
French Bookseller



THE Mnnufcri^t of this Journal haf mug to fa^ into my Hands^ and having jbervn it to fome Perjons well vers'^d in thej'e Afairs^ they were of Opinion it deferv'^d to be printed ; efpecially at this Time^ when Travels are fo much in Requeft^ and in Regard this is now feafonahUy on Account of the Defeription ^ it gives of the famous River Miflifipi and of ■y the Country (?/Louifiana, where it is intended ' to make great Settlements, Befides^ this Re^ jlation is uncommon^ curious and ingagingy f^hoth in Regard to the Honour and Advan^

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tdge ef the Nation^ for as much as it contains the Attempts and the bold and glorious Undertakings of our French Adventurers^ who not fatisfed^ like otherSy with difcovering the Borders and Coafls of unknown Countries, proceed to penetrate into the Inland, through a thoufand Dangers and Hazards of their Lives, Is tt not very commendable in them, to make us fully acquainted with that great remaining Fart of the World, which for fo many Ages continued unknown to our Forefathers, till about two hundred Tears ago Chrirtopher Columbus difcover^d it, and AmtncMS Vefpu-fius going over foon ^fer, gave it his Name^ caufwg it to hecaUd Ameriea ? Oneofthofe whom I defired to perufe this Manufcript, has a, little polifb^d it, purfuant to-thq Orders I receiv'*d-y and he having been a eonfiderable Traveller, was a proper Perfon to judge of and put it into a Drefsft to appear in publicL The Letter he writ to me,being not only infiruBive^ in Relation to the journal, but ofUfe as a. curious Supplement to it, I thought the in-ftrting of it would be acceptable. It is as follows.


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I Return you your Manufcrlpt ; the Reading of it has reviv'd the Satisfa-6lion I once took in my Travels; it has oblig'd me to read over again thofe of feveral Perfons, who have writ of Cam-da, and carry'd me in Imagination through thpfe vaft, barbarous and unknown Countries, with much more Eafe and lefs Danger than was done by the Hero of this Relation. He certainly deferves that honourable Title, and having read his Adventures, I could not forbear faying witli the Poet

IB robur & ^s triviex Circa Pe^u^ erat.

For what an extraordinary Strength, what a Vigour of Body and Mind was re-quifite for him to projed, to undertake and to go thro' with fo unufual, fo bold and fo difficult an Enterprize. A Difco-very of above eight hundred Leagues of barbarous and unknown Countries, without any beaten Roads, without Towns, and without any of thofe Conveniencies, which render Travelling more eafy in all B ^ oth&r


other Parts. All the Land-Garriage is re-duc'd to walking afoot; being often without any other Shoes but a Piece of a Bullock's Hide wrapp'd about the Fqqz ;. carrying a Firelock^ a Snapfack, Tools and ibme Commodities to barter with the Natives. It is true that accidentally and but very rarely a Horfe is found to help out a little.

If they muft venture upon the Water, there are only fome wretched Canoes, made either of the Barks of Trees or of Bullocks Hides, and thofe they muft often carry or drag along the Land, when the Falls of the Rivers obftruQ making ufe of them. All the Bed is lying on the bare Ground, expofed to the Inclemencies of the Air, to be devour'd by Alligators and bit by Rattle Snakes ; without Bread, Wine, Salt and all other Comforts of Life, and this for fome Years. The Diet altogether confifts in a poor Pap or Hafty-Pud-ding made of the Meal of Indian Corn, Fi'n half broil'd or ill boil'd, and fome Beef or wild Goats Flefh, dry'd in the Air and Smoke. Be/jdes, what a Trouble is it to invent Signs to be underftood by fo many feveral Nations, each of which has it's peculiar Language ? All this an Adventurer muft reiblve with himfelf to go through, who defigns to make Difcoveries in CamdA \ and it would be hard to believe


this, did not all thofe Who write of it ex-a£b}y agree in this Particular.

However that Country is good and pleafant, at leaft towards the South, which is what is here fpoken of. The Tern pa ra-ture of the Climate is admirable, the Soil excellent for Tillage, and it is extraordinary fertil in all Sorts of Grain and Fruit ; which appears by thofe the Land produces of it felf in great Plenty. The Hills and "Woods produce Timber for all Ufes and Fruit Trees, as well of cold as hot Countries. There are Vines which want but little Improvement; there are Sugar-Canes, large Meadows, and navigable Rivers full of Filh. It is true they are in-fefted with Alligators, but with a little Care they are to be avoided ; as may the Rattle-Snakes, which are extraordinary venomous, but never bite unlefs they aie hurt. There are thoufands of wild Bullocks, larger than ours, their Flefh good, and inftead of Hair, they have a Sort of curl'd Wool extraordinary fine. There are Abundance of Deer, wild Goats and all Sorts of wild Fowl, and more efpecialJy of Turkeys. As there are Poifons and Venoms, fo there are immediate and wonderful Antidotes.

We muft not look there for rich and

ftately Cities, or lofty Strudures, or any of

thofe Wonders of Archite6ture, or the Re-

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mains and ancient Monuments of the Vanity of great Men ; but we may there admire Nature in its beautiful Simplicity, as it came from the Hands of its Creator; without having been alter'd or depraved by Ambition or Art.

But is fo vaft and fo beautiful a Country only for Beafts, Birds and Fifties / O inconceiveable Wonder I There is an infinite Number of People, divided into Nations, living in Cottages made of the Barks of Trees, or cover'd with Reeds or Hides, when they are not abroad at War, or Hunting, or Fifhing, almofl: naked, without any other Bed but a Bullock's Hide, or any Houftiold-Stuff but a Pot or Kettle, an Axe and fome Platters made of Bark. They take their Surtenance, as it comes in their Way, and like the Beafts; they have no Care, do not value Wealth, fing, dance, fmoke, eat, fleep, hunt, fifti; are indepen-dant, make War, and when an Opportunity offers, take Revenge of any Injury in the moft cruel Manner they are able. Such is the Life of thofe Savages. Tho' there foe fome in the Southern Parts, not quite fo fiupid and brutal as thofe in the North, yet they are both Savages, who think of Nothing but what is prefent, love Nothing but what is obvious to the Senfes, incapable of comprehending any Thing .'that is Spiritual 3 fharp and ingenious ia


what is for their own Advantage, without any Senfe of Honour or Humanity ; horribly cruel, perfectly united among them-felves to their Nation and their Allies; but revengeful and mercilefs towards their E-nemies. To conclude, their Shape, tho' hideous, fliews they are Men ; but their Genius and Manners render them like the worft of Beads.

A modern Author, who has liv'd in Canada^ and in other Refpefts has writ well enough, has perhas fancy'd, he might diftinguifli himfelf^ and be thought more -t^J-^""-underftanding than other Men in difcove- ^e3z?f/-" ring the Genius of thofe People, by afTign- 'otirfe ing more Ingenuity and Penetration to^J'J'^"^** the Savages, than is generally allow'd roherdnhe them. Hs fometimes makes them to argue V'^^^^l too ftrongly and too fubtilely againfl the ridiculous Myfteries of Chriftian Religion , and his Relation has given juft Occafion to fufpcct, that he is himfelf the Libertine and Talking Savage, to whom he has given the artful Malignity of his Notions and Arguments.

As for the Genius of the Savages, I am of Opinion, we ought to believe the Mif-fioners ; ior they are not lefs capable than other Men to difcover the Truth, and they have atleaif as much Probity to make ic known. It is likely, that they, who have for an hundred Years pall, wholly apply'd


[ vHi ]

themfelves, according to the Duty of their FuniEtion, to ftudy thofe poor Images of Meiij fliould not be acquainted with them ? Or would not their Confcience have check'd them, had they told a Lye in that Particular ? Now all the Miffion-ers agree, that allowing there are fome Barbarians lefs wickecj and brutal than the reft; yet there are none good, nor thoroughly capable of fuch Things as are above the Reach of our Senfes; and that whatfoever they are, there is no relying Itves^of ^" them ; there is always caufe to fufpeft Canada them, and in fhort, before a Savage can be hmuh made a Chriftian, it is requifite to make him a Man; and we look upon thofe Savages as Men, who have neither King nor Law, and what is moft deplorable, no God ', for if we rightly examine their Sentiments and their Aftions, it does not appear that they have any Sort of Religion, or well form'd Notion of a Deity. If fome of them, upon certain Occafions, do fometimes own a Firft or Sovereign Being, or do pay fome Veneration to the Sun. As to the firft Article, they deliver themfelves in fuch a contufe Manner, and with fo many Contradi£tions and Extravagancies, that it plainly appears, they neither know nor believe anythiag of it ; and as for the fecond, it is only a bare Cuftom, without any ferious Reflexion on their Parte


A miferable Nation, more void of the Light of Heaven, and even that of Nature, than fo many other Nations in the Eafi Indies^ who, tho' brutal and ftupid as to the Knowledge of the Deity, yet are not without fome Sortof Worfliip, and have their Hermits and Fakirs who endeavour by the Pradice of horrid Penances, to gain 'the Favour of that Godhead, and thereby fhew they have fome real Notion of it. Nothing of thit Sort is to be found among our American Savages, and in Conclufion, it may be faid of them in General, that they are a People without a God.

Our Frencht who are born in Canada, all of them well fhap'd, and Men ofSenfe and Worth, cannot endure to have their Savages thus run down. They affirm they are Uke other Men, and only want Education and being improv'd; but befides that we may believe they fay fo to fave the Honour of their Country, we advance nothing here but what is grounded on the Report of many able and worthy Perfons, who have writ of it, after being well in-form'd on the Spot. We are therefore apt to beUeve, that there is a Diftinttion to be made at prefent between two Sorts of Savages in Canada^ viz,, thofe who have been converfant among the Europeans for fixty or eighty Years paft» and the others who are daily difcover'd j and it is of the latter


that we fpeak here more particularly, and to whom we afTign all thofe odious and wretched Qualities of the Savages oiNorth America, ; for it is well known, that the firfl: Sort of them, as for Inftance, the Hu-^ons^ the Algonqutnsy the Iroquois^ the Ijli' mts and perhaps fome others are now pretty we'll civiliz'd, fo that their Reafon begins to clear up, and they may become ca^ pable of Inftrudlion.

Amazing and incomprehenfible, but at the fame Time adorable Difpofition of Divine Providence! We fee here a vaft Tra6l of the Earth, of an immenfe Extent, of a wonderful Soil for Tillage and Fertility in all Sorts of Fruit and Grain ; of an admirable Temperature as to the Air, which appears by the very numerous Inhabitants being fcarce fubje£l to any Difeafes, and in that theSeXjWhich among us isweak,is there jrrowg jFc- s^j.Qng an(^ Vigorous, bringing forth their Children with little or no Pain, and fuck-hng them amidft Labour and Fatigues, without any of thofe Miferies they are liable to in our Countries. Yet that vaft and beautiful Country, defcrib'd in this journal, fo much favour'd with Worldly Sleflings, has been for fo many Ages de-ifitute of the Heavenly.

The infinite Numbers of People inhabiting it are Men, and have fcarce any thing but the Shape; they are God's Creatures,


and do not fo much as know, much lefs ferve him. Thofe who have the Courage and Boldnefs to travell through the Countries of fuch Savages, and thofe who read the Relations of fuch Travellers, oughc to take Care how they make any rafh Re-flei^ions upon this Point, or pry too deeply into it; for they may chance to lofe themfelves in their Thoughts. The fhor-teft and the fafeft Courfe is, in fuch Cafes, to adore the inconceivable Profoundnefs of the Creator's Wifdom ; to give a Check to all our Enquiries and Curiofities, with the Apoftie's Exclamation, 0 the Depth of the Riches both of the Wifdom and t\jio\vledge of God ! Horv unfearchMe are his judgments and his Ways pafi fnding out ! And never ceafing to return Thanks to his Goodnefs, for having fo abundantly fupply'd us with his Light and Grace, to conjure him to impart the fame to thofe poor diftrefs'd J-mericanSySindthsLt he who isAlmighty,will of thofeStones makeChildren of Jhr^ham.Th'is all Chriftians are oblig'd inceffantly to pray for, becaufe as Brutifh and Stupid as chofeSavages are.they are ftill ourBrethren, fmce like us defcended from Jdam and Noah,

How much are we then oblig'd to thofe bold Travellers, who undertake new Dif-coveries, who to the Hazard of their Lives, at their own Expence, and with fuch extraordinary

traordlnary Toils, go to find out for m, not only numerous Objeds of our Curiofity and Admiration, which were before unknown to us, but who alfo difcover to us a numerous Kindred, which is not ever the lefs fuch> for having been fo long un* known to us. What if it bs brutal and indocible, it will be the more Meritorious to Labour at Civilizing of and making it capable of receiving the Lights of Reafon and of Faith. We can never fufficiently ex* prefs our Gratitude to thofe who apply themfelves to the making of new Difco-veries; the more Difficulties that attend them, the more we are beholding to thofe who undertake them. Suppofing that Avarice, Ambition, a reftlefs Temper, or a defperate Fortune, are very often the Occafionsof fuch Undertakings; yet God, who can draw Good out of Evil, makes all thofe Paflions fubfervient to his Glory, and the Salvation of his Ele6b, and if long Travels do not comrfionly make Saints of the Travellers, it is their own Fault* However, they at leaft prepare the Way to the Santlification of lb many Barbari* ans, beating a Road for the Miflioners, who go to inftrud thofe People. Thus all the World is beholden to them ; the Savages for the Knowledge of God that is procur'd them ; and we for finding by their Means an infinite Number of People


before unknown, who will join with us ki Serving and Glorifying the Creator oi the Univerfe.

Granting that the faid Travellers are not fometimes exaft, or agree among themfelves in their Relations, their De-fcriptions and their Maps; this muft be an unavoidable Fault in Difcoverers; but even that is advantageous to the Publick, for as much as their Succeffors are excited to examine thofe Points more ftridly, to corred, explain and afcertain thofe Mi-ftakes.

In acknowledgment therefore of the Service done us by thofe Illuftrious Adventurers and to make them fome Sort of Amends for their Sufferings, let us tranf-mit their Names to Poflerity in our Writings; let us applaud their Adlions when we read them, and let us commend their Relations. This here, moft certainly de-ferves to be read and commended, for it is Curious, Extraordinaiy and Tragical. It is alfo, as has been faid before, ingaging, at this Conjundure, when there is a Defign of making Settlements in thofe Countries; it mentions, the Confequence whereof maybe moft Honourable and Advantageous to the Nation. I'he Travel thro' that Country is one of tlie greateft and moft full of Difficulties that has been perform'd; the Relatioa of it beiag made by an Eye


"Witnefs, and in a natural, plain and particular Manner, deferves to be credited ; but being only a Journal, it is not capable of admitting of Ornaments or Embellifh-ments. The Reader will be pleas'd to excufe the Repetition of the fame Words in it, on Account of the ImpofTibility of doing otherwile, and will think it enough that the Barrennefs of the Narration is made Amends for by the Curiofity of the Sub-ije£ls. I am of Opinion the fmall Notes I have added will not be difpleafing, becaufe they explain fome Particulars, which are not very intelligible to fuch as are not us'd to read many Travels.

After having faid the Good and the Bad of this North America^ mentioning the Beauty and Excellency of its Climate and the Brutality of its People, and recited the infinite Hardfliips,thofe who defign to travel muft refolve to undergo, I am of O-pinion it will be proper to fay fomething of the late Monfieur deU Sale, who is the principal Ferfon, and as it were, the Hero of this Relation, tho' having been murder* ed by his own Men, he fell the unfortunate Vidim of the Difcovery here treated of. It is alfo convenient to make known what went before that, which is contain'd in this Journal, and the prefent happy Confequence of that fatal Enterprize.


