

The governor accompanied by two or three of the young officers, immediately left the apartmeiit to execute the command.

"My object in taking this step commodore," said the general, quietly resuming his examination of the chart as the governor.left the room, address-

ing the naval officer," is, that they may be able to proceed to their business without injury to the state ; now, whatever schemes they entertain will remain within themselves without the power of circulating to the prejudice of any other interest than their own. Like the serpent in the fable—if they will bite, they must fix their fangs in their own coils."

The gentlemen who remained in the room, were gathered in a group near the door, conversing upon the conduct of the senate—and the general, having laid aside the chart, was engaged in affixing his signature to some papers lying before him, when a special committee from the legislative body was announced.

" Admit them !" said the chief somewhat stern

Three gentlemen in the plain habiliments of citizens entered with some embarrassment; originated perhaps, by the nature of their business.

" Well, gentlemen ! '' said the general officer quickly, his brow clouding as he rose to receive them.

One of the legislative committee advanced a step before the other gentlemen of the deputation and said with some degree of hesitation,

" We are sent, sir, officially from the legislative assembly of this state, being ourselves members of that body, to ask of you—as commander in chief of the army, and to whom is entrusted the defence of our city—what course you have decided to pursue, should necessity drive you from your position."

" If," replied the general, his eye kindling and his lip writhing with contempt, looking fixedly upon each individual of the deputation, as if he sought to make him feel his look—" if I thought the hair of my head could divine what I should do, I would cut it off. Go back with this answer ! Say to your honourable body, that if disaster does overtake

me and the fate of war drives, me from my line to the city, they may expect to have a very warm session! You have my answer," he added, resuming his occupation at the table, as he observed the committee made no movement to take leave.

" Let me suggest o your honourable body, however," he resumed ironically, raising his eyes as the deputation were leaving the room—" that it would better comport with the spirit of these stirring times, while the roar of artillery is pealing in their ears, if they should abandon their civil duties for the sterner and more useful labours of the field."

" And what," inquired the naval officer in a low voice, as the deputaiion left the department, " and what do you design to do general, provided you are forced to retreat ?"

" Fall back on the city—fire it—and fight the enemy amidst the surrounding flame! There are with me gentlemen of wealth, owners of property, who in such an event, will be amongst the foremost to apply the torch to their own dwellings. The senate fears this—and it is to save their personal property from the flames, that the members are willing to surrender the city to the enemy," he added indignantly. " And what they leave undone," he continued with anim.ation, rising from his chair and vehemently gesticulating with his hands, "I shall complete. Nothing for the maintenance of the enemy, shall be left in the rear. If necessary, I will destroy New Orleans to her foundations, occupy a position above on the river, cut off all supplies, and in this way compel the enemy to depart from the coimlry."

x\s he spoke, a messenger entered and handed him a sealed paper. Hastily breaking it open, he glanced over it with a quick eye.

" To horse, young gentlemen," he said in a sharp tone, addressing the group of officers, rising and



buckling on his sword ; and taking his cloak which lay on a chair beside him, he wrapped it closely about his tall form.

" Well, commodore," he said addressing the naval officer as he took up his cocked hat and gloves, "you will co-operate, as we have determined, with the land forces. Urgent busmess now calls me away ; I will communicate with you on my return."

" General," he said, addressing the French-looking military officer, whom we have already introduced to the notice of the reader, " I shall be honoured with your attendance for an hour. The night dew will not hurt veterans like you and I, although it may derange, perhaps," he said pleasantly, " the mustachoes of the younger members of our staff."

At this moment the governor returned, and after briefly stating to him the situation of affairs in relation to the legislature, the general said,

" I will return before eleven, your excellency. If you will do the honors of my household until then, we will take our leisure to look over this business the traitorous senators have thrust upon our hands —as if they were not already filled."

Taking the arm of the Louisianian general, he then left the room ; and in a few seconds the sound of his horses feet, moving rapidly down the street from the gate, fell upon the ears of the governor, who was now left alone in the apartment.

Approaching the table, as the last sound of the receding horsemen faded from his ear, he cast his eyes over the map recently occupying the attention of the general; and after tracing thoughtfully with a pencil, a line from the mouth of the bayou Mezant on lake Borgne to the Mississippi, speaking audibly, he said,—

"Here is the avenue Packenham seizes upon. It will conduct him close to the city. Well, let him come—he will be caught in the nets his own

policy spreads. But these papers from the secre*-tary of war! I must look to them. This lynx-eyed general must be ably seconded. What noble Romans are our senators !" he added, his thoughts reverting to the commands of the general he had just seen executed. " They would fain capitulate before the enemy is in sight."

He then, taking up a bundle of papers, seated himself by the table, the light falling upon his clear, intellectual forehead, and unfolding them, commenced reading with great attention, occasionally adding or striking out passages, and making brief notes in the margin. At length, having been several times interrupted by individuals desirous of seeing the chief, he closed the door, and gave orders to the sentinel to admit no one, unless on business with himself, and again became absorbed in the occupation from which his attention had been so frequently called off.

While thus engaged, and about half an hour after ihe departure of the general and his staff, the challenge of the sentinel stationed before the front door, was followed by a low reply, and the heavy tread of a man in the hall.

The door opened, and the governor lifting his eyes, beheld enter, a tall man in the dress of a seaman, who deliberately turned the key in the door and approached him.

The. act, the manner and the appearance of the bold intruder, surprised him, and starting from his chair, he demanded who he was, and the nature of his business.

1'he stranger stood for a moment surveying him in silence, his full dark eye fixed penetratingly upon his features.

" Sir," repeated the governor, after recovering from his surprise, "to what circumstance am I in-debtcd for the lionour of this visit?"

The stranger, without replying, drew from his breast a folded paper, and approaching, whilst the governor placed his hand upon his sword, laid it, without speaking, upon the table.

He hastily opened and run his eye over it, and then glancing fronri the paper to the stranger, alternately several times, before he spoke, lie at last said while his brow changed:

"What means this, sir? Tt is but the printed proclamation for llie head of that daring outlav/, La-fitte. Know you ought of him ?"

The intruder advanced a step, and calmly folding his arms upon his breast and fixing his piercing eye upon him, said quietly and firmly— "He stands before you !"

" Ha !" exclaimed the governor, starting back ; and seizing a pistol which lay near him, had just elevated his voice to alarm the guard, as he levelled the weapon, when Lafitte springing forward, grasped it.

" Hold, sir! I mean v^ou no harm ! It is for your good I am here. If I desire revenge, I would not seek it beneath this roof, and thus place miyself in Your power. Put up that weapon, your excellency, and listen to me," he added respectfully.

" Nay, if you have business with me communicate it, and let there be this distance between us." "As you desire, sir," replied the Barritarian. " Be seated, your excellency. I have received communications," continued the outlaw, as the governor somewhat assured, took a chair and motioned him to another, "from the British commander, that I would confide to you. I feel they are of importance to our common country, which, although outlawed, I love."

"You are a strange man, captain Laiitte—to enter a city where thousands know you, with a reward hanging over your head; and then voluntarily

place yourself in the power of the executor of the laws you have violated; and on the pretence too, that you can serve the state, which you have passed your life in injuring ! How am I to understand you, sir? Shall I admire your intrepidity, or pity your duplicity?"

"Different language becomes our interview, monsieur governor. At no small risk and trouble have I undertaken this expedition. Fearlessly have I placed myself in your excellency's power, trusting that your sense of justice, would appreciate my confidence."

" 1 do appreciate it, sir," replied the governor, after a moment's deliberative silence; "and whatever, so that you do not forget yourself, may be the issue of this interview, which I warn you must be brief, for the general and his staff will soon return, I pledge you my word as a gentleman and governor of this state, that you shall go as free and as secret as you came. I respect your confidence, and will listen to what you have to communicate in reference to the public welfare."

Lafitte then briefly related his interview with the British officer, stated and enlarged upon the over-lures so tempting to a band of proscribed men, who, weary of their precarious existence, might be desirous of embracing so favourable an opportunity of recovering an honourable attitude among men, by ranging themselves under the banners of a nation so powerful as the English. After stating his reception of the officers, and his expedient to obtain delay to communicate with his excellency, he continued,

" x\lthough a reward is suspended over my head —although I have been hunted down like a wild beast by my fellow citizens—although proscribed by the country of my adoption—I will never let pass an opportunity of serving her cause to the

shedding of my blood. I am willing to make some atonement for the violence done to your laws through my instrumentality. I desire to show you how much I love my country—how dear she is to me! Of this my presence here, and these papers which I bear, are convincing proofs. A British officer of high rank, whose name you will find appended to the papers I lay before you, has made me propositions to which few men would turn a deaf ear. Two of them are directed to me. One is a proclamation to the citizens of this state, and the fourth, admiral Percy's instructions to that officer in relation to his overtures to myself."

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"Whilst preparations were making by Commodore Patterson for an. expedition against Barritaria, Governor Claiborne, received communications from that point, which were deemed of importance to the safety of the state. He therefore invited on the occasion the opinions of the officers of the navy, army, and militia, to w hom he communicated the letters of the British officers, which he had received from the Barritarian."


" Lafitte and his band rejected the overtures of the English with indignation. These men saw no dishonour in enriching themselves by plunder, but they had a horror of treason."

Maeboi's Louisiana.

interview between lafitte and the governor—an adventure in the streets.

After having placed the papers in the governors hands, Lafitte turned away and walked to the window.

" Indeed," exclaimed the governor, glancing over the papers, preparatory to a more thorough examination, as he read audibly the several signatures. Then taking the letter of the British officer addressed to Lafitte; he read it aloud, commenting upon ever}^ few lines.

" I call upon you with your brave followers to enter into the service of Great Britain in which you shall have the rank of caplain."

" Indeed," said the governor, looking up at Lafitte with interest and surveying as his eye lingered over it for a moment, his commanding figure. " Lands," he continued, "will be given to you, all in proportion

to your respective ranks in his majesty's colonies in America." (Ha, this is indeed counting the birds rather prematurely) he soliloquized. " Your property shall be guaranteed—your persons protected." " I herewith enclose you a copy of my proclamation to the Louisianians, which will, I trust, point out to you the honourable intentions of my government."

" Humph ! honourable ! It is nevertheless a fine round period."

"You may be a useful assistant to me in forwarding them : therefore, if you determine, lose no time. We have a powerful reinforcement on its way here. And I hope to cut out some other work for the Americans than oppressing the inhabitants of Louisiana."

" Humph ! it is to be hoped so.—Well, this is a most praiseworthy document," said he, laying it aside, and again glancing at the pirate, who stood silently at the window, apparently gazing out upon the stars; but his eye watched every expression of the governor's features.

" Now, what says this scion of nobility, commander of his majesty's fleet," continued his excellency, opening a second paper. " This is to Captain Lockyer, and seems to be a letter of instructions :"

" Su'—You are hereby required and directed, after having received on board an officer belonging to the first battalion of royal colonial marines, to proceed in his majesty's sloop under your command, without a moment's loss of time, for Barritaria. On your arrival at that place, you w^ill communicate with its chief, and urge him to throw himself upon the protection of Great Britain; and should you find the Barritarians inclined to pursue such a step, you will hold out to them that their property shall be secured to tiiem and that they shall be consider-, ed British subjects ; and at tl>e conclusion of the

war, lands within his majesty's colonies in America"—(" yet to be won, worthy admiral," said the governor, in parenthesis,)—" will be allotted to them. Should you succeed completely in the object for which you are sent, you will concert measures for the annoyance of the enemy as you judge best, having an eye to the junction of their small armed vessels with me, for a descent upon the coast."

" So much for the son of Lord Beverly," said the governor, in a tone of irony. " These papers are growing in importance. What is this ?"

" Proclamation, by Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Nicholls, commanding his Britannic majesty's forces in the Floridas."

" This sounds well."

"natives of LOUISIANA !

" On you the first call is made to assist in liberating from a faithless, imbecile government "— (" Humph !")—" your paternal soil !—Spaniards, Frenchmen, Italians, and British!—whether settled, or residing for a tim.e in Louisiana, on you, also, I call to aid me in this just cause. The American usurpation in this country must be abolished, and the lawful owners of the soil put in possession.

" I am at the head of a large body of Indians !" (" Humph ! British valour ! British chivalry !")— " well armed, disciplined and commanded by British officers. Be not alarmed, inhabitants of the countr}^, at our approach"—(" Jupiter tonens !") ^—'' rest assured that these red men only burn with an ardent desire of satisfaction forlhc wrongs they have suffered from the Americans, to join you in liberating these southern provinces from their yoke, and drive them into those limits formerly prescribed by my sovereign." " " Bah ! this has a tinge of the Eton fledgling!"

** The Indians have pledged themselves"—(" blessed pledge ! assuredly")—" in the most solemn mrai-ner not to injure in the slightest degree, the persons or properties of any but enemies to their Spanish or English fathers. A flag over any door, whether Spanish, French, or British, will be a certain protection, nor dare any Indian put his foot on the threshold thereof, under penalty of death from his own countrymen. Not even an enemy will an In-^ dian put to death, except resisting in arms."

" Well, verily, the rhodomantme Captain must have tamed his painted allies by some mode unknown to us. He thinks to conquer by proclamation. The gallant Lawrence should have taught him better. So he concludes"—" accept of my offers; every thing 1 have promised in this paper, I guarantee you on the sacred honour of a British officer."

