At the end
of this course, the student will be able to:
1) Describe the underlying principles
for several different methods for measuring flow rate and flow velocity both in
vivo and in vitro, including:
a) Doppler ultrasound.
b) Thermal dilution.
c) Electromagnetic flow meters.
d) Transit time flow meters.
e) Laser Doppler anemometry.
f) Hot film anemometry.
g) Particle image velocimetry.
h) Particle tracking.
i) Phase contrast magnetic resonance
j) Qualitative flow visualization.
2) Describe, where applicable, the
differences between in vivo and in vitro implementations of each measurement
3) Determine which technique is
appropriate for a given application and state why.
4) Describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each method.
5) Collect velocity and flow data by
one or more of these techniques in laminar and turbulent flow
6) Measure fluid viscosity with a cone
and plate viscometer and devise other methods for this measurement.
7) Describe the data acquisition
hardware for each technique, and display this hardware correctly in a block
8) Describe several different methods
by which several different measurement techniques can be synchronized in time,
including cross-correlation and various types of triggering.
9) Design an in vitro flow loop to simulate
pulsatile flow in an artery.
10) Describe the principle of Doppler
ambiguity as it applies to Doppler ultrasound and laser Doppler anemometry.
11) Simulate ambiguity effects in a
Doppler signal.
12) Sketch the signals involved in
Doppler ultrasound from both time and frequency domain and describe how each is
related to fundamental mathematical relationships.
13) Rescale measurements taken in an in
vitro model back to an in vivo situation.
14) Determine the accuracy of wall shear
stress measurements obtained through different methods and list the
advantages/disadvantages of each method.
15) Compare the Doppler and fringe
models for laser Doppler anemometry.