Here follows what I have of my owrt particular Knowledge, and by what has been written. ,

Robert Cave/ier, commonly call'd jccoumof Monfieur ^? /^ Sale, a Native o^Roa^y Mavfieur of a good Family, having been educated ^^^^^aie in Piety and Learning, went over very young into CanadA and took Delight in Trade, but more in Projedls of new Dif-coveries up the Inland of thofe vaft Countries. Intending to fettle there and make that his Country, he purchafed an Habitation in the Illand oiMont-realy where has been built the fecond Town oiCana^ da^ fixty Leagues above Queheck^ which is the Capital, being alfo a Billioprick, and the Refidence of the Governor, the Intendant and the fupreme Council. There are but only thofe two Towns in the Country, befides fome Villages.They are both feated on the great River of St. X^//rf;?ff, which coming from the S. W". is form'd or increafed by the Waters of five prodigious frefli Water Lakes, running out one into another, and through them it paffes to run down to difcharge itfelf in the Ocean, at a very fpacious Mouth, making Way for the Ships that defign to penetrate into Capiada,

Many Difcoveries had been made to the Northward, before Moflfieur de U

Sale's Time; becaufe there being Plenty of very good Furs, the Traders o^Que-heck and Mom-realy by Means of the Adventurers call'd Wood-Men^ from their traveling thro' the "Woods, had penetrated very far up the Country that Way ; but none had advanced far towards the South or South-Weft, beyond Fort Frontemcy which is on the Lake Ontario^ the neareft this Way of the five great Lakes. However, upon the Report of the Natives^ it was fuppofed, that great and advantageous Difcoveries might be made. There had been much Talk of the rich Mines of St. Edrbara^ in the Kingdom of Mexico^ and fqm?, ^ ere tempted to give them a

vifit,.,; ;;

Something was known of the famous River Miffifipiy which it was fuppofed might fall into the South Sea, and open a Way to it. Thefe Conjedures working upon Monfieur de U Sale, who being zealous for the Honour of his Nation, de^ £/is chx- fign'^ to fignalize the French Name, on fider. Account 0? extraordinary Dilcoveries, beyond all that went before him; he form'd the Defign and refolvM to put it in Execution. He was certainly very fit for it, and fucceeded at the Expenceof his Life ; for no Man has done fo much in that Way as he did for the Space of


twenty Years he fpent in that Employment. He was a Man of a regular Behaviour, of a large Soul, well enough learned, and underlfanding in the Mathe-maticks, defigning, bold, utidaunted, dexterous, infinuating, not to be difcou-rag'd at any Thing, rsady at extricating himfelf out of any Difficulties, no Way apprehen/ive of the greateft FatigueSj wonderful fteady in Adverfity, and what was of extraordinary CTfe, well enough verfed in feveral Savage Languages. M. de la Sale having fuch extraordinary Talents, whereof he had given fufficient Proofs upon feveral Occafions, gain'd the Efteem of the Governors o^ Canada ; and MeiGlieurs de Courcelles^ Talon and de Fron-tenac fuccefTively exprefs'd the fame, by often employing him in Affairs for the Honour and Advantage of the Colony,

The Government of the Fort oiFronte- /^ ^nais ^4f, which is the Place fartheft advanc'd Proprietor among the Savages, was committed to ^^roa^e. him, and he going over into France^ in qac. the Year 1675, the King made him Proprietor of it, upon Condition he fliould put it into a better Condition than it wasr| which he did, as foon as return'd to Ca-ztAda, Then came back again to Parisy full of the new Informations he had gain'd touching the River Miffififiy the Country as it

runs through, the Mines, efpeclally thofe . of Lead and Copper, the navigable Rivers, and the Trade that might be carried on of Furs and the fine Wooll of thofe wild Bullocks, whereof there are infinite Numbers in the Forefts. Being alfo furnifh'd with better Accounts of that Country, than the Fables that were then publifli'd, by the Name of a Voyage of the Sieur Joliet, he was well re-ceiv'd at Court, and difpatch'd with the neceffary Orders for proceeding on his Difcoveries. *

The great Reputation Monfieur de U Sale had gain'd, and his mighty Projeds, occafion'd a Jealoufy in fome and Envy in others. His own Countrymen thwarted his Defigns; but he furmounted all thofe Obftacles and return'd into Ca/jada, about the Year 1678, with the Chevalier Tofftj, an Italian Gentleman, a Perfon of Worth and that had ferv'd, whom he gain'd to his Enterprize. He alfo pick'd up in the Country forty or fifty Perfons fit for that Expedition, and among them weic three Recolets, whom he carry'd tpover to try what might be done as to Chriftianity among the Savages; he was well acquainted with, and had a juffc Efteem for the Virtue, the Capacity and the Zeal of thofe good, religious Men,


who alone firft undertook the MifTion into that new World, and who being feconded by others, have carry'd it on there,with fo much Edification.

Monfieur de U Sale having fpent two Years in going and coming, Hill thwarted by thofe who envy'd him in the Country, to fuch a Degree, that had it not been for an Antidote, he muft have dyM of Poifon given him by fome Villains, could not order his Affairs and begin his Expedition till the Year 1682. He fee out at length, and to the End his Difco-very of the Mijfifip might be compleat, he caus'd Father Hennefm^ H. Recolet, with fome others, to travel to the North- ^1^'{\^l ward, that they might find out the Source of that River, and they found it, about the 50th Degree of North Latitude. For his own Part, he proceeded to the Weftward and found the River of the IJlmoisy which he cali'd the River of iflinois SeigneUyy and following its Courfe, '^'^'''^'"* came into the Miffippi^ where the other difcharges it felf. He then concluded he had no more to do, but to run down to its Mouth, whether in the South Sea or the Gulph oiMexico. AU along its Banks he found maay Savage Nations, with whom, by Means of his Prefents, he enter'd into Alliances, and gave the a 3 Country

xhi Miffi-lipi.

Country the Name of Louifia^a^'to honour the Name and Memory of our Au-guft Monarch, in whofe Reign thofe Difcoveries were made. At length, the Courfe of the Miffifipi convey''d Monfieur de la Sale to its Mouths, as falhng into the Gulph oi Mexico in two Streams, and he arrived there in the Month of Jpnl 1682 or 168^, for the Dates of thofe = who have writ concerning it, make ei^ ther of thofe Years. He flay'd there fome Days, to take Obfervations and place fome Marks which he might know again, when he returnM. Being fatif-fied with ^having found fome Fart of what he fought, he return'd the fame Way he had gone, and came again to (Rebeck in Canada^ in order to go over 10 France^ and thence to make a Tryal to find that Mouth of the Mtfpfip by the Gulf of Mexico, which he had already difcover'd by the Way of Caff ada^ and to fecure it; for he thought it much more advantageous to know it by the Way of the Sea, than to go thither by Land, becaufe the Voyage through Canada is much longer and more troublefome, and can be performed but once a Year, whereas by the Way of the Bay 0^ Mexico it is not longer, but is much more commodious, and may be perfqrm'd

in all Seafons, either going or coming. He was alfo fenfible that the faid Mouth being once difcover'd by Sea, afforded an eafier and fafer Communication with Canada^ running up that noble River, the Navigation whereof is not interrupted by Falls, nor Torrents for aboVe fi)ity Leagues towards its Source.

Thefe Confiderations movM Monfieur de U Sale to take another Voyage into France^ where his Expedition having been commended and his new Projed approv'd of, the King order'd him Vef-fels\ to return and carry on his Enter-prizfe,^ 'the Farticutars whereof are tQ^ be found in this Journal. That Affair, fo well begun, feem'd to promife very advantageous Gbniequences ;'but \t mil-carried through the Perfidioufnefs and Villany of that noble Adventurer's own People. M^VniOT .^

This is what I have judgM nffgtit ferve as an Introduftion to your Jour- 7^* other. nal, if it fhall not be thought to diHTO- ^f;,*;;^ nour it, you may place it before the faid is at the Journal, and that which follows at the f"'^ ^ff^ End of it, which will fhew how far that ^"*''"^' great Enterprize of the Difeovery of the Mifflfip has been carried.

a \ IHE


1^, *j ■'» •»


Written by the - .^.^j^-;-. Who Methddiz^S^'tKi^ JournaL

' I". ':' I ' •■. I ? r* •";' • ~ ■; f ■» K> . t ; i

Ci '1'il.iv.' . •JlXi ti-3Mv/Ju.i »Jwi'A —-'

, 1 . ^^ t t, t| • »r

NOtwithlianding the iate Monfieur de la SaleV Voyage hdd a moft unfortu-nate End, as to his own Per/on, jet that rviil not hinder Pojleritj, from ever alloiving him the Title of a m&ft, renowned Traveller,

The Hijiory of his Enterpriz^e will be acceptable to future 4ges^ for laying before them^ the extraordinary Genius^ the invin-lible Courage^ and the undaunted Refoluti' mof fmh a Man^ who could contrive and



. execute the Means for dtfcoverwg the re-maining Part of the World. ' Md in regard that the Pdrticuiars of the Difcovery of thofe Urge and immenje Provinces^ will always be the Object of curious and under ft anding Perfons, it is not to be wondered, that after what has been writ by Father Hennepin, a Recolet, the 'Chevalier Tonty and fome others^ we here now fubliffj an Hifiorical journal of the Uft FoyageMonfeur de laSale undertook into the Gulf of Mexico, to the Country of Louifiana, to fnifjj what he had proje^ed at his former Voyage^ had not the Trea-chery of his own Men cut him off.

This journal of Monfieur Joutel, where^ of Monfieur Tonty makes mention in the Bosk that has been printed of the laft Difcoveries in America, Folio ^ig, has this peculiar^ that it exactly contains what hapned to Monfieur de la Sale, Day by Day^ in that fatal Voyage^ fince his Departure ffom Rochelle to his Deaths and till the Return of his Brother Monfieur Caveliei' the Briefly Monfieur Cavelier his Nephew^ the Reverend Father Anaftafius, the Recolet ^ and the faid Sieur Joutel, who in Order to return to Fra'nce, took that long Journej by Land, from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, leing a Tratf of 'above

800 Leagues,




Many Adventures of all SortSy moli of Hfhich are Tragical^ mil pleafe the curious Reader ; and above all he vpill admire the Frote£lion of Divine Providence^ in Con-dueling and Freferving that fmaR Company throughout thofe vajl Regions^ and a^ mong fo many barbarous Nations.

We do not here fretend to Criticife upo^ the Work of Father Hennepin, or that of Monfieur Tonty -^ hut even their own Fa^ 'uourers cannot take it ill, that this Author does not fometimes fay as they do ; that fje plainly delivers what he faw^ and that he ejcpofes to publick F'iew all the 'jtfuths he was an Eye Witnefs to^ without magnifying or inventing.

It is neverthelefs true^ that they may be aU excus'*d as to fome Farticulars ; Father Henfiepin and Monfieur Tonty may have feen fome Things, that did not come to the Kjiowledge of Monfeur Joutel; but there is a Facl of great Confequence in the Hiflory of Monfieur dc la Sale, which mufi not be pafs'^d over in Silence,

It isy that Monfieur Tonty, in his Book affirms, that Monfieur de la Sale at length found the Mouth of. the Miflifipi, and Monfieur Joutel ajferts the contrary, and faySy that is fo far from being true^ that during his lafi Frogrefs towards the Cenis, when the faid Sieur Joutel was with him, and



had never been parted, Mofjfeur de Ja Sale*^ principal Care was to enquire of all the Na~ tionsthey pafs^d through, where the MlfiiCi' pi rvaSy and could never hear any thing of it ; that this is evidently made out, becaufe if Monfrur de la Sale had found the Mouth of that River, he would infallihly have taken a?iother Way, and other Meafures, and all the Afpearances are on this Stde, as may he feen tn this Relation,

However, this tnuft be faid in Behalf of Monfieur Tonty, that he deliver'^d it upon the Report of Monfieur Cavelier the Priejly and Brother to Monfieur de la Sale ; which Monfieur Cavelier might have Reafons to give out they had dtJcover''d the Miffifipi, upon the fame Views as obliged him to conceal his Brother"*s Death.

Now in regard we fjall fee Monfieur de la Sale, forfome time ranging along the Coafts of North America, to find out the Mouth of that River, it will be proper to inform thofe who have not feen his fir ft Voyage, and Jbew them how it hapned that his Search prov'*d in vain^ and he was oblig'd to land in another Place.

After Monfieur de la Sale had difcover^d that vafi Continent, which is a Fart of North America, from Canada, by the Way of Montreal, going up the River 0} St. Laurence, then through the Country of the


P R E F A C Ey

Iroquois, the Illinois ay;d of hers, aH which' he cali'^d, Louifiana, his Dejign tvas to Hnd a jhorter and a fajer Way, than that he had. Traveled by Land.

For this Reafon it was, that having ufon his firft Difcovery found the great River^ calPd by the Barbarians Miflifipi or Me-chafipi, according to Father Hennepin, and to which he gave the Name of QoXhtn, guefftng by its Courfe that it fell into the Bay ^/Mexico, he refolv'^d mth himfelftofnci out the Mouth of it.

In jbort, he ran down that River, with more Danger and Toil than can be imagirPd^ found it -parted into two Streams and follow''d that which was rnofi to the Northward, to the. Place where it is loft in the Sea, He took the Latitude that Mouth lay in, and found it was between 28 and 29 Degrees North, as Monfieur Joutel affirms he heard him fay. He left Marks there* returned the Jama Way to Canada and thence into France, well ^leafed rvtth his Difcovery, which would have been very glorious , had he fucceeded in his fecond Voyage.

But whether he did not take his Meafures right^ when he made hts Objervations ajhore, or whether that River difgorges it felf at a, flat Coaft, aj$d only leaves fome inconfidfe* rable'Mark of its Channel for fuch as come by Sea ; it is mofl certain, that when he



came into the Bay of Mexico, he fought for the fame Mouth in Faw, during the Space of three Weeks^ and was obliged to go ajhore ■to the S» JV, of the Place, tvhere it really was,

Mo»fieur Tonty, i-a his Booky Fol. 192. tells us, that he was frefent when Monfieur de la Sale took the Latitude of the Mouth of the Miflifipi, at hisfrfi Voyage, and fays it was between twenty two and twenty three De-grees North ; but that is a Miflake^ which muii be affigned either to the Printer^ or Tranfcrtber^for in the Map the faid Mon^ fieur Tonty has added to his Book, he places the faid Mouth in about twenty Jix Degrees and a Half of North Latitude, and there is Keafon to believe he errs in that too,

Monfteur Joutel and fome others are of Opinion, that the Mouth of that Branch Monfteur de la Sale went down, is in the Bay of the Holy Ghoii, and aBually between the twenty eighth and twenty ninth Degrees of North Latitude, as M&nfieur de la Sale found it. As .for the other Channel, the fame Sieur Joutel believes it is farther towards the S, W, and about the Shoals they met with about the 6/^/; f?/January, 1685, between the twentyfeventh and.twenty eighth Degrees of North Latitude, when they r^ere



fulling dong the CoAJi of the Bay o/Mexi-co, a»d that thofe Shoals were the Marks cf a River difcharging it felf there, which they neglecied, to inquire into. If that he fo, Monfieur de la Sale was very near it^ and even fajs*d along before both the Mouths^ hut unfortunately^ without ferceiving the?lHy which was the main Caufe of his Death and, the Ruin of his Enterprize.

To conclude, it muft be granted, that as the Return of that fmaE Number of PerfonSy from a Country fo remote and through fo ma" ny Dangers, is a visible Effe^ of the Di' 'vine ProteBion ; fo it is alfo an Ejfe5i of Heavenly Jujlice to have freferv'*d thofe JVitnejjes, and to have brought them Home into Monfiuer de la SaleV Country, to re^ trieve his Reputation^ which had been fully"*d by his Enemies,

Monfieur de la Sale would have been ta^ ken for a Dreamer, and even for an Jm-fofor ; his Enterpriz.e had been condemn"*d, and his Memory bUJted -, but God would not permit the Honour of a Man of fuch ftngU' gular Merit to fuffer ; it pleas'*d him to preferve and bring Home unqueftionable IVitnejfes, who, by Word of Mouth and other undoubted Proofs of the notable fiifcoveries made by Monfieur dela Sale, have Hopp'*d



the Mouths of his Enemies, and made out the Truth ef rvh/tt has been ajferted at the Beginning of this Difcourfe, viz. that Mon^ fieur de la Sale only wanted good Fortune to fecure him the Title of a great Man and a. renowned Traveller.


Advertifement, to the Britijh Gentry^

WHereas all Gentlemen ought to fit themfelves betimes for thofefimployraeots which naturally fall to their Share, preferable to their Fellew Subjefts; and that they who defign in particular to lerve their Prince Abroad, are obliged to underftand the Intereftsand Pre-tentions of Foreign States, as well as the Laws and Con-ttitution of their own Country ; It has been judg'd very ferviceable, by Pcrfons of great Experience^ to have the mofi: celebrated Monfieur Wicquetort's Ambaflador tranilated into the Englilh Tongue, as beiag the only Book that perfefclly exhaufts this Matter, little being written on the Subjeft by other Nations in Comparifon of the Italians, whofe Books are too defedive and ab-ftrafted for common Praiiice. Propofals will (liertly be publiihed, for printing the faid Book by Subfcription, by the Undertaker Bernard Lintott between the two Temple-Gates

The Tragedy of Jane Shore, written in Shakcfpear's Style, by Nicholas Row jEfq; as it is afted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Marker, pr. i f. 6 d.

The Rape of the Lock, an heroick comical Poem, ia 5 Canto's, with 6 Copper Plates, by Mr. Pope. pr. is.

The Works of Monfieur dcMoliere, tranilated, in 6 Vols. I2S. printed on fine Paper and new Elziver Letter.

The Clergy-man's Recreation, (hewing the Pleafure and Profit of the Art of Gard'ning. By John Lawrence. A.M. Reftwr of Yelvereofc in Northamptonfhire, and fometime Fellow of Clare-Hall in Cambridge.

Mifcellaneous Poems aud Tranflations by fevcral Hands, particularly, the firit Book of Scanus his Thebais tranflated. The Fable of Vertumnus and Pomoua, from the 14th Book of Ovid's Metamorphfelis. To a young Lady;; with the Works of Voicure, On Silence. To the Author of a Poem entituled Succefiion. The Rape of the Lock. An Ode for Mulick on 5r. Cecilia's Day, Windfor Foreft. To the Right honourable George Ld, Lanfdown. An Eflliy on Cricicifm. An Epigram upon Two or Three, All written by Mr. Pope.

Advertifement, to the Briti[h Gentry^,

WHereas all Gentlemen ought to fit themfelves betimes for thofe fimploymeats which naturally fall 10 their Share, preferable to their Fellow Subjefts; aod that they who defign in particular to lerve their Prince Abroad, are obliged to undcrftand the Interefts and Pretentions of Foreign States, as well as the Laws and Con-ftitution of their own Country ; It has been judg'd very ferviceable, by Pcrfons of great Experience^ to have the mofi: celebrated Monfieur Wicquetort's Ambaflador tranflated into the Englifh Tongue, as being the only Book that perfefcily exhaufts this Matter, little being written on the Subjeft by other Nations in Comparifon of the Italians, whofe Books arc too defedive and ab-ftra£>ed for common Praftice. Propofals will (liortly be publiihed, for printing the faid Book by Subfcription, by the Undertaker Bernard Lintott between the two Temple-Gates

The Tragedy of Jane Shore, written in Shakefpear's Style, by Nicholas Row ffq; as it is afted at the Queen's Theatre in the iiay-Marker. pr. i f. 6 d.

