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" Man, proud man !
Dress'd in a little brief authority,
Plays such fantastic tricks, before high heaven.
As make the angels weep."
Measure foi' Measure.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in tlie year ISCC,
In the United States District Court, District of Louisiana.
I. Commencement of the War 13
II. " Confederate Guards" IS
III. Arrival of Fleet under Captain Farragut 20
IV. Arrival of " Picayune Butler" 40
V. Affairs of tlie City 48
VI. Description of the City 59
VII. General Butler — house-liimting G4
VIII. Novel proceedings by tlie military G7
IX. Tribute to General Beauregard 73
X. Description of the Free Market before and after the
Blockade 77
XI. Description of a Ball. 98
XII. Execution of Mr. Mumford 107
XIII. " Order No. 28," and the Clergy : 109
XIV. Foreign Consuls molested 116
XV. Crusliing " Order No. 70" 120
XVI. TheOatli! 127
XVII. Sliip Island 140
XVIII. Atrocities of Butler in New Orleans 145
XIX. Heartlessness. — Treatment of a Lady 153
XX. Atrocities of Butler continued 154
XXI. The Confiscation Act 161
XXII. The Confiscation BUI, etc 167
XXin. Federal, Confederate, and Negro Funerals 178
XXIV. Union Meeting in Now Orleans 193
XXV. Exchange of Prisoners 202
XXVI. Emancipation Proclamation 204
XXVII. Room wanted 215
XXVIII. The Pass 217
XXIX. '■ Home, B^veet Home" 223
XXX. To those whom it may concern 228
XXXI. Butler recalled 244
XXXII. Butler's arrival North 2o0
XXXIII. List of " Booty" taken from " Beauty" 2G5
XXXIV. Banks and Butler 200
XXXV. Pocket Handkerchief War 273
XXXVI. Banks's Red River Expedition 283
Finale 284
Sketch of General Lee 285
Sketch of Stonewall Jackson 189
Poetry 301-3
Well, I never imagined that I should become an au-
thoress. 'Tis the first time, and, I am fully persuaded in
my own mind, it will be the last, that my name will appear
before the public ; but I have been waiting, patiently wait-
ing, a long time for some one to write a work which might
be handed down to future generations, and kept as a record
of the dire events of the war, during our season of affliction
in New Orleans, while we were blockaded, and while Gen-
eral Butler was "Commander-in-chief of the Department of
the Gulf," and also of his successor in command.
No such Avork has appeared, to my knowledge, excej^t in
burlesque — most likely because the hearts of the people
were too deeply bowed down and crushed by oppression to
undertake the task, or, perhaps, most persons wish to draw
a veil over our misfortunes.
Others are so perfectly sick of hearing of the war, that
they turn with disgust from the subject. Not so with me.
When I hear the '* nations afar off" praising the culprit who
robbed us of our homes, our comforts, our good name, and
everything which makes life enviable, my blood boils within
my veins, I seize my pen, and although but a meagre sketch
in comparison with Avhat another might indite, yet it is but
right to let the Avorld know some of the atrocities Ave were
subjected to, and how our Southern friends were treated.
" Trutli is stranger than fiction."
What we have seen and endured we can describe. I do
not pretend to give a graphic description of the war ; that
has been done by authors who can be relied upon.
I am only " a looker-on — here — in Vienna.''
Some letters and items are added, to endeavor to make
the work agreeable as well as useful.
Makion Southwood.
We liad heard that Sumter hv^di fallen ! It was the first
time that we could realize that ivar had commenced.
We had heard of the battle of Manassas, where our dear
boys so distinguished themselves; of the fights at Bull's
Run ; at Big Bethel, when General B. F. Butler was not
commander-in-chief, and where he became suddenly indis-
posed and had to leave ; of Little Bethel ; of Fredericks-
burg, where fifteen thousand were slain ; and of the dis-
asters in the swamps of the Chickahominy; but supposed
that icCf so far removed from the scene of action, could not
possibly be reached, especially when we had the noble,
heroic General Lovell, luxuriating at the St. Charles Hotel,
to guard our interests, who assured ns that the invadiug foe
" could be repulsed with five thousand men, and he had ten
thousand men at his disposal !" So we were lulled to rest,
occujjying our time in fitting out our relatives and friends,
and endeavoring to make all comfortable, in case of an
The ladies of the city behaved most nobly. One seemed
to vie with another which should be foremost in benefitting
those who had left for the war ; most of them willing to
relinquish many of their comforts for the public good.
Others disposed of their jewelry at a sacrifice for that laud-
able purpose.
A " bazaar" was opened at the St. Louis Hotel, where a
mngnificcnt suite of rooms was tendered by I\Ir, O. E. Hall,
the owner of the building, gratuitously, for the reception of
It Avas gotten up by the elite of the city, xipon f\ most
elaborate scale.
All sur])lus jewelry, vases, clocks, watclies, pianos, furni-
ture, Sevres china, coal, groceries; in fact, every thing which
could be thought of, was sent as an oflering.
Tiie ladies acted as saleswomen. They decorated the
halls exquisitely with flowers, flags, etc., and one could almost
imagine they Avere treading upon enclianted ground.
The proceeds amounted to upwards of 800,000, and this
money was expended judiciously in purchasing cloth and
other necessaries, and having them made \\\) into clothing,
thus giving occupation to hundreds of ])oor peojjle — the
ladies cutting out the garments and distributing them.
