Jinyuan Chen

That's me 

Jinyuan Chen
Associate Professor
AT&T Professor in Electrical Engineering
ELEN Graduate Coordinator
Electrical Engineering Department
College of Engineering and Science
Louisiana Tech University

Email: jinyuan@latech.edu
Office: 219, Nethken Hall
Phone: 318 257 3083

About me

I am an Associate Professor at Louisiana Tech University. Before joining Louisiana Tech, I was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University.

My research interests include information theory, distributed consensus, blockchain, and machine learning.

I am also the founder of Ocior Inc., a startup focused on innovations in blockchain, AI, and 6G technologies.

I am organizing ECE research seminars. If you are interested in giving a talk, please let me know.

Check out our paper, where an open problem of Byzantine agreement is solved using coding theory and graph theory.

I am also serving as a youth soccer coach. Our team keeps an unbeaten record in all games this season.

Check out some of our animated videos for STEM education and outreach.



•   08/2024: My first Ph.D. student Fan Li will be joining Lawrence Technological University as tenure-track Assistant Professor! Congratulation!

•   08/2024: The presentation by our team Blockchain Application in Materials Science and Additive Manufacturing received the First Place Award in LAMDA Research Symposium Poster Contest 2024. Congratulation!

•   08/2024: Paper A survey of blockchain, artificial intelligence, and edge computing for Web 3.0 accepted in Computer Science Review.

•   05/2024: Paper Blockchain application to the processes in material design, production, distribution, and disposal: A survey accepted in Journal of Industrial Information Integration.

•   11/2023: New paper A Survey of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Edge Computing for Web 3.0, e-print, arXiv: 2311.13731.

•   06/2023: Paper Communication-Efficient and Error-Free Gradecast with Optimal Resilience appears in IEEE ISIT 2023.

•   02/2023: I will give a talk Optimal Error-Free Gradecast in 2023 Information Theory and Applications Workshop.

•   02/2023: I have given a talk Deep learning for predicting the thermomechanical behavior of shape memory polymers in the 2nd LAMDA Additive Manufacturing Frontiers Conference "Enhancing Additive Manufacturing Through Advanced Cybersecurity and Machine Learning".

•   12/2022: I am awarded as AT&T Professor in Electrical Engineering.

•   11/2022: I am serving as a youth soccer coach. Our U10 team Cosmos keeps an unbeaten record in all five games this fall season, with four wins and one draw (2:0, 2:2, 4:1, 8:0, 8:3).

•   09/2022: Fan Li has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation! Congratulations!

•   09/2022: Paper Deep learning for predicting the thermomechanical behavior of shape memory polymers accepted in Polymer.

•   09/2022: I have been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Louisiana Tech.

•   08/2022: I serve as ELEN Graduate Coordinator at Louisiana Tech.

•   06/2022: The presentation by our team, Diego Segura and Fan Li, on Predicting the Thermomechanical Response of Shape Memory Polymers using Deep Learning received the First Place Award in LAMDA Student Retreat 2022. Congratulation!

•   06/2022: I received a 4.0 out of 4.0 average score from the student evaluations for all my courses taught in the academic year 2021-2022.

•   03/2022: I serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, IEEE SPAWC 2022, IEEE ICC 2022 and IEEE WCNC 2022.

•   02/2022: Diego Segura’s talk on Deep Learning for Thermoset Shape Memory Polymers received the First Place Award in 2022 COES Grad Student Symposium! Congratulation!

•   01/2022: I serve as the supervisor in LaTech Science Olympiad 2022.

•   10/2021: Paper Optimal error-free multi-valued Byzantine agreement appears in the 35th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC) 2021. An open problem of multi-valued Byzantine agreement is solved using coding theory and graph theory.

•   08/2021: Our presentation Deep Learning for Thermoset Shape Memory Polymers was awarded as the Winner of the Presentation Contest in 2021 LAMDA Symposium.

•   07/2021: I have delivered a talk Enhancing STEM Student Research Experience through Poster Sessions as Part of the Class in the 2021 LS-PAC MODELS Diversity in STEM Conference.

•   06/2021: I am offering the new course Distributed Consensus and Blockchains at Louisiana Tech this summer.

•   06/2021: Our proposal "Deep Learning for Thermoset Shape Memory Polymers" is funded by NSF and BoR sponsored Supervised Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program, with my role as PI.

•   05/2021: I serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE ICC 2021, IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 and IEEE WCNC 2022.

•   05/2021: Paper Communication-efficient signature-free asynchronous Byzantine agreement to appear in IEEE ISIT 2021.

•   03/2021: Paper Multi-layer Interference Alignment and GDoF of the K-User Asymmetric Interference Channel accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

•   12/2020: New version Fundamental Limits of Byzantine Agreement, e-print, arXiv: 2009.10965.