The Rape of the Lock, an heroick comical Poem, ia 5 Canto's, with 6 Copper Plates, by Mr. Pope. pr. i?»

The Works of Monfieur de Moliere, tranflated, in 6 Vols. I2S. printed on fine Paper and new Elziver Letter.

The Clergy-man's Recreation, (hewing the Pleafure and Profit of the Art of Gard'ning. By John Lawrence. A.M. Reftwr of Yelvereorc in Northampconfhire, and fomctime Fellow of Clare-Hall in Cambridge,

Mifcellaneous Poems and Tranflations by feveral Hands, particularly, the firft Book of Stacius his Thcbais tranflated. The Fable of Verturanus and Pomoua, from the 14th Book of Ovid's Metamorphwlis. To a young Lady;; with the 'Works of Voiture. On Silence. To the Author* of a Poem entituled Succeflion. The Rape of the Lock. An Ode for Mufick on St. Cecilia's Day. Windfor Foreft. To the Right /honourable George Ld. Lacfdowu. An Efl^iy on Criticifm. An Epigram upoa Two or Three, All writtea by Mr. Pope.


A k Historical Journal


Late Monfieur de la Sale's




North America,

To Difcover the


A T the Time when Monfieur ^e U Sale n is Mr, yLjL was preparing for his laft Voyage into Joutel JL JL North jimerica^ I happen'd to be at \k-itfpejiis Roan, the Place where he and I were both born, ^^^J^l' being retarn'd from the Army, where I had * •

fervM fixteen or feventeen Years.

The Reputation gain'd by Monfieur de la Sale^ the Greatnefsof his Undertaking} the Natural

B Curiofiry

^uiyit^i. Cariofity which all Men are polTefsM with,' ^^yV^^ and my Acquaintance with his Kindred, and with feveral of the Inhabitants of that City, who were to bear him Company, eafily pre-vail'd with me to make one of the Number, and 1 was admitted as a Voluncier.

Our Rendezvous was appointed at Rochet^ where we were to imbark. Meflieurs Cavdier^ the one Brother, the other Nephew to Mon-lieur de la Sale^ Meflieurs Chedeville, Planteroz.e^ Thibault^ Ory, fome others and I, repaired thither in July 1684. Vepmure Monlieur de la Sale having provided all from ao- Things necefTary for his Voyage, fjrmounted all '^^'^^' the Difficulties laid in his Way by feveral ill-minded Perfons, and received his Orders from Monfieur Amoult^ thelntendant at Rochel, pur-faant to thofe he had receiv'd from the King, we fail'd on the 24th of Juiy^ 1684, being twenty four Vefiels, four of them for our Voyage, and the others for the Iflands and Ca?iada. Per Tons The four Vcflels appointed for Monfieur

ztuiwcnt. de la Sale's Enterprize, had oh Board aboui two hundred and eighty Perfons, including the Crews-, of which Number there were one hundred Soldiers, with their Officers, one Talons with his Canada Family, about thirty Volun-tiers, fome young Women, and the reft hired People and Workmen of all Sorts, rcquilite for making of a Settlement. shipi. The firlt of the four Vefiels was a Man of

War, call'd le Joly^ of about thirty fix or forty Guns, commanded by Monfieur de Beaujeu^ oa which Monfieur de la Sale^ his Brother the Prieft, two Recolet Fryars, Mefiieurs i>4/«-


J;;/^ N 0 R T H A M E R I C A. ^

fnavilU sind Chedevilie, Priefts, and I imbark'd. ^tdj 16S4 The next was a little Frigare, carrying fix V'V^^ Guns, which the King had given to Monfieur tie la SaU, commanded by two Mafters -, a Flyboat of about three hundred Tuns Burden, belonging to the Sieur M<^iot, Merchant ac Rcchel, commanded by the Sieur jligron^ and laden with all the Effe6ts Monfieur de la Sale had thought necefTary for his Settlement, and a fmall Ketch, on which Monfieur deUSale had imbark'd thirty Tuns of Ammunition, and Tome Commodities defign'd {ov Santo Dcmi/?go.

All the Fleet, being under the Command of Monfieur de Beaujeu^ was order'd to keep together as farasC^jpff Ftnifterre^ whence eich was to follow his own Gourfe ^ but this was prevented by an unexpeded Accident. We were come into 45 Degrees 23 Minutes of North Latitude, .and about 50 Leagues from Rochet^ when the Boltfprit of our Ship, the Joly^ on a fudden, broke fhort, which oblig'd us to ftrike all our Bohfprit other Sails, and cut all the Rigging the broken ^"fl-Boltfprit hung by.

Every Man refle(fled on this Accident according to his Incli^iacion- Some were of Opinion it was a Contrivance ^ and it was debated in Council, Whether we fhould proceed to Por-tuaal^ or return to Rochet^ or Rochfort \ but the i{eturn to latter Refolution prevail'd. The other Ships Rochforc. defign'd for the Illands and Canada, parted from us ,and held on their Courfe. We made back for the River of Rochfort, whither the other three VefTels follow'd us, and a Boat was fent in, to acquaint the Intendant with this Accident. The Boat return'd fome Hours after, lowing along a Boltfprit, which was foon fet ia

'Aup,.i6'i^-\i% Place, and after Monfieur ^?/^ S^/e had v/V^*^' coaferd with the Intendant, he left that Place on the firft oi Augufi^ i684>

We faird again, Iteering W. and by S. and

Cap- F' ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ °^ ^'^^^ ^^^^^^ Month weather'd Cafe n'l^txitl' Finiflerre^ which is in 43 Degrees of North Latitude, without meeting any Thing remarkable. The 12th, we were in the Latitude of Lisbon^ or about 39 Degrees North. The i5th, we were in 36 Degrees, the Latitude of the Streights^ "^^^^"' and the 20th, difcover'd the Ifland Madera^ which is in 32 Degrees,and where Monfieur^e Beaujeu propos'd to Mcnfieur de la Sale to anchor, and take in Water and fome Refreih-ments. jyifferetice Monfieur de la Sale was not of that Mind, on betweimbe Account that.we had been but twenty one Days COTrf«. from France^ had fufficient Store of Water, ought to have taken aboard Refrelhments enough, and it would be a Lofs of eight or ten Days to no Purpofe ^ befides, that our Enter-prize reqair'd Secrecy, whereas the Spaniards might get feme Infoimitiou, by Means cf the People cf that Illand, which was not agreeable to the King's Intention.

This Aafwer was not acceptable to MonCeur de Beaujeu, or the other Officers, nor even to the Ships Crew, who mutter'd at it very inuch, and it went fo far, that a Paflenger, call'd Taget^ 3. Hugonet oi Rachel^ had the Infolenceto talk to Monfieur de la Sale in a very pafiionate and difrefpedful Manner, fo that he was fain to make his Complaint to Monfieur de Beaujeu^ and to ask of him, Whether he had given any Incouragement to fuch a Fellow to talk to him after that'Manner. Mon-fieur Beaujeu


made him no Satisfaction. Thefe Mifunder- ^^"^.1684 ftandings,wich fome others which happen'd be- ^>^/^^ fore, being no Way advantageous to his Maje-fty's Service, laid the Foundation of thofe tragical Events, which afterwards put an unhappy End to Monfieur de Lt Salens Life and Undertaking, and occalion'd our Ruin.

However, it was refolv'd not to come to an Fhhg Anchor at that liland, whereupon Monfieur de Fijh. Beaujeu faid, That fince it was fo, we fnould put in no where but at the Ifland of Sa^ito Domingo. We held on our Courfe, vveather'd the Ifland of Madera^ arid began to fee thofe little flying FiHies, which to efcape the Dorados^ or Gilt-Heads, that purfae them^ leap out of the Water, take a little Flight of about a Piftol Shot, and then tall again into the Sea, but very often into Ships, as they are failing by. That Fifli is about as big as a Herring, and very good to eat.

On the 24th, we canfis into the Trade Wind, which continually blows from Ealt to Weft,and ^S^^J is therefore call'd by fome Authors Fentus [ub-foUnus^hecauk it follows the Motion of the Sun. The 28th,we were in 27 Degrees 44 Minutes of North Latitude,and in 344 of Longitude. The 30th, we had a Stormj which continu'd violent for two Days, but being right aftern of us, we only loft Sight of the Ketch, for want of good Steering,but Ihe join'd us a few Days after.

The 6th o{September^vfQ were under the Tropic oiCaKcer^in 23 Degrees 30 Minutes of North Latitude and 319 of Longitude. There Monf. ziuckwr. de la Sale\ Obftructing the Ceremony the Sailors call Ducking, gave them Occafion to mutter agaifljand reuder'd himfelf privately So B 3 many

s?pt.i6'^4. many have given an Account of the Nature oi ^>'V^ that Folly, that it would be needlefs to repeat it here-, it may faffice to fay, that there arc three things to authorize it, i. Ciiflom. 2. The Oath adminifter'd to thofe whoare duck'd, wTiich is to this EfFed, That they will Jtot perrmt any to pafs the Tropics or the Line^ without obliging them to the fame Ceremony. And 3, which is the inoft prevailing Argument, the Intereft accruing to the Sailors upon that Occafion, by the Re-frefhments, Liquors or Money given them by the Palfengers to be exciis'd from that Ceremony.

Monfr. ^e la Sale^ being inform'd that all Things were preparing for that impertinent Ceremony of Ducking, and that a Tub full of Water was ready on the Deck (the Frefich Duck in a great Cask ofWater^ the Englijlj in the Sea, let" ting down the Peyfon at the Tard Arm^ fent Word, that he would not allow fuch as were under his Command to be fubjeft to that Folly, which being told to MonCr. deBeattjeu^be forbid putting of it in Execution, to the great Difla-tlsfadion of the inferior Officers and Sailors, who expected a conliderable Sum of Money and Quantity of Refrefhraents, or Liquors, becaufe there were many Perfons to Duck, and all the Blame was laid upon Monfr. de la Sale.

On the nth of Septembe^^ we were in the Hifpsni- Latitude of the Ifland of Santo Domingo^ or Hif" oU ijlind, panioUy being 20 Degrees North, and the Longitude of 320 Degrees. We fteer'd our Courfe Weft, but the Wind flatting, the enfuing Calm qaite ftopp'd our Way. That fame Day Monfr. Dair.maville, the Prieft, went aboard the Bark la Belie, toadminifter the Sacraments to a Gmij*^ ner, who died a few Days after, ^loniridejii

Sale went to fee him, and I bore him Company. Sepf.i6'^4.

The lift, the Ketch, which we had before ^-'^'^^ loft: Sight of, join'd us again *, and feme Complaints being made to Monfr. de U Sale^ by fc-veral private Perfons that were aboard the Fly-boat, he order'd me to go thither to accomodate thofe Differences, which were occalion'd only by fome Jealoufies among them.

The i6th, we fail'd by the Ifland 5ow^^'er<7, Sombrero and the i8th had hard blowing Weather, which iflnni, made us apprehenfive of a Hurracan. The foul Weather lafl:cd two Days, during which Time, we kept under a main Courfe and loll Sight of the other Veflels.

A Council was call'd aboard our Ship, the Joly^ to coniider whether we fhould lie by tor the others, or hold on our Courfe, and it was refolv'd, that, conlidering our Water began to fall (hort, and there were above five Perfons lick aboard, of which Number Monfr. de la Sals and the Surgeon were, we fliould make all the Sail we could, to reach the firfl: Port of the I-fland HifpanioU^ being that call'd Port de Paix^ or Port Peace, which llefolution was accordingly regifter'd.

The 20th, we difcover'd the iirfl: Land of Hifpaniola^ being Ca^pt Samana, lying in rpDe- cxpsSi-grees of North Latitude, and of Longitude 308. rnanfi. The 25th we fhould have put into Fort de Faix^ as bad been concerted, and it was not only the moffc convenient Place for us to get P^efrefh-ments, but alfo the Refidence of Monfr. de Cuf-fy., Governor of the Ifland Tortuga^ who knew that Monfr. de la Sde carried particular Or--ders for him to furnilh fuch Necefi'^ries as he ftood in Need of.

B 4 Not-

S€pt.\6'?>x Notwilhftanding thefe cogent Reafbns, Mr^

y^'!"^ de Beaujeu was politive to pais further on in the

'lUnd^^ Night, weathering the Ifland Tortuga^ which is

fome Leagues diftant from Port de P^/rand the

Coaft of HlfpanioUi. He alfo pafs'd Cape St.

Nicolas^ and the 26th of the faid Month,we put

snto the Bay of Jaguana^ coafting the Ifland

Guanabo^ which is in the Middle of that great

Bay or Galph, and in Conclufion, on the 27th

we arriv'd at JPetit Cow^^'^jhaving (pent 58 Days

in our PafTage from the Port of Chef de Bois^

' near Rcchel.

This Change of the Place for our little Squadron to put into, for which no Reafon could be given, prov'd very difadvantageous;, and it will hereafter appear, as I have before obferv'd, that thofc Mifunderftanding among the Officers infenfibly drew on the Caules from whence our Misfortune proceeded.

As foon as we had dropt Anchor, a Piragua^ or great Sort oiCanoe, came out from the Place, with Twenty Men, to know who we were, and hail'd us. Being inform'd that we were French^ they acquainted us, that Monfieur de Cuffy was at Port de Paix with the Marquis de St, Laurent^ Lieutenant General of the/^wenV^wIflands, and Monfieur Began the In-tendans, which very much troubled Monfieur de la Sale, as having Affairs of the utmoft Confequence to concert with them •, but there was no Remedy, and he was oblig'd to bear it with Patience.

The next Day, being the 28ch. we fang Te Deum, in Thankfgiving for our profperous Pafldge. Monfieur de la Sale being fomewhat recover'd of his Indifpofition, went Afliore with feveral of the Gentlemen of his Retinue, to buy

" fome

fome RefreJhment5 for the Sick, and to find Oa.1684. Means to fend Notice of his Arrival, to Mef- ^>^VV^ fieurs de St.LaurentydeCuffy 2i^<\ Begen^tind fignify to them, how much he was concern'd that we had not put into Port de Paix. He writ particularly to Monlieur de Cujfy^ to defire he would come to him, if poflible, that he might be af-fifting to him, and take the neceflary Meafures for rendring his Enterprize fuccefsful, that in might prove to the King's Honour and Service.

In the mean-Time, the Sick fufferlng very much Aboard the Ships, by Reafon of the Hear, and their being too clofe together, the Soldiers were put Afhore, on a little Uland, near Petit Gouavesj which is the ufual Burial-PIace of the People of the pretended Reformed Religion, where they had frefh Provifions, and Bread baked on Purpofe, diftributed to them. As for the Sick, I wasorder'd by Monfieur<5fff la Sale, to provide a Houfe for them, whither they were carry'd, with the Surgeons, and fup-ply'd with all that was requifite for them.

Some Days after, Monfieur de la Sale fell dan-geroufly ill, mofl of his Family were alio lick. A violent Fever, attended with Lightheaded-nefs, brought him almofi; to Extremity. The Pofture of his Affairs, Want of Money, and the Weight of a mighty Enterprize, without knowing whom to truft with the Execution of it, made him ftill more Sick in Mind, than he was in his Body, and yet his Patience and Refolutioii furmounted all thofe Difficulties. He pitch'd upon Monfieur le Gros and me to act for him, caus'd fome Commodities he had Aboard the 5hips to be fold,to raife Moneys and through


oi Monfeur de la Sal eV Second Voyage

N0V.16H our Care, and the excellent Conftitution of hi$

0''V^ Body, he recovered Health.

Whilft he wasia that Condition, two of our Ships, which had been feparated from us on the

iTnfXe ^Sthof5e;)few^ffr,by the ftormy Winds, arrived

s^iniuL. ^^ ^^^^^ Geuave on the 2d of OEinher. The Joy conceived on Account of their Arrival,' was much allay'd by the News they brought of the Lofs of the Ketch, taken by two Ssanijit Piraguas ^ and that Lofs was the more grievous, becaufe that VeHel was laden with Provifions, Ammunition, Utenfils and proper Tools for the fetling of our new Colonies \ a Misfortune which would not have happened, had Monfieur de Btaujeu put into Port de Taix^ and Mellieurs de St. Laurent^ de Cujfy^ nnd. Begon who arrived at the fame Time, to fee Monfieur de la Sale did not fpare to fignify as much to him, and ta complain of that Mifcarriage.

Monfieur de la Sale being recover'd, had fe-veral Conferences with thefe Gentlemen, relating to his Voyage. A Confult of Pilots was called to refolvc where we ihould touch before we came upon the Coaft of America^ and it was refolved to fteer direftly for the Weftern Point of the Ifland of Cuba^ or for Cape St. ^«-tony, diftant about 300 Leagues from I^if-faniola^ there to expeft the proper Seafon, and a fair Wind to enter the Gulph or Bay, which is but Two hundred Leagues over.