" Given under my hand, at head-quarters."

" These papers, Captain Lafitte, united with your verbal communications, are indeed important," said the governor, rising and approaching the outlaw, with dignity and respect in his manner.

" I do not wish to offend your feelings, sir; but. in the relation in which we stand to each other, I must have authority for acting upon the knowledge of their contents I possess. What other authority than your own word, have I that they are genuine ?"

" My person, your excellency !" he replied, with firmness and unchanged features ; " I am your pri-. soner till you can ascertain from a more credible source, the genuineness of these letters, and the Uuth of my statements."

" Captain Lafitte," said the Governor, struck with his manner, " I cannot do otherwise than place confidence in you. I believe you sincere. The letters themselves bear upon their face, also, the stamp of genuineness, I will call a council in the

morning of some of the principal officers of the navy, army, and militia, and, informing them how I obtained them, submit these letters to their opinions.

" Captain Lafitte," he continued, in a more friendly tone, " 1 know not the motives which induced you all at once to adopt this honourable course. I am willing to aitribute it to the best—a desire to regain your standing in society, to atone for your past violence to the offended laws of your country, and, to the patriotism of a good citizen. As the last I am willing to consider you. There is my hand, sir, in token of amity between us ! The proscription against you shall be revoked, and I shall feel proud to rank you hereafter among the defenders of our common country."

Lafitte, moved by the language of the governor, replied, with emotion :

" Again, your excellency, I feel my bosom glow with virtuous emotions. You do justice to my motives, and I am grateful to you. This reception I had not anticipated when I determined to make you the repository of a secret, on which, perhaps, the tranquillity of the country depended; but I knew that it was in the bosom of a just man, of a true American, endowed with all other qualities which give dignity to society, that 1 was placing this confidence, and depositing the interests of my country.

"The point I occupy, is doubtless considered important by the enemy. I have hitherto kept on the defensive, on my own responsibility. Now, sir, I offer my services to defend it for the state. If the enemy attach that importance to the possession of the place, they give me room to suspect they do, they may employ means above my strength. In that case, if you accept of my services, your intelligence and the degree of your confidence in mc, will suggest to you the propriety of strengthening the position

by your own troops. If yovjr excellency should decline my services, at least I beg you will assist me with your judicious council in this weighty affair."

" I know not how to express the pleasure I experience in recognising this extraordmary cliange in you, captain Lafiite," rephed the governor; his noble features beaming with benevolence and gratification. " So far as my influence extends 1 accept your services; but there must be a prehminary and indispensable step ! A pardon for all offences is first necessary, and this can be granted only by the president. Your disinterested and honourable conduct shall be made known to the council in the morning, and if I can aid you in setting out in your new and high minded career, my services and counsels are cheerfully at your command."

" You can do so, your excellency !" replied the. outlaw.

"In what?"

" In procuring my pardon from the President, and also that of my followers."

" Cheerfully! I will at once, by the next post, recommend you to the favour of the executive."

" I thank you, sir !" s-aid Lafitte, and turned away with a full heart to conceal his emotion.

The reception he had met with by the governor, whom he esteemed-—his ready wish to forget his offences—the prospect of returning to the w^orld, and of regaining his attiiude in society, came over him all at once with powerful effect. Then, prominent, and superior to all, the image of Constanza floated before his mind, and his bosom swelled with renewed being. The wishes—the hopes—the prayers, of many days of penitence and remorse, were now about to be realized ! A career in the American army was open before him—fame, honour, and perhaps love, to reward him ; for, notwithstanding all the barriers surroundmg the young Castillian, he still cherished

a half-formed hope, that she might one day reward him with her heart. He could not think that a being, who had exerted such an influence over an im-poitant period of his life, who had thus turned the current of his destinies, and by her gentle virtues led him to love virtue for her sake—should come and depart again, as angels visit earth, and never more lighten or influence his pilgrimage through the world.

The governor remarked his emotion, and with ready delicacy divining the cause, turned once more his attention to the papers which he still held in his hand.

'' Before I leave your excellency," said Lafitte, after a few moments silence—the silence of a heart too full for utterance—" I desire to learn something definite as to the course to be pursued with reference to these disclosures."

" I. have offered to defend for you that part of Louisiana I now hold. But not as an outlaw, would I be its defender! In that confidence, with which you have inspired me, I offer to restore to the state many citizens, now under my command, who, in the eyes of your excellency, have perhaps forfeited that sacred title. I offer you them, however, such as you could wish to find them, ready to exert their utmost efforts in defence of their country. As I have remarked before, the point I occupy is of great importance in the present crisis. 1 tender not only my own services to defend it, but those of all I command, and the only reward I ask, is, that a stop be put to the proscription against me and my adherents, by ^ act of oblivion for all that has been done hitherto. I am, your excellency," and his voice betrayed emotion as he continued, " the stray sheep, wishing to return to the sheep-fold !* If you were thoroughly acquainted with the nature of my

* Sec Latour's Memoirs of Louisiana : Appendix, page xiv.

offences, I should appear much less guilty, and still worthy to discharge the duties of a good citizen and an honest patriot. I nnight expatiate on the proofs of patriotism 1 have shown this evening, but I let the fact speak for itself. I beg you to submit to 3^our council and to the executive what I have advanced. The answer of your council I will await until to-morrow noon, when I will send for it, by one who will not be molested. Should it be unfavourable to my sincere prayers, I shall turn my back upon the dazzling offers of the British government, and for ever leave a soil, which, dearly as I love, I am thought unworthy to defend ! Thus will I avoid the imputation of having co-operated with the enemy, towards an invasion on this point I hold—which cannot fail to take place—and rest secure in the acquittal of my own conscience."

" My dear sir," said the governor with undisguised admiration of his sentiments ; " your praiseworthy wishes shall be laid before the gentlemen whose opinions and councils I shall invite early tomorrow, to aid me in this important affair. Your messenger shall receive an answer by noon. Twill also confer upon the subject, with the commanding general on his return. Perhaps your pardon," he added hesitatingly, " may rest upon a condition. I have thought of proposing to the council, that your own, and the services of your adherents be accepted to join the standard of the United States; and, if your conduct,.meet the approbation of the general commanding, I will assure vou of his co-operation with me, in a request to the President, to extend to all engaged, a free and full pardon."

'* With these conditions, I most willingly comply !" said Lafitte. " I must now leave you sir, but," he added, laying his hand upon his heart, *' with sentiments of permanent gratitude !"

'^ Have you the pass-word of the night, Captain

Lafitle?" inquired the governor, turning to the table.

"I have, your excellency."

" Farewell tlien, sir ! I am your friend. When we meet again, 1 trust it will be in the ranks of the American army;" said the governor smiling, and extendmg his hand to the chief.

Lafitte seized, and grasping it warmly, pressed it to his lips, and precipitately left the room.

Passing through the hall, he was re-joined by-Theodore, with whom he left ihe mansion, and after replying to the cfiallenge of the sentinel at the gate, the two passed at a rapid pace down the street.

The moon was just rising, and they had been walking but a few minutes, when a clattering of horses' hoofs and the ringincr of arms were heard at' the extremity of one of the long streets, intersectmg-that, they were traversing, and in a few moments, w^ith nodding plumes, ringing swords, and jingling spurs, the general in chief with his staff, and followed by two or three mounted citizens, turned the angle of the street, and dashed past them down the road to his head quarters.

The outlaw and his companion had nearly gained their boat, and were walking in the shadow of fort St. Charles, along the canal, where it was secured, having met no one but the horsemen, and occasionally, a guard who challenged and allowed them to pass, since they had left the house, when their attention was attracted by a figure gliding along the side of the canal Marigny, and evidently isceking to escape observation.

They drew back v»'ithin the shadow of a building on the banks, when the figure passed them, almost crawling upon the ground. Avoiding the street, immediately afterward, he dropped without noise into the water, swum to the side where they stood, and cautiously ascending the levee or bank, paused ^ moment and peered over the lop.

Apparently satisfied that he was unobserved, he then crept along to the side of the fort and lingering a mon:ient, disappeared around the angle, leaving a paper affixed to the wall.

" Here is mischief brewing." said Lafitte—" Did you observe that fellow closely Theodore ?"

" Yes, I thought at first ii was Cudjoe."

" No—no—he is too tall for him"—"we will see what he has been at."

Followed by Theodore, he left the canal and advanced, until he stood under the walls of the fort.

"It is too dark to read in this pale moon ; we will take the paper to the light," he said passing round the fort, to a lamp burning in the gate-way, and over the head of a sentinel posted there.

" Ho, who goes there ?"—he challenged as they approached. Answering the challenge, Lafitte added ;

" Here, guard, is a paper, but now stuck upon the wall of your fort by a skulkiijg slave, who just disappeared among yonder china trees—I fear it bodes mischief iji these perilous times !" and as he spoke, he held up the placard to the light. On it w^as printed in large letters both in French and Spanish,

" louisianians ! remain quiet in your houses ; your slaves shall be preserved to you, and your property respected. We make war only agaixst Americans."

" Well, this is most politic—' said Lafitte,' our enemy fights with printed proclamations, signed too by admiral Cochrane and major general Keane ! Preserve slaves! These Englishmen have shone me what reliance is to be placed on their promise to preserve slaves to their masters. Did they not by their insurrection, expect lo conquer Louisiana ?"

The soldier who heard hitn read the placard, was about to call for two or three comrades within the

guard room, to pursue and arrest the black, when Lafitte interrupted him.

" Hold, my good man ! I know his figure, and the way he has taken. I will pursue him !" and adding to Theodore " now we will show our attachment to the cause we have embraced," followed the slave. In a few moments, after passing two other placards, which Theodore tore down, they saw him —his form hardly distinguishable among the trunks of the trees—apparently engaged in affixing another of the proclamations to a limb. They cautiously approached, when the negro discovering them, and supposing himself unseen, drew himself up into the tree to escape detection as they passed by. But this action was delected ; and Lafitte walking rapidly forward, before he could conceal himself, caught him by one of his feet."

" The negro drew a long knife and would have plunged it into the arm of his captor, over whose head it gleamed as he raised it for the blow, had he not caught his hand, and hurled him with violence to the ground.

" Oh mossee beg a mercy mossee, pauvre negre— nigger gibbee all up," he cried rolling upon the ground in pain. Lafitte grasped him by the arm and drew from his breast a large bundle of placards. *' Who gave these to you slave ?"

*'Moj;see dc English ossifer."

" Where is he V'^

"Down by mossee Laronde's plantation; he tellee me stick um up in de city ; dey stick um up all 'long on de fence down de Levee mossee. Now mossee, good, sweet, kind mossee, letlee poor negre go, he hab tell mossee all de libbing Irufh."

"You must go with me," replied his captor, heedless of the chattering and the prayers of the slave; and leading him by the arm, he returned and delivered him to the guard at the fort.

" Take him to the governor in the morning," be said to him as he called some of his comrades to receive him.

" Thank you Monsieur," said the guard, as La-fitte turned -ftway. " You are a good patriot. I would all the citizens were like you. Will you take wine ?"

" No, Monsieur."

"Who, shall I tell the governor, has taken this prisoner?"

He wrote the word " Lafitte,^ with a pencil upon one of the bills, and folding it up, handed it to him ; and before the guard could decipher it, he had disappeared below the levee._ Springing into his boat, he waked the Irishman, who had fallen asleep, and sought once more, through the chain of guard-boats, the barge he had left secreted at the mouth of the artificial inlet to the bayou. Then releasing his Irish prisoner, with a warning to be less afraid of alligators, and to keep better watch when on post, he entered his own boat; and before the break of day, was again concealed among the huts of the fishermen, which he had left earl}^ on the precedijig evening.

A^OL. II.—11


"The genuineness of the letters was questioned by the council con^ vened by the governor ; and they advised him to hold no communication with the Barritarians. Major General Villere alone dissented from the general decision. This officer, as well as the governor, who, presiding in council, could not give his opinion, was well satisfied as to the authenticity of the letters and the sincerity of the Barritarian outlaw The expedition against the island was hastened, and soon sailed under the command of Commodore Patterson. Latour.

im:cision of the council—its reception by lapitte—his destination—a storm.

The decision of the council, convened by the Governor of Louisiana, in the executive department of the government house the following morning, for the purpose of laying before it the letters of the British officers, and consulting with them respecting the offers of the outlaw, is recorded in the history of that period.

After communicating the information contained in the letters, and stating the manner in which they had fallen into his hands, and his reasons for believing them genuine, the governor submitted for their consideration, two questions.

" Is it your opinion, gentlemen, that these letters are genuine ? and—is it proper, as governor of this state, that I should hold intercourse, or enter into any official correspondence with the Barritarian outlaw and his associates ?"

After a warm discussion, an answer was returned

in the negative, and with but one exception, unanimously.

Major General Viliero stood alone in the affirmative.

This gentleman, as wrell as Governor Claiborne, who, president of the council, was disqualified from giving his opinion, was not only convinced of the authenticity of the papers brought by Lafitte, but believed ho raid his adherents might be so employed at the present crisis, as greatly to contribute to the safety of the state, and the annoyance of the enemy.