Sometimes we Avere aroused to fearing Avhat tnhjht happen
to us, by seeing the remains of those who Avere killed in bat-
tle, or Avounded, brought home.
-1 AVhen the remains of Colonel C. Dreux — so young, so
brave ! — Avere brought to tlie city for interment, the Avhole
city sympathized, as his immense funeral testiiied.
AVhen General A. I. Johnson's remains arrived, many
tears Avere shed that one so beloved, so heroic, should have
met with such a sad fate. Alas, how his tomb Avas desecrated
in afier-times ! Coflin taken out of the tomb, broken open,
and Irft lying upon the ground several days, i>ilfered of his
sword and otiier articles ; and all this was done upon the i^^s-
]ili'l(»i that gold coin or fire-arms might have been buried
witii the mighty Avarrior.
O Shame, Avhere is thy blush? that "man, proud man,"
slu/uld thus disturb the hallowed ashes of the dead! ^
^Ve were still slee])ing ujion our oars. Our young men
had almost all dejjarted ; not the idle, poor, or dissolute, but
young gentlemen to the " manor born," had left friends,
fortune, all, and gone, with knapsacks upon their backs, to
fight for their homes and rights, as they found those in
whom they trusted had proved unworthy.
The address of the Rev. Dr. Palmer, from Columbia,
South Carolina, now in this city, and one of the most elo-
quent of our divines, was extremely beautiful ; delivered as
his 2K(rting address to the first company of the Washington
Artillery, from the steps of the City Hall, prior to their
departure for the seat of war.
Tlie street and vicinity were densely crowded at the time.
We are pleased to be able to give a portion of the
" Gentleme:n- of the Washixgtox Artillery : At the
sound of the bugle you are here, within one short hour, to bid
adieu to cherished homes, and soon to encounter the perils of
battle on a distant field. It is fitting that here, in the heart of
this great city — here, beneath the shadow of this hall, over
which floats the flag of Louisiana's sovereignty and indepen-
dence — you should receive a public and a tender farewell.
It is fitting that Religion herself should, with gentle voice,
whisper her benediction upon your flag and your cause.
Soldiers ! history reads to us of wars which have been bap-
tized as holy ; but she enters upon her records none that is
holier than this in which you have embarked. It is a war
of defence against wicked, and cruel aggression ; a war of
civilization against a ruthless barbarism which would dis-
honor the dark ages ; a war of religion against a blind and
bloody fixnaticism. It is a war for your homes and your
firesides — for your wives and your children — for the land
which the Lord has given us for a heritage. It is a war for
the maintenance of the broadest principle for which a free
people can contend — the right of self-government.
" Eighty-five years ago our fathers fought in defence of
the chartered right of Englishmen, that taxation and repre-
sentation are correlative. We, their sons, contend to-day
for Die g-rcnt Anieiican princi[)le that all just g-ovei'iinicnt
(lL'ri\cs its power IVom the ■svill of the g'overned. It is tho
corner-stone of the great temple Avhicli, on this continent,
lias been reared to civil freedom ; and its denial leads, as tho
events of the past two months liave clearly shown, to des-
])0tism the most absolute and intolerable — a despotism more
grinding than that of the Turk or llussian, because it is the
despotism of the mob, unregulated by princijile or precedent,
drifting at the M'ill of an unscrupulous and irres])onsible ma-
jority. The alternative ■which the North has laid before her
people is the subjugation of the South, or ^vhat they are
pleased to call absolute anarchy. The alternative belbrc us
is, the independence of the South, or a despotism which
Avill put its iron heel upon all that the human heart can hold
dear. This might}' issue is to be submitted to the ordeal of
battle, with the nations of the earth as spectators, and with
the God of heaven as umj)ire. The theatre appointed tor
the struggle is tho soil of Mrginia, beneath the shadow of
her own Allcghanics.
"Comprehending the import of this great controversy
from tho first, Virginia sought to stand between the com-
batants, and pleaded for such an adjustment as both the
civilization and the religion of the age demanded. When
this became hopeless, obeying the instincts of that nature
■which has ever made her the mother of statesmen and of
States, she has opened her broad bosom to the blows of a
tyrant's liand. Upon such a theatre, ■with such an issue pend-
ing bcfjrc such a tribunal, we have no doubt of the part
which will be assigned you to play; ami when we hear tho
thunders of your cannon echoing from the mountain passes
of Virginia, we "will imdcrstand that you mean, in the lan-
guage of Cromwell at the Castle of Drogheda, ' to cut this
war to the heart.'
"It only remains, soldiers, to invoke the blessing of
Almighty God upon your honored flag. It ■waves iu brave
hands, over the gallant defenders of a holy cause. It will
be found in the thickest of the fight, and the principles
which it represents you will defend to 'the last of your
breath and of your blood.' May victory perch upon its
staff in the hour of battle, and peace — an honorable peace —
be wrapped within its folds when you shall return.
"It is little to say to you that you Avill be remembered.
And should the frequent fate of the soldier befall you in a
soldier's death, you shall find your graves in thousands of
hearts, and the pen of history shall write the story of your
martyrdom. Soldiers, farewell! and may the Lord of Hosts
be round about you as a wall of fire, and shield your heads
in the day of battle !"