The next Care was to lay in Store of other-Provifions, in the Room of thofe which were loft, and Monfieur de la Sale was the more pref-fing for us to imbark, becaufe moft of his ?*lea deferted, or were debauch'd by the Inhabitants of the Place j and the Velfel calfd /' Aimahle^


being the worfl: Sailer of our little Squadron, ^ec.\6^4. h wasrefolv'd that Ihould carry the Light, and ^>'^V"^ the others to follow it. MonHeur de la SaU^Mon-'fieur Cavelier his Brother, the Fathers Zembnus and Anaflafus^ both Recolets, Monfienr Cloede-lille and I imbark'd on the faid AimabU and all fail'd the 25th of November,

We met with fome Calms, and feme violent Winds, which neverthelefs carry'd us in Sight of the Ifland of Cuba^ on the 30th of the fame Month, and it then bore from us A^. W. There we aker'd our Courfe and fteer'd W, and by N» The 31ft, the Weather being fomewhac clofe, we loft Sight of that Ifland, then ftood W. N. W, and the Sky clearing up, made an Obferx'arion at Noon, and found we were in 19 Degrees, 45 Minutes of North Latitude ; by which we judgM that the Currents had carry'd us off to Sea from the Ifland of Cuba.

On the firft of December we difcover'd the Ifland Cayman. The 2d we fteer'd N. W. and by Caymsa W. in order to come up with the Ifland of Cuba iflmd, in the Northern Latitude of 20 Degrees 32 Minutes. The 3d we difcover'd the little Ifland of „^ , .-. Pines, lying clofe to Cuba. The 4tb, we wea- pj^cs/ ther'd a Point of that Ifland, and the Wind growing fcant, were forc'd to ply upon a Bowling, and make feveral Trips till the 5th at Night, when we anchor'd in a Creek, in 15 Fathom Water, and continued there till the Sth.

During that flioit Stay, Monfieur de la Sale went Afhore with feveral Gentlemen of his Retinue on the Ifland oi Pines, fhot an Alligator dead, and returning Aboard, perceiv'd he had loft two of his Voluntiers, who had wander'd


X?ef.i684 into the Woods, and perhaps loft their Wayl V^V^ We fired feveral Mufquet Shots to call them, which they did not hear, and I was order'd to exped them alhore, with 30 Mufquetiers to' attend me. They return'd the next Morning v/ith much Trouble.

In the mean Time, our Soldiers, who had 'Mk&tor ^00^ Stomachs, boilM and eat the Alligator, emn. Monfieur de laSale had kiird.The Fiefh of it was white and had a Tafte of Musk, for which Rea-fon I could not eat it. One of our Hunters kill'd a wild Swine, which the Inhabitants of thofe Iflands call Maron. There are of them ,.... . in the lOand of Santo Domingo^ or Hifyaniola^ ' they are of the Breed of thofe the Spaniards left in the Iflands when they firft difcover'd them, and run wild in the Woods. I fent it to Monfieur de la Sale, who prefented the one Half to Morjfieur de Beaujeu, Jjlavd of xhat Illand is all over very thick wooded, ^^^^^' the Trees being of feveral Sorts, and fome of them bear a Fruit refembling the Acorn, but harder. There are Abundance of Parrots, larger than thofe at Petit Gouave, a great Number of Turtle Doves and other Birds, and a Sore of Creatures refembling a Rat, but as big as a Cat, their Hair reddilh. Our Men kill'd many of them and fed heartily on them, as they did on a good Quantity of Filh, wherewith that Goail abounds.

We imbark'd again, as foon as the two Men who had ftray'd were retorn'd, and on the 8ch-, being the Feaft of the Conception of the Blefled Virgin, fail'd in the Morning, after having beard Mafs , and the Wind fliifting were forc'd Eo fteer feveral Courfes. The pth we difcover'd


Cape Cdrrienusfii the Ifland oiCuba-^ where we 2^^^.1684. were firft: becalm'd ^ and then follow'd a ftormy ^i^"^^^"*^ Wind, which carried us away five Leagues to corr^en-the Eaftward. The 10th we fpent the Night, tesavist making feveral Trips. The nth, the Wind Antony, coming about, we weather'd Cape Corrientes^ to make that of St. Antony • and at length, after plying a con(Iderable Time, and founding, we came to an Anchor the i2th,upon good Ground, in fifteen Fathom Water, in the Creek form'd by that Cape, which is in 22 Degrees of North Latitude and 288 Degrees 35 Minutes of Longitude.

We ftay'd there only till next Day, being the 13th, when the Wind feem'd to be favourable to enter upon the Bay of Mexico. We made ready and fail'd, fleering N. W» and by JV. and N. N. W, to weather the faid Cape and profe-cute our Voyage : But by that Time we were five Leagues from the Place of our Departure, we perceiv'd the Wind fhifted upon us, and not ' knowing which Way the Currents fate, we flood E. and by N. and held that Courfe till the 14th, when Monfieur de Beaujeu, who was aboard the Joly, join'd us again, and having confer'd with Monfieur de la Sale about the Wind's being contrary, propofed to him tore-turn to Cape St. Antofiy^ to which Monlieur/a'e Li Sale confented, to avoid giving him any Caufe to complain, tho' there was no great Occafion for fo doing, and accordingly v/e went and an-chor'd in the Place from whence we came.

The next Day, being t!.ie i5ch, Monfieur de U Sale fent fome Men afhore, to try whether we could fill fome Casks with Water. They brought ^ ord, they had fouad fQjiie in the


i 4 Monfteur de la Sal eV Second. Voyage

D^c.\6%^ Wood, which was not much amifs, but that

^y^*"^"^^ there was no Conveniency for rowling of the

Casks •, for which Reafon Rundlets were fent,

and as much Water brought in them, as fiU'd

iix or feven of our Water Casks.

The fame Men reported, that they had found

a glafs Bottle, and in it a little Wine, or fome

other Liquor, almoft dead. This was all the

Provifion we found in that Place, by which it

M\^i\s in appears, how much Monlienr Tonti was mifin-

Mon[itur form'd, fince in his Book, Tag. 2^i» he fays,

jicclumof^^^^^^^ in that Ifland feverai Tun of Spanijh

thisVoms. Wine, good Brandy and /«^/^« Wheat, which

the Spaniards had left or abandon'd j and it is a

meer Invention without any Thing of Truth.

The i6th, the Weather being (bill Calm, the Men went aftiore again for five or fix more Casks of Water. I was tohavegone with them, had not an Indifpofition, which I firft felt in the Ifland of i'/;/?/, and afterwards turn'd to a tertian Ague, prevented me. Therefore lean give no Account of that Ifland, any further than what I could fee from the Ships, which was Abundance of that Sort of Palm-Trees, in French call'd Lataniers^ fit for nothing but m:iking of Brooms, or fcarce any other Ufe. That Day we faw fome Smoaks, far within the Ifland, and guefs'd they might be a Signal of the Number of our Ships, or elfe made by fome of the Country Hunters, who had lolt their Way.

The next Night preceding the 17th, the Wind frelhning from the N. W. and ftarting up all on a fudden, drove the Veflel call'd la Belle upon her Anchor, fo that (he came foul of the Boltfprisofthe Aimable, carrying away the


Spritfail-Yard and the Spritfail-Top-Sail-Yard, Pec.i6U. and had not they immediately veer'd out the C/^''\^ Cable of the Aimable^ the VelTel I a Belle would have been in danger of perifhing, but eicap'd with the Lofs of her Mizen, which came by the Board, and of about a hundred Fathoms of Cable and an Anchor,

The 18th, the Wind being frefli, we made ready, and Tail'd about Ten in the Morning, (landing iVor/-/; and N, and by W. and held our Courfe till Noon \ the Point of Cape Sv Anthony bearing EAJi- and Weft with us, and & continu'd fteering North-Weft^ till the 19th at Noon, when we found our fclves in the Latitude of 22 Degrees 58 Minutes North, and in 287 Degrees 54 Minutes Longitude.

Finding the Wind fhifting from one Side to another, we direfted our Courfe feveral Ways, but that which proved advantageous to us, was the fair Weather, and that was a great Help, fothatfcarce a Day pafs'd without taking ai£ Obfervation.

The 2oth,wefound theVariationof theNeedle was 5 Degrees Weft, and w^ were in 26 Degrees 40 Minutes of North Latitude and 285 Degrees i<5 Minutes Longitude. The 23th it grew very cloudy* which threateu'd flormy Weather, and we prepar'd to receive it, but came off only with the Apprehenfion, the Clouds difperfing feveral Ways, and we continued till the 27th in and about 28 Degrees 14 Minutes, and both by the Latitude and Eflimation it was judg'd, that we were- not far from Land.

The Bark call'd !a Belle was fent out to difcover and keep before, founding all the Way j and half an Hour before Sun-fet, we faw the


16 Monfieur de la S a l eV Second, Foyage •

£>ec.i6S4. VelTel/^ Belle T^ut out her Colours and lie by ^^^V"^ for us. Being come up with her, the Mailer told us, he had found an Owzy Bottom ac thirty two Fathom Water. At eight of the Clock we founded alfo, and found forty Fathom, and at ten, but twenty five. About Midnight, la Belle founding again, found only feventeen^ which being a Demonftrationof the Kearnefs of the Land, we lay by for the Joly^ to know what Monfieur de Beaujeu defign'd, who being come up, lay by with us.

The 27tb, Monfieur de Beaujeu fent the Che-valier d'Aire^ his Lieutenant, and two Pilots to Monfieur de la Sale^ to conclude upon the Courfe we were to fleer, and it was agreed we (hould flared Well North VVeft till we came»into fix Fathom Water ; t'fiat then we Ihould run Welt, and when we had difcover'd the Land, Boats ihould be fent to view the Country. Matters being thus agreed on, we fail'd again, founding all the Way for the more Security, and about ten, were in ten or eleven Fathom Water, the Bottom fine greyifli Sand and owzy. At Noon, were in 26 Degrees ^37 Minutes of North Latitude.

The 28th, being in eight or nine Fathom "Water, we perceiv'd the Bark la Belle^ which kept a Head of us, put out her Colours, which was the Signal of her having difcover'd Something. A Sailor was fent up to the Main-Top, who defcry'd the Land, to the N. E. not above fix Leagues Diftance from us, which being told to Monfieur ^e Beanjeu, he thought fit to come to an Anchor.

There being no Man among us who had any Knowledge of that Bay, where we had been


told the Currents were ftrong, and fate fwiftly -^^'^-k^S-i to the Eafirvard, it made us fufped that we^-^^'''^"^ were faHen off, and that the Land we faw muft be the Bay of ^palache^ which oblig'd us on the 29th to (leer ^F. N. W, ftill keeping along the Land, and ic was agreed that the Joly fhould follow us in fix Fathom Water.

The 30th, the Chevalier d* Aire and the fe-cond Pilot of the Joly came aboard us to confer and adjuft by our Recknings Place we might be in, and they all agreed, according to Monlieur de la Salens Opinion, that the Cm^Cnrrentsi rents had fet us to the Eafiward^ior which Rea-fon we held on oar Courfe, as we had done the Day before to the N. W. keeping along the Shore till the firft of January 1685. when we perceiv'd that the Currents forc'd us towards the Land, which oblig'd us to come to an Anchor in fix Fathom Water.

We had not been there long,before theBark U Belle made a Signal that fhe had difcover'd Land, which we defcry'd at about 4 Leagues Diftance from us. Notice was given to iVIon-lieur^e ^?4w)e«,who drew near to us, and it was refolv'd to fend fome Ferfon to difcover and take an Account of the Land that appear'd to us.

Accordingly a Boat was man'd, and into it went Monfieur de la Sale, the Chevalier de Aire and feveral others ^ another Boat was alfo put out, aboard which I went with Ten or Twelve of our Gentlemen, to join Monfieur de la Sale and the Bark la Belle was order'd to follow always keeping along the Shore j to the End that if the Wind fhou'd rife, wc might get aboard her, to lofe no Time.

C Some

18 Monfieur de la Sal E'i Second Voyage

^in.\6%<, Some of thofe who were in Monfiear dt la

^^yy^^ Salens Boat, and the foremoft, went afhore and

firflun- ^^"^ ^ fpacious plain Country of much Failure

ding, ' Ground *, but had no£ the Leifure to make any

particular Difcovery, becaufe the Wind frefh-

iiing, they were oblig'd to return to their

Boat, to come aboard again •, which was the

Reafon why we did not go quite up to theShore,

but return'd with them to our Ship. All that

could be taken Notice of was a great Quantity

of Wood along the Coafl:. We took an Ob-

iervation and found 29 Degrees 10 Minutes of

Korth Latitude.

The Second, there arofe a Fog,which made us lofe Sight of the Joly. The next Day, the Weather clearing up, we fir'd fome Cannon-fhot and the "joly anfwer'd, and towards the - Evening we perceiv'd her to the Windward o£ us. We held on our Courfe, making feveral Trips till the Fourth in the Evening, when being in Sight and within two Leagues of the Land, we came to an Anchor to expect the Jo/y, for which we were in Pain. Menfieur The Fifth, we fet Sail and held on our Courfe I^^f*^^^^^; IV. S. W. keepinglalong the Shore till about Six ^^Mml^of'^'^ the Evening, when we ftood away to the the mouths Southward and anchor'd at Night in fix Fathom t)f tfc^Mif- Water. The Sixth, we would have made ready j:(ipi. See j-q fail, but the Pilot perceiving, that the Sea the Fref. ^^^y^^ aflern of us, and that there were fome

and. vjhtit ^, , • 1 u^

joUovus. Shoals, It was thought proper to contmue at

Anchor, till the Wind chang'd, and we accordingly ftaid there the Sixth and all the Seventh. The Eighth the Wind veering about, we ftood out a little to Sea, to avoid thoft Shoals, which are very dangerous, ai^d anchor'd again a League


from thence. Upon Advice, that the Bark /^ ^-'^/.idS^ Be/ie had difcover'd a fmall IQand, which ap- ^^'*^^'^' pear'd between the two Points of a Bay, Mon-fiear de la Sale fent a Man up to the round Top, from whence both the one and the other were plainly to be feen, and according to the Sea Charts we had with us, that was fuppos'd to be the Bay of the Holy Ghofl,

The Ninth, Monfieur de U 5^/«,|fent to view thofe Shoals. Thofc who went reported there was a fort of Bank, which runs along the Coaft % that they had been in one Fathom Water and difcover'd the little Illind before-mention'd, and as for the Sand Bank there is no fuch thing markM down in the Charts. Monfieur de la Sale having €xamin'd the Recknings, was confirm'd in his Opinion, that we were in the Bay of A^alache^ and caus'd us to continue the fame Courfe.

The Tenthjhe took an Obfervation and found 29 Degrees 23 Minutes North Latitude. The eleventh, we were becalmed, and Monfieur de la Sale refolv'd to go afhore, to endeavour to difcover whaE he was looking for*, but as we were making ready, the Pilot began to mutter becaufe five or fix of us were going with Monfieur de la Sale, who too lightly aker'd his De-fign, to avoid giving Offence to brutiih People. In that Particular he committed an irretrieve-able Error j for it is the Opinion of Judicious Men, who, as well as I, faw the reft of that Voyage, that the Mouth of one of the Branches of the Miffippi River, and the fame whofe Latitude Monfieur de la Sale had taken, when he travelfd to it from Canada^ was not far from C 2 that

. 20 Monfieur de la S A l e'/ Second VojAge

^i»t685. that Place, and that we niaft of Necefllty be

<-<r<V near the Bay of the Holy Ghofl:

de laSaic'j ^^ ^^^ Moiifieur <afe /^ Sale's Deflgn to find that

-^^ijide. ,Bay, and having found it, he had refolv'd to have fet alhore about thirty Men, who were to have follow'd the Coaft on the Right and Lett, .which would infallibly have difcover'd to hira that fatal River, and have prevented many .Misfortunes ^ but Heaven refus'd him that Succefs, and even made him regardlefs of an Affair of fuch Confequence, fince he was fatis-fy'd with fending thither the Pilot, with one of the Malters of the Bark la Belle^ who re-.turn'd without having feen any Thing, becaufe a Fog happen'd to rife, only the Mafter of the Bark faid he believ'd there was a River oppofite to thofc Shoals, which was very likely, -and yet Monileur de la Sale took no Notice of it, nor made any Account of that Report. t ,The Twelfth, the Wind being come about we weigh'd and dired^ed our Courfe S. W. to get further from the Land. By an Obfcrva-tion tound 25 Degrees 50 Minutes "North Latitude, and the Wind fhifting, and the Currents, which fet from the Seaward driving us afhore, it was found convenient to anchor .in four or five Fathom Water, where we /pent all the Night.

The Thirteenth, we perceiv'd our Water began to fall fhort, and therefore it wasreqai-fite to go afhore to fill fome Casks. Monfieur de la Sale proposed it to me to go and fee it perform'd, which I accepted of, with fix of our Gentlemen who offer'd their Service. We went into the Boat, with our Arms, the Boat belonging to the Bark U Beth follow'd ours,


with five or fix Men, and we all made direftly ^^)^ for the Land. ^^'^

We were very near the Shoar, when we dif-cover'd a Number of naked Men marching a-long the Banks, whom we fuppos'd to be native Savages. We drew within two Musket Shots of the Land, and the Shore being flat, rhe Wind fetting from the Offing, and the Sea running high, droptour Anchors, for Fear of Having our Boats.