With this impolitic decision, which time showed to be unjust and premature, the council broke up. So far indeed, were they from placing confidence in Lafitte, that they suggested to a naval officer forming one of the council, whom we have before introduced to the reader, who had been for several days fitting out a flotilla destined for the island of Barritaria—a descent upon which, having been some months in contemplation—th« propriety of hastening his preparations for the expedition.

Proceeding from the council chamber to his vessel, the commodore found he could immediately get under weigh. The same evening, therefore, taking with him a detachment of infantry, he gave the signal for sailing, and moved down the river towards ;the destined point of attack.

About noon, the Barritarian chief, ignorant of the proceedings in which he was so deeply interested, sent Theodore to the city, for the purpose of receiving the reply of the governor.

" Well, Theodore, what news ?" inquired he, standing in the door of one of the rude fishermen's huts, as the boat, which had conveyed the youth, appeared in sight from the concealment of the narrow banks of the creek, lined with tall grass and cypresses which, stretching across from either side nearly met over the water;" Saw you the governor ?"

" I. did, Ffionsieur, and a gentleman of noble presence he is," replied Theodore with animation; "he spoke of you in such terms, that I could not but like him."

" But what said he ?" interrogated the chief anxiously, springing into the barge by tlie side of the youth, " Heard you the decision of the council ?"

" Here is a note for you, whicli he gave me."

He seized it and read hurriedly—

" M. Lafilte must regret equally with myself, the decision of the council. It is against your sincerity and the genuineness of the letters. General Villere alone, was of my opinion, of which you are already informed. Be patient, dear sir—take no rash steps. I have unlimited confidence in you. I will consult with the commanding general at the earliest convenience—remain firm, and your wishes may yet be achieved. You could not have shown your sincerity better, than in apprehending the slave las6 night. This seal of good faith shall be remembered^ and will materially advance your suit."

" Is this the way my proffers are received ?"said Lafitte fiercely, with a deep execration, crushing the note in his clenched hand, while his face grew livid with passion and disappointment ; "Is it thus I am treated—my feelings trifled with—my word doubted—myself scorned—despised ! If they will not have my aid, their invaders shall," he shouted. " To youT oars, men—to your oars !" he said, turning to his boat's crew. " We must see Barritaria to-night ,—^I have work for all of you."

"And for]me too, ugh ?" said inquiringly, a tall, gray-headed and dark-visaged Indian, arrayed in loose fisherman's trowsers, his head and neck passed through the aperture of a gaily-dyed Spanish ponto, coming

iorth from the hut, and standing as he spoke, supported by a boat-hook, on the verge of the bank.'

" Yes, Chitahisa, but not with me. You are better here. I will soon find you other fish to •catch. Mark me Chitalusa," said the pirate, hoarsely, in the ear of the Indian—" before New-Year's eye, you will find a red snake, with scales of steel, and more dangerous than the green serpent of your tribe, with ten thousand human feet beneath his belly, winding up this bayou, past your hut."

" Ugh ! me un'stan','' said the Indian, his eyes sparklmg with pleasure, but whether malignant, or a mere expression of dehght, it was difficult to determine.

" Then wait here, under cover, till you see it, and I will then find work for you, chief," said Lafitte, springing into the boat and seating himself in silence.

As the men plied their oars, and moved swiftly down the bayou, the Indian, who was the last of his name and race—with whom would expire the proud appellation, centuries before recognised among other tribes, as the synonyme for intelligence, civilization, and courage— The Natchez ! The injured, persecuted, slaughtered, and unavenged Natchez—the Grecians of the aboriginal nations of North America ! The eloquent language of a native poet, with truth and feeling, might have flowed from the lips of the old exile—exile, on the very lands over which his fathers reigned kings—now doomed to seek a precarious existence, among the Spanish fishermen of the lakes, wilder, ruder even than himself:

" They waste us : aye like April snows, In the warm noon we melt away; And fast they follow as we go, Towards the setting day— Till they shall fill the land, and we Be driven into the western sea."

As the boat receded, he muttered, " Ugh ! de snake! Chitalusa know! me know too much.— Him link Indian bad as him. Me let he see me no bad. Me let no red snake—Inglish snake, ugh ! come here ! Me no will."

At once a new thought flashed upon his mind, and entering his hut, he armed himself with a rifle, took his paddle from its beckets over the door, launched his canoe, and jumping into it, paddled rapidly in the direction opposite to that taken by Lafitte, and tow^ards the artificial outlet of the bayou, into the Mississippi.

For several hours, the oarsmen rowed with that heavy, regular movement of the sweeps, which is almost mechanical to the thorough bred seamen. No sound but the regular dipping of the four oars and the low rattling as they played in the rowlocks, ,the occasional splash of an alligator, as he sought concealment beneath the surface of the water, or the heavy flapping of the wings, and shrill cry, of some disturbed heron or other water bird, broke the silence of the wild region through which they moved. The barge all at once emerged from the narrow and gloomy pass which it had been threading during tlie afternoon, into a broader sheet of water, and at the same moment, the setting sun shone bright upon the summit of " The Temple,'' which stood on an angle at the intersection of three bayous, two of which led by various routes into the bay of Barritaria; the third, w^as that which they had just descended. "

Lafitte sat in the stern of the boat, with his arms folded and his head dropped despondingly upon his breast, an attitude he insensibly fell into after the first burst of passion, elicited by the result of his application, had passed away.

His better resolves held again their influence over him; his anger and resentment, by degrees

subsided, and he had come to the determination to exile himself, disband his followers, and depart for ever from that country he was thought too base to serve.

" I have won the confidence, and I believe the respect, of one honourable man. This, at least, will I endeavour to retain," he said, abruptly addressing Theodore. " He has said he will counsel with the general in chief. I place my cause, then, in the hands of a brave man. Suppose I see him myself? Ha ! that will do—I will! England," he cried, with energy, " thou hast not made me a renegade yet! nor," he added mentally, "will you, Constanza, find me recreant to my pledged faith. 1 will not let the prejudiced decisions of a few men, thus turn me from the straight-forward path I have chosen. Impulsive they call me.—Well, impulse shall be bridled, and I will henceforward lead her —not she, me."

" Ship your oars, men !" he added aloud, as they came to a little inlet, at the foot of a mound, just large enough to contain the boat.

" The dripping oars rose simultaneously into the air, and were then laid lengthways upon the thwarts. Cudjoe sprang out, as the bows touched the bank, and secured the boat to a tree. Lafitte, warning his men not to go far away, accompanied by Theodore, stepped on shore, and ascended one of those mounds of shells thrown up by the Indians, long before the earliest era of American history, filled with human bones, and evidently designed, either as religious, or funereal monuments. From the prevalence of the former opinion, this congregation of mounds where our party stopped, has been denominated " The Temple." On the highest of them, according to the tradition of the country? the idolatrous worshippers preserved burning, a perpetual fire. Some attempts at one period, had

been made to fortify it, traces of which still existed.

" If I was superstitious," said Theodore, as, emerging from the trees near the margin of the bayou, they came in full view of the largest mound, " I should believe that the sun—which it is said the Indians worshipped—in reproof of our unbelief of his divinity, and detestation to the truth of their religion, has kindled a flame upon the summit of the Temple."

Lafitte looked up, and saw that an appearance like fire rested upon its top—the reflection of a lingering, light red sunbeam shot from the lurid sun, then angrily disappearing in the west.

*' There is poetry, if not truth, in your language, Theodore !" replied the chief, his spirit soothed by the mild influence of the hour. " How beautiful the theory of their religion ! Worshippers of that element, which is the purifier of all things ! Next to the invisible God—whom they knew not—in their child-like ignorance, and with the touching poetry, which seems to have been the soul of the simple Indian's nature, they sought out that, alone, of all His works, which most gloriously manifested Himself to his created intelhgences. They bowed their faces to the earth, at his rising and setting, and worshipped the bright sun, as their Creator, Preserver, and God ! Author of light and heat, of time and seasons—visible, yet unapproachable !— What more appropriate object could they have chosen as the corner stone upon which- to raise a superstructure of natural religion ? For it is our nature, Theodore, to be religious ! All men, and all races of men, have always been worshippers, either of truth or falsehood ! Does not this choice alone prove, that, if heathens, they approached nearer to true religion, in their worship, than all other nations ignorant of divine revelation ? Does it not show the dignity and refmement of the Indian's mind—

the poetry of his heart—the purity of his imagination ? On their altars burned a perpetual fire ! What a beautiful representation of their divinity ! How infinitely is this pure emblem above the stocks and stones of the civilized idolaters of old Greece and Rome ! How etherial and elevated the conceptions of such a people ! Yet we call them barbarians—savages—brutes ! If they are brutes, we have made them so. The vices of the Europeans, like a moral leprosy, have diseased their minds, and blackened their hearts ! If they are degraded, we have debased them ! If they are polluted, we have laid our hand upon them !—Ha !" he said quickly, " yonder sun-beam glows on that bush like fire. It is a flame, indeed ! Your idea, my Theodore, was very beautiful! But were it not better and more in unison with our fortunes, my boy ! to regard it as a beacon, lighting us to fame ; a bright omen of good !—Go up the mound, and see if you can discover any thing moving in either bayou. I shall give the men an hoar's rest, and then start again."

He stopped on a small mound they had just ascended, and leaning against a cypress tree, crowning its summit, he soon became wrapped in reflections upon the presented crisis of his life and the probable issue of his plans.

Presently, his eye was arrested by a white object, dimiy seen in the twilight, rolling along on the ground near his feet. It was round, and at every turn displayed the eyeless sockets and hideous grin of a skull. ■ He gazed upon it with surprise, but did not move; and a fascination seemed to chain him to the spot, and fasten his eyes upon the loathsome object.

It came nearer and nearer, and now struck with a hollow sound against his foot. He was about to spring from the fearful contact, when the head and claws of a crab were protruded from the cavities, as

if to ascertain and remove the obstacle to its advancement.

With a smile of derision at this humiliation of his species, as he discovered the cause of this strange locomotion, he raised the skull with its inmate, and gazed on it for a moment, with a lip, in which bitterness was mingled with contempt.

"And this is man! the image of God! the tenement of immortal mind I Poor crab, thou knowest not what kingly throne thou hast usurped ! Well, why not a crab as well as brain ! The skull can walk the earth full as well, and to as good a purpose ! And is this our end !" he added, "to become thus at last!—a habitation for reptiles ! And shall I too come to this ? Shall this head, which now throbs with life," and he raised his hand to his temples, " which can think—plan—originate—at last be no more than this ?—so helpless as to be borne about by such a creeping thing ! Where is that conscious something, which once supplied this crab's place ? Who has displaced it ? Death ! Death ?—and what is death ?—Methinks it were better to be like this glaring ball, than to be as [ am! Here," he continued placing his hand upon it, " here is no sense .of passing events ; of joy or suffering; of treachery or friendship ; of despair or ambition ; of praise or insult. See—I can place my foot upon it, and it rises not against me to avenge the insult! Happy, happy nothingness! But is it nothingness? Although the mind lives not in this glaring shell, which, without tongue, discourses most eloquently to the living —may it not exist somewhere ? Here 1 see it not! It is perceptible to no sense ! Yet reason—hope— fear, tell me it is not extinct. Heaven never made man for such an end as this! There must be deeper purpose than we can fathom—a cause remoter than we can reach, why we were made ! Eternity! eternity!—thou art no bug-bear to frighten

children with. I feel—would to God I felt it not' that thou art a stern and fearful reality.

"Well, my boy, saw you aught?" he inquired hastily, resuming his usual tone and manner as the youth appeared.

" No, xMonsieur—the night thickens so fast, that it is impossible to see far down the bayous—I think we shall have a storm."

" There is no doubt of it, if the heavens speak truly," said Lafitte, gazing upon masses of black clouds drifting low above their heads, increasing in density and blackness every moment, and gathering to a head with that rapidity, characteristic of storms in that climate.

" Theodore, tell the men to spread the tarpaulin over the boat for a shelter from the rain."

The youth communicated the order, and was returning, when a flash of lightning, accompanied by a peal of thunder, loud and abrupt, like the near explosion of artillery, gleamed like flame through the woods, and rove to the roots the cypress against which the chief leaned, with the skull still extended in his hand, upon which—resuming his reflections as the youth left him to execute his order, he still mused—and laid him prostrate and as senseless as the shell he held, upon the ground. With an exclamation, of surprise and terror, Theodore sprung forward, and kneeling by his side, called loudly upon the crew to aid in resuscitating hin]. They bore him to the boat, and the youth, at the moment recollecting the hut of a fisherman, situated about a mile below the Temple, ordered the men to resume their oars and pull to that place.



" The government of the State, informed of the proceedings of the British at Barritaria, and doubtful of the good faith of the outlaws, fitted out a flotilla, viith great despatch. The pirates prepared for resistance ; hut finally abandoned their vessels, and dispersed. Their store-houses, fortress, vessels, and a considerable booty, fell into the povi-er of the Americans. Lafitte, who escaped, proposed to surrender himself to Governor Claiborne, and his confidence appeared to i-equire that indulgence should be shown to him and his party."

Marboi's History of Louisiana.