•   12/2020: Paper Adding common randomness can remove the secrecy penalty in GDoF accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

•   12/2020: Paper Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Helper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

•   09/2020: New paper Fundamental Limits of Byzantine Agreement, e-print, arXiv: 2009.10965.

•   09/2020: Our LAMDA team receives the COES award recognizing the contributions in research and economic impact.

•   05/2020: Our LAMDA project is funded by NSF, at the amount of $20 Million!

•   03/2020: Two papers have been accepted in ISIT 2020.

•   02/2020: I am organizing ECE research seminars. Check out the upcoming talks here.

•   02/2020: Check out my talk on common-randomness aided secure communication in 2020 Information Theory and Applications Workshop.

•   12/2019: Paper Secure Communication over Interference Channel: To Jam or Not to Jam? accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

•   10/2019: New paper Multi-layer Interference Alignment and GDoF of the K-User Asymmetric Interference Channel, e-print, arXiv: 1910.12997.

•   09/2019: New version Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Helper, e-print, arXiv: 1812.10457.

•   09/2019: I will serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE ICC 2020.

•   08/2019: New version Distributed Computing with Heterogeneous Communication Constraints: The Worst-Case Computation Load and Proof by Contradiction, e-print, arXiv:1802.00413.

•   07/2019: New paper Adding common randomness can remove the secrecy constraints in communication networks, e-print, arXiv: 1907.04599.

•   06/2019: Paper Wireless MapReduce distributed computing accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

•   04/2019: Paper Adding a helper can totally remove the secrecy constraints in two-user interference channel accepted in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.

•   03/2019: Two papers on secure communication have been accepted in ISIT 2019.

•   01/2019: Two papers on secure communication have been submitted to ISIT 2019.

•   12/2018: New paper Optimal Secure GDoF of Symmetric Gaussian Wiretap Channel with a Helper, e-print, arXiv: 1812.10457.

•   12/2018: Fan Li’s talk on Wireless MapReduce Distributed Computing received the best oral presentation award in the COES Graduate Symposium 2018! Congratulation!

•   12/2018: Nishant Shakya’s poster on Distributed Computing with Heterogeneous Communication Constraints received the best poster award in the COES Graduate Symposium 2018! Congratulation!

•   11/2018: Naif Hadi Alanazi received his master degree. Congratulations!

•   11/2018: New paper Adding a Helper Can Totally Remove the Secrecy Constraints in Interference Channel, e-print, arXiv: 1812.00550.

•   10/2018: New paper Secure Communication over Interference Channel: To Jam or Not to Jam? e-print, arXiv: 1810.13256.

•   09/2018: I will serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE ICC 2019 and at IEEE SPAWC 2019.

•   08/2018: Our paper on Secure Communication will be presented in Allerton'18.

•   07/2018: Our paper on Distributed Computing with Heterogeneous Communication Constraints will be presented in ACSSC 2018.

•   06/2018: Our paper Wireless MapReduce Distributed Computing has been presented at IEEE ISIT 2018.

•   04/2018: Our project on communication security (sole PI) is funded from the Board of Regents Support Fund - Research Competitiveness Subprogram (RCS)!

•   04/2018: Educational Outreach engaged in the Engineering and Science Day.

•   03/2018: New version On the MISO Channel with Feedback: Can Infinitely Massive Antennas Achieve Infinite Capacity? e-print, arXiv: 1802.00413.

•   02/2018: New paper Distributed Computing with Heterogeneous Communication Constraints: The Worst-Case Computation Load and Proof by Contradiction, e-print, arXiv:1802.00413.

•   02/2018: New paper Wireless MapReduce Distributed Computing, e-print, arXiv:1802.00894.

•   01/2018: New paper on computing has been submitted for possible publication.

•   06/2017: New paper On the Optimality of Secure Communication Without Using Cooperative Jamming, e-print, arXiv:1706.06220.

•   06/2017: I will serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE ICC 2018.

•   06/2017: I will serve as a session chair at IEEE ISIT 2017.

•   04/2017: Paper on massive MIMO has been accepted for presentation at IEEE ISIT 2017.

•   01/2017: Paper on massive MIMO has been submitted for possible publication.

•   12/2016: I am teaching the course of communication systems during the winter quarter.

•   09/2016: Paper on secure capacity of interference channel was presented at Allerton'16, Monticello, IL.

•   09/2016: I served as a session chair at Allerton'16, Monticello, IL.

•   08/2016: I serve as a technical program committee member at IEEE ICC 2017.

•   07/2016: Paper on Heterogeneous Networks with Outdated CSIT appeared in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July 2016.


I am looking for motivated graduate students with strong mathematical background to join my research group for PhD. Just shoot me an email with your CV if you are interested.