Elements of a Good Research Question


  1. Specific: Not a “fishing expedition”
  2. Measurable: Testable (statistically)
  3. Attainable: Something that “you” can do
    1. You have the expertise
    2. You have the equipment and resources
  4. Realistic:
    1. Based on some sort of rational physics
    2. Can be done in a reasonable time frame
  5. Timely:
    1. Novel
    2. Preferably based in new technologies (has a past).
    3. Important to current concerns (has a present).
    4. Can lead to new directions – i.e. is not an endpoint in itself (has a future).
  6. Important
  7. Meaningful whether the answer is “Yes” or “No.”



Louisiana Tech Research Experiences for Undergradautes in Micro/Nano Engineering

Steven A. Jones