With the head of his friend and benefactor upon his lap, and in great agitation of mind, the youth guided the boat through the bayou, his course Hght-ed by the hghtning, which now became incessant.

" Ho, the boat!" shouted a voice from the bank, as a flash of ho;htnino; showed them the fisherman's cot, in a bend of the bayou.

" Grand Torre !'^ rephed Theodore.

" Grand Terre it is," answered the man; who now came from behind the tree, with an English musket in his hand, an old canvass cap on his head, covered with signs of the cross, done in red and black paint—a blue woollen shirt, and a pair of duck trowsers, cut off at the knee, leaving the portion of his legs below it bare. His head was gray and .bushy, and an opulence of grisly beard and whiskers encircled his tawny face, which was marked witli arched brows and lan:ibent dark eyes—a sharp

aquiline nose, small moulh, and thin lips, displaying when parted, a row of even and very white teeth, v^'hich see«ied to bid defiance to the ravages of time ! *^,,.

*' Where is the Captain ?" he inquired.

" Senseless, from a stroke of lightning!" replied the youth ; " we must claim your hospitality, Man-uelillo."

" Pobre capitan ! with all my heart. Bring him into the cot, hombres," he said to the men. "Pobre capitan—es mateo—no ? Seiior Theodore ?"

" No ! there is life, but he is insensible."

In a short time, the chief was laid upon the rude bed of dried grass and rushes, constituting the couch of the fisherman, who, in addition to his pis-cal profession, was also a privateersman or smuggler, as interest prompted, or taste allured.

Slowly yielding to their exertions and skill, the stagnant life once more received action, and he returned to consciousness. In the morning, a fever succeeded, which increased in violence during the day. That night he became delirious, and wildly raved like a maniac-—calling on *' Constanza," " D'Oyley," " Henri," " Gertrude,"—names often on his burning lips, during his illness. For five days, his fever and delirium continued, without abatement. His disorder, then assuuied a more favourable character, and he began rapidly to convalesce.

On the seventh day, just before noon, he was seated at the door of the hut, under the shade of a tree, which grew in front, giving orders to his boatmen, who were preparing the barge for departure that evening, when a heavy cannonading reached his ears, borne upon the south wind over the level country, froiii the quarter of Barritaria, which was about twenty miles distant,

" Do you hear that, sir ?" said Theodore, from Vol. II.—12

within the hut—who, during his ilhiess, had watched over him with untiring assiduity and tenderness.

" What means it, Manuel ?" demanded the chief, starting.

" I don't know, senor; there must be some fighting between your vessels and the cruisers."

" 1 suspect as much. Quick, with that boat, men !" he added, with animation. " We must away from this."

With a strength unlocked for, he stepped into the boat, after grasping warmly the hand of the old fisherman, and thanking him for his attention and kindness, and was soon swiftly moving on his way to the island.

As he approached, the firing increased, and became more distinct. Night set in before they reached the mouth of the bayou, from which, as they emerged into the bay, they could see far over the water, a flame apparently rising from a burning vessel. The cannonading had ceased s-everal hours, and it was now too dark to see across the bay, or distinguish the outline of the island.

" There has been warm work, Theodore," said Lafilte. " I am afraid we have been attacked by a superior force."

" It may be Massa Cap'um Pattyson," said Cud-joe ; "he tinky catch Cudjoe, and make sailor ob him, when in de boat, when you gone to see de go-be rn or."

. " What is that ?" said Lafitte, quickly. " Press yoii ?"

" I now recollect," answered Theodore, "as I went for the governor's reply, it was rumoured in the streets, that Commodore Patterson was completing his crew by every exertion, and that he was to sail the same evening, on some expedition. It may have been Barritaria."

" You are right Theodore, he has attacked our

camp. Set the sail and sprinfr to your oars, men ; we must know at once if our fears are true."

Having set their sail, their speed increased, and shooting rapidly away from the mouth of the bayou, tliey steered across the bay. They were within a league of the island, when a barge full of men, was discovered a short distance ahead.

" Ship your oars; see to your arms, men !" said Lafitle, shifting the helm so as to weather the boat. We are now more likely to meet foes than friends in these waters."

As he spoke, the strange boat hailed, while the click of several pistols was heard from her by the pirate and his party, who answered that hostile preparation with similar sounds of defiance.

" Ho ! the boat ahoy !" hailed a voice in Spanish.

" It is Sebastiano," said Theodore hastily, as he recognized the voice of the person hailing.

" Camaradas !" replied Lafitte.

"Ah captain, is that you," exclaimed a rough voice with a strong French accent. " We thought you had gone to pay off old scores "in the other world."

*' I have been on business, Belluche, connected with our safety, and have been detained by illness. But the news, the news ! Lieutenant Belluche," he added with impatience as the boats came in contact.

" Bad enough, my good captain," said Sebastiano, interposing in reply, '' bad enough for one day's work, in proof of which, sefior, I refer you to this handful of men, who are all that remain of the pretty Julie, who by the same token, is burned to the water's edge. May the srande diable have the burning of those who compelled me with my own hand to set her on fire. But it was necessity, captain. I can prove to you it was necessity."

" Be brief, Sebastiano ! What has happened ?

Who are the aggressors, Belluche ? What means the firing J have heard to-day ? Be brief and tell me!"

" This morning," said the whilom captain of the Lady of the Gulf, "between eight and nine, we saw a fleet of small vessels and gun-boats standing in for the island. Our squadron lay at anchor within the pass, and on seeing the fleet I ordered the Carthagenian flacr to be hoisted on all the ves-sels. As the strangers approached, I got under weigh with the whole fleet, including prizes, which made ten in number, and formed in order of battle, in case the intentions of ihe fleet should be hostile. As the evidences of their hostile character thickened, T sent boats in various directions to the main land to give the alarm, and ordered my men to light iires along the coast, as signals to our friends ashore that we were about to be attacked. The enemy stood in, and formed into a line of battle near the entrance of the harbour. Their force consisted of six gun-vessels, a tender, mounting one six pounder and full of men, and a launcli, mounting one twelve pound carronade, and a large schooner, called the Carolina.

" On discovering these demonstrations of battle on their part, and not bemg in the best condition to withstand them, 1 hoisted a white flag at the fore on board the Lady of the Gulf, an American flag at the mainmast, and the Carthagenian flag, at the topping lift. The enemy replied, with a white flag at his main. I now took my boat, and went from vessel to vessel to ascertain the disposition of the crews for fighting, and none but Captain Getzendanner, and Sebastiano and their men were for awaiting the attack. ] in vain tried to convince them of the expediency of fighting to save our vessels.

" I then determined that the Lady of the Gulf should not fall into the enemy's hands, and teliinoj

Captain Gelzendanner what I intended to do, I returned on board, and fixing a train in the hole, and setting the rigging on fire, I took to the boats with my crew. Getzendanner and kSebastiano did the same, while the other cowardly pallroons deserted their vessels and took to their oars, and pulled for the main land. The enemy no sooner saw the flame rising from the schooner, than he hauled down the flag of truce, and made the signal for battle; hoisting with it a broad while flag bearing the words, 'pardon to deserters,' knowing that we had not a few from the army and navy, among our villainous, cowardly, runaway gang.

" 'I'he enemy run in and took possession of the vessels, while a detachment landed upon the island, and destroyed our buildings and fortifications. All this J witnessed from the main land, where we had retired. The enemy's fleet is now outside, including our own, numbering in all seventeen sail. They will probably get under weigh in the morning for the Balize."

" We," concluded Sebastiano, who bad waited with much impatience for an opportunity to speak, " have just returned from the island, where I have been since they left, to have occular demonstration of the true slate of things, and an old woman might as well hold good her {Jantry against a party of half-slarved recruits, as we could have held the old island ; and this admits of the clearest demonstration, captain."

Lafiite listened to this recital in silence; nor did he speak for some moments after the commander of the Lady of the Gulf had completed his account of the attack upon the piratical hold, by the American flotilla. This expedition was under the command of that naval officer, whom we first introduced to the reader, looking over a map with the commanding general at his head quarters, a yOung and ' 12*

gallnnt man, whose ambition to signalize his command and beneht his country by the destruction of the buccaneering iiorde, who had so long infested the south-western shores of Jvouisiana, had rendered him, with the majority of the council called by the governorj incredulous to the extraordinary proffers of the pirate.

If blame in reference to this decision could be attached to either parly, Lafitte felt that it was justly fastened upon himself.

" It is right," he said, after reflecting for a few moments upon the communication of his officer. " It is but just—not them—not him—do I censure, but myself—my past career of crime and contempt of those iiealihy laws which govern society. I blame them not. It would be stranger if they should have believed me." After a few moments pause he added earnestly, " this shall not change me; they shall yet know and believe, that I acted from motives they must honour. They sha41 learn that they have injured me by their decisions. Injured! But let it pass—my country shall have my arm and single cutlass, if no more ! and your's too, my boy ?" Ijc said to Theodore.

" Wherever you aie, my benefactor, you will find me by your side," exclaimed the youth warmly. " I knew it Theodore, I knew it," replied Lafitte, returning the enthusiastic arasp of his hand. *' Where, away now Belluclie?" " To the city, caplain! We hear of fighting about to go on there ; we may perhaps find something to do."

" Sebastiano, Belluche, my worthy comrades and friends, and you my brave men all! the Americans have destroyed our fleet; but they have done only justice. If f know all of you who are in that boat, like myself, you are Americans by birth or ademption. Fight not against your country, draw every cutlass in

her defence ; forgive her injuries, and fight for lier. The tyrant of England seeks to enslave her; meet him foot to foot, blade to blade. Endeavour to atone for your wrongs to your country by devotion to her cause. Fighting is your trade—but fight now on the right side. What say you my men ? 8ebastiano, stand you for or against your country, in this strug-gle V[

" Viva Louisiana—viva la patria—viva Lafitte !" shouted the men.

" That is as it should be my brave fellows, if you are faithful in the cause you espouse you may yet get government to wink at the past, and if any of you choose to follow honest livelihoods, ihe way will then be open before you. To the city, I will soon follow, gather all our scattered force and persuade them to adopt the same course. You will hear of me on the third evening frotn this at the cabaret of Pedro Torrio, on Rue Royale. I must now visit the island. Where is Getzendanner ?"

" He has taken the western bayou to the city, I suspect," replied Belluche.

" Tell him our plans if you meet with him, and hold out to him pardon. He will acquiesce, I think," he said laughing, "for there is a fair frow in New York, he would fain supply his lost rib with ; but she wont take him without a license from the President. I depend on you both," he added more seriously " to collect our followers and unite them to the American party."

With a shout from the crews of each, the boats separated, and in an hour afterward, Lafitte reached the island and secured his boat in the narrow cove or inlet from which he had unmoored it, under very different circumstances, ten days before, on embarking to lay before the governor the letters of the British officers.

The next morning the chief who had remained

all night in the boat, was awakened by a gun, which on rising, and gaining a slight elevation on the island, he discovered to be the signal for the enemy's fleet, with his prizes, to get under weigh.

With calm and unchanging features, he watched their departure, and as the last sail disappeared on the horizon, he said turning to Theodore,

" I have only to wait to give the EngUshman his answer," he said with a bilier smile, " and then return to New Orleans, and there welcome my captured fleet."

" There is a sail south of us," exclaimed Theodore.

"I see it," replied the chief, "it may be the English brig coming in for my reply, although I did not expect her before evening." The vessel wliich attracted their observation, in the course of an hour showed the square rig and armament of a brig of war. Approaching within half a mile of the island, she put off a boat, which pulled directly for the island.

" What answer shall you give them now, monsieur'?" inquired Theodore doubtfully, watching the face of the outlaw, and anxious to know if he would accept the proposals of the British, now that he had received such treatment from the American government.

Lafitte made no reply but hastened to meet the boat, which grounded, as Theodore spoke, upon tiie beach.

" You are welcome to my fortress, gentlemen ! you have no doubt come for my answer," he said addressing the midshipman who commanded the boat. " So your captain did not like to trust himself on shore again. Well," he added in a melancholy voice, "he might have come now in all safety —he would have little to fear. What says captain Lockyer ?"

" He desired me to give you this sealed paper, and await your answer respecting liis proposed alliance with you," replied the youlli, giving him a pacquet addressed to him.

" You have not long to wait," replied Lafitte, receiving the pacquet ; and taking a pencil from the officer, he wrote upon the back,


And giving it back to him he sternly said, "There is my answer !" Then turning and taking the arm of Theodore, he walked away to his boat, which lay on the opposite side of the island.


"After the invasion of the state became inevitable, the expediency of inviting the Barritarians to our standard was generally admitted. The governor conferred with the major general, and with his approbation, issued general orders inviting them to join the army. These orders tended to bring to our standard many brave men and excellent artillerists, whose services contributed greatly to the safety of Louisiana, and received the highest approbation of the commanding general. Subsequently, the President, by proclamation, granted them a full and entire pardon."

Latour's Memoirs of the war.


The subsequent events, immediately preceding the decisive battle of the eighth of January, having no material connexion with our tale, w^e shall briefly pass by. Lafiite returned to the city, and again offered his services to his country, with lliose of as many of his former adherents as he could assemble.