When the Savages perceiv'd we had flopped, they made Signs to us with Skins, to go to them, Ihew'd us their Bows, which they laid suvdges down upon the Ground, and drew near to the ^J'"''"* * Edge of the Shore-, but becaufe we could not get Afhore, and ftill they continued their Signals, I put my Handkerchief on the End of my Firelock, after the Manner of a Flag, and made Signs to them to come to us. They were foroe Time confidering of it, and at lalt feme of them ran into the Water up to their Shoulders, till perceiving that the Waves over-whelm'd them, they went out again, fetch'd a large Piece of Timber, which they threw into the Sea, phc'd themfelves along both Sides of it, holding fait to it with one Arm, and fwim-ing with the others and in that Manner they drew near to our Boat. •

Being in Hopes that Monfr, de U SaU^ might get fome Information from thofe Savages, we made no Difficulty of taking them into our Boat, one after another, on each Side, to the Number of five, and then made Signs to the reli to go to the other Boat, which thsy didj and we car- Q^,.pj f y'd them on Board Aboa^i^

G =? Mcn«

22 Monfteur de k Sal ^s Second VojAgz

^An. 168-; Moiifieur de ta Sale was very well pleas'd to ^>^VS^ fee them, imagining they might give him fome Account of the River he fought after ^bat to no Piirpofe, for he fpoke to them in feveral of the Languages of the Savages, which he knew, and made many Signs to them, bat ftill they under-ftood not what he meant, or if they did comprehend any thing, they made Signs, that they knew nothing of what he ask'd ^ fo that having made them fmoak and eat, we ihewed them our Arms and the Ship, and when they faw at one End of it fome Sheep, Swirre, Hens and Turkeys, and the Hideot a Cow we had killM, they made Signs that they had of all thofe Sorts of Creatures arsong them.

We gave them fome Knives and Strings of

^tnru A' Beads, after which, they were difmifs'd, and

fmewith the Waves hindring us from coming too near

*^'f^^' the Shore, they were oblig'd to leap into the

the Water, after we had made fall about their

Necks, or to the Tuft of Hair they have on

the Top of the Head, the Knives and other

fmall Prefents Monfieur ^^/^ 5^/e had given


They went and join'd the others who expefted them, and were making Signs to us to go to them ^ bat not being able to make the Shore, we flood" off* again and return'd to our Ship. It is to be obferv€d,that when we were carrying them back, they made fome Signs to us, by which we conceived they would fignify to us that there was a great River thai Way we were pafs'd, aad that it occalioa*d the Shoals we had ffeen«


The Wind changing, the fame Day, we^-«». 168^ weigh'd Anchor and flood to the Southward, ^^"V^^ to get into the Offing, till the 14th in the Morning, when we were becalm'd. At Noon, we were in 28 Degrees 51 Minutes of North Latitude. The Wind frefhned, and in the Evening we held on our Courfe, but only for a (hort Time, becaufe the Wind fetting us towards the Shore, we were obliged to anchor again, whereupon Monfieur de la Sale again refolved to fend Alhore, and the fame Perfons inr.bark'd in the fame Boats to that EfFeft.

We met with the fame Obftacles, that had hinder'd us the Day before, that is, the High-Sea, which would not permit us to come near ^^f/J^^^f the Shore, and were obliged to drop Anchor in fourteen Foot Water. The Sight of Abundance of Goats and Bullocks, differing in Shape, from ours, and running along the Goaf]-, heighten'd our Earneftnefs to be Afhore. We therefore founded to fee whether we might get to Land by Stripping, and found we were on a Flat, which had four Foot Water, but that beyond it there was a deep Channel. Whilfl: we were confulting what to do, a Storm arofe, which oblig'd Monlieur de la Sale to fire a Gun for us to return Aboard, which we did againit, our Inclination.

Monfieur de la Sale was pleas'd with the Re^ port we made him, and by it, feveral were encouraged to go Alhore to hunt, that we might have fome frefli Meat. We fpent all that Night, till the next Morning, in Hopes of returning foon to that Place; but the Wind changing, forc'd us to weigh and fail till the Evening, when we drop'd Anchor in fix Fathom Water. ^ , The.

2-4 Monfieur de la S a l e's Seconi VojAge

^i5M6'?<5 jhg Land which we never departed from very ^•y^^^^"^ far, appear'd to us very pleafant, and having Jain there till the i6iby that Morning we fail'd IV. S. W. We weather'd a Point, keeping a large OfHng, becaufe of the Sea's^ beating upon it, and ftood to the Southward. At Noon, wc were in 28 Degrees 20 Minutes of North Latitude, and confequently found the Latitude declined, by which we were fenlible, that the Coaft tendrcd to the Southward. At Night we anchor'd in fix Fathom Water.

The 17th, the Wind continuing the fame, we heli on our Courfe S. W. and having aboutTen difcover'a Sort of River, Monfieur de la Salt caus'd Ten of us to go into a Boat, to take a View of that Coaft, and fee whether there was not fome Place to land. He order'd me, in Cafe wefouud any convenient Place, to give him Notice either by Fire or Smoke.

We fet out, and found the Shoals obfl:ru6led our Defcent. One of our Men went naked into Semi the W^ater to found that Sand Bank, which lay hniing, between us and the Land •, and having Ihewn us a Place where we might Pafs, we, with much Difficulty, forc'd our Boat into the Channel, and fix or feven of us landed, after ordering the Boat to go up into that which had appeared to us to be a River, to fee whether any frelh Water could be found.

As foon as we were landed, 1 made a Smoke to give Notice to Monfieur de laSak^ and then we advanced both Ways, without Itragling too ! • far, that we might be ready to receive Monfr.

de U Sdle^ who was to come, ^s he did, foon after, but finding the Surges run high, he re-


turn'd, and cur Boat finding no frefh Water, ?■«»• 165? came back and anchor'd to wait for us. CXW*-

We walked about every Way, and found a dry Soil, tho' it feem'd to be overfiow'd at fome Times i great Lakesof fait Water, little Grafs, the Track of Goats, on the Sand, and faw Herds of them, but could not come near them, however we kill'd feme Ducks and Buftards. In the Evening, as we were returning, we mifs'd an. Englifh Seaman, fir'd feveral Shot to give him Kotice, fe^rched all about, waited till after Sunfet, and at laft hearing no Tidings of him, we went into the Boat to return Aboard.

I gave Monlieur de U Sale an Account of what we had feen, which would have pleas'd him, had the River we difcover'd, afforded frefh Water: He was alfo uneafy for the loft Man; but about Midnight we faw a Fire Afhore, ia the Place we came from, which we fuposM to be made by our Man, and the Boat went for hira as foon as foon as it was Day on the i8th.

After that, we made feveral Trips, flill fleering towards the SAV. and then enfued a Calm, which oblig'd us to come to an Anchor. Want of Water made us think of returning towards the River, where we had been the Day before. Monfr. de la Sale refolved to ^tt a confiderabje Number of Men Afhore, with fuf-ficient Ammunition, and to go with them him-felf, to difcover and take Cognizance of thai: Country, and order'd me to follow hira. Accordingly we fail'd back, and came to an Anchor in the fame Place.

All Things neceHary for that End being ordered on. the 19th, Part of the Men were^ put into a Boat j but a very thick Fog riling, and


s6 Monjieur <fc la S a l eV Second Voyage

J<«»a685' taking away the Sight of Land, the Compafs ^'^^^'T^ was made ufe of, and the Fog difperfing as we drew near the Land, we perceiv'd a Ship making diredly towards us, and that it was the Joly, where Monfr. de Beaujeu commanded, which rejoicM us, but our Satisfaction was not lafting, and it will appear by the Sequel, that n were to have been wiflied, that Monfieur de Beaujeu had not joyn'd us again, but that he had rather gone away for France^ without cTer feeing of us.

His Arrival difconcerted the Execution of our Enterprise. Monfr. de la Sale^ who was already on his Way, and thofe who were gone befor* him, return'd Aboard, and fome Hours after, Monfr. de Beaujeu fent his Lieutenant, Monfr. de Aire^ attended by feveral Perfons, as well Clergymen as others, among whom was the Sieur Cabaret^ fecond Pilot of the Joly.

Monfieur d' Aire complain'd grievoufly to Monlieur delaSaLe^ in the Name of Monfr. de Beau\eu^ for that faid he,wc had left him defign-edly, which was not true, for as 1 have faid, the Joly lay a? Anchor A-head of us, when we were feparated from her; we fired a Gun to give ber Notice of oar Departure, as had been concerted, and Monfr. de Beaujeu aufwer'd it; be-lides that, if we had intended to feparate from him, we (hould not have always held our Courfe in Sight of Land, as we had done, and that had Monlieur de Beaujeu held the fame fame Courfe, as had been agreed, he had not been feparated from us.

There were afterwards feveral Difputes between the Captains and the Pilots, as wejll Aboard Monfieur dg la Sale, as Aboard Monfieitr


Commanders at Variance .

de Bea]eu^ whea thofe Gentlemen return'd, a-J^o-'^SS bout fettling exadlythe Place we were in, and n>^V^^ the Courfe wc were to fteer *, fome pofitively affirming we were farther than we imagin'd, and that the Currents had carryM us away •, and others, that we were near the Magdalen River.

The former of thofe Notions prevail'd, Theypafi whence, upon Refledion, Monfieur de la Sale '^^.^Z* concladed, that he m*ifl: be paft his River, S. which was but too true ^ for that River emptying it felf in the Sea by two Channels, it fol-low'd that one of the Mouths fell about the Shoals we had obferv'd the fixth of the Month ; and the rather becaufe thofe Shoals were very near the Latitude that Monfieur dela Sale had obferv'd, when he came by the Way of Canada to difcover the Mouth of that River, as he told me feveral Times.

This Conllderation prevail'd with Monfieur de la Sale to propofe his Defign of leturning towards thofe Shoals. He gave his Reafons for fo doing and expofed his Doubts^ but his ill Fortune made him not be regarded. Our P^f» fage had taken up more Time than had been ex-peded, by Reafon of the Calms •, there was a confiderable Number of Men aboard the Johj and Provifions grew fhort, infomuch that they faid it would not hold out to return, if our Departure w/ere delay'd. For this Reafon Mon-ileur de Beaujeu demanded Provifions of Mon-iieur de la Sale •, but he asking enough for a long; Time, Monfieur de la Sale anfwer'd, be could only give him enough for a Fortnight, which was more Thne than was requifite to reach tin. Place he intended to return to j and that befides


sS Mofifieur de la S a l e'^ Second Voyage

fan. 1685 he could not give him more Proviflons, without L/VNJ rummaging all the Stores to the Bottom of the Hold, which would endanger his being caft away. Thus nothing was concluded, and Mon-lieur dt Beaujeu retum'd to his own Ship. In the mean Time, Want of Water began to Third pinch us, and MonlTeur de la Sale refolv'd to Landing, fend to look for fome about the next River. Accordingly he order'd the two Boats that had been made ready the Day before, to go off". He was aboard one of them himfelf, and direfted me to follow him. Monfieur de Bcau]eu alfo commanded his Boat to go for Wood- By the Way we met the faid Sieur de Beau]eu in his yaul, returning from Land, with the Sieur Minet^ aningenier, who told us, they had been in a Sort of fait Pool, two or three Leagues from the Place where the Ships were at Anchor, we held on our Way and landed.

One of our Boats, which was gone ahead of OS, had been a League and a half up the River, without finding any frefh Water in its Channel ^ but fome Men wandering about to the right and left, had met with divers Rivulets of very good Water, wherewith many Casks were


We lay alhore, and our Hunters having that Day kiird good Store of Ducks, Buftards and Teal, and the next Day two Goats, Monfieiar de la Sale fent Monfieur de Beaujeu Part. We feafted upon the relf, and that good Spore put feveral Gentlemen that were then aboard ^loxi'iitux de Beau]eu^ among whom were Nlon-lieur du Hamel^ the Enfiga and the King's Clerk, upon coming alhore to partake of •the Diverli-on -^ but they took much Pains and were not fuccefsfuU in their Sport Ifl

la the mean Time many Casks were fiU'd 3^4». 168$ with Water, as well for our Ship as for Mon- ^-/V^ fieur de Eeau\eus. Some Days after Monfieur d* Airexht Lieutenant, came afliore. to confer with Monfieur dela Sale, and to know how he would manage about the Provifions •, but both of them perfifting in their firll Propofals and Monfieur de la Sale perceiving that Monfieur de £eau]eu would not be fatisfied with Provifions for 1$ Days, which bethought fulRcient to go to the Place where he expeded to find one of the Branches of the Mtjjljtpi, which he with good Reafon believ'd to be about the Shoals, I have before fpoken of, nothing was concluded as to that Affair. Monfieur d^ Aire return'd to his Captain, and Monfieur de la Sale refolv'd to land his Men •, which could not be done for fome Days, begaufe of the foul Weather j but in the mean Time we kilfd much Game.

During this little Interval, Monfieur de la Sale being impatient to get fome Intelligence of what he fought after, refolv'd to go himfelf upon Difcovery, and to feek out fome more ufeful and commodious River than that where they were. To this Purpofe he took five or fix of us along with him. We fee out one Morning in fo thick a Fog, that the hindmofi: could nor. perceive the Track of the foremofl, fo that we loft Monfieur de la Sale for fome Time.

We travel'd till about three in the Afternoon, finding the Country tor the mofl: Part Sandy, ^^^^""'"Z little Grafs, no frefh Water, unlefs in fome'"^'^'""''•^ Sloughs, the Track of abundance of wild Goats, Lakes full of Ducks, Teals, Water-Hens, and having t4ken much Pains return'd without Suc-, cefs.


^o Mo^peur de la Sal eV Second Vojage

gj^»^ The next ^vlorning, Monfieur de la Sale's In^ ^''^"Y^J ^lan^ going about to find wild Goats, came to a Lake, which had a little Ice upon it, the Weather being cold, andAbundanceofFifil dying abont the Edges of it. He came to inform us, we wenttomakeour Provilionof them,there were fome of a prodigious Magnitude, and a-mong the reft extraordinary large Trouts, or clfe they were fome Sort of Fifh very like them. We caufed fome of each of aSort to be boil'd ia fait Water, and found them very good. Thus having Plenty of Fifli and Flefli, we began to " ufe ourfelves to eat them both, without Bread. Whilfl: we livM thus eafy enough, Monfieur de la Sale expefted with Impatience to know what Refolution Monfieur de Beaujeu would take •, that he might either go to the Place, where he expe(aed to fiud the Mfjfijipi, or follow fome other Courfe; but at left, perceiving that his Affairs did not advance, he refolv'd to put his own Defign in Execution, the Purport whereof was to land one hundred and twenty, or one hundred and thirty Men to go along the Coaft and continue it, till they had found fome other River, and xhat at the fame Time the Bark la Belle fiiould hold the fame Courfe at Sea, (till keeping along the Coaft, to relieve thofe Alhore in Time of Need.

He gave me and Monfieur Moranget^ his Nephew, the Command of that fmall Company, he furnifh'd us with all Sorts of Provifions for eight, or ten Days, as alfo Arms, Tools and Utenfils we might have Occafion for, of which every Man made his Bundle. He alfo gave us writteu Inftruftions of what we wer| to do, the


Signals we were to make •, and thus we fet out Feb.i6^, on the Fourth of February. L/W^

We took our Way along the Shore. Our ^^g„ /-^^j firft Day's Journey was not long, we encamp'd by uni on a little rifing Ground, heard a Cannon fliot, »" #'«• which made us uneafy, made the Signals that ^^^* had been appointed, and the next Day, being the $th, we held on our March, Monfieur Ah-rang€t bringing up the Rear, and I leading the Van.

I will not fpend Time in relating feveral per-fonal Accidents, inconfiderable in themfelves,^ or of no Confequence, the molt confiderable of them being the Want of frefh Water ^ but will proceed to fay, that after three Days March we found a great River, where we halted and made the Signals agreed on» encamping on a commodious Spot of Ground till we could hear of the Boat, which was to follow us, or of our Ships.

But our Provifions beginning to fall fhort. and none of our Ships appearing, being befides apprehenfive of fome unlucky Accident oc-cafion'd by the Difagreement between Monfieur ^e la Sale and Monfr. d^ Btaujeu^ the Chief of our Company came together to know what Refolution we fliould take. It was agreed, that we fhould fpare our Provifions to endeavour to go on to fome Place where we might find Bullocks ; but it was requifite to ciofs the River, and we knew not how, becaufe we were too many of us, and therefore it was decreed to fet fome Carpenters there were among us at Work to build a little Boat, which took them up the eleventh and twelfth of Ftbruary,


J 2 Monfiear de /a Sal eV Second Voyage

f^t^^^^ "^he 13th, we were put out of our Pain by ^O^^^ two Vellels we difcover'd at Sea, which we knew to be the Joly and la Belie, to whom we made our Signals with Smoke. They came not in then, becaufeit was late, but the next Day being the 14th in the Morning, the Boat, with the Sieur Barbier and the Pilot of the Bark la Belle come up, and both founded the Mouth of the River.

They found on the Bar, from ten to twelve ^^ i^y^ b;. Foot Water, and within it from five to fix yer. Fathom •, the Breadth of the River being about half a Quarter of a League. They founded near the Ifland, which lies between the two Points of the Bay, and found the fame Depth. The Boat of the Joly came and founded on the other Side of the Channel, and particularly a-long the Shoals, I know not to what Purpofe. The fame Day, Monfieur de la Sale, for whom we were much in Pain, came alfo, and as foon as he arrived, he caus'd the Boat to be laden with fuch Provifions as we flood in Need of, but the Wind being contrary, it could not come to us till the next Day, being the 15th.