His advice to the fifth company of the Washington Artil-
lery Avas also admirable. The new corps attended divine
service in a body, dressed in their uniforms, ready to depart.
Dr. Palmer took his text for the occasion from " chapter iii.
verse 14 of the Gospel according to St, Luke : ' And the
soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying. And what shall
we do ? And he said unto them. Do violence to no man,
neither accuse any falsely, and be content with your wages.'
This was a part of the teaching of St, John the Baptist,
the last of the Hebrew prophets, who foretold the coming
of the Messiah. Among those who, listening to his prophecy,
and being warned to repent, were the people, the publicans,
and the soldiers, all asking what they should do. And the
text comprises his response to the soldiers."
Dr. Palmer's exposition of the mission and duties of the
Christian soldier was most perspicuous, impressive, and in-
genious. That portion of it expository of the last of John's
exhortations, " and be content with your wages," most for-
cibly impressed upon those to whom it was addressed the
duty of subordination to those in command.
Scarcely a dry eye was to be seen when he finished by
pronouncing the blessing upon them.
" Slioulder'd lus crutch,
And sliOAv'd liow fields were won."
The old gentlemen were organized into a battalion for a
" home guard" — " a defence of the city'''' — and they cer-
tainly succeeded so far as to allay our fears, and to keep us
from feeling that we were not deserted in our hour of need.
They -were a fine-looking set of men — the dress of the
"Confederate Guards" was so becoming! Gray uniforms,
trimmed with black braid, gray kepis, white gloves ; no
bhirt-collar to be seen ; boots well blacked.
Their gilt buttons (although none could be found having
the " Peliccui' upon them, and the Eagle had to be substi-
tuted) looked remarkably well. It made no difierence as to
the hirds^ as no fighting was done, and they could not be
mistaken for Yankees.
Their Springfield muskets (jlistened in the sui^, They
were not very expert upon the double-quick ; and some,
M-hcn in camp, sufiered from gout, neuralgia, etc., most
Their tents, in La Fayette Sijuarc, were beautiful to bc-
holil. Tliey dined and tocmtedXhcYC.
The ladies visited them, and they went tln-ough the drill
with great eclat.
Passing round the tents, demijohns of rain-xoater could be
seen standing under cover. The ^lississippi water was too
muddy to be used.
How dilferent must have been the feelings of those whose
description was given in a paragraph taken from the Provi-
dence Post, New York. AVe give it verbatim :
"A class of men, who still remain in this city, have been
seized very suddenly with old age and other infectious dis-
eases. They were young enough, and ' wide-awake' enough,
too, in 18G0. Now, they are short-sighted, and squint-eyed,
and deaf, knock-kneed, and spavined, etc., and older than
the everlasting hills."
What a sorry set they must have been ! The ladies could
not have counted much upon tlieir gallantry in time of need.
While we were thus preparing for homo defence, a rumor
arose that the forts had been attacked — Fort St. Philip and
Fort Jackson, Still, wc felt 8cife, as we had been assured,
time and again, that the forts could never hexiasscd! "they
would guard the city ;" that Commodore Ilollins had fire-
ships which would annihilate any fleet ; that General Lovell
would meet the foe, etc. The Commodore Avas feted, and
the General dashed around the St. Charles Hotel in grand
style. The military were now in full display, running" to and
fro. For several days we were in a state of great anxiety. At
length the startling news was brought us that the forts loere
passed, and the fleet was ap^Droaching the city. Too bad,
after all the^>ro»z'iScs to the contrary ! We felt how cruelly
we have been deceived. IIow had all the grand speeches,
loud huzzahs, nightly drills, and magnificent parades, showy
flags and splendid music, benefitted us ? We had our own
thoughts upon the subject. Some thought that if the United
States had not had so much money at its disposal, the forts
would not have been passed.
Our men fought bravely, but " there was something rot-
ten in the state of Denmark." This was but a poor conso-
lation. We heard that doleful cry, that our city vjould ha
surrendered ! Could it be possible.? The -whole city was
in the greatest commotion — some jireparing to leave, riding
around, bidding a hasty farewell — others sending away their
plate, jewelry, etc., in boxes, for safe keeping, and to foreign
parts. All busy Avith that momentous question, " What am
I to do?" Cencluding, after all, the best thing to do was
to do nothing, but Tt-ait and sec -what was in store for them.
So the day waned. Every thing was now quiet. There
was a calm, a subdued silence — the calm before the storm.
It Mas hard, we must allow, to have the day slide by, and
see the night set in, without any hope of relief.
So much had been anticipated — we had so many golden
hopes frustrated — that we felt as though we would never
wish to hope again.
Tin: morning of the 25th of April found the city in a great
state of trepidation.
The bell of Christ Cliurch — our alarm-bell, fire-bell, church
bell, all in one — struck twelve times. This 'was the alarm
signal. Every one was on the qui vice — all ruslied from
their houses to liear the news. T/iat M-as the knell wliich
aroused us from our confiding lethargy.
The fleet commanded by Captain Farragut had arrived,
and lay in the river opposite the city. Nothing could ex-
ceed the grim ugliness of its appearance — all battered and
torn, with long strips of board otf the sides of the vessels;
time-stained and blackened with smoke and dirt ; looking
as though they liad been shot at and not missed.
