Exercises in MS Word


Page 1:

  1. Set the left and right margins to 1 inch.
  2. Center title.
  3. Put the header on the document.
  4. Make changes, as appropriate to bold and italic text.
  5. Make the last paragraph of page 1 and the first paragraph on page 2 automatically numbered text.
  6. Automatically number pages.
  7. Make the text point size 12.


Page 2:

          Continue to put appropriate text in bold/italic.


Page 3:

1.     Continue bold/italic

2.     Generate the equation using MS equation editor.

3.     Add Figure 1 (under “Gaussian and Uniform Distributions” tab of the Excel file) and its caption.

4.     Group the figure and caption together.


Page 4:

1.     Continue bold/italic

2.     Insert the equation on line 3.

3.     Put the thick line in before “Example 1:”

4.     Insert Table 1 (from the MS Excel file under the “Three Dice Rolls” tab).

5.     Add the table caption and group it with the table.

6.     Add Table 2 (from the MS Excel file, same tab), with grouped caption.


Page 5:

1.     Generate the table at the bottom of the page.

2.     Make the 1st column of the table blue, with white, bold font.


For the text marked “Page 11,”

1.     Make the table appear at the right side of the page, with the text wrapping around the table, as on page 11 of the handout.

2.     Format the words “Tools | Data Analysis” and “linear regression.” in Arial font.