Course Rules


Biomechanics (BIEN 430)


Outline:  The applications of classical mechanics, including statics, dynamics, solid mechanics, and fluid mechanics to biological problems


Text: Fundamentals of Biomechanics, N. Özkaya and M. Nordin. Second edition, Springer, 1998. ISBN: 0-387-98283-3


Classes:  2 lectures per week, WF: 2:00-3:50. Locations: BH 105  


Initial Instructor: Dr. Steven A. Jones


Office hours and location:

Office hours: 12:00 to 2:00 PM, M-F

Location and contact information: BH 239; Tel: 257-2288; Email:


Grading: Final grade based on: Quizes / Home works / Attendance 30%, First Mid-Term 20%, Second Mid-Term 20%, Final 30%.


Grading Scale: A =100-90%, B =89-80%, C =79-70%, D =69-60%, F =below 60%.


Scale used: A=100-90%, B=89-80%, C=79-70%, D=69-60%, F=below 60%. NOTE: All assignments (i.e. homework and examinations) must be the independent work of each student. 20% of the full points will be deducted each day for assignments turned in after the due date.


Attendance: Class attendance is governed by university regulations published each year in the university bulletin. Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege, and all students are expected to attend regularly and punctually all classes in which they are enrolled. Note that one who misses more than two lectures without the approval of the instructor in advance will be ducted 10% of the final grade.


Misconduct: Academic misconduct is governed by university regulations published each year in the university bulletin. Academic misconduct at the University is determined by the faculty member under whom such misconduct occurs. The penalty for cheating and other forms of misconduct is also determined by the faculty member. The penalty may be a “F” in the course.