That fame Day, Monfr. de la Sale came Afhoar to view the Place and examine the Entrance into the River, which he found to be very good. Having confider'd all Particulars, here-■folv'd to fend in the Bark la Belle and V AimahU, that they might be under Shelter, to which Purpofe, he order'd to found, and to know whether thofe two VelTels could both come in that fame Day. Monfieur de Beau]eu cans'd alfo the Place to be founded, and lay Alhoar on the o-ther Side of the River, where he took Notice there were Vines which run up the Trees, like

our Wall Vines, fome Woods and the CarcafTes P^^- i^^l of Bullocks, which he fuppofed to have died ^/V^^ with Thirft.

The 16th, the Pilots of the Jdy^ I' Aimable and la Belle^ went again to found, they found the Entrance eafy, and gave it under their Hands. The i7ch, they fix'd Stakes to mark cut the Way, that the Veflels might come fafe in. All Things feem'd to promife a happy Event.

The iSch, the Chevalier ^'^/>e camcalhore, to confer with Monfieur de la Sale, who being defirous to have the Fly-boat /' Airnable come in that Day, order'd the molt weighty Thine,, in her to be unloaded, as the Cannon, the Iron and fome other Things. It w;is my good Fortune that my Cheft flood in the Way, and was alfo unloaded, but that Unlading could not be done till the next Day, being the 19th. That being perfprm'd, the Captain affirm'd it would go ia at 8 Foot Water.

The 20th, Monfieur de la Sale fent Orders to that Captain to draw near the Bar, and to come in at high Water, of which a Signal fhonid be given him ^ he alfo order'd the Pilot of the Bark la Belle to go aboard the Flyboat, to be aflifting when it came in. The Captain would not receive him aboard, faying, he could carry in his Ship without his Help. All thefe Precautions prov'dofno Ufe ^ Monfieur de la Sale could not avert his ill Fate. He having taken I^otice of a large Tree on the Bank of the River, which he judg'd fit to make a Canoe, fent 7 or 8 Workmen to hew it down, two of whom return'd fome Time after, in a great Fright, and told him, they had narrowly efcap'd being D taken

5 4 Monfiear de la Sal e'j- Second l^oyii<re

Feb. i6S^ takeaby a Company of Savages, and that they

^^fCf^ believ'd the others had fallen into their Hands.

ofs'Ivases. Monfieur de U Sale order'd us immediately to

* handle our Arms, and to march with Drums

beating towards the Sivages, who feeing us in

that Pofture, fac'd about and went off.

Monfieur de La Sale being defirous to join thofe Savages, to endeavour to get fome Information from them, order'd Ten of us to lay down our Arms and draw near them, making Signs to them, at the fame Time, to come to us. When they favv us in that Poftur^and unarm'd, moft Thtir of them alfo laid down their Bows and Arrows Friefjdly and came to meet us, carrefling us after their Behaviour, jvianner, and ftroaking firft their own Breaft's and then ours, then their own Arms and afterwards ours. By thefe Signs they gave us to un-derftand that they had a Friendlhip for u?, which they exprefs'd by laying their Hands on their Hearts, and we did the fame on our Part.

Six or feven of thofe Savages went along with us, and the reft kept three of our Men, in the Nature of Hoftages. Thofe who went with us were made much of, but Monlieur de la Sale could learn nothing of them, either by Signs or otherwife •, all they could make us underftand was, that there was good hunting of Bullocks in the Country. We obferv'd, that their Tea confided in a Cry, tetch'd from the Bottom of the Throat, not unlike the Call of a Hen to gather her Chickens. Monfieur de la Sale gave them fome Knives, Hatchets and other Trifles, with which they feem'd well pleafed, and went sway-


Monfiear de U Sale was glad to be rid of ^'^''^ thofe People, becaufe he was willing to be pre- V^*^ fcnt when the Flyboat came in \ but his ill Fate would not permit it. He thought fit to go him-felf .along with thofe Sivages, and we follow'd him, thinking to have found o^ir Men in the fame Place where we left them^ but perceiv'd on the Contrary, that the Savag<;s had carried them away to their Camp, which was a League and half from us, 2indMon^\t\ir de laSablonniere,, Lieutenant of Foot, being one of thofe the Savages had taken with them, Monfieur/s?e/^ 5<«/e refolved to go himfelf to fetch him away, an unhappy Thought which cod him dear.

As we were on our Way towards the Cam.p of the Su'ages, happenning to look towards the Sea, we fuv the Flyboat l^ Aimable under Sail, which the Savages who were with usadmir'd, and Monfieur de la Sale obferving it narrowly, told us, thofe People fteer'd wrong, and were Handing towards the Sheals, which made him very uneafy, but ftill we advanc'd. Wearriv'd at the Camp of the Savages, which ftood upon '^^[^^ <tQ Eminence, and confifted of about Fifty Got- '^*"^* tages made of rufh Mats, and others of dry'd Skins, and built with long Poles, bow'd round at the Top, like great Ovens, and molt of the Savages fitting about, as if they were upon the Watch.

We were ftill advancing into the Village, when we heard a Cinnon Shot, the Noife whereof ft ruck fach a Dread-among the Savages, .that they all fell flat upon the Ground ^ but Monfieur de la Sale ^vA we were too fenfible it was a Signal that our Ship was aground, which was confirm'd by feeing them furl their Sails \ D 2 however

5 6 Monfieur de la S A l e'^ Second Vopge

Teh.\6^i,, However we were gone too far to return *, our ^>'^V^^ Men RiuO: be had, and to that Purpofe, we muft proceed to the Hut of the Commander ia Chief.

As foon as we arrived there, Monfr. de U Sale was introduc'd j many of the Indian Wo-mea came in,**' they were very deformM and all naked, excepting a Skin girt about them, which hung down to their Knees. They would have led us to their Cottages, but Monfr. de la Sale had order'd us not to part, and to obferve whether the Indians did not draw together, {o that we kept together, (landing upon our Guard, and I was Mways with him.

They brought us fome Pieces of Beef, both

i^dr En. frefli and dry'd in the Air and Smoke, and

ifnwi' Pieces of Porpois, which they cut with a SorC

msnt, ^^ Knife, made of Stone, fetting one Foot upon

it, and holding with one Hand, whilft they cue

with the other. We faw nothing of Iron a-

mong them. They had given our IVlen, that

came with them, to eat, and Monfr. de la Sale

being extraordinary uneafy, we foon took Leave

of them to return. At outgoing out,weob-

ferv'd about forty Canoes, fome of them like

thofe Monfr. ^e la Sale had feen on the Mijfijipij

which made him conclude he was not far from


V/e foon arrived at our Camp, and found L'Aims-'tj^e Misfortune, Monfr. de la Sale had appre-^'J/''^ * hended, was but too certain. The Ship was ftranded on the Shoals. The ill Management of the Captain, or of the Pilot, who had not fteer'd by the Stakes placed for that Purpofe ; the Cries of a Sailor polled on the Main-top, who cry'd amain, Loof^ which was to fleer


towards the PafTage mark'd out, whilft the ^"^^^ wicked Captain cry'd, Come no nearer^ which was '^'^ Jofteer the contrary Courfc ^ the fame Captain's Carelefnefs in not dropping his Anchor, as foon as the Ship touched, which would have pre-veflted her (licking aground ; the Folly of lowering his Main-Sheet and hoifting out his Sprit-Sail, the better to fall into the Wind, and fe-cure the Shipwreck ^ the Captairi's refuiing to admit the Pilot of the Bark/<< Beh'e, vihom Mon-iieur de la Sale had fent to affift him ^ the founding upon the Shoals to no Purpofe, and feve-ral other Circumftances reported by the Ship's Crew and thofe who faw the Management, were infallible Tokens and Proofs, that the Mifchief had been done defignedly and advife-ably, which was one of the blackcft and molt deteftable Adions that Man could be guilty of.

This Misfortune was fo much the greater^ becaufe that Veflel contain'd almofl: all the Ammunition, Utenfils, Tools and other NecefTarles for Monfr. de la SaWs Enterprize and Settlement. He had need of all his Refolution to bear up againfl: it ^ but his Intrepidity did not forfake him, and he apply'd himfelf, without grieving, to Remedy what might be. All the Men were taken out ot the Ship^ he defir'd Monfieur de Beaujeu to lend him his long Boat, to help faveasmuch as might be. We began with Powder and Meal. About thirty Hag-' Iheads of Wine and Brandy were faved, and Fortune being incens'd againfl us, two Things contributed to the total Lofs of ail the red;

D 3 Th?

3 8 MonfieuY de la Sal E'i Suord Vouge

f£?^.i6S'5. The firft vras, that our Boat, which hung at ^'^''^ the Stern of the Ship ran A-ground, was mali-cioully ftav'd in the Night, fo that we had none left but Monfieur de Beaujeu^s, The fecond, that the Wind blowing ia from the Offing, made the Waves run high, which beating violently againft the Ship, fplit her, and all the light Goods were carry'd out at the opening, by the Water. This iaft Misfortune happen'd alfo in the Night. Thus every Thing fell oat moft uuhappily, for bad that befallen in the Day^ Abundance of Things might have beea i'aved.

Whilft we were upon this melancholly Employment, about an hundred, or an hundred and twenty of the Natives came to our Camp, with their Bows and Arrows. Monfieur de la Sale Qrder'd us to handle our Arms, and ftand upon our Guard. About twenty of thofe Indians mix'd thenifelves among us, to obferve what wc had iaved of the Shipwreck, upon which, there were feveral Sentinels, to let none come near the Powder.

The reft of the Indians flood in Parcel?, or Pelotons. Monfi'.delaSale, who was acquainted with their Ways, order'd us to obferve their Behaviour, and to take Nothing from them, which neverthelefs did not hinder fome of our Men from receiving fome Pieces of Meat. Some j Time after, when the Indians were about departing, they made Signs to us to go a Hunting with them ^ but belides that, there was fuffi-cientCaufe to fufped them, we had enough other Bufinefs to do. However weask'd, whether they would barter for any of their Canoes, which they agreed to. The Sieur Barhier went along


with them, purchased two for Hatchets and Feb.i6^. brought them. L/'W?

Some Days after, we perceiv'd a Fire in the Country, which fpread it felf and burnt the dry Weeds, ftill drawing towards us ^ whereupon, Monfr. de la Sale made all the Weeds and Herbs that were about us, be pulfd up, and particularly all about the Place where the Powder was. Being delirous to know the Occafion of that Fire, he took about twenty of us along with him, and we march'd that Way, and even beyond the Fire, without feeing any Body. We perceiv'd that it run towards the IV. S. IV. and judg'd it had begun about our firit Camp, and at the Village next the Fire.

Having fpy'd a Cottage near the Bank of a Lake, we drew towards it, and found an old Woman in it, who fled as foon as (he faw us; but having overtaken and given her to underftand, that we would do her no Harm, fhe return'd to her Cottage, where we found fome Pitchers of Water, of which we all drank. Some Time after we faw a Canoe coming, in which were two Women and a Boy, who being landed, and perceiving we had done the old Woman no ^^ Sat»> Harm, came and imbracedus in a very particu- *'^"5»« lar Manner, blowing upon our Ears and making Signs to give us to underftand, that their People were a hunting.

A few Minutes after, feven or eight of the Indians appeared, who, it is likely, had hid themfelves among the Weeds when they faw us coming. Being come up they faluted us, after the fame Manner, as the Women had done, which made us laugh. We ftaid there fome Time with them, 3ome of our Men bartered D 4 Knives

^.4© Moiifieur de la S a l e's Secor?d Voja^e Feh.i62<y. Knives for Goats Skins, after which we retarn'd ^■'^'^^ to our Camp^ Being come thither, Monfieur de la Sale made me go aboard the Bark/<2 Belle^ where he had imbark'd Part of the Powder, with pofitive Orders not to carry, or permit any Fire to be made there, having fufficient Caufe to fear every thing, after what had hap-ned. For this Reafon they carry'd me and all that were with me, our Meat every Day.

During this time it was that rjlimable o^tn-ingin the Night, the next Morning we faw all the light Things that were come out of it floating about, and Mon^i^Mi de U Sale^tnt Mea every Way, who gather'd op about 30 Casks of Wine and Brandy, and foiiie of Flefh, Meal and Grain.

When we had gather'd all, as well what had been taken out of the Ship-wreck'd Veflel as what could be pick'd op in the Sea, the next Thing was to regulate the Provifions we had left proportionably to the Number of Men we were; and there being no more Bisket, Meal was deliver'd out, and with it we madeHafty Pudding with Water, which was none of the befl; ^ fome large Beans and India Corn, part of which had taken wet \ and every thing was di-Itributed very difcreetjy. We were much incommoded for want of Kettles, bat Monfieur de 5f<?Mj'e« gave Monfieur de la Sale one, and he order'd another to be brought from the Bark la Belle^ by which means we were well ferv'd.

We were ftill in want of Canoes. Monfieur de la Sale fent to the Camp of the Indians to barter for fome, and they who went thither obferv'd, that thofe People had ntade their Advantage of our Ship-wreck, and had fome Bales

of Normandy Blankets, and they faw feveral ff^. i6U' Women had cut them in tvvo and made Petti- '^^^V^ coats of them. They alfo faw Bits of Iron of the Ship that was cafl away, and return'd immediately to make their Report to Monlieur de la Sale^ who faid we mufi: endeavour to ge2 fome Canoes in Exchange, and refolv'd to fend thither again the next Day. Monlieur du Hamel^ Eofign to Monfr./^e^f^zw/>«, ofFtr'd to go up in his Boat, which Monfieur ds la Sale agreed to, and order'd Meffieurs Momnget, his Nephew, DeJloffeSy Oris, Gayen^ and fome others to bear him Company.

No fooner were thofe Gentlemen, who were more Hot than Wife, landed, but they went up to the Camp of the liidlans^ with their Arms in their Hands, as if they had intended to force />'j/^^<'-them, whereupon feveral of thofe People fled. ^rZioJ,^'^ Going into the Cottages, they found others, to whom Monfieur du Hamel endeavour'd to ligni-fy by Signs, that he would have the BUnkets they had found refror'd ^ but the Misfortune was, that none of them underftood one another. The Indians thought it their bell Way to withdraw, leaving behind them fome Blankets and Skins of Beafts, which thofe Gentlemen took away, and finding fome Canoes in their Return they feiz'd two, and got in, to bring thenj away.

But having iio Oars, none of them knowing how to manage thofe Canoes, and having only fome pitiful Poles, which they could not teli the right Ufe of, and the Wind being alfo a-gainfi: them, they msdc little Way ^ which the Sieur du H.xmel, who was in his Boat perceiving, and that Nishc drew on, he made the belt of



42 Monjiear de la Sal eV Second Voyage Manh his Way, forfook them and returci'd to the

^^'^^ Thus Night came upon them, which obliged thofe unexperienc'd Canoe Men, being thoroughly tird, to go aftiore to take fome Reft, and the Weather being cold, they lighted a Fire, about which they laid them down and T^Indi. fej] afleep ; the Sentinel they had appointed j^ve„ge, doing the fame. 1 he rndians returnmg to their Camp,and perceiving our Men had carry'd away two Canoes, fome Skins and Blankets, took it for a Declaration of a War, refolv'd to be reveng'd, and difcovering an unufual Fire, pre-fently concluded that our Men had halted there. A confiderable Namber of them re-pair'd to the Place, without making the leaft Noife, found our carelefs People fall afleep, v/rap'd up in their Blankets, and (hot a full Volley of their Arrows upon them all together on a Sudden, having firit given their ufual Shont before they fall on. Sieajs The Sieur Moranget awaking with the Noife, ^ns and ^^^ finding himfelf wounded, ftarted up and k'li^dl^ fir'd his Piece fuccefsfully enough, fome others did the like, whereupon the Natives fled. The Sieur Moranget came to give us the Alarm, though he was (hot through one of his Arms, below the Shoulder, and had another flanting Wound on the Breaft. Monfieur de la Sale immediately fent fome arm'd Men to the Place, who could not find the Indians, but when Dav appeal'd, they found the Sieurs Oris and Def-loges dead upon the Spot, the Sieur Gayen much hurt, and the reft all fafe and found.


This Difader, which happen'd the Night of ^^^'^ the 5th of/l-Z/erc/;, very muchaffliaed Monfieur If^^ de U SaU'^ but he chiefly lamented Monfieur ""^^ Bejloges a fprightly Youth, who ferv'd well ^ but in fhort, it was their own Fault, and contrary to the Charge given them, which was to be watchful and upon their Guard. We were UDder Apprehenfions for Meflieuis TAoran^et and Ga^en^ left the Arrows fhould be poifon'd. It afterwards appear'd they were not, however Monfieur ^or^w^er's Cure prov'd difficult, becaufe fome fmall Veflel was cut.

The Confequences of this Misfortune, together with the Concern, molt of the bcft Perfons who had followM Monfieur de U Sale were under, fupported the Deflgn of thofe who were for returning to France and torfaking him, of which Kumber were Monfieur VaW.-mnville^ a Prielt of the Seminary of St. Sulpice, the Sieur Minet, Engineer and fome others The common Difcourfes of Mondcur de la Sale\ Enemies tending to difcredic his Conduct, and to reprefent the pretended Rafhnefsof his Enterprize, contributed confiderably towards the Defertion \ but his Refolution prevailing, he heard and waited all Events With Pati-euce, and always gave his Orders, vvithoxit appearing the leaft difcompos'd.

