Unit Operations-
(Fall quarter)
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:
Use appropriate rate equations corresponding to the three modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation) to solve heat transfer problems (Ch.1 and 2).
Use appropriate energy balances around a control volume or control surface for the analysis and solution of heat transfer problems (Ch.1).
Apply the acquired knowledge of heat transfer to analyze a variety of 1-
Use and apply the Finite Element (grid and nodes) method (Ch.4) for the solution
of 2-
Solve non-
Determine convective heat transfer coefficients h for systems involving convection in external (Ch.6 and 7) and internal (Ch.8) flows using a variety of empirical correlations.
Demonstrate capability to identify a variety of heat exchanger types and solve
problems related to heat exchangers using both the Log-
Incropera, Frank P. and David P. DeWitt; “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, 6th Ed., John Wiley and Sons; 2007
About the Mock FE Exam (Highly recommended):
The real FE exam (Fundamentals of Engineering exam) is an examination engineers must pass in order to be certified as Professional Engineers. Students must take the real FE exam during their last year of their CMEN program. The real FE exam is about CMEN topics only.
A “rehearsal” for that exam is known as the “Mock FE” exam and it is highly recommended by the CMEN faculty.
By the time students take CMEN313, they are supposed to take the Mock FE exam sometime
during the Fall quarter outside class hours. The Mock FE exam is a general 2-