After the disastrous capture of the American gunboats by the British, the invasion of the state was deemed inevitable, and in the perilous condition of the country, it was thought good policy by those entrusted with the public safety, to avail themselves of the services of men accustomed to war, and whose perfect knowledge of the coasts and the various bayous leading from the sea to the capital, might render their aid of great importance to the enemy, who it was now generally known, had in vain and with great ofl'ers, entreated them to repair to their standard, Although ^he expediency of uni-

ting them to the American standard, was general y admitted, it was indispensably necessary that they should receive pardon for all real or supposed offences against the laws. This could only be granted by the President of the United Slates. Governor Claiborne, whose faith in the outlaw remained unshaken, and who regretted the attack on Barritaria, so far as it rendered, by breaking them up, the forces of the outlaws less available to the country, conferred on the subject with the major general in command.

The result of this conference was very different from that of the council convened by the governor, and with the approbation of the commanding general, he issued the following general order.

*' The Governor of Louisiana, informed that many individuals implicated in the offences heretofore committed against the United States at Barritaria, express a willingness at the present crisis to enrol themselves and march against the enemy—

*' He does hereby invite them to join the standard of the United States, and is authorized to say, should their conduct in the field meet the approbation of the major general, that, that officer will unite with the governor in a request to the President of the United States, to extend to each and every individual, so marching and acting, a free and full pardoA."

These general orders were placed in the hands of Lafitte, who circulated them among his dispersed followers, most of whom readily embraced the conditions of pardon they held out. In a few days many brave men and skilful artillerists, whose services contributed greatly to the safety of the invaded state, flocked to the standard of the United States, and by their conduct, received the highest approbation of the commanding general.

In anticipation of onr narrative, we will here mention, that previous to their adjournment, the legislature of the state, recommended the Barritarians as proper objects for the clemency of the President, who issued a proclamation upon the subject, bearing dale the sixth of February, eighteen hundred and fifteen, and transmitted it, officially, to the governor of Louisiana, by the secretary of state, granting to them a full and entire pardon.

We will now return from this digression to La-fitte, the individual whose personal acts are the subject of our tale.

The morning of the eighth of January was ushered in with the discharge of rockets, the sound of cannon, and the cheers of the British soldiers advancing to the attack. The Americans, behind the breast-work, awaited, with calm intrepidity, their approach. The enemy advanced in close column of sixty men^n front, shouldering their muskets and carrying fascines and ladders. A storm of rockets preceded them, and an incessant fire opened from the battery, which comrrjanded the advanced column. The musketry and rifles from the Kentuck-ians and Tenneseans, joined the fire of the artillery, and in a few moments was heard along the line a ceaseless, rolhng fire, whose tremendous noise resembled the continued reverberation of thunder. One oi^ these guns, a twenty-four pounder, placed upon the breastwork, in the third embrasure from the river, drew—from the fatal skill and activity with which it was managed, even in the heat of battle— the admiration of both Americans and British; and became one of the points most dreaded by the advancing foe.

Here was stationed Lafitte, and three of his lieutenants, Belluche, Scbastiano, and Getzendanner, already introduced to the reader, and a large band of his men, who, during the continuance of the bat-

tie, fought with unparalleled bravery. The British already, had been twice driven back in the utmost confusion, with the loss of their commander in chief, and two general officers.

In the first attack of the enemy, a column pushed forward, between the levee and river; and so precipitate was their charge that the outposts were forced to retire, closely pressed by the enemy. Before the batteries could meet the charge, clearing the ditch, they gained the redoubt through the embrasures, leaping over the parapet, and overwhelming, by their superior force, the small party stationed there.

Lafitte, who was commanding, in conjunction with his officers, at one of the guns, no sooner saw the bold movement of the enemy, than, calling a few of his best men by name, with Theodore by his side, he sprung forward to the point of danger, and clearing the breastwork of the entrenchment, leaped, cutlass in hand, into the midst of the enemy, followed by a score of his men, who in many a hard-fought battle upon his own deck, had been well tried.

Astonished at the intrepidity which could lead men to leave their entrenchments and meet them hand to hand, and pressed by the suddenness of the charge, which was made with the recklessness, skill, and rapidity of practised boarders bounding upon the deck of an enemy's vessel, they began to give way, while, one after another, two British officers fell before the cutlass of the pirate, as they were bravely encouraging their men by their inspiring shouts, and fearless example. AH the energies of the British were now concentrated to scale the breast-work, which one daring officer had already mounted. While Lafitte and his followers, seconding a gallant band of volunteer riflemen,

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formed a phalanx which they in vain assayed to penetrate.

As the British column advanced to this attack, a small boat, propelled by two seamen, and containing a handsome man, in the dress of a British naval officer, after ascending the river, imt oticed in the confusion and uproar of battle, touched the bank nearly opposite to the centre of the advancing column. The officer sprung out amidst a shower of balls, which fell harmlessly around him ; then drawing his sword, and loosening his pistols in his belt, he hastened forward to the head of the column, and side by side with a gallant Scotchman, leaped into the redoubt.

Twice he mounted the breast-work, and was hurled back to rise and again mount; his blue eye emitting fire, and his sword flashing like a meteor as he hewed his way through the opposing breasts of the Americans.

At this moment, Lafitte bounded into the redoubt, and turned the tide of battle. The stranger, whose reckless daring and perseverance had, even in the midst of battle, attracted the attention of those on whose side he fought, was also pressed back with the retreating column. Yet, with an obstinacy which drew upon him the fire of the riflemen, and the cutlasses of the pirates, he stood his ground and fought with cool and determined courage. Every blow of his weapon laid a buccaneer dead at his feet.

The British, leaving their numerous dead, had retreated ; yet he stood alone, pressed on every side, and heedless of danger. His object seemed to be to press forw^ard to the spot where stood the pirate chief, who was separated from him by half a dozen of his men. In vain they called upon him to surrender. His brow was rigid, with desperate resolu-

tion ; his eye burning with a fierce expression, while his arm seemed endowed with the strength of a Hercules.

" Take him prisoner, but harm him not!" said Lafille, struck with the daring of the man.

" Give back," cried the stranger, speaking for the first time. " Give way to my revenge ! Pirate, Lafiite ! ravislier ! murderer! 1 dare you to single combat !—coward !" and his voice rung clear, amid the din of war.

"Ha, is it so! stand back, men. Hold, Sebas-tiano ! leave him to me, if I am the game he seeks so rashly !"

The men who had involuntarily given back at the sound of the stranger's voice, now left a path between him and their chief, and, before Lafitte, surprised at his conduct—but in his checquered life, not unused to adventure and danger in every shape —could bring his weapon to the guard, he received that of the stranger through his sword arm.

" Not that vile stream ; but your heart's blood," shouted the officer. " Revenge ! revenge ! I seek!"—and with a headlong impetuosity that swallowed up every emotion but the present passion, he played with fatal skill, his weapon about the breast of his antagonist, who required all his coolness and swordsmanship to save his life, for which it became evident to his men he now only fought. By a dexterous manoeuvre, the stranger caught the guard of the pirate's cutlass on his own sword, and at the risk of his life, held it entangled for an instant, till he drew and cocked a pistol, which he levelled at his heart.

At that moment, Chitalusa, who, on leaving the hut, sought in vain to obtain an interview with the governor, to inform him of Lafitte's intentions, and had now joined the army, sprung forward to seize

the weapon, crying, " Chitalusa, tinkee you bad, brother Lafitle ! Chitalusa save your life now for dat."

His heroic atonement, for what he deemed his unworthy suspicions, seeing that Lafille was fighting on the side of the Americans, was fatal. The officer fired, and the ball passed through the tawny-breast of the simple minded Indian.

" Me tinkee de red snake de Inglish. Me tinkee bad," he murmured ; and died, the victim of the outlaw's change of purpose, on receiving the governor's note, and of the figurative language in which he had expressed it to ihe Indian.

The outlaw felt as if his own hand had slain him, for his own ambiguous v/ords had caused his death.

The combat now grew fiercer, and the pirates began to murmur, and fear for the life of their leader, handling their weapons, and looking upon the stranger with eyes of malignity; anxious, notwithstanding his prohibition, to save the life of iheir captain by sacrificing that of his antagonist.

Theodore, had stood by the side of Lafitte, with his sword drawn, often involuntarily crossing the blade of the stranger, simultaneously with him, as some more skilful pass threatened his life. His eye, which all the time was fixed with an inquiring gaze, upon his features, suddenly lighted up with peculiar intelligence.

"Hold seiior ! there is some error!" he said rapidly to Lafitte, and wiiispered in his ear.

The point of Lafitle's sword dropped, as he exclaimed, *'Thank God ! I hurt him not!"

The stranger, without knowing the cause which produced it, and in his eagerness, heedless of the defenceless state in which Lafitte had exposed his person by the action, plunged his sword into his side, and would have run him quite tiu'ough the

body, had not Theodore dexterously caught the weapon upon the guard of his own.

Lafiiie, murmuring—" this for Constanza's sake !" fell backward into the arms of Theodore and his men.

His adherents, absorbed by the danger of their chief, gave all iheir attention for the moment to him. When, the next instant, they turned to revenge him, they saw the mysterious stranger, who had retired the moment he saw his object—the death of Lafiite—apparently accomplished, mingling with the retreating column of the British.

Lafitte was borne wiihin the entrenchment by his men, who found it useless to pursue his late antagonist. But as they reascended the breastwork, Theodore looked back with a searching eye, while foreboding apprehensions filled his anxious mind, and saw the late mysterious antagonist of his chief, distinguished by his naval attire, step into the boat which had conveyed him to the scene of action, and amidst the hurricane of iron hail storming around him, harmlessly, as if he bore a charmed life, and with great speed, move rapidly down the river.

With the true spirit of Christianity, the doors of the churches and convents of the invaded city were thrown open to the wounded soldiers, not only of the defending army, but of the invading foe. To the convent des LVsulines, one of these temporary hospitals in the heart of the city, Lafitte was borne by the attentive Theodore and some of his followers.

"Who have you there, my children?" inquired an aged priest with silvery hair flowing over the collar of his black robe, as the faithful buccaneers bore the litter on which lay their leader, into the paved hall of the convent, and placed it against the wall. " He is a man of noble presence. I trust not one'in high command."

"It is of no importance father," said another of the priests coming forward, in whom Theodore recognized the padre Arnaud whom he had seen at Barrilaria, the odour of whose sanctity had not availed to save Sebasliano's schooner, whose passenger he once had been, from being finally blown into the air. " It is enough that he is wounded and that his situation demands our charity."

" You say well, my son ; call the physician, and we will have his wounds forthwith examined. Heaven grant he is not in danger !" he said, looking upward devotionally : " It were sad to die without confession and absolution—but Heaven is merciful."

The father Arnaud, immediately on his entrance, recognized Lafitie, who had once sent for him from Havana, to confess and give general absolution to such of his men, who were Roman Catholics. The father thought if he was recognized as the outlaw whose name had struck terror throughout the Mexican seas, he might not, among the simple-minded sisterhood and fraternity, receive the attention due to every human being, in such a situation. He therefore, with true benevolence of heart, sought to conceal the real character of the invalid, and hastened to bring to him medical aid.

His wound was probed, and dressed by the surgeon, who declared his case by no means dangerous, and said tliat the loss of blood, had rendered it only apparently so; adding,that sleep, quiet and attention, would in a few days restore him to health. Recommending him to, the care of Theodore and one or two aged nuns, who were bending over him with commiseration expressed in their calm faces, he left him with professional abruptness, to attend to a wounded soldier, just brought in from the field.


'* The evils of this world, drive more to the cloister, than the happi ness held out to them in the next, invites."

" To say that men never love truly but once, is well enough in poetry; but every day's realities convince us of its untruth. If you have observed much, you have found that men seldom marry the first object of their youthful affections."


a suhprise—an interview between a nun and the chief.

On the third evening, the wound of the chief closed, and he was rapidly convalescing; having received permission from the surgeon to leave the convent the succeeding day.

The eve of that day, the halls and corridors of the convent were deserted. Silence reigned undisturbed, save by the light step of a nun in her vigils around the couch of an invalid, the deep breathing of some sufferer, and the sighing of the winds among the foliage of the evergreens, waving their branches without. At the extremitv of tlie hall, stood the couch of the chief, above which a narrow window opened upon the court yard adjoining the edifice. The cool night wind blew in, refreshingly, upon his temples, and the rich melody of a distant mocking-bird, which loves \o wake the echoes of night, fell soothingly, as he listened to its varied notes, upon his attentive ear.

Tljeodore had just deserted his couch, and stepped forth to enjoy the cool air of the night. Under these soothing influences, the wounded chief insensibly slept; but his slumbers were soon disturbed by

a scarcely heard foot-fall at the extremity of the passage. He opened his eyes, and by the dim light of a lamp suspended in the centre of the ceiling of the corridor, he discovered near him, the tall and graceful form of one of the nuns, who had olten bent above him in his feverish moments, and whose presence exerted a strange power over his thoughts, and even the very throbbings of his heart, which became irregular and wild when she was near.

