living with the lab
boosting hands-on learning in engineering education

To learn more about our curriculum, download the PowerPoint presentation and the three videos into a single directory. The videos should automatically open when the presentation is played.

Living with the Lab Presentation:

Presentation (PowerPoint - 7 MB)
ENGR 120 video (Windows Media Player - 19.2 MB)
ENGR 121 video (Windows Media Player - 17.6 MB)
ENGR 122 video (Windows Media Player - 47.1 MB)
Notes to accompany presentation (MS Word - 41 KB)

Old pump fabrication video (Windows Media Player - 23.8 MB)

College of Engineering and Science
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana

Project supported by the National Science Foundation's Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program under Award No. 0618288.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.