Tliis never-to-be-forgotten day was damp, drizzling, and
dismal. In tlie morning it had rained heavily. The flower
district, in which we resided, seemed to partake of the sad-
ness of the elements. All was gloomy and dull — drum.s
beating, soldiers running to and fro. All was wild con-
Ladies were standing, -without their bonnets, on their
banquettes or galleries, waiting to hear, and fearing to know,
the worst that was to befall them. Their husbands, brothei's,
friends — those who had not gone to the war — were engaged
down town on es2)€cial business.
Proceeding through the streets, negroes and poverty-
stricken w^-etches were met with baskets, buckets, pans, and
wheelbarrows^ filled with sugar, taken from the liogsheads
which had been opened and thrown to the winds.
Molasses Avas running in the gutters, like Avater. IIiui-
dreds of barrels had been opened, rather tlian let the
dreaded Yankees get possession of them. The levee pre-
sented a frightful appearance. Thousands of persons, of all
nations and various colors, Avere collected, with sombre
looks and determined faces, to look upon the scene.
Ever and anon you could see a blue-coated soldier Avalk-
ing around, cq^i^arently unconcerned.
Masses of black smoke were issuing from the immense
quantity of cotton Avhich Avas burning upon the wharves ;
the plank flooring black and slippery Avitii cinders and
Steamboats on the river Avere in flames. The great gun-
boat Louisiana, Avhich always was to be for the " defence of
the city," but never finished, had been set on fire and drifted
down the Mississippi, where it lay burning to the Avater's
edge. It Avas a magnificent, but awful sight.
/ In the midst of all, lying in front of the city, Avas the
Federal fleet, quietly threatening the city Avith bombard-
ment, in case it Avould not surrender, Avhich made us feel
somewhat imcomfortahle. We have since concluded that,
had it not been for the kindness and high-toned indepen-
dence of the French, English, and Spanish battalions — "The
European Brigade" — Ave, some 50,000 Avomen and children,
Avould have had to seek a shelter in the SAvamps of Louis-
iana, at that time submerged by Avater; as the ladies and
22 BEAUTY ^n:n'd booty.
cliiklrcu were obliged to do wlien the victors — tlic Yan-
kees — bombarded Columbia, South Carolina, leaving it a
mass of ruins; and they ileeing to the swamps and forests
Avitliout food or raiment.
This was civilized wariare ! Now, the city was block-
aded. During this state of things, the merchants closed
their .stores, and, in many instances, kept them closed. The
l)iincii)al hotels were closed. The telegra2)h offices Avere
also closed.
The Post-office remained open, but guarded by marines
from the fleet.
The river travel and business was entirely stojiped, and
the cars had ceased running on the Jackson Railroad for
several days.
As a natural consequence, the markets were very meagrely
furnished; and to ])rovide regular supplies of food for such
a large po])ulatioii, rrcpiired .all the wisdom of those who had
our welfare in tlicir kecjiing, as the ordinary intercourse
was broken between the city and country. Beef, such as
could be obtained, was selling at thirty-live and forty cents
])er pound, and flour at -^-SO per barrel, and every thing else
in proportion.
Captain Furragut's ilrst request was for the surrender of
the city.
We give the entire correspondence, as it appeared in the
daily papers.
As a matter of history, and that our readers may fully
understand the position assumed by the city authorities, wo
give below, in their regular order, the messages of tho
Mayor to the Common Council, the action of that body in
joint session, the Major's replies to the several commimica-
tions received from the ollicer in command of the fleet
belbrc the cily, also those communications.
The following is the Mayor's Message communicating to
the Common Council the demand made for the surrender of
the city by Captain Farragut, commander of the Federal
City Hall, April '25, 1803.
Gentlebien — At half-past 1 o'clock p. m. to-day I was
waited on by Captain Baily, second in command of the
Federal fleet now lying in front of the city, bearing a demand
from Flag-Officer Farragut for the unconditional surrender
of the city of New Orleans, and the hoisting of the United
States flag on the Custom-house, Post-ofiice, and Mint.
Pie also demanded that the Louisiana flag be hauled down
from the City Hall. I replied that Gen. Lovell was in com-
mand here, and that I Avas without authority to act in
military matters.
Gen. Lovell was then sent for, and to him, after stating
that his mission was to the Mayor and Council, Capt. Baily
addressed his demands.
Gen. Lovell refused to surrender the city, or his forces, or
any portion of them ; but accompanied his refusal with the
statement that he should evacuate the city, withdraw his
troops, and then leave the civil authorities to act as they
might deem proper.
It is proper here to state that, in reply to the demand to
haul down the flag from the City Hall, I returned an
unqualified refusal.
I am now in momentary expectation of receiving a second
peremptory demand for the surrender of the city. I solicit
your advice in this emergency. My own opinion is that, as
a civil magistrate, j^ossessed of no military power, I am
incompetent to perform a military act, such as the surrender
of the city to a hostile force ; that it would be proper to say,
24: BEAUTY AND 1300TY.
in rc})!}' to a demand of that character, that we are without
iiiihtary protection ; that the troops have withdrawn from
the city; that we arc, consequently, incapable of making
any resistance ; and that, therefore, Ave can offer no obstruc-
tion to the occupation of the place by the enemy ; that the
Custom-house, Post-office, and Mint are the property of the
Confederate Government; and that we have no control over
them ; and that all acts involving a transfer of authority be
})erformed by the invading forces themselves; that we yield
to physical force alone ; and that we maintain our allegiance
to the Government of the Confederate States,
Beyond this, a due respect for our dignity, our rights,
and the flag of our country, does not, I think, permit us
to go. Respectfully,
John T. ]\[oxkoe. Mayor.
