Q: Why can't this veal calf walk?

Image of a veal calf in a stall.

A: He has only two feet.

Actually, less than two feet. Twenty two inches to be exact. His entire life is spent chained in a wooden box measuring only 22 inches wide and 56 inches long.  The box is so small the calf can't walk or even turn around. 

Most people think animal abuse is illegal.  It isn't.  In veal factories, it's business as usual.  "Milk-fed" veal is obtained by making a calf anemic.  The calf is not fed mother's milk.  He's fed an antibiotic laced formula that causes severe diarrhea.  He must lie in his own excrement — choking on the ammonia gases. He's chained in a darkened building with hundreds of other baby calves suffering the same fate.  They are immobilized, sick, and anemic. 

Toxic Veal 

The reckless use of  oxytetracycline, mold inhibiting chemicals, chloramphenicol, neomycin, penicillin, and other drugs is not just bad for calves.  It is toxic to you. 

But doesn't the USDA prevent tainted veal from being sold? Absolutely not.  The USDA itself admits that most veal is never checked for toxic residue. 

Antibiotics in veal and other factory farm products create virulent strains of bacteria that wreak havoc on human health.  Salmonella poisoning is reaching epidemic proportions. 

Veal factories maximize profits for agribusiness drug companies

because they are a breeding ground for disease. To keep calves alive under such torturous conditions, They are continually given drugs which can be passed on to customers. 

It doesn't have to be this way.  And with your help, it won't be.  Please, don't buy veal! 
Campaign Against Factory Farming
YES! Factory farms must be stopped from misusing drugs, abusing farm animals, and destroying America's family farms.  Enclosed is my tax- deductible contribution of: 
__ $20 __ $50 __ $100 __ $500 __ Other _______ 

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A free Customer Alert pack is available upon request. 


1550 California St.   Suite 12     San Francisco, CA  94109 

    Colored Divider
    Audience analysis questions
    1. Who was the original audience?
    2. What magazines would they have seen this in?
    3. Whese does the ad appeal to the audience's sympathy? Its self-interest?
    4. What is the proximate (immediate) goal? The ultimate goal? How will the proximate goal lead to the long-term goal?
    5. If you changed the audience to farmers, how would the argument change? How would the short-term goal change?