He caus'd the Dead to be brought to our Camp, and bury'd them Honourably, the Can-. non fupplying the Want of Bells, and then conliderM of making fome fafer Settlement. He caus'd all that had been favM from the Shipwreck, to be brought together into one Place, threw up Intrenchments about it, to fecnre his Effefls, and perceiving that the


'March Water of the River, where we were, roul'd f>-v^ down violently into the Sea, he fancy'd that ^^^^*^ might be one of the Branches ot the Mipjtpij and propcs'd to go up it, to fee whether he could find any Tokens of it, or of the Marks he had left, when he went down by Land to the Mouth of it. Debates In the mean Time, Monlieur de Beaujeu was thT^clm- preparing to depart: The Chevalier de Aire raiders, had many Conferences with Monlieur ^e/*» 5^/^ about feveral things, the latter demanded of Monlieur de £eau]eu, particularly the Cannoa and Ball which were aboard the Joly, and had been delign'd for him •, which Monlieur de ' Beau]tu refus'd, alledging that all thofe things lay at the Bottom of theHold, and that he could Dot rummage it without evident Danger of perifhing-, tho', at the fame time, he knew we had Eight Pieces of Cannon and not one Bullet. I know not how that Affair was decided be-/T/r.-de la tween them*, but am fare he fuffer'd the Cap-^°'^ »n<f^ J3JJJ of the Fly-boat V AimahU to imbark aboard ^^^^g • jyjonfieur de Beau]ev^ tho' he delerv'd to be molt feverely punifh'd, had Juftice been done him. His Crew follow'd him, contrary to what Mon-fieur de Beap\eu had promis'd, that he would not receive a Man of them. AH that Mon-M^ de ^gjjr ^e/^ 5;2/e could do, tho' fo much wrong'd, Bcaojeu ^^^ ^^ write to Francey to Monlleur de Saknelay^ Miflifter or btate, whom he acquamted with all the Particulars, as 1 was inform'd, when 1 returned, and he gave the Packet to Monlieur. de Beau]eu^ who fail'd away for France,

Having loft the Notes I took at that time, and being forcM to rely much upon Memory tor what I now write, I fhali not pretend to be


any longer exac^ in the Dates, for fear of Mar.-ie^^ miftaking, and therefore I cannot be pofitive l/V^*^ as to the Day of Monftciir de Beau\euh Departure, but believe it was the 14th of March, 1685.

When Monfr. de Beau]eu was gone, we fell to Work to make a Fort, of the Wreck of the AFon Ship that had been cad away, and many Pieces ^«^'^»-of Timber the Sea threw up ^ and during that Time, feveral Men deferted, which added to "MoniitttT de la Sale''s Afflidlion. h Spaniard and a French Man ftole away and fled, and were never more heard of. Four or five others follow'd their Example, but '^lon^yzm de U Sale having timely Notice, fent after them, and they were brought back. One of them was condemned to Death, and the others to ferve the King ten Years in that Country.

When our Fort was well advanc'd, Monfr. de la 'ale refolv'd to clear his Doubts, and to go up the River, where we were, to know whether it was not an Arm of the A/zj///?/'/', and ac- Mow/^. de cordingly order'd fifty Men to attend him, of'^ Sale which Number were Monfr. Cavelier^ his Bro-^"^^'"'^^^ ther, and Monfr. ChedeviHe, both Priefls, two tlTsh^lr, Recolet Fryars, and feveral Volunticrs, who fet out in five Canoes we had, with the necef-fary Provifions. There remain'd in the Fort a-bout an hundred and thirty Perfons, and Monfr. de la Sale gave me the Command of it, witt Orders not to have any Commerce with the Natives, bat to fire at them if they appcar'd.

Whilft Monfr. de la Sale was abfent, 1 caus'd an Oven to be bnilr, which was a great Help to us, and employed my felf in finifhing the Fort, and putting it in a Pofture to vvith-


/^6 Mofijieur de la S A L eV Second. Fojage

Mar.\6^'^ (land the Indians^ who came frequently in the ^/V^ Night to range about us, howling like Wolves and Dogs •, but two or three Mufquet Shots put them to Flight. It happened one Nighr, that having fir'd fix or feven Shot, Monlieur dt U Sale, who was not far from us, heard i{emrvs them, and being in Pain about it, he~ retarnM with fix or feven Men, and found all Things in a good Pofturc.

He told us he had found a good Country, fit to fow and plant all Sorts of tj'raiA, a-setsouta' bounding in Beeves and wild Fowl ^ #hat he gain. defign'd to eredt a Fort farther up the River, and accordingly he left me Orders to fquare out as much Timber as I could get, the Sea cafting up much upon the Shoie. He had given the fame Orders to the Men he had left on tlie Spot, fevea or eight of whom, de-tach'd from the reft, being bufy at that Work, and feeing a Number of the Natives, fied, and unadvifeably left their Tools behind them. Monfieur ^e/^5^/e returning thither, found a Paper made faft to a Reed, which gave him Notice of that Accident, v\rhich he was concern'd at, becaufe of the Tools, not fo much for the Value of the Lofs, as becaufe it was furfiiiliing the Natives with fuch Things as they might afterwards make Ufe of againft us.

About the Beginning of u4prily we were a-

Aspanijh larm'd by a Veflel which appear'd at Sea, near

Vejjd ap' enough to difcern the Sails, and we fuppofed

^^'^'^^' they might be Spaniards^ who had heard of our

Coming and were ranging the Coaft tq^^iind us

out. That made us ftand upon our Guard, to

keep within the Fort, and fee that our Arms


were fit for Service. We afterwards faw two -^P''. §9^$ Men in that Veflll, who inftead of coming to '^''V^^ uss, went towards the other Point, and by that Means pafs'd on, witbouc perceiving us.

Having one Day ohferv'd, that the Water work'd and bubbled up, and afterwards perceiving it was occaHond by the Fifh skipping T^lemytf from Place to Place, I caufed a Net to he ^'I^^*^^^-brought, and we took a prodigious Qiiantity of Fi(h, among which were many Dorado^s^ or Gilt-Heads,^ Mullets and others about as big as a Herring, which afforded us good Food for feveral Days. This Fifhery, which I canfed to be often follow'd, was a treat Help towards our Subfiftance.

About that Time, and on Eafler-day that Year, an unfortunate Accident bcfel Monfieur le Gros. After Divine Service he took a Gun to go kill Snipes about the Fort. He (hot i^miIs one, which fell into a Maifh, he took off his f!'^^^ Shoes and Stockings to fetch it out, and re- j q* ^''^* turning, through Carelefsnefs trod upon a Rattle Snake, fo call'd, becaufe it has a Sort of Scale on the Tail, which makes a Noife. The Serpent bit^him a little above the Ankle, he was carefufly dreis'd and look'd after, yet after having endur'd very much, he dy'd at lafl, as I (hall inention in its Place. Another more unlucky Accident befell us, one of our Fiftiermen fwimming about the Net to gather the Fi(h, was carry'd away by the Current, and ccald not be hclp'd by us.

Our Men fometimes went about feveral ;v/^yi5S^ little Salt Water Lakes, that were near our Fort, and found on the IJanks a Sort of flit Fifties, like Turbots afleep, which they ftruck


May 1685 vvith (harp pointed Sticks, and they were good JOQ^ Food. Providence alfo 'fhew'd us that there in Pooh. W3^ Salt made by the Sun, upon feveral little Salt Water Pools there were in dive-.s Places, for having obferv'd that there grew on them a Sort of white Subftance, like the Cream upon Milk, I took Care every Day to fend and fetch that Scum off, which prov'd to be a very white and good Salt, whereof I gather'd a Quahti-ty, and it did us good Service.

Some of our Hunters having feen a Parcel of wild Goats running as if they were frighted, judg'd they were purfaed by the Indians^ and came for Refuge to the Fort, and to give me Notice. Accordingly fome Time after,we difco-ver'd a Parcel of Natives, who came and po-c^mftoh ^^^ themfelves on an Eminence, within Can-ferj. non Shot, fome of them drew off from the reft and approach'd the Fort by the Way of the Downs. I caufed our Men immediately to handle their Arms, and wet Blankets to be laid on our Huts, to prevent their being burnt by the Fire the Savages fometimes fhoot with their Arrows. All this Time thofe who had feparated themfelves from the reft, being three in Number, flill drew nearer, making Signs for us to go to them ^ but Monfieur delaSde had forbid me having any Commerce with them; however, lince they had neither Bows nor Arrows, we made Signs to them to draw near, which they did without hefitating.

We went out to meet them, PvIonfTeur Mo^ ranget made them fit down, and they gave ns touuderfland by Signs, that their People were hunting near us; being able to make no more of what they faid, Monfieur Moranget was for


knocking out their Brains, to revenge their ^«w««^S5 having murder'd our Companions, but 1 would ^^^""^ not coufent to it, fince they had come confiding in us. I made Signs to them to be gone, which they did as faft as they could, fome fniall Shot we fir'd into the Air making them run, and a Cannon Shot, 1 pointed towards the rifing Ground, where the reft were, put them all to Flight.

Thefe Accidents mads us double our Guards, fince we were at open War with that crafty Nation, which let Hip no Opportunity to fur-prize us, and therefore Penalties vvere appointed for fuch as fhould be found aileep upon Sentinel*, the Wooden-Horfe was fet up for them without RemifTion •, and by Means of fuch Precautions we f-iv'd Our Lives,

Thus we fpent the reft of the Month, till the Beginning of "^une. In the mean Time, Monfieur <^e/^ Sale had begun to make another Settlement, in the Place he before told us of, looking upon it as better, becarafe it was further up the Country. To that Purpofe he fenc to us the Sieur di f^illeperdry with two Canoes Secoiad and Orders for the Sieur Moranget to repair to Sctthmsm him, if he were recover'd, and that all the Mea fhould march, except 30 of the ableft to make a good Defence, who were to ftay with me in the Fort. The reft being feventy Perfons, as well Men and Women as Children, fet out with the Sieur Moranget ^ and we being but a fmall Number remaining, I caufed the Fort to be brought into a lefs Compafs, to fave pofting fo many Sentinels.

Our little Company began to take Satisfadi-

on in the Eafe of getting and the Nature of our

E Provi-fions

5© Monfeur de la Sal e'^ Second Voyage

5FM/yi6?^^ Provifions, which a greater Number has more

^^VV Difficulty to be fupply'd with, and which we

ncy^llfco' ^^^ Plenty of, by Means of Hunting andFilhing,

vcr'i. thofe being our principal Employments, and

we liv'd well enough contented, expcdiing to be

remov'd. However there were forae Malecon-

tents, who refolv'd to defert •, but finding a

Difficuly to put it in Execution, for that they

could neither get Arms, nor Powder nor Ball,

becaufe the Sieur le Gros and I kept all lock'd

up, and were very vigilant, that none might be

laviihly fpcnt, they took the cruel Refolution

to rid themfelves of us.

That bloody Maflacre was to begin by me, when I was alleep, and then to proceed to the Sieur le Gros^ who lay in the Magazine, or Warehoufe, and was in no Condition to defend liimfelf, becaufe his Leg wasftill fwolen, and put him to much Pain. The Execution was to be by ftabbing. One of the Confpirarors re-veal'd this to the Sieur Davault^ a Hunter, who immediately came and accquainted me. I did not juft then take Notice of what 1 had been told \ but in the Evening, when they return'd from hunting, I caufed one to be fecur'd, who prefently confefs'd all. His Accomplice was alfo feiz'd, and it was very troublefom to fe-Gure them till the Time when we fliould remove.

About the Middle of July^ the Bark la Belle came and anchor'd near us. An Order was brought me from Monfieur de la Sale^ dire^ing me to put aboard it all the EfFeds that were in our Fort, to make a Float of the Timber I had caufed to be fquar'd, if Time would permit, if not to bury it ia the Grounds Every Man fet


hh Hand to the Work, with all pofTible Dili- 5F«^y'^S< g€nce, and our two Prifoners were put aboard, '-/"'v'"*"^ as was alfo Monfieur le Gros and his Surgeon, with all our EjfFcds.

The Float was began with immenfe Labour; but the Weather proving very Stormy, and holding very long, I was oblig'd tocaufewhat had been done to be taken in Pieces, and to bury the Timber in the Sand, the beft we could, that the Natives might not find it.

We then fet out towards the Place where -^ f,n the hdiaas h^kd been encamp'd, when Monfieur Fort ahIn-de la Sale went the firfttimeto fee them. We (iow'J. found no Creature, and lay there that Night, and fo proceeded along the Sea Coafl, without any Accident, to the Camp of the Sieur Huri^^ which was a Poft in the Way, where Monlieur ds la Sale had order'd all our Effeds to be laid up. It had no other Inclofure but Chefts and Barrels ^ but there was nothing to fear from the Europeans,

We fpent the Night at that Pofl:, and two Ganoes coming thither the next Morning, I ^f^f^"^f went aboard one of them, with Part of my selfilJl„l Company, and join'd Monlieur de la Sale the next Day, at the Place where he had refolv'd to make his new Settlement. I gave him aa Account of all that had happen'd, and was amaz'd to fee Things fo ill begun and fo little advanc'd. As for the Plantation, the Seed and Grain put into the Ground, was either loft through Drought, or eaten by Birds or Beafts. There were feveral Dead, and among them the Sieur de Vtlte^erdry^ many lick, and of that Number Monlieur Cavalier t\\Q Priefl: ; no Shelter but a little fquare Place ftak'd in^ where the E 2 Powder

52 Monfieur de la S A L eV Second. Vojage

^uiy •6H'^ Powder was and fome Casks of Brandy *, many ^-y^'"'^ other Inconveniences there were, which made all Things appear in a miferable Condition.

It was requifice to think of building a large Lodgment, Monfieur de la Sale defign'd it, buC the Difficulty was to get proper Timber for Building. There was a little Wood, where a good Quantity might be had, but it was a League up the Country, and we had neither Carts nor Horfes to carry it ^ however Monfr. iiiyd Li' ^'^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^"^^^ Workmen thither, with others hour. to guard them. The Trees were cut down and fqiar'd, but the Carpenters were fo ignorant, that Monfr. de la Sale was forc'd to adt the Mailer Builder, and to mark out the Pieces for the Work he defign'd. Some of thofe Pieces of Timber were dragg'd to the Camp, over the Grafs and Weeds the Plain was co-ver'd with ^ afterwards the Carriage of a Gun v/as made ufeof^ but all coft fo much Labour, that the ablefi: Men were quite fpent.

This exccflive Toil, the poor Suftenance the labouring Men had, and that often retrench'd as a Penalty for having fail'd in doing their Duty •, the Uneafinefs Moniieur Je la Sale was under to fee nothing fucceed as he had imagin'd, and which often made him infult the Men, when there was little Reafon for it 5 AU thefe things together afflidted very many fo fenfibly, that they vilibly declin'd, and above thirty carpenter ^y'd. The Lofs of fo many Men was follow'd '^^* by that of the Mafter Carpenter, who was re-

turning one Evening with me ^ but I happening to ftep afide to kill fome wild Fowl, when I came to our Habitation I foand him not, and it was never ku,own what became of him; aa


Accident which added to our Vexation,for tho' ^"£^ he had but little Skill at his Trade, yet vy e ^^^ ^ ftood ill Need of him.

Notwithftanding all thofe Difappointments, enough Timber was carry'd or rather dragg'd, to build the Houfe Monfieur^e /^.S^/e defign'd, and he was himfelf the Archited. He mark'd out the Lengths, the Tenants and Mortifcs, and made good the Defed of th e Workmea and calling to Mind that! had bury'd feveral Pieces of Timber at our firfi; Habitation, which might be of Ufe, he ordered me to take two Canoes and 20 Men, to go fetch them, in the Bark /<« Bslk^ which was with us.

Being come to the Place, we found the Ki-tives had difcover'd our Timber, and carry'd away foHie Planks, to pick out the Nails there were in them, which they value very much, to point their Arrows. We labour'd to make a Float, loaded the Bark U Bells v/ith the reft of the Planks and other Effe(fts, and fet out again. Some of the Natives appcar'd whilft we were at Work, but feeing us advance towards them, with onr Arms in our Hands, they fled.

We return'd fafe to Monfleur de laSale^viho ^^f^^^j,,. was glad to fee us, tho' we had lofl: one of the Uimeml Canoes, for want of its being well made fad to the Float*, but the Timber we brought was a mighty Help towards carrying on his Defign, and much fitter than that we had hew'd in the Wood, with fo much Labour-, {o that this Timber occalion'd the raifing another Struclure contiguous to the former. All was cover'd with Planks, and Bullocks Hides over them. The Apartments were divided, and all ot them well £ 3 covei'd.

54 Mo»fieur de la Sal e'^ Second Voy.age

Sep. i65?.? cover'd. The Stores had a Place apart, and ^yy"^ that Dwelling had the Name of St. Lewis givea it, as well as the Neighbouring Bay.

The Sieur le Gros, who had remainM aboard the Bark Is BeUe^ ever fince the firft Voyage fhe. made to our former Habitation, was carry'd Mr. le afhoretothenew One, and his Leg ftill fwell-^^^rt^^ ing, the Surgeon was apprehenfive of a Morti-ot us p^^^^Iq^^ ajj^ advis'd him toconfentto have it cut off. He did fo, tho' with Regret, Jthe Ope-, ration was made, but a Fever foliowM immediately, and he liv'd but two Days, dying oa the Feaft of the Decollation of St. John Baptifi^ much lamented by all Men, and particularly by Monfieur de la Sale^ to whom he was very fer-viceable, by reafon of his general Knowledge, and his particular Fidelity towards bira. Mon-fieur Carpentier^ Son to the Mailer of the Works , and the Sieur Thibault^ both of Roan^ and fomc

others, dy'd about the fame time.