The following is the action of the two Boards of the Com-
mon Council, in joint session, in reference to the subject-
matter of the Mayor's Message:
Tiie Common Council of the city of Xew Orleans having
been advised by the military authorities that the city is
indefensible, declare that no resistance will be made to the
forces of the United States.
Jicsolved, That the sentiments cxi)ressed in the Mes.sagc of
liis Honor the oNIayor to the Common Council arc in perfect
accordance Avith the sentiments entertained by these coun-
cils, and by the entire population of this metroi^olis; and
that the IMayor be respectfully requested to act in the spii'it
manifested b}' the Message.
S. P. DeLabarre,
President of tlic Board of Aldermen.
J. ISIagioni,
President of the Board of Ass't Aldermen.
Approved April 2G, 1862.
John T. Monroe, Mayor.
The following is tlio Mayor's iv})! y to the first clemaiid ibr
a surrender of the city, which was made on the 25th ult. :
/ LIayoralty of New Orleans,
City Hall, April 26, 1863.
To Flag-Officer D. G. Farragot, U. S. Flag-Ship Hartford :
Sir — In pursuance of the resolution which he thought
proi^er to take, out of regard for the lives of the women and
children who still crowd this great metropolis. Gen. Lovell
has evacuated it with his troops, and restored back to me
the administration of its government and the custody of its
I have, in concert with the city Withers, considered the
demand you made of me on yesterday, of an unconditional
surrender of the city, coupled Avith a requisition to hoist up
the flag of the United States on the public edifices, and to
haul down that which still floats to the breeze from the
dome of this hall ; and it becomes my duty to transmit to
you the answer which the universal sentiment of my con-
stituency, no less than the promptings of my own heart,
dictate to me on this sad and solemn occasion.
The city is without means of defence, and utterly destitute
of the force and material that might enable it to resist the
overpowering armament displayed in sight of it.
I am no .military man, and possess no authority be}'ond
that of executing the municipal laws of the city of New
It would be presumptuous in me to attempt to lead an
army to the field, if I had one at my command, and I know
still less how to surrender an undefended place, held as thi.s
is, at the mercy of your gunners, and mouth of your
To surrender such a place were an idle and unmeaning
ceremony. Tiie city is yours liy tlie power of brutal f'oreo,
and nol \>y any cli(»ice or consi-nt of its inliabitanls. It is
for you U> dcterniinu wliat shall be the fate lliat awaits
As to the lioisting f)f any llai;- than tlie ilac;' of our own
adoption ami allegiance, let nie say ti) you, sir, that the man
lives not in our midst whose hand and heart would not Ih;
palsied at the mere thought of such an act; nor could I lind
in my entire constituency so wretched and despei'ate a
renegade as would dare to profane with his hand the sacreil
emblem of our aspirations.
Sir, you have manifested sentiments which would becoiiio
one engaged in a better cause than that to which you have
devoted your sword. I doubt not but that they sijring from
a noble though deluded nature, and I know how to appre-
ciate the emotions which inspired them.
You will have a gallant ])eople to administer during your
occupation of this city — a people sensitive of all that can in
the least affect its dignity and self-respect. Pray, sir, do not
allow them to be insulted by the interference of such as
have rendered themselves odi()Us aiui contemptil)le l)y their
dastardly desertion of the mighty struggle in which we are
engaged, nor of such as might remind them too painfully
that they arc the con([uered and you the compieiors.
Peace and order may be ])reserved williout a resort to
measures which could not fail to wound their susceittibilities
and lire up their jjassions.
The oljligations which I shall assume in their name shall
be religiously complied with.
You may trust their honor, though you ought not to
count on their submission to unmerited wrong.
In con(^lusion, I beg you to understand that the people of
New Orleans, while tmable, at this monu'iit, to prevent you
from occupying this city, do not tiansfci- their jilicgiance
IVoiu ll'<^ ^ovuraiucJiL of their chuio© Ui one wliioh they havu
deliberately repudialed, and lluit they yield simply that
obedience which tlie conqueror is enabled to extort from the
Since writiuG^ the abi)\-e, which is an answer to your
Aerbal communication of yesterday, I liave received a
written conuuuiiication, to Avhich I shall reply before 12
o'clock, if possible to prepare an answer in that time.
Joux T. Monroe, Mayoi-.
The folio wino- is the letter referred to by the Mayor in the
above communication :
United States FLAG-Snip Hat.tford,
Mississippi River, off New Orleans, April 3G, 1S03.
Siu — Upon my anival before your city I had the honor
to send to your Honor Captain Baily, of the United States
Navy, the second in command of this expedition, to demand
of you the surrender of ISTew Orleans to me, as the repre-
sentative of the Government of the United States, Captain
Baily reported to me the result of his interview with your-
self and the military authorities.
It must occur to your Honor that it is not within the
province of a naval officer to assume the duties of a military
I came here to reduce Xew Orleans to obedience to the
laws of, and to vindicate the offended majesty of the
Government of the United States.
