Invited talks

1.“Algorithms for Solving Linear Least Square Problems in LAPACK”, Research & Development Center for Parallel Software, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1998


2.“On blow-up of the solutions for some nonlinear hyperbolic equations”, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999


3.“Imaging of location and geometry for extended targets using the response matrix”, 4th Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium, 2004


4.“Imaging of location and geometry of extended targets in a strongly cluttered environment”, Michigan State University, 2005


5.“Time reversal and imaging”, West Virginia University, 2005


6.“A Direct imaging method for extended targets”, Delaware State University, 2006


7.“A Direct imaging method for extended targets”, Wayne State University, 2006


8.“Can we hear the shape of targets?”, Louisiana Tech University, 2007


9.“Imaging using Multi-static and Multi-spectrum data”, General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, 2008


10.“Imaging using multi-frequency data”, University of Texas, Arlington, 2008


11.“Imaging using multi-frequency data”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2009


12.“Interface Problems and Interface Shape Classification”, UC Irvine, 2009


13.“Interface Problems and Interface Shape Classification”, (poster), International Conferences on Advances in Scientific Computing, Brown University, 2009


14.“Shape Reconstruction and Classification using the Response Matrix”, Corolado State Univeristy, 2010


15.“Shape Reconstruction and Classification using the Response Matrix”, Corolado Schools of Mines, 2010


16.“Shape Reconstruction and Classification using the Response Matrix”, Portland State Univeristy, 2010


17.“Interface Problems and Interface Shape Classification”, University of Texas, Arlington, 2010


18.“Shape Reconstruction and Classification”, Michigan State Univeristy, 2010


19.“Solving Elliptic Equations with Sharp-edged Interfaces” (poster), Conference on Fluid Dynamics, Analysis, and Numerics, Duke Univeristy, 2010


20.“Interface Problems and Interface Shape Classification”, International Conference on Fluid Motion driven by Immersed Structures, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, 2010


21.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Tsinghua Univeristy, 2010


22.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, China Univeristy of Petroleum, 2010


23.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, University of Utah, 2011


24.“Shape Reconstruction and Classification using the Response Matrix”, Applied Inverse Problem Conference, Texas A&M, 2011


25.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, Scientific Computing around Louisiana, Louisiana State University, 2012


26.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2012


27.“A Numerical Method for solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, Shanghaijiaotong University, Shanghai, China, 2012


28.“Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems for Non-smooth Obstacles”, Annual Meeting of Louisiana Academy of Sciences, 2013


29.“Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems for Non-smooth Obstacles”, International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Taiwan, 2013


30.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, International Workship on Fluid Structure Interaction, Shanghai, China, 2013


31.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, University of Southern Mississippi, 2013


32.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, Texas PDE conference, University of North Texas, 2014


33.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, University of Houston, 2014


34.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2014


35.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China, 2014


36.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, The Third International Conference on Interdisciplinary Applied and Computational Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2014


37.“Solving the Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using Non-body-fitted Grid”, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 2014


38.“A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”, Baylor University, 2014


39.“A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”,  Southern Methodist University, 2014


40.“A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”,    Michigan State University, 2014


41.“A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”,    IAS Focus Program on Multi-scale Modelling and

       Simulation of Defect Problems in Material Science”, 2014


42. “A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”,

       Conference at Nanjing Normal University, 2015


43. “A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems”,

       Sichuan University, 2015


44.“A Weak Formulation for solving Elliptic, Elasticity and Parabolic Interface Problems”, Tsinghua University, 2015


45. “Numerical Methods for Solving Interface Problems”, University of Alabama, Huntsville, 2015


46. “Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems for non-smooth Obstacles”, Sichuan University, 2016


47. “Numerical Methods for solving Linear and Nonlinear Interface Problems”, SIAM Central Sectional Meeting, 2016


48. “An Improved Imaging Method for Extended Targets”, SIAM Central Sectional Meeting, 2016


49. “Solving Elliptic and Elasticity Interface Problems using non-body-fitted Grids”, UC Santa Barbara, 2016


50. “An Improved Imaging Method for Extended Targets”, Annual Meeting of LA Academy of Sciences, 2017


51. “Matlab Programming for Folding the Magic Snake Toys”, Sichuan University, China, 2017


52. “Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems”, University of Houston, 2017


53. “Some recent advances on a non-traditional finite element method for solving interface problems”, International Workshop on Fluid Structure Interaction, Sanya, China, 2018