Course: BME 550C
Title: Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics
Instructor: Steven
A. Jones
Bogard Hall, Phone: 257-2288
Text: F.M.
White, Viscous Fluid Flow,
McGraw-Hill, 1974.
Lecture Time:
Bonner Hall
Attendance: Attendance of Lectures is
mandatory. Students must have reasonable
cause to miss a lecture. Lectures missed
without reasonable cause will cause a deduction of 5% from the total grade.
Grades: A/B/C/D/F corresponds to
Grade Weighting: 33.3% Homework, 66.7% exams.
Homework: Homework is probably the single
most important part of the course.
Occasionally a student will be able to absorb all the needed information
without doing the homework, but this is rare, and it is easy to fool yourself
into thinking that you understand how to do a problem. The only way to be sure that you understand
is to work the homework. Homework will be accepted late at a cost of 5% per
lecture period.
You must state the
rationale for any equations or manipulations you do. For example, if you are writing down the
equation of continuity, state that this is what you are doing. If you are dividing the equation by r, state this. Neatness and legibility are also factors in
the grading of the homework since they make the grader’s job much easier. Where appropriate, put a box around your
final answer.
mark your homework with your name, the course number, the due date, and the
number of the homework set. For example:
550 C
Set 1