The rights of persons and property shall be secure.
I therefore demand of you, as its representative, the
unqualified surrender of the city, and that the emblem of
the sovereignty of the United States shall be hoisted over
the City Hall, Mint, and Customdiouse, by meridian this
day, and that all flags or other emblems of sovereignty,
Other than tliosc of the United States, shall be removed from
all the public buildings by that hour.
I jtarticularly request that you shall exercise your author-
ity to quell disturbances, restore order, and to call upon all
the good people of New Orleans to return at once to their
vocations ; and I particidarly demand tliat no person shall
be molested in person or ])roperty for the professiun of
sentiments of loyalty to their government.
I shall speedily and severely ])unish any person or persons
wlio shall commit such outrages as were witnessed yesterday
— armed men tiring upon lielpless n^en, Avomen, and child-
ren, for giving expression to their jdeasure at witnessing
the old llag.
1 am, very resjiectfully, your obe(bent servant,
]). G. Fauuagut,
Flag-Olliccr ^Vostern (jlulf Blockading Squadron.
The Common Council was convened in joint session, on
the 2Vth, Avhen the Mayor sent to that body the following
message, accompanying the above communication from the
Commander of the Federal fleet :
Mayoralty of New Ohi,kans,
City Hall, April L^8, 1802.
Gknti.kmkn of the Common Council:
1 herewith transmit to you a communication from Flag-
( )nicer Fari'agut, comniiiiKliiig the l'tiite(I States licet now
lying in front of this city. I have informed the odicer
lie:iiing the cDinniimication that I would lay it before you,
and return such answer as the city authorities might deem
projjer to be made.
In the mean time, ])ermit me to suggest that Fl:ig-Officcr
i'^anagut appears to have niisundeistood the city of Xew
Orleans. He has been distinctly iuformod that, at this
moment, tlie city has no power to impede the exercise of
siicli acts of forcible authority as the commaiuler of the
United States naval forces may choose to exercise ; and
that, therefore, no resistance could be otFered to the occupa-
tion of the city by the United States forces. If it is deemed
necessary to remove the flag now floating from this building,
or to raise United States flags on others, the power which
threatens the destruction of our city is certainly capable of
pei-forming those acts. Xew Orleans is not now a military
post ; there is no military commander within its limits ; it
is like an unoccupied fortress, of which an assailant may at
any moment take possession. But I do not believe that the
constituency represented by you or by me embraces one
loyal citizen who would be willing to incur the odium of
tearing down the symbol representing the State authority to
which New Orleans owes her municipal existence. I am
deeply sensible of the distress which would be brought upon
our community by a consummation of the inhuman threat
of the United States commander ; but I cannot conceive
that those who so recently declared themselves to be ani-
mated by a Christian spirit, and by a regard for the rights of
private property, would venture to incur for themselves and
the government they represent, the universal execration of
the civilized world, by attempting to achieve, through a
Avanton destruction of life and property, that which they can
accomplish without bloodshed, and without a resort to those
hostile measures which the law of nations condemns and
execrates, when employed upon the defenceless women and
children of au unresisting city.
Very respectfully,
Joiix T. MoNKOE, Mayor.
After considering the above message and communication,
the Common Council, in joint session, adopted the following
resolution :
lir.'iolrc'/, 'iliat llu! views coinniiinicatcd by Lis Honor tlie
]\I;iyor to the C'uininon Council, respecting the answer -whielx
it beliooves tlie city of Xew Orleans to return to the ultima-
luin ot'Fhig-Ollicer Farragut, meet tlio unreserved appi-oba-
tioii of tills Council, and embody their own views and si-n-
titneiits, and the Mayor is therefore respectfully requested
to act accordingly. S. P. DeLabarrk,
President jiro torn, of Board of Aldemjon.
J. MAoroxr,
I'residcut Board of Asst. Alderineu.
Aj)provod, April 'JS, ]sGl\
Juii.v T. Mo.NKOK, i\Iayor.
A true copy,
M. A. Hakki:, Secretary to ^fayor.
The following is Captain Farragut's rejily to the flayer's
communication of the 'iUth ult.:
l". 53. Flag-Shit IIartford,
At anchor off the City of Now Orleans, April 2>,. 18G2.
To Ills IToN'oii THR Mayor and City Cou^;cil of the City of
New Orleaks :
Your communication of the 20111 inst. has been receive<l,
together with that of the City Council.
I deeply regret to see, both by their contents and the con-
linued display of the Hag of Louisiana on the Court-house,
;i detei-inination oJi the part of the city authorities not to
haul it down. ^loreover, when my ollicers and men were
sent on shore to communicate with the authorities, and to
hoist the United States Hag on the Custom-house, ^\ ith iho
sliietest order not to use their arms unless assailed, they
were insulted in the grossest manner ; and the Hag which
had been hoisted by my order on the Mint, was pulled down
and dragged tlirouL^h the streets.
V All ot whicli go to show that the lire of this fleet may bo
(Irawn upon the city at any moment, and in such an event
the levee would in all probability be cut by the shells, and
an amount of distress ensue to the innocent population which
I have heretofore endeavored to assure you that I desired
by all means to avoid.
The election is therefore with you. Bat it liecomes my
duty to notify you to remove tlie women and children from
the city within forty-eight hours, if / liaiiG rlghtli/ uncl','-
stood your determination.
