Mainardi is extensively involved in education through her NSF-CAREER (via the Nanosystem Modeling course), the NSF-“Continuing GK-12, Creating Connections: Advancing Knowledge, Learning and Stem Career Opportunities for Rural Louisiana” (as Co-PI and Scientific Research Director) and the “Nanoscience Educational Research Outreach (NERO)” programs at Louisiana Tech University (as a research mentor).


The outcomes of the Nanosystems Modeling course I teach are being disseminated through learning kits and “in vivo” demonstrations of computational research activities to: students during Engineer’s Day and a general audience during diverse events at Louisiana Tech University, such us the IfM Crystal Anniversary Open House Event.


Thus, effective integration of research and education ensure that the material learned by students in Nanosystems Modeling is successfully passed down to the next generation of students, scientists and researchers through learning materials designed by Nanosystems Modeling students for students, educators, and a general audience.  

Outreach Activities at Louisiana Tech