Monfieur de la Sale being defirous to take a Progrefs, to find his fatal Mijftffi River, and only expefting the Recovery of his Brother Monfieur Cavnlier^ who was to bear him Company, he began to make fome Preparations ' towards it, and in the mean time, took fome fiiiall Journeys of four or five Leagues about, but could learn nothing further, than that it was a very fine Country, hem'd in on one Side by a fmall Mountain, which appeared aE about Fifteen or Twenty Leagues diftance ; beautify'd with very fine Trees, and water'd by many little Rivers, whereof that, on which we had Built our Habitation was the leaft. i(iver of We caird it la Riviere aux Bosufs^ that is the Buhcki. River of Bullocks, by reafon of the great Num-


ber of them there was about it. Thefe Bui- fjl^

locks are very like ours, there are Thoufands '^^^^

of them, but inftead of Hair they have a very

long curl'd Sort of Wool.

■ Monfieur de la Sale Studying all Ways to

find out the River Miffifpl^ imagin'd it might

fall into the adjacent Bay, and refolv'd to go

view all the Coafts about it, and to make ufe

of the Bark la Belle. Accordingly he order'd

me to repair to the faid Bark, with five Men

and a Canoe, into which he put his Cloachs,

and other Effefts in feveral Chefts.

That fhort Voyage was very troublefome to us, by reafon of the foul Weather, with contrary Winds and Storms, wliich had like to have overwhelm'd us, and what vvas (till worfe, we did not find the Bark, where we had left her. We went on a League further, to no Purpofe, and Provifions beginning to tall fliort, becaufe we had been fix Days on the Way, inftead of three, we refolv'd to return to the Place from whence we came.

Monfieur <!/e/^ Sale feeing us return at a di-ftance, cameto meet us. Our Report troubled him for the Bark, which he flood in need of, fo that he refolv'd to go himfelf to feek her, imbark'd in a Canoe, and fent me another Way, in another. After having vt/ander'd about ^^^^ ^ all that Day, the next Night and the Day fol- tbe Buri lowing, we at laft perceiv'd her, where flie lay loft. under Shelter in a little Creek, having been in Danger of Perifhing by the foul Weather we had been in, and had loft her Boat, v^hich was not well made faft.

E 4 The

03. 168-^ The Bark was alfo difcover'd by Monfiear ^-yy^*^ de la Sale^ who was on the other fide, which made him draw near and land, whence he fenE his Canoe to the faid Bark, and Monlieur Moranget who coinmanded it, went aboard to meet him. The Lofs of the Boat troubled Moa-fieur de la Sale^ I fent a Canoe to bring hira, but to no Parpofe ; however the Trunks were put aboard the Bark.

Monfieur Cavalier the Priefl:, being recover'd, wk Monlieur de la Sale prepared to fet out with all storenhy Speed. He was pleas'd to Honour me with the hud. Command- during his Abfence, and left me an

Inventory of all that was in our Habitation, confifting of Eight Pieces of Cannon, two Hundred Firelocks, as manyCutlaces, an Hundred Barrelsof Powder, three Thoufand Weight of Ball, about three Hundred Weight of other Lead, fome Bars of Iron, twenty Packs of Iron to make Nails, fome Iron Work and Tools, as Hatchets and the like.

AsJforFrovifions,3ll that were left me amou-n-ted to twenty Casks of Meal, one Cask and a ' half of Wine, three Quarters of a Cask of Brandy, and for living Creatures fome few Swine, a Cock and a Hen •, which is very (hort of what has"been Pablifh'd by the Author of a Book en-tituled, The firft Eftablijliment in Nevo France : but the Reafon of it is, that he compiled his Work upon the Credit of Relations, which were as falfe as to the Point of the Ammunition and Frovifions, remaining in our Habitation, when Monfieur de la Sale fet out that Time, as concerning the Fort well condition'd, and the Magazines or Storehofes under Ground, which ' are all imaginary, there being Nothing but the


Houfe I have mention'd, pallifado'd, with fome ^ov.l6^ old Stakes. ^>V>J,

Monfr. de la Sale farther ordei'd me not to . receive any Man of thofe he took aiong with him, unkfs they brought an Order from him in Writings nor to hold or admit of any Communication with the Natives, but rather to fire upon them, and fome other Particulars he thought fit to be obferv'd. He had made him-felf a Goat of Mail with fmail Laths, to fecure himfelf againlt the Arrows, which he took a-long with him, he alfo took the Canoes, and promis'd to fend me one back. Five Cannon Shot were the Signal of his Departure.

He took his Way along the lower Part of the River, to march by Land along the neigh- f^^-f'^* ^^ bouring Bay, which was calj'd of St. Lewis, the out^tl^dif-Canoes keeping within Sight. I was left cover. in the Habitation with thirty four Perfons, Men, st.LcviWs Women and Children, and of that Number ^^J* were three Recclet Friars, the Sieur////We, who was to cotnmand in my Abfence, one of the Sieurs Dubaut^ the Sieurs Tife/^/^w/f and a Surgeon.

Our Proviiions being very fmall, and it being requifite to fpare them, for the Sick, wc were oblig'd to apply our felves to Fifhingand Shooting. Both of them at firfl proved very unfuc-cefsful, efpecially the latter j becaufe we were not yet well vers'd in them, and Monfieur ^e la Sale had taken our Huntfman along with him ^ but at length, Neceffity made us more expert. We kill'd Beeves, fome of which I caus'd to be dry'd, and they we,re a confiderable Help to fubiift us.


Koif-i68<^ Some Days after, the Canoe Monfieur de ta ^'''V^ Sale had promis'd me, arrived with three Sol-dieTwhb ^isi"s^ who brought us the News of the Lofs of Cold, the Huntfman Monfieur de la Sale had taken along with him, and who had been found dead with Cold in a Ditch, where he had lain dowa to reft after hunting, which troubled us all ve-• ry much. They alfo inform'd us, that Monfr, de la Sale advancing towards fome Dwellings the Natives had abandon'd, after a fraall Re-iiltance, fome of whom had been wounded as they fled, they had taken and brought a Girl and a Woman, who was (hot thro' the Thigh, of which (he dy'd. ^er.11585 The Canoe was a great Help to us to carry what we kill'd, which being brought to our Habitation, found Employment for all Perfons, fome to flea, others to cut up, and others to dry it. At other Times, 1 fet fome of our Men to throw up a Trench about our Habitation. Thus we fpent our Time, till about the ^i«.3686 Middle of January, i685, when being all, one Evening, in our Manfion, the Sentinel came ift to acquaint me, that he heard a Voice towards the River ^ fome Men ran thither immediately, and found a Man in a Canoe, crying, Dominich^ which was the Name of young Duhaut, who was with us. The Sight of that made me appre-henfiveleft fome Difafter was befallen Monfr, de la Sale, I drew near, and perceiv'd it was Duhaut the Elder, that was return'd.

I ask'd, him whether he had any Letters from Monfieur ^f/^ 5^/e, he anfwer'd, he had not. It gave me fome Uneafioefs, confidering 1 was forbid admitting any Man without an


Order in Writing, and I was almoft refolv'd to ?-i''.«686 fecure him \ but the Account he gave me of the ^J^^JQ^ Occafion of his returning wholly clear'd him. remms I admitted hiip, and he told me the whole /^oot Mr, Matter as follows. delaSale.

Monfr. de U SaU^ having ftaid fome Time on the Sea Shore, near the Place where the Bark was at Anchor he refolv'd to try the Anchoring Places of the Coafts round about, to know how near the Bark U Bells might come. To that Purpofe he fent the Pilot with 5 of the beil: Men to found-

The Pilot did as he was order'd, he founded and obferved the proper Places to come near fe-veralCoafts. At Night he and his Men be- ^j/^^" ing in all likelyhood tir'd, they thought fit to go i^Mtves, Alhore and lie upon the Land. They made a Fire, perhaps to drefs fome Meat j but neglecting to ftand upon their Guard, they were furpriz'd, and all fix of them kill'd by the Savages ^ who alfo broke their Canoe, and thus reveng'd themfelves for the Irruption Monfr. de la 5<2/e had lately made among them.

More Time being elaps'd than Monfieur de U Sale had allotted thofe Men to return, he ^

grew uneafy, and went himfelf along the Coafl:, to fee if any News could be had ot them, and keeping along the Shore, he found the fad Remains of thole unfortunate Wretches, whofe Carcafles fcatter'd about, were torn and almoft devour'd by Wolves or wild Dogs, a Spedatlc which went to his Heart.

However this Lofs, which afflifted him, and particularly for the Sake ot the Pilot, who was an able Man, did not quite caft him down •, but exerting himfelf agaiult his Misfortunes, he


So Monjleur de la S A l eV Second Voya^

^itn.i6%6 caus'd Flefh to be dry'd, and with that and the "5-^"^^^ other Provilions he viduall'd the Bark ia Belle* He caus'd it to advance into the Bay, put a good ISJuniber of Men on Board to fejcure it, among whom were Monfieur CWe-y/Y/^,'the Prieft, and TUnterofe of Roan^ and order'd them not to ftir from that Place till they heard from him, and not to go Afhore, unlefs with a good Guard and jiecefiary Precautions.

Next, he chofe out Twenty Men, irabark'd on two Canoes he had left, and being come Afhore, caus'd the Canoes to be funk in the River, and every Man to take up his Bundle, confifting of Arms, Tools, fome Utenfils for the Kitchin, a few Goods, to trade with the Katives, if he fhould find any fociable, and fo advanc'd into the Country, to try if any Isiotice could be had of the Mijfifpi,

After feveral Days March, they came to a La Ma- good pleafant River, which they afterwards ligne i(i- caii'd la Maligne. Monfieur de la Sale marching ven at the Head of the Company, and having or-der'd Monfieur Moranget to keep in the Rear; it happen'd that Duhaut {topping to mend his Snapfack and his Shoes, which were in a bad Condition ^ the Sieur Moranget coming up, commanded bim to march, he defired him to ftay a little. Moranget would not, but held on his Way j Duhaut follow'd fome Time after, but having ftay'd too long, he could not overtake the Company, and found himfelf about Islight fall in a Plain full of Weeds, where there were feveral Tracks of the Way Cattle had gone, but knew not which of them to take. He fir'd his Piece feveral Times, without hearing

lag any thing of his Company, and was oblig'd^S. to pafs the Might in that fame Place. L/'V^Si?

In the Morning he fnot again, fpent the Day and Night again' in that Place, fo that not ^^^^^^ knowing what to do, he return'd the fame Way he had gone, and after a Month's March, for he traveli'd only by Night, tor Fear of. meeting with the Savages, living upon whaE he kilVd with much Difnculty and Danger, having before fpent all his own Provifions ^ at length after moft unaccountable Hardfbips and Sufferings, he arriv'd at the Place where the Canoes had been funk. He took one of them up, with incredible Labour, and too long to relatl*^, ' and fo came to our Habitation of St. Levpis* Thus it pleas'd God that he who was to be one of the Murderers of Monlieur de la Sale, fhould come off f»fe, and furmoant almofl infinite Dangers.

This Account, which feem'd to carry the Face of Probability, prevail'd with me to receive the Sieur Duhaut^ and in Reality I could do no otherwife, and 1 made it my Bufinefs to examine into his Behaviour, but could find Nothing to la^to his Charge. We con-tiaued feme Time longer as we had been before •, during the which, I caused another little Wooden Struclare to be made, of Timber, i had got together, and in it I lodg'd the Women and Maidens by themfelves. Having hitherto faid Nothing of the Situation of our Dwelling of St. Lewis, nor of the Nature of the Country we were in, I v;ill here venture upon a plain but true Defcription.

We were in about the 27th Degree of North Latitude, two Leagues up the Country, near


6u Monfeur de la S a l eV Second Voyage Teh.i6%6. the Bay of St. Lewis and the Bjnk of the Rf-^2npH- ^^^ auxBceufs, on a little Hillock, whence we enoftbs difcover'd vaffc and beautiful Plains, extending Country very far to the Weftward, all level and full of tfwiz?we/-Greens, Which afford Pafture to an infinite ling at St. i«;iumber of Beeves and other Creatures. TbeLand. Turning from the Weft to the Southward^ there appear'd other Plains adorn'd with feve-ral little Woods of feveralSorts of Trees. Towards the South and Eaft was the Bay, and the Plains that hem it in from the Eaft ; to the Northward, was the River running along by a little Hill, beyond which there were other large Plains, with fome little Tufts of Wood at fmall Diftance^, terminating in a Border of Wood^ which feem'd to us to be very high. ihin^ Between that little Hill and our Dwelling,

Crentures. ^g^ ^ ^qj.^ q( Marlh, and in it Abundance of wild Foul, as Curlies, Water-Hens and other Sorts. In the Marfh there were little Pools full of Fifh. We had alfo an infinite Number of Beeves, wild Goats, Rabbits, Turkeys, Buftards, Geefe, Swans, Feldifares, Plovers, Teal, Partridges and many other Sorts of Fowl fit to eat, and among themSone cdWAUgrand Gofiir^ or, the great Gullet, becaufe it has a very large one •, another c.s big and Flefhy as a Pullet, which we called the Spatula, becaufe it's Beak is fhap'd like one, and the Feathers of it being of a pale Red, are very beautiful.

As for Fifh, we had feveral Sorts in the Ri-fijh, ver and in the Lakes I have mention'd. The River afforded a Sort of Barbies, differing from ours in Roundnefs, in their having three Bones Iticking out, one on the Back, the others oa each Side of the Head, and in the Flefh, which

is like Cod, and without Scaks. The River fup- ^^J:*^* ply'd us with Abundance of other Fifties, whofe '^^v^' Names we know not. The Sea afforded us Oyfters, Eeles, Trouts, a Sort of red Fifties and others whofe long, fliarp and hard Beak tore all our Nets.

We had Plenty both of Land and Sea Tor-toifes, whofe Eggs ferv'd to feafon our Sauces. Tomlfes, The Land Tortoifes difl^er from thofe of the Sea, as being fmaller, round, and their Shell more beautiful. They hide themfelves ia Holes they find or make in the Earth. It was looking for thefe Tortoifes, that one of our Surgeons, thruft his Arm into a Hole, and was bit by fome venomous Creature, which we fuppos'd to be a Sort of Toad, having four Feet, the Top of his Back ftiarp and very hard, with a little Tail. Whether it was this Crea- i'^„f,^g^^ ture, or a Snake, his Arm fwelled very much, crcAtura, however he was cured by fuch Applications as were made Ufe of j but it coft him a Finger was cot off.

Among the venomous Sorts of Snakes, as Vipers, Afps and others, whereof there are ^^f^-many, thofe call'd Rattle-Snakes are the molt ^■"^^^^' common, They generally lye among the Brambles, where they make a Noife by the Motion of two Scales they have at the End of their Tail, which is heard at a confiderable Diftance, and therefore they are call'd Rattle-Snakes. Some of our Men had eaten of them and found their Flefli was not amifs, and when we had kill'd any of them, our Swine made a good Meal.


^4 Monfieur de la S a l e'j Second, Voyage ^^^^^ There are alfo many Alligators in the Rivers,'

ji^i^ators. ^°"^^ °^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ frightful Magnitude and 'Bulk. I kill'd one that was between four and five Foot about, and twenty Foot in Length, on which our Swine feafted. This Creature has very fhort Legs, inforauch that it rather drags along than walks, and it is eafy to follow the Traftofit, either among the Weeds or on the Sands, where it has been. It is very ravenous, and attacks either Men or Beads, when they are within Reach in the River, and comes alfo aHiore to feek for Food. It has this particular Quality, that it flies from fueh as purfue, and purfues thofe who fly from it. I have fhot many of them dead.

Trees The Woods are compofed of Trees offeveral

Sorts. There are Oaks, fome of them ever green and never without Leaves •, others like oars in Europe^ bearing a Fruit much like our Galls, and lofe their Leaves in Winter, and a-nother Sort not unlike ours in Franee^ but the Bark of them thicker, thefe as well as the fe-cond Sort bear au Acorn, differing from ours both in Tafle and Bignefs.

There is a Sort of Tree, which bears fmall Berries, which, when ripe, are red, and indifferent pleafant. It bears twice a Year, but the fccond Crop never ripens. There is another Tree, bearing a Fruit not unlike Cajfm^ in Taftc and Virtue.

There are others of the Sort I had feen in the Iflands, whofe Leaves are like Rackets, whence the Tree bears the Name. The Blolloms grow out about the Leaves, and of them comes a

Divge- Fruit fomewhat refcmbling Figs, but the Leaves

m*fr«/rand the Fruit are full of Prickles, which malt


be carefully rubb'd and taken off, before it is Feb.j6S<i' eaten, elfe they dangeroufly inflame the Mouth ^-^'^^'*^-and the Throat, and may prove mortal, as happenM to one of our Soldiers, who had eaten of them too greedily, and without that Precaution.

I have feen fome Trees refembling the Paln^i whofe lofty and long Branches fpread like that caird the Latamer^htaving a Fruit, be indifferent good. Others the fame Sort, but whofe I Leaves are like Gutters, harlh and fo fnarp pointed, that they will pierce the thfckefl: Stuffs. This Tree has a Sprout on the Top,which fhoors out Flowers in the Shape of a Nofegay, of a vvhitilh yellow, and feme of them at the Top of that Sprout have fixty or eighty Flowers hanging down, not unlike the Flower de Luce, and after thofe Flowers follows a Fruit as long as a Man's Finger, and thicker than the Thumb, full of little Seeds, fo that there is fcarce any Thing but the Rhind fit to eat, the Talte whereof is fweet and delicate