Very respectfully, your obedient serv't,
(Signed) D. G. Farragut,
Flag-OfEcer Wcsteru Gulf Blockading Squadron.
After having considered the above communication, the
Council declared its determination not to recede from the
position it had requested the Mayor to assume in his pre-
vious communication addressed to Flag-Officer Farragut.
The joint session then adjourned to meet again this morning
at ten o'clock, to await a re[)ly to the Mayor's answer to
the above communication.
The following is the Mayor's reply to Captain Farragut's
communication of the 2Slh ult. :
City Hall, New Orleans, April 29, 18^2.
To Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, U. S. Flag-Ship Hartford :
Sir — Your communication is the iirst intimation I ever
had that it was by " your, strict orders" that the United
States flag was attempted to be hoisted upon certain of our
public edifices, by olficers sent on shore to communicate with
the authorities. The officers who approached me in your
name, disclosed no such order, and intimated no such design,
on your part ; nor could I have for a moment entertained
tlie remotest suspicion that they could have been invested
with such powers to enter on such an errand, while the uego-
ti.'xtioiis fbra sunciKlcr betwi.'cn you ami llie city autlioritics
were still l)elulilll,^ The interl'erence of any one under your
command, as long as tliese negotiations were not brouglit to
a close, could not be viewed by me otherwise than as a ila-
graiit violation of those courtesies, if not the absolute i-ights,
which prevail between belligerents under such circumstances.
My views and my sentiments, with reference to such con-
duct, remain unclianged.
You now renew the demands, made in your former com-
munication, and you insist on their being com])licd with, im-
conditioiially, undci- a threat of bombardment williin foity-
eiglit hours; and you notify me to remove the women ami
children from the city that they may be protected from your
Sir, you cannot but know, that there is no possi])le exit
from this city for a population which still exceeds, in num-
bers, one hundred and forty tliousand, and you must, tliere-
fore, be aware of the utter inanity of such a notification.
Our woiiu'n and children cannot escape from your shells, if
it be your ])Ieasure to murder tliem on a mere (piestion of
eti(juette. Jiut, if they could, there are but i'ew among them
wh() would consent to desert tlieir families and their liomes,
and the graves of their relatives in so awful a moment; they
would bravely stand the sight of your shells rolling over the
l>ones of those who were once dear to them, and would deem
that they died nut ingloriously by the side of the tombs
erected by their ])iety to the memory of departed relatives.
You are not satislied Avilh the- peaceable i)Ossession of an
undefended city, op])Osing no resistance to your guns, be-
cause of its bearing its doom with some manliness and dig-
nity ; and you wish to humble and disgrace us by the per-
ibrmance of an act against which our nature rel>els. Tliis
satisfaction you cannot expect to ol)tain at our liands.
We will stand your bombardment, unarmed and unde-
fended as we are. The civil world will consign to indelible
infamy the heart that will conceive the deed and the hand
that will dare to consummate it.
John T. Monroe, Mayor.
The following communication was received from Flag-
Officer Farragut on the morning of the 30th :
U. S. Flag-Suip Hartford,
At anclior off tlie City of New Orleans, April 39, 1863.
To His Honor the Mayor and City Council of the City of New
Orleans :
Gentlemex — The Forts St. Philip and Jackson having
surrendered, and all the military defences of the city being
either capitulated or abandoned, you are required, as the
sole representative of any supposed authority in the city, to
haul down and suppress every ensign and symbol of govern-
ment, whether State or Confederate, except that of the
United States. I am now about to raise the flag of the
United States upon the Custom-house, and you will see that
it is respected with all the civil power of the city.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient
servant, D. G. Farragut,
Flag-Officer Western G iilf Blockading Squadron,
The following message from the Mayor was received by
the Common Council, at an adjourned session held on the
30th ult. :
City Hall, April 30.
To THE Common Council :
Gentlemen — Since your last meeting, events have oc-
curred which will occupy a conspicuous place in the history
of the country and of the age. It is unnecessary for me
more than briefly to recapitulate them. Tliey are sufficiently
well known from the publicity which has attended them and
llie reports of llio public press. It is enougli for mc to state
tliat, yesterday morning, the answer you liad agreed upon
to Flag-OfHcer Farragut's demand of the day before, was
transmitted to him through the liands of my secretary, ]Mr.
J >aker, wiio was accompanied by Messrs. Soule and McClellan.
The result of the interview of Mr. Baker with the United
States commander, Avas that the latter abandoned his pur-
pose of bombarding the city, and signified bis intention of
removing the Hag from this building by means of his own
force. Accordingly, at 12 o'clock, Captain Bell, accompa-
nied by an escort of United States marines, with two cannon,
came to the City llall, and the Hag was then taken down by
the United Stated oilicer. Thus, the position assumed by
New Orleans has been fully sustained.
I am glad to say the peace of the city has been preserved
during the excitement of the last few days, as far as it was in
my power to eftect that object. The violations of public
order Iiavc been few in number and slight in character.
