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Deliverables Required of Graduate Students


Before you turn in any written materials, including proposals, theses, practica, or journal article drafts, you must read the following documents:


Checklist for Writing

Checklist for Graphs

Checklist for References

Equation Editor Commands


Print the first page of each of the three checklists, check the appropriate boxes, and turn them in with the work you are submitting.  Please do not print out the entire document – only the first page!  If the person reviewing the work determines that you have checked an item without following the associated instruction, the work will be returned to you without comment and will not be reviewed until all of the instructions have been followed.


Masters students are required to produce the following documents.


  1. Appointment of Graduate Committee (Due by the end of the 1st quarter).


This form identifies the people who will serve on your graduate committee.  A Masters committee consists of 3 faculty members, one of whom will be the advisor.  A Ph.D. committee consists of 5 faculty members, one of whom will be the advisor.


  1. Plan of Study (Due by the end of the 1st quarter).


This document identifies the courses that the student will take in fulfillment of course requirements.  It must be approved by all of the student’s committee members.


  1. Thesis Proposal (Due by the end of the 2nd quarter).


This document will generally be 10 to 20 pages and will detail the research plan that the student will carry out in fulfillment of the thesis requirements.  It should follow the guidelines for a thesis proposal (Downloadable MS Word File) as elaborated by the biomedical engineering program.


Failure to submit any of the above documents before the end of the required quarter will cause a hold to be placed on the students registration, preventing him or her from registering for the following quarter.


Ph.D. students are required to produce items 1-3 above.  In addition, they must take a comprehensive examination at the end of their coursework, and they will turn in a dissertation instead of a thesis.


  1. Thesis/Dissertation


The thesis/dissertation documents the research work that the student has performed.  There are strict formatting guidelines for your thesis/dissertation, which can be found here: Format for the thesis/dissertation.  A description of the content of a dissertation, practicum, thesis, or other research publication can be found at: Content of a thesis/dissertation (Download MS Word File).


In addition, the appropriate approval form must be signed by your advisory committee prior to graduation:


Thesis approval form (MS students)

Dissertation approval form (Ph.D. students)


A complete list of important deadlines for completion of the thesis is provided here:  Timetable for completion of the thesis/dissertation


Because the thesis/dissertation must also be accepted by the library before you can graduate, you must also fulfill the following requirements:


Requirements for acceptance of the thesis by the library.



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