He felt there was a mystery around her, in some way connected -with himsell ; but how, or why, after long hours given to thought and imagination, he could not conjecture. Her voice he had never yet heard, but her slight fingers placed upon his pulse or throbbing temples, would strangely thrill the blood in his veins. But all his speculations respecting her were futile—and at last, wearied with pursuing the vague associations, her presence, air and manner called up, he would close his eyes, articulating—" Strange ! strange ! very strange !" and fall into disturbed sleep, in which visions of his boyhood and its scenes of love and strife, passed with wonderful distinctness before him ; yet still, in all his dreams, the form of the nun was mysteriously mingled with other characters, which memory, with her dreamy wand called up from the abyss of the past.

Giving no evidence of being conscious of her presence, with his eyes closed, he waited with palpitating heart, the approach of his midnight visitant. She came within a few feet of him and stopped ; while shading her brow with'her hand, from the light of the lamp above her, she gazed fixedly at the apparent sleeper, as though to be assui-ed that he slept.

Her figure, as she bent forward in an attitude of natural grace, displayed faultless proportions. She was a little above the middle height of women, and her brow, as she drew aside her black veil, which,

with a long robe of the same funereal hue encircled her person, was calm and pale—paler, perhaps, from the strong contrast of her transparent skin, with the black mantilla she wore about her head. Her marble-like features rivalled in Grecian accuracy of outline, the most perfect models that ever passed from the chisel of Praxiiiles : the colour of her eye was of a deep blue—not the cold blue of northern skies, but the warm azure of sunny Italy. There was in ihem, a shade of melancholy, cast also over her whole face. Piety and devotion were written upon her seraphic countenance, from which care and sorrow, not illness, had faded the roses and richness of youth.

Yet she was not a youthful maiden! Perhaps seven and twenty summers and winters, had passed, with their changes and vicissitudes, over her head. Her general manner and air was that of humble resignation to some great and deep-settled sorrow. No one could gaze upon her without interest; no one without respect. Among her sister nuns she was regarded as but a little lower than a saint in Heaven; by the devotees of her church, her blessing and prayers were sought next to that of their tutelar divinities. Among the sisterhood, she was was called the holy St. Marie. Her real name, for which she had assumed this religious one, had been concealed from all but the superior, during the twelve or thirteen years she had been an inmate of the convent.

Apparently satisfied that her patient slept, she approached him, and uttering a short ejaculation, while she raised her fine eyes heavenward, she laid a finger lightly upon his temple.

" He is better! thank thee Heaven, and sweet Mary, mother ! His sleep is calm, and he is njuch —much better !" and as she spoke luw, her voice, although saddened in its tones, was silvery. «

Its effect upon the chief, was extraordinary ; and although he raised not his eyes, nor moved, his heart beat wildly, and the veins upon his temple leaped to her touch. Yet, with a strong effort, anxious to know more of his mysterious visiter, and wondering at the strange effect of her voice upon him, he remained apparently asleep. Still retaining her hand upon his temple, she continued :—" His sleep is yet unquiet. Our blessed Saviour grant him life for repentance !" she said fervently. *

" She knows me !" thought he. " Strange that she should take such interest in me, then.— Those silvery accents ! where have I heard them before ? Why do they move me so ? I must solve this mystery."

" I thank thee, sweet Mother of Heaven, for this favour !" she continued ; " I may yet be the instrument in thy hands for good to tKis wanderer ! Forgive me, Holy Mary—I tliought I had bid adieu to all worldly emotion—and yet I should have betrayed my feelings to all around me in the hall, when I recognized his features, so like his father's, had I not hastened to my cell to give vent to my feelings in tears. Sinful ! sinful, I have been ! Resentment and pity have been struggling the past hour within this bosom, that should be dead to all earthly excitement. Pity me. Heaven ! I will err no more ! But, oh ! what a history of buried recollections has the sight of him revived ! I thought I had shut out the world for ever; but no, no! with him before me, I live again in it! Its scenes are present with me ; and when I gaze on this working brow—these features, which many years have changed, but whose familiar expression still lives—how can I be all at once the calm, impassioned nun ! I sin whilst I speak! I know I am sinning ! but pity my weakness, Mary ! Thou hast been human, and a looman f and thou canst sympathize—but oh ! censure not! In-

dulge me in this moment of human failing, and I will then give back my whole heart and soul to thee I", .

And as she spoke, she lifted her angelic countenance upward, clasped the cross she wore, and pressed it to her lips. At this moment, Lafitte opened his eyes, and, while every word she uttered, glowed in his bosom like a pleasant memory of half-forgotten things—of mingled bhss and woe—for the first lime he had a glimpse at her features—

" Great God ! Gertrude !" he exclaimed, springing from the couch and clasping her uplifted hands in his own—" Gertrude ! speak—Is it you ?—my cousin ?"

" It is, Achille ! Gertrude—and none other !" she said, while the rich blood mounted to her pale cheeks, at the sudden movement and ardent manner of her cousin.

" Can I believe?" he said, gazing fondly, while he still held her hands. " Yet, still it must be—and why here—in this garb ? were you not the bride of ?"

"Of Heaven alone, cousin!" she said, interrupting his impetuous interrogations.

" Where then is—but how came you here ?—I know—alas I know it all—all!" he added bitterly, striking his forehead with his clenched hand, and falling back upon the pillow, as she covered her pale face with her hands in tearful silence: " I know all! This hand has made you thus !" and burying his face in the curtain of his couch, his chest heaved, and he sobbed audibly and with great agitation.

Gertrude was deeply affected by his emotion.

The discovery of her cousin among the wounded, had broken up a life of repose, which she had chosen after the crime and flight of her cousin. Even when giving preference to his brother, who had won her by those gentle means, which, rather than pas-

sionate appeals—when the female heart is the prize —assures victory, there existed in her bosom, a partiality for, or rather friendly feeling towards Achille, his own impetuosity of character rendered him incapable of profiting by. He desired to be loved at once, and for himself, scorning to seek, by assiduous attention, smiles and favours which could not become his own at the mere expression of his wish to possess them.

In love, as well as in other pursuits which engage men, it is labour which must ever conquer. To the contempt by the one, and the adoption by the other, of this maxim, in relation to a young heart as yet neutral in its partialities, is to be, perhaps, attributed the success of Henri, and the failure of his brother.

" Calm your emotion, cousin ; I forgive you all that through heaven you have caused me to suffer!" she said, taking his unresisting hand.

Lafitte spoke not, and for a few moments, he seemed to be suffering under the acutest mental torments.

" You have—indeed you have my forgiveness !" she repeated with earnestness ; "but it is not to me you must look for forgiveness, Achille. It is not me you have injured or sinned against !"

" My brother! my poor—poor brother!" h© groaned.

"Not Henri alone. Heaven," she said with fervour, " awaits your contrition and repentance, Achille!"

" Heaven !" he repeated, as though he knew not that he spoke aloud. " I know it. 1 do repent and sue its mercy ! But my brother! my innocent murdered brother?" he interrogated, rising and grasping her arm.

"Nay, Achille, you are not so guilty in act as you imagine ! Henri survived the wound."

" Survives ! Henri lives ! Lives ! did you say-^-speak, tell me quickly ! oh heavenly tidings ! Angel of mercy ! Speak, tell me, oh tell me my brother lives !" he reiterated, with almost insane animation ; while a strange lire filled his eyes, as, sitting upright, with both hands grasping her sholders, he fixed them upon her face.

" Say that he lives ! that he lives ! lives !"

"He does, Achille; calm yourself, he lives, and you may yet meet him."

" Oh ! God—lives—meet again !" he faintly articulated , " Oh! I could die, with those sweet words dwelling upon my ear!"

" He recovered and went to France," she said, after a few moments mutual silence, "the day after my arrival in this city to seclude myself, the ill-fated cause of all your quarrel, for ever from the world."

" Heaven is good—too kind !" " You say he died not! Oh, speak it again !—once more let me hear the sweet assurance."

" He died not by your hand !"

" It is enough, enoughP"* he said, and sunk back like a child, overpowered by the strong excitement, weakened as he still was, he had passed through.

In a few moments he resumed his self-possession, and addressed Gertrude more calmly.

" Where .went he, cousin ?"

"To France. Since then, shut out from the world, I have sought to forget it, and have nov heard from him."

" VV^iy married you him not ?"

"As an atonement—the only atonement I could make, for the mischief of which I was the unintentional cause—I renounced all worldly hopes and became the bride of the church."

" And I have made you thus !" he said sadly ; " but I thank you, thank you for your tidings. This

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is too much happiness ! I will seek my brother out, and at his feet atone for the wrongs 1 did him. Poor, gentle boy! I loved him, Gertrude, and would not have slain him.—No, no !" he added, quickly, and laughed wildly—"ha! ha! ha!—You tell me he did not die— he lives ! God of heaven ! I thank thee! I am not my brother's murderer !"

With his spirit subdued, and his heart full of gratitude, he hid his face in the folds of his cousin's mantilla, and wept aloud.

She would not interrupt him, by addressing him ; but silently kneeled beside his couch, and with all the devotions of a woman's piety, put up a prayer to heaven, for the spititual welfare of the softened being before hpr. With holy fervor, like a seraph supplicating, she souglit pardon for his errors, and prayed that the spirit of penitence would embrace that moment to act upon his heart and renew him with a right spirit. Every word of the lovely and devout petitioner fell soothingly, like the pleading of an angel, upon his heart, and before she concluded her holy petition, his heart was melted, and with the quiet humility of a child, he joined his voice with hers, in responding " Amen !"

The nun rose from her kneeling posture, and la-king the hand of her cousin, said with as calm a \oice and manner as she could assume—

" Cousin, I must leave you now. I have too long held stolen intercourse with you; but Heaven 1 hope will forgive me if I have erred. We must now part. You leave our convent to-morrow, and from this time we meet no more—till—we meet I hope in heaven !" and her soft blue eyes beamed with celestial intelligence, as she raised them to her future home.

"God forbid we should part thus! Gertrude! cousin ! bid not adieu ! leave me not. Oh, God ! how lonelv and utterly lost I shall be without you !"

*' Na}^, cousin. I cannot slay ; I must go !" she added firmly—" I must go now !" May God, who is ever ready to meet the returning penitent, forgive your past life, and guide you in the new path you have chosen, and for which you have already shed your blood !"

'* You kr.ow me and my life, then ?" he inquired eagerly.

" I know you now, as my cousin Achille, a reclaimed, penitent son of the' church. You have borne a name I wish not to utter!"

" Lafitte ?"

" The same," she replied, mournfully.

''Vv^hy, then, cared you for me?"

'• That I might do you good."

" No one in the convent has recognized or identified me as Lafitte ; how did you ?

" The youth"—

" Theodore ?"

" That is his name, I believe. He has told me all."

*^ And yet, you can come and see, and talk with me i Ah ! kind, good Gertrude ! how much 1 have injured you ! and yet you can forget it and forgive It all. Sweet woman ! thou art indeed earth's angel!"

"Now, farewell, Achille. Christianity teaches us both to forget and forgive," she said, with humility. " It is our religion, not me, 3'ou should admire. We will meet in heaven."

'• Oh ! go not yet—stay but for a moment !" he said, risincr, and following her. " ]\Iay I not see you again ?"

" Not on Earth, Achille. I am betrothed to Heaven !" she said, with dignity united w^ith humility, in her voice and manner.

Lafitte held her hand for a moment in silence,

while bis features were agitated by many confiict-ing emotions.

Suddenly, he spoke and said, with energy—

" Gertrude ! listen to me ! this interview has decided my fate. I hare wronged you; I would cheerfully lay down my life to atone for it; but with the will of heaven, T will work out a more befitting atonement. My brother—thank God, that he lives—I have injured deeply, deeply ! I will seek him out, if he is yet a living man, and obtain his forgiveness for my crime. Then, having made restitution to those I have wronged, as far as lies in my power, I will devote the remainder of my life to penance and prayer. Oh ! I have sinned—grievously sinned!

" Yet there is pardon for the guiltiest, cousin !" she replied, with timid firmness.

" I know it—it is in that I trust," he answered with animation.

" May the Blessed Virgin, grant you life to accomplish your holy purposes," she said, while her face glowed with devotion. '' Achille—cousin ! I must now bid you farewell."

*' But, the old man, my father ?" inquired he, with sudden eagerness, as memory, though slowly, faithful to her task, brought up the past scenes of his early life—

" Lives he ?"

The heavy gate in front of the convent, at that moment opened, with a startling sound, and she replied hastily—" I know not, Achille. Your father— my beloved uncle, and Henri, after accompanying mc to this city, departed the next day for France. From neither have J heard since. He did speak of leaving Henri in France, and visiting his estate near Martinique. He may now reside there. O ! what a tide of feeling—of sorrow !" she said, while

her voice liembled with emotion, '* sorrow long sealed up in my heart, have you called forth! Oh ! I must be more than human, not to feel—Farewell! God and heaven bless you!"

Once more pressing his hand, while tears told that nature would hold her empire even within the strong walls and gloomy cloisters of a convent, she hastily glided to the farthest extremity of the hall, and swiftly ascending the broad winding staircase dimly lighted by a lamp, suspended in the hall beneath, she disappeared from his eager gaze.

His first impulse was to pursue her, though his purpose, he himself could not have defined. This determination he however abandoned, as he heard the tramp of men bearing a litter up the avenue ; when they entered the hall, he had resumed his original recumbent position on the couch, where wakeful, and his brain teeming with busy thoughts, in deep melancholly, he passed the remaininghours of the night.

