Dummy Report
Title Page Format
1) First step to making the title page is to set your top margin. You do this by
going to File --> Page Setup. * When the box pops up the default
for the top margin will be 1"
2) Change the top margin to 2" by clicking
on the up arrow next to the box. Click ok.
3) Center the entire page by
clicking on the center button in the toolbar
4) Use a big font for your
paper's title, around 22 or 24 size font in Times New Roman
5) If you
have a subtitle, space down to the next line and in a slightly smaller font
(maybe 18 font) type it in
6) Return the size of the font to 12 and space
down about 8 times
7) Here you type who the paper was prepared for on the
first line, their job title on the second line, what department they work
in on the third line, and the school's name on the fourth line (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Spacing in the Title Page.
8) Space
down about 7 times and type 'By' on the first line, your name on the second
line, and the class on the third line
9) Finally, space down 9
spaces and type in the date (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Spacing the bottom of the Title Page.
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