Resources for Huey Long.
Online for the first time at the Louisiana Anthology, this is Long's autobiography, written shortly before his assassination.
Long. "Every Man a King" Speech.Our edition of Huey Long's "Every Man a King Speech."
Long. My First Days in the White House.Long's future autobiography in which he imagines what he'll do in the White House.
Long. Senate Social Security Speeches.Huey Long was a strong proponent of Social Security. These
are some of his speeched on the subject he made to the Senate.
Huey Long was a strong proponent of Social Security. These are some of his speeched on the subject he made to the Senate.

Carter. �How Come Huey Long? 1. Bogeyman.�
One of Hodding Carter, Jr.'s many anti-Long articles.
A matching positive article on Huey from the perspective of
white socialism.
A Jacobin article critiquing Huey Long from the left.
An article from the Socialist Appeal in 1935. Its thesis is that Huey
Long was not a true socialist and would distract from the socialist movement if he were successful.

The history of the terms Arcadia, Acadia, Acadie, Acadiana, Acadians, �Cadians, Cajuns.
From Winnfield to WashingtonThe HNOC lesson plan about the life and career of Huey Long.
ELA lesson plans for grades 7-9.
Grades 5-11. American and Louisiana History. Lesson plans for
2-4 days, based on a field trip to Louisiana's Old State
Capitol Huey Long exhibit.
ELA 9-10, Common Core Standards. Task Question: In what ways
did President Franklin Roosevelt and Senator Huey Long
influence public opinion on the economic issues facing the
nation during the Great Depression?

Episode 344. Bruce's discussion about Huey Long with Jeff
Barrois, part 1. Jeff is a fellow podcaster, hosting "Good
Morning Comrade," in New Orleans. He is also active in the DSA
(Democratic Socialists of Americe), a union activist, and a
school teacher in Jefferson Parish. Today he interviews Bruce
about Huey Long, his career and politics, and we consider ways
that we can tap into the Long legacy today.
Episode 345. Bruce's discussion about Huey Long with Jeff Barrois, part 2. Jeff is a fellow podcaster, hosting "Good Morning Comrade," in New Orleans. He is also active in the DSA (Democratic Socialists of Americe), a union activist, and a school teacher in Jefferson Parish. Today he interviews Bruce about Huey Long, his career and politics, and we consider ways that we can tap into the Long legacy today.