In those hours of reflection, he lived over again, his whole life. With how much sorrow for crime —how much remorse, was that retrospection filled ! He sunk to sleep as the morning broke, after hav* ing resolved, and fortified his resolutions by an appeal to Heaven, that he would restore, so far as lay in his power, the wealth he had taken from others ; although to collect it, h^ knew he must sail to his different places of rendezvous. This accomplished, he determined that he would seek out his brother, obtain forgiveness for the injuries he had done him, and then, in the seclusion of a monastery, bury himself from the world, and devote the remainder of his life ^0 acts of beneficence and piety,




" He left a corsair's name to other times."

" How speed the outlaws ? stand they well prepared, Their plundered wealth, and robber's rock to guard ? Dreamed they of this, our preparation, ?"

" And Lara sleeps not where his fathers slept."




" Formerly, the influence of Obeah priestesses was very great over the negroes. Hundreds have died from the mere terror of being under the ban of Obeah. This is evidently a practise of oriental origin. Its influence over the negroes some twent}^ or thirty years ago, was almost incredible. The fetish, is the African divinity, invoked by the negroes in the practice of Obeah."

Madden's West Indies,


The events connected with our romance, naturally divide themselves into several distinct parts, which we have denominated books. Pursuing this division, we now open our fifth and last book, which, like the last act of a drama, contains the key to unlock all the mysteries of the preceding the sagacious reader has not already anticipated, dissipating the darkness, and shedding the sunsiiine of an unveiled denouement over the whole.

The evening of the day on which Count D'Oyley and the fair Castillian, with whom he had escaped from the rendezvous of the buccaneer after a warm pursuit on the part of Lafitte, were taken up by his own frigate, Le Sultan, in the channel of St. Marc's —a stalely ship arrayed in the apparel of war, sailed, with majestic motion, into the bay of Gon-zaves.

- The flag of France waved over her quarter deck, and a lon^ tier of guns bristled from each side. Her course vi^as directly for the narrow pass between the two parallel ridges of rocks, which formed a communication from the sea, with the pirate's grot'o An hour after she hove in sight at the southward, she had breasted the pass, and anchored ^n deep water, within a few fathoms of the outermost rock terminating the passage.

On gaining the deck of his frigate, the count, after attending to the comfort of the wearied Constan-za, had hastily replied to the questions of his astonished officer ; and informing them of his separation from the tender, which had not been heard of, he briefly recounted his adventures, and then issued orders for proceeding directly to the cavern, and demolishing the rendezvous of the pirates, by spiking their guns and otherwise rendering it untenable as a foitified place. It was the frigate, Le Sultan, we have seen drop her anchor the same evening, abreast of the cavern.

The setting sun flung his red beams across the level waters of the bay, and the winds were dying away with the fading of the sun-light, as Constanza —the crimson rays of the sun tinging her brow wilh a rich glow—leaned from the cabin window, and with a calm and thoughtful countenance, gazed upon the evening sky, its purple palaces of clouds— its winged creatures, and its mountains of gold and emerald. Her dreams—for although her eyes were fixed upon the gorgeous west, she Avas wrapped in a dreamy reverie of the past—were of her happy childhood—her paternal home near the imperial cily of Montezuma—her aged father—his death, and the various scenes through which she had passed. The character of Lafltte—his crimes and his virtues, ixnd ihc kiiiJncss arid nolle nature of Theodore ; her capture and escape, all floated through

her mind, invested with their pecuUar associations.

" And am I at last happy ?" she said, half inquiringly. " Oh ! that my poor father were here to share my happiness ! Can it be true that this is not a dream ? Am I indeed free, and is D'Oyley indeed here ?"

" Here ! my sweet Con stanza, and folding you in his arms;" said the count, who had entered the' state room unperceived, " here ! to make you happy, and terminate your sufferings." Constanza leaned her cheek upon his shoulder, and with one arm encircling his neck, looked up into his face with the artless confidence of a child, while her features became radiant with joy. But she spoke not—her happiness was too great for utterance. For a few moments he lingered in this pure embrace, and then breathed into her ear :—

" When, dearest one, shall D'Oyley become your protector ? Tell me now, while I hold you thus !" and he clasped her closer to his heart.

She rephed not, and the rich blood mantled her brow, rivaling the crimson sun-glow which delicately suffused it. Her lips moved inaudibly, and her lover felt the small hand he held, tremble like an imprisoned dove within his own.

" Say, Constanza, my love ! this evening shall it be ? shall the chaplain of the frigate unite us this very hour? Refuse me iiot this request!" he con-tmued ardently.

She pressed his hand, and looked up into his face wnth her large black eyes full of confidence and love, .whose eloquent expression spoke a deeper and more befitting language than words could convey.

" Bless you, my sweet angel!" he exclaimed, reading with a lover's skill the language of her speaking eyes; and their lips were united in that pure, first kiss of love, whose raptures to mortals

wedded or betrothed—if minstrels tell us truly—is never knowii but once.

The count ascended to the deck to complete the preparations for liis expedition against the rock. From his knowledge of the pass and mode of access to the cave, he determined to conduct the expedition himself,

II was his intention merely to proceed -to the-cavern, and leaving his men under the 'command of one of his lieutenants, return to the frigate and be united to the fair maiden, whom from her childhood, when he first saw her, the pride of her father's eye, and the idol of his household, while on a diplomatic mission to Mexico, he had admired, whilst her image lived, fondly cherished, in his memory. In after years, when the old Castilian became an exile, he sought him out in his retired villa in Jamaica. But a few weeks before it was attacked by the pirates, he had renewed that admiiration, which a few days beneath the same roof with the fair girl, ripened into love. For a few short Aveeks he left her for the purpose of cruising in the neighborhood of Carthagena, to return, and find the villa a scene of desolation, the venerable parent lying a corpse in his own house, which was filled with armed soldiery, and the daughter, his beloved Constanza, carried off, no one could tell whither, by the daring buccaneer.

In one hour more, their scenes of danger and trial passed, they hoped for ever, he was to fold licrjo his heart, his wedded bride! This hope filled-his bosom with ecstacy, as with an elastic step and joyous eye he ascended to the deck.

The boats were already along side and manned ; and delaying a moment, to repeal his instructions to the chaplain in relation to the approaching ceremony, y.nd conuncndinir Constanza to the watchful atten-

tion of young Montville, he entered the cabin once inore, to en:ibrace her and assure her of his speedy return.

" Why must you go, dearest D'Oyley ?" she inquired pleadingly, "1 cannot trust you in that fearful cave again."

" I shall not sta}^ my love; I alone can conduct the expedition, which ihe safety of these seas renders it necessary should be undertaken."

" But you will quickly return ?" she inquired, detaining him.

"Before Venus hovering in the rosy west," he said, pointing to that lowly planet^ shining low in the western sky like a lesser moon, " shall wet her silver slipper in the sea, will I return to you."

The next moment, he was standing in the stern of the boat, which, propelled by twelve oars, moved steadily and swiftly up the rocky passage to the cave.

About a quarter of a mile to the south of the grotto occupied by th.e buccaneers, extended from the cliff a narrow tongue of land, strewn with loose gigantic rocks. This tongue, connected by rocks and sand bars, with one of the parallel ridges confining the passage from the sea to the cave, formed the southern and eastern boundary of the basin, or lagoon, often before alluded to. Near its junction with the rocks of the pass, it spread out into a level flat, covered with long grass. It was half buried at noon day in shadow, cast by the rocks which overhung it on every side, but that opening to the water. In this direction the sea was visible through a narrow gap, a few yards in width.

In the back part of this area, whose surface was rather less than an acre and a half, hid by a projecting rock, which formed its roof, stood a rude hut made of cane branches and bamboo leaves interlaid. A single door facing the sea, was the only

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aperture in the rude habitation, which, a wreath of blue smoke curling up its face indicated it to be. The sun justsettuig, reddened with his fiery beams the hideous features of an old decrepid hag, with a sunken eye full of malignity, toothless jaws, grizzly wool, long and tangled, and squallid figure bent nearly double with age and infirmity. It was Oula, and the rude liut, her habitation.

She was an aged African sybil, a degenerate priestess of the terrible deity, fetish or the Obeah. Thiough her incantations, charms, amulets and prophecies, besides her skill in foretelling evil tidings, and her accuracy in giving the fortunes of her deluded votaries, which were usually of her own hue, her name was widely extended.

Occasionally there would be some of a paler complexion from among the buccaneers, from time to time resorting to the grotto, who sometimes honoured her art by seeking of her knowledge of their future destinies.

As she squatted in the door of her hut, her eye was fixed upon the advancing frigate, though she watched its approach with apparent indiflerence. As the ship lessening her sail, finally dropped her anchor within half a mile of her wild abode, her features gave indication of interest.

" Quacha !" she called in a low harsh voice, as the ship swung to her anchor.

At the sound of her voice, a little deformed negro, whose size indicated extreme youth, but whose large features, and the lines of sagacity and cunning drawn in his face, showed that he had seen many years, perhaps one-third of the number his mother, for in this relation she stood to him, herself counted, stood before her. His head was large, and covered with long, strait, shaggy hair, which fell in thick masses over his eyes. It was the head of an

adult, placed upon the shrivelled body of a sickly child.

" Hoh, mummy!" he replied, as he emerged from the hut where he hid been lying, with his head among the ashes, wiih which he was cooking their evening meal.

" Did you sa' dat Spanis' Martinez, come down in boat' day, Hugh ?" she inquired, without turning her head.

'' 'Es or mum."

" Wdt I teU'er 'bout nebber call me ol', you deb-bles' brat," she said, in a loud angry voice, and aim-ino" a blow at his bead, with a long staff she lield in her hand, which he from much practice, dexterously evaded, and improving his phraseology, replied—

" 'Es, mummy."

" Wat he come for, Quacha ?"

" Quacha don't know, mummy. He sa' he-come see de ol' Obi."

"Or Obi! he say dat?" she said, muttering; "I'll ol' Obi him, wit his black Spannis fas."

" Hoh ! here he come hesef, mummy," exclaimed the hope and promise of the old beldame ; and the athletic, finely moulded figure of the young Spaniard emerged from a path, which, winding among the rocks, led to the main land, and stood before them.

" Good even to you, Oula," he said, with an air in which superstitious reverence struggled with incredulity and an inclination to jest with the mysterious being, whose supernatural aid he sought.

" Oula is't, an' god een," she growled. " Well, that's belter nor ol' Obi," she said, without turning her eyes from the frigate. *' You needn't 'spose any thing's hid from Oula. Wat for is she Obi, if not to know ebery ting."

*' Now be at peace, Oula, and harm me not with

Obeah," he said, soothingly. " I meant not to anger you. Listen ! do you know the music of this gold ?" he asked, shaking several gold pieces in his hand—" I have brought it to give you, Oula."

The eyes of the negress sparkled as she stretched forth her bony arm, to grasp the coin, which he resigned to her greedy chitch.

" Wat want for dese, Martinez? Sail Oula Obi you en'my, show you de prize-ship, or find de while breast buckra missy for you," she said, as slowly and carefully she told the money from one hand into the other.

The Spaniard approached her, and said, with emphasis—" The last, Oula ! Serve me, and you shall have five times the coin you clasp so tigiitly there."

" Come in, come in, Martinez," said she, rising upon her staff, and hobbling into the hut. Obi can do nothui' wid de fire-stars, looking down so bright."

With a paler brow anti faltering step, he entered the gloomy hut, half filled with smoke, and hot and fillliy, from the fumes of tobacco, and nauseous herbs, drying in the chimney, which was built of loose stones.

Closing the door, after commanding Quacha to stay without and watch against intrusion, she pointed Martinez to a seat upon a fragment of rock, and bidding hrni turn his back and preserve the strictest silence till she spoke, she commenced her mysterious preparations.

Baring her shrivelled arms and scraggy neck, she passed her long fingers through her tangled hair till it stood out from her head like the quills of a porcupine. Then taking from a box by the fireplace, a tiara, or head-dress, formed of innumerable stuffed water-snakes, curiously interwoven, so that their heads were all turned outward, forming in the eye of her credulous devotee, a formidable and ter-

rific coronet for the sorceress, she placed it upon her dislirivelled locks—a second Medusa.

From the same repository which used to con-lain her materials for practisincr Obeah, she drew forth a necklace, strung wiili the claws and teeth of cats, the fangs of serpents and the teeth of hanged men, which, with great solemnity of manner, she passed three limes around her neck. To this, she suspended a lillle red bag, filled with grave dirt, and tied up with the hair of a murdered woman. Bracelets, of similar materials of the necklace, with the addition of the beak of a parrot, which had been taught to speak the thiee magic names of Fetish, ornamented her arms. Er.circling her waist with an enormous green and black serpent, she tied it by the head and tail, leaving them to dangle before her.

Then oiling her face, arms, neck, and breast, she dipped her finger into a basin of water which stood upon the box, muttering mean while, words unintelligible to the Spaniard. Taking an iron pot, she placed it, with great solemnuy, in the back part of the hut, leaving room to pass between it and the wall.

