M.S. Engineering - Dec 2005


Practicum: “Electric Field Effects on Hydrogen Adsorption by Beryllium-Doped Carbon Nanoclusters”



Informatica developer at Union Bank San Francisco Bay Area


M.S. Molecular Science and Nanotechnology - Jul 2006


Thesis: “Understanding the Role of Ca2+ and Ba2+ in the Active site of Methanol Dehydrogenase Enzymes for Fuel cell Applications”

M.S. Biomedical Engineering - Nov 2006


Thesis: “Immobilization of Methanol Dehydrogenase Enzyme on Silica and Graphite Electrodes For Biofuel Cells”





Ph.D. Engineering - Dec 2008


Dissertation: “A computational study on novel carbon-based Lithium materials for hydrogen storage and the role of carbon in Destabilizing complex Metal hydrides”



Post doctoral research associate at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands


Students who graduated from Dr. Mainardi’s Group are listed below. The titles of their Thesis/Dissertations and their current working position are also provided.


M.S. Biomedical Engineering - Dec 2008


Thesis: “Kinetics of methanol production catalyzed by methanol dehydrogenase after the photochemical conversion of CO2 to formate”



Program Director of Information Technology and Biomedical Technician Program at MedVance Institute, Baton Rouge LA


Ph.D. Engineering - Mar 2009


Dissertation: “Theoretical Study of Methanol Oxidation Mechanisms by Methanol Dehydrogenase Enzymes for Fuel Cell Applications”


M.S. Molecular Science and Nanotechnology - Sep 2006


Thesis: “Structural, Electrostatic and Energetic Studies of Acrylic (PAA, PMA and PMMA) and Allylamine (PAH) polymers for Self Assembly”

Currently: Post doctoral research associate at University of Texas - Austin



M.S. Chemical Engineering - Aug 2010


Thesis: “Computational Study of Chloride Anion Solvation and Dynamics in Bulk and Cementitious Material”




Ph.D. Engineering - Mar 2009


Dissertation: “Computational Study of Pristine and Ti-doped Sodium Alanates for Hydrogen Storage Applications”


M.S. Chemical Engineering - Jun 2011


Thesis: “Effectiveness of Titania and Zirconia as Catalysts for CO2 Reduction and Ammonia Borane Dehydrogenation”



Quality Assurance Engineer at Tejas Tubular Products, Inc. Houston, TX

Currently: Deceased