living with the lab
boosting hands-on learning in engineering education
university consortium

A number of universities have adapted portions of Living with the Lab for their students. These schools are listed below along with a history of their adaptations. We are happy to list universities what adapt and contribute to the Living with the Lab effort on this page. Contact David Hall at to be listed.

university details
LA Tech

Living with the Lab was initiated at Louisiana Tech University in 2002 with a pilot group of 23 freshman students through seed funding from the Center for Entreprenurship and Information Technology (CEnIT). The program evolved into the Honors Engineering Program beginning in 2004 and was expanded to all engineering students (434 students at the time) in 2008 though an NSF CCLI Phase 2 grant (0618288). We have used platforms based on Boe-Bots, NI-DAQ cards, and now the Arduino along with a software suite that includes SolidWorks, Excel, and Mathcad. A total of 755 students were enrolled in our three ENGR 120, 121 and 122 courses in the fall of 2015.

See for details. Faculty participants are listed here.

Campbell University
Campbell University plans to implement an adaptation of Living with the Lab in the fall of 2016 for all engineering students.


LA Tech Living with the Lab Faculty Group
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana

Project initially supported by the National Science Foundation's Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program under Award No. 0618288.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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