These preparations completed with great show of ceremony, she took from a branch upon which it lay, a long slender human bone, and stirred the fire with its charred end. Laying this aside, she took from the same place, a skeleton hand, the joints retained in their places by wires, with which she took up a live coal, and placed it under the pot. After several coals were transferred from the fire place, in this manner, she got down upon her knees, before the fire, she had thus kindled under the pot, and began to blow it until it blazed.

Then rising and hobbling to the fire-place, she slipped a slide which had once belonged to a binnacle case, and reaching her hand into the cavity, drew


forth from its roost a snow white cock, fat, and unwieldy, fro«i long, and careful keeping.

This bird, held sacred in all Obeah rites, the old sorceress placed over the coals, upon a roost which she had constructed of three human bones, two placed upright, and one laid on them horizontally.

These mysterious preparations completed, she walked three times round the cauldron, working, as she moved, her features into the most passionate contortions, so that when she slopped on completing her round, her face was more demoniac than human in its aspect and expression. In a shrill, startling voice she then addressd her votary.

"Rise, huckra, look; no speak !"

The Spaniard had witnessed with feelings of dismay which he could not subdue, all the ominous preparations we have described, reflected in a small broken mirror which he was made purposely by her to face, that by its imperfect representation the reality might be exaggerated by her visiters, and their fears acted upon, better to prepare them for her purpose.

As she spoke, he stood up and turned with a wild look, while his hand voluntarily grasped the hilt of his cutlass. The distorted features of the beldam, and her strange ornaments and appalling preparations met his superstitious eye. She allowed him to survey the scene before him for a moment, and then commenced chanting in rude improvisatore :

" Now tell huckra, wat dat you Ax of Fetish for you do? If you b'lieve dat Fetish know Ebery ting abub, below— Den you hub all dat you seek, Walk dree times roun', den buckra speak."

Seizing his passive hand as she addressed him, she leaped with almost supernatural activity three times around the pot, drawing him after her with reluc-

tant steps, yet fearing to hold back. The third time she paused, and taking an earthen vessel from the box, she commenced dancing round the fire, commanding him to foUow, dropping as she whirled, something she took from it into the iron vessel, the while chanting in a rude measure ;—

"Here de unborn baby heart,

Fetisli lub dis much ! Here de hair from off de cat

Dat knaw de nails,

Eat out de eyes,

Dat drink de blood

Ob dead man. Here de poison for de friend ?

Fetish lub dis too ! Here de trouble for de foe ! Here de egg ob poison snake— Here de head ob speckle cock— Here de blood, and here de dirt

From de coffin, from de grave

Of murdered 'ooman an' her babe."

Then followed some unintelligible incantation, in a languacre unknown to the {Spaniard, and still grasping both of his hands, she whirled with him around the cauldron. Suddenly stopping, after many rapid revolutions during which her body writhed in convulsions, while the astonished and paralyzed victim of his own superstition, yielded passively to the strange rites in which he was now an unwilling actor, she acrain commenced her monotonous chant, in the same wild and shrill tone of voice :

" Now de blood from near de heart. Perfect make de Obeah art ; Buckra's wish will dei: be grant, An' Fetish gib him dat he want."

*' What mean you, Oula ?'^ he inquired, as the Obeah priestess drew a long knife from her girdle and held the earthen vessel in the other hand. She replied, while her eyes darkened with malignity and her features grew more haggard and hideous i

" After buckra tell his wish, Den his blood nius' till (lis dish ; Middle linger—middle vein, Blood from dat will gib no pain— In de kittle it shall mix, Wid hangman's bones for stirring sticks ! Now buckra Spaniard, wat's dy wilH Speak ! dy wis' to Oula, tell."

And she fixed her eyes, before whose strange expression his own quailed, full upon her votary.

The Spaniard, who had sought her in the full belief of her supernatural powers, to solicit her aid in the accomplishment of his object, was wholly unprepared for the scenes—of magnitude, to one of his tone of mind—which he had passed through. It was several moments before he recovered his self-possession, and then an impulse to withdraw his application, rather than pursue his object, influenced him. But after a moment's reflection, and recollection of the object he sought in this visit to her, he summoned resolution, and replied with a hoarse voice, while he looked about him suspiciously, as if fearful of being overheard,

" Oula, there is a maiden beautiful as the moon! I love her—but she would scorn me if I wooed her, and she is also betrothed to another. He was my prisoner—I brought him to this island and imprisoned him to await our captain's arrival. The next day, befoie my vessel sailed again, she was brought in a prisoner. I bribed my captain, and lingered behind in disguise, that I might see her, of wliorn I had heard so much. I at length had a glimpse of her from the opening in the top of the cave, and when I saw her—I loved her.

" Loved her to marry, Martinez ?" she said, with an ironical grin.

" I said not so," replied the Spaniard, quickly.

" I loved her with a burning passion. I sought to gain the part of the grotto she occupied, and arranged nay plan; but Lafifte returned, and the next day I would have effected it, but they the last night escaped, she and her lover, and I have all the day been planning son?ie way to obtain her. This evening as I was sitting by the cave, cursing my fate and thinking perhaps 1 should never see her more^ yonder frigate hove in sight. I took a glass and watched her until she dropped her anchor—and whom think you I saw upon her deck ?"

" The buckra lady ?"

" The same—I knew her by her form and air. She leaned upon the arm of my late prisoner, who is, no doubt, commander of the ship."

" What you want done ?" she inquired, as he abruptly paused.

"1 would possess her," he replied warmly ; "now good Oula, fulfil your boasted promise," he added eagerly, as his dark eye flashed with hope and passion.

" It hard business—but Fetish he do ebery ting— you'bleive dat, buckra Martinez," she added, fixing her blood-shot and suspicious eye upon him.

" All, every thing, only give me power to accomplish my desires," he exclaimed, impatiently.

" Dat you sail hab," she replied, seizing his arm; " hoi you lef arm—dat next de heart's blood," she cried, chanting,

" Blood from heart,

Firs' mus' part, 'Fore Fetish Grant you wish.**

With revolting gestures, and brandishing her glistening knife, she danced around him, then fastening her long fingers upon his hand, she continued,

" From middle finger—middle vein, Blood must flow, you' end to gain."

When the Spaniard, after a struggle between apprehension and fear of failing in his object, and of danger to himself, made up his mind to go through the ordeal, though resolved to watch her so that she should inflict no severe wound upon his hand, the voice of the old beldam's son was heard at the door in altercation with some one in the possession of a voice no less discordant than his own.

The Obeah surprised in the middle of her orgies in a shrill angry voice, demanded the cause of this interruf)tion.

" Jt is Cudjoe, mummy—he want see ol' Obi, he sa'."

" Maldicho !" exclaimed the Spaniard, "it were as much as my head is worth for Lafitte's slave to find me here, when I should be at sea. " Is there no outlet?" he inquired, hastily.

" No—but here be de deep hole," she said, removing some branches and old clothing—this will hide you. He mus come in, or he brak in," she added, as Cudjoe's anxiety to enter grew more obvious by his loud demand for admittance, and his repeated heavy blows against the door.

The Spaniard, not in a situation to choose his place of concealment, let himself down into the hole, which formed her larder and store-room, and seating himself upon a cask, was immediately covered over with branches and blankets.

" What for such rackett, you Coromantee nigger —break in lone 'oomans house afer dark," she grumbled with much apparent displeasure, as taking a lighted brand in her hand, she unbarred the frail door.

At the sight of her strange attire and wild appearance, increased by the flame of the burning brand she held, alternately flashing redly upon her

person, and leaving it in obscurity, the slave drew back with an exclamation of terror. The old sorceress, who with a strange but common delusion, believed that she possessed tlie power for which the credulous gave her credit—having deceived others so long, that she ultimately deceived herself —enjoyed his surprise, feeling it a compliment to her art, and received character, as one of the terrible priestesses of Fetish.

" Hugh ! Coromantee," she said, " if you start dat away, at Oula, wat tinky you do, you see Fetish? What you want dis time?" she inquired, abruptly. " What for you no wid you massa Lafitle ?"

" Him sail way af'er de prisoners dat get way-las night, and leave Cudjoe sleep in de cave like a col' dead nigger, and know noffin."

" Gi me ! well what for you come 'sturb Oula— you no 'fraid she obi you ?"

" Oh Gar Armighly ! good Oula, nigger ! dont put de finger on me. Cudjoe come for Obi," exclaimed the slave in alarm.

" Obi can do nottin without music ob de gold," she said, mechanically extending her hand.

"Cudjoe know dat true well 'nuff," he replied, taking several coins of copper, silver, and gold, from the profound depth of his pocket, in which almost every article of small size missing in the vessel in which he sailed, always found a snug berth.

Giving her the money, which she counted wilh an air somewhat less satisfied than that she wore when telling the weightier coin of the Spaniard, she invited him into her hut.

Casting his eyes around the gloomy apartment with awe, he at last rested his gaze upon the white cock which still reposed upon his roost of human bones. Gradually, as he looked, and became more familiar with the gloom of the interior, his eye dilated with superstitious fear, and without removing it

from the sacred bird, he sunk first on one knee, then on the other, the while rapidly repeating some heathenish form of adjuration, and then fell prostrate, with his face to the damp earth.

For a moment, he remained in this attitude of worship, in which fear predominated over devotion, when the voice of Oula aroused him.

" Dat good—Obeah like dat. Now what you want Cudjoe ? be quick wid your word, coz I hab much bus'ness to do jus dis time."

" Cudjoe w^ant revenge ob hell !" replied the slave rising to his knees, his features at once changing to a fiendish expression, in faithful keeping with his wish.

" Bon Gui! Who harm you now, Coromantee ?" she inquired in a tone of sympathy, gratified at meeting a spirit and feelings kindred with her own.

" Debbie ! Who ?" he said fiercely, " more dan de fingers on dese two han'!"

" What dare name ?" she inquired. " Obeah mus' know de name."

Here the. slave, w^ho never forgave an insult elicited by his personal deformities, recapitulated the injuries he imagined he had suffered from this cause, while the old beldam gave a willing ear, forgetting in her participation of his feelings, her first visiter, who impatiently awaited the termination of this interview. And as he heard his own name in the catalogue of vengeance repeated by the slave, he muttered within his teeth, that ihe slave should rue the hour he sought the Obcah's skill.

" Gi me !" she exclaimed, as he ended. " All dese you want hab me gib obi ! Hugh ! what nice picking for de jonny crows dey make. But dare mus' be more gold. Hough! hoh! hoh!" she laughed, or rather croaked. " Gab me ! what plenty dead men ! Well, you be de good cus'omer, if you be de Coromantee nigger !"

" Will de obi be set for dem all ?" he impatiently inquired.

" Dare mus' be two tree tings done fus;you mus' take de fetish in de fus place," she said, going to her box and taking from it an ebony idol carved into many grotesque variations of the human form. "Here is de great Fetish," slie continued; "now put you right han' on de head ob dis white bird, while I hoi' dis felisli to you lips. Dare," she continued, as he tremblingly assumed the required position and manner, "dare, now swear you b'leve wat 1 speak—

Fetish he be black—debil he be white.

Sun he make for nigger,—for buckra is mak de night.

Now kiss de fetish," she said, as he repeated after her the form of an Obeah oath, administered only to those of her own race and religion. One or two other similar ceremonies were performed, when she suddenly exclaimed, "Darelhab it—how de debble, no tink sooner ?"

" Coromanlee," she said abruptly—"dare is one ting more mus' be done, or Fetish do noffin' and Obeah no be good."

The slave looked at her inquiringly, and she continued : " Dare mus' be de blood from de heart ob a white breas' lady, to dip de wing ob de white bird in. You mus' get de lady ; she mus' be young, hab black eye, an' nebber hab de husban'. Do dis, an' vou sail hab you wish." '

The slave's countenance fell, as he heard the announcement suggested by her practised subtlety.

" Dare was a while lady," he replied, " in de schooner, but she gone—oh gar ! it take debble time to do dis ;" he said whh an air of disappointment. "Mus' de great Fetish hab one ?" he inquired anxiously.

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" He mus', he do noffin widout;" she rephed determinedly.

The slave stood lamenting the loss of his anticipated revenge, when she inquired if he saw the frigate that dropped her anchor half an hour before, off the pass. On his replying in the affirmative, she said, " dare is a lady board dat ship, may serve de purpose. As de ship was swung roun', 1 see her in de window on de stern."

The eyes of the slave lighted up at this intelligence.

*' Wat frigate is dat Oula ?"

" I don' know," she replied ; fearing if the slave knew the lady to be the Castillian his master had protected, he would decline the enterprise upon which she was about sending him.

" No matter 'bout de ship," she replied, " de lady dare. De stern lie close to de rocks ; you can go out to de end ob de passage, and den swim under de stern—climb up de rudder, or some way into de window an' take her off before dey can catch you in de dark. You hear dis—now wat you say ?"

The slave, without replying, darted through the door, and before the old woman could gain the outside, to warn him to be cautious, his retreating form, as he ran rapidly along the rocky ridge in the direction of the frigate, was lost to her eye.


" The dissimulation and cunning of those practising Obeah, is incredible. The Africans have an opinion that insanity and supernatural inspiration are combined, and commonly, knaves and lunatics are the persons who play the parts of sorcerers or sorceresses. Instances are on record where they have fallen victims to the revenge of votaries, when their Obeah failed in its eflfects, or did injury."