This is owing to the valuable services rendered by the Eu-
ropean Brigade, Paul Juge tils general commanding, and the
zeal and energy of the ordinary police force. It is still, and
will for some days be necessary to continue these efforts for
the preservation of public tranquillity, and I would therefore
request you to authorize or suggest some arrangements by
which the services of the European Brigade may be for the
present retained. I liave been compelled to increase the
number of police, in order to meet the demands made upon
me within tlie last few days, and such increase I am confi-
dent ouglit to be maintained. I hope you will make some
jirovision for the excess of expenditure over the amount pro-
vided for in the budget, thus demanded by the public neces-
sities. I would likewise suggest that such action as may
Kcem expedient be taken I'ur the relief of those of our pop-
ulation who are now in a suffering condition for the want of
the ordinary necessaries of life.
Kesi)cctfully, John T. Monroe, Mayor.
The following letters, which were laid before the Council
in joint session on the 1st instant, make tlie history of the
demand for the surrender of New Orleans com})Iete :
I\LvTORfVi,TY or New Orleans,
City Hall, May 1, 18G2.
To THE Common Council in Joint Session :
Gentlemen — I herewith lay before you a co]iy of a com-
munication received yesterday from Flag-Officer Farragut.
You will observe that the note intimates a misinterpix'talion,
on the part of the city authorities, of Flag-Ofiicer Farragut's
jirevious communication. I venture to say, gentlemen, tliat
no reasoning mind can fail to place on the note of Monday,
the 28tli inst., the interpretation attached to it by the peoi)]e
of this city. The notification to remove our women and
children within forty-ciglit hours, in case we ailhere to our
resolution not to haul down our flag, can be consti'ued in no
other way than as a threat to bombard the city. The mean-
ing was plain, not only to us, but to the consuls of the
foreign nations residing here. But in so clear a case argu-
ment is superfluous.
Flag-Otiicer Fari-agut informs us that, in consequence of
the ofiensive nature of our answer to his threat, he declines
further communication with us, and shall, on the arrival of
General Butler, hand the city over to liis cliarge. He cer-
tainly should be conscious that the city of New Orleans
sought no communication with him or his forces, and that
the cessation of intei'course, while it depended entirely on
his will, could not f ul to be quite as agreeable to us as to
liim. It would add still further to our gratification should
General Butler find it equally unpleasant to hold communi-
cation with the city.
(Signed) John T. MonpwOE, Mayor.
r. S. Fn-VG-Siiir IIaktford,
At anchor off the City of New Orleans, April 30, 18G2.
To nis Honor the Mayou and Ch't Ooxtnch, of New Orleans :
Gentlemen — I inl'unncd you in my coinrauiiication of
28tli of April, tliat your determination, as I understood it,
Mas not to liaul down the Hag of Louisiana on the City
Hall, and that my olHcers and men were treated with insult
and rudeness when tiiey landed, even with a flag of truce,
1o coniniunicate with the authorities, etc., and that if such
was to be the determined course of the people, the fire of
the vessels migl.t at any moment be drawn upon the city.
This you liave tliought proper to construe into a deter-
mination on jny part to murder your women and children,
and made your letter so offensive, that it will terminate our
intercourse ; and so soon as General Butler arrives Avith his
forces, I shall turn over the charge of the city to him, and
resume my naval duties.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
(Signed) D. G. Fakkagui',
Flag-Officer Western Gulf Blockading Squadron.
AVo l)ave been shown a copy of what purports to be the
protest of tlie commandant of I'Aviso-a-vapeur do Milan, the
i^'rcnch sloop now in our i)ort, addressed to Commodore
]''arragut, of the United States squadron, against the threat
of boml)ardment of this city. It is in the following terms:
OF New Orleans :
Sill — Sent by my government to protect the persons and
]>roperty of its citizens, who arc here to the number of
thirty thousand, I regret to learn at this moment that you
have accorded a delay of forty-eight hours for the cvacua*
tion of the city by the women and children. I venture to
observe to you that this short delay is ridiculous, and, in the
name of my government, I oppose it. If it is your resolu-
tion to bombard the city, do it ; but I wish to state that
you will have to account for this barbarous act to the power
which I represent. In any event, I demand sixty days for
the evacuation. De Clouet,
Comiuaudaut of the steamer Milan, opposite the
City of New Orleans.
We were cheered by one of the editors of a daily paper
making the following remarks. It described our situation
well :
" Let US not be humiliated. New Orleans has borne herself
in this great struggle as became the renown of her people.
She has fought, singly and alone, with her own resources,
and those ot a small State, with less than a half million of
})opulation, the naval and military power of a great nation
of twenty millions of people, and with vast military resources.
She has kept that hostile nation at bay for more than twelve
months. She has only yielded now to an overwhelming
power. Her only protection, the foits below the city, have
held out for ten days against a hostile squadron bearing over
three hundred guns, including mortars of unusual calibre,
and against a land and naval force of many thousands. It
was only when the small garrison of these forts were worn
out and exhausted by the constant toil and sleejilessness of
an uninterrupted bombardment of ten days that they suc-
cumbed. When the United States squadron succeeded
stealthily in passing the forts, they were met by a small and
weak squadron of gunboats, which grappled their huge ships,
and fought until they were sunk or blown up. The success
of the hostile squadron in passing the forts left the city at
their mercy. The surface of the Mississippi, now at its high-
est st.iQfc, gave their four large frigates, carrying over one
huiKlrcd large guns, and their ten smaller ships, bearing as
many more, complete range of our streets and houses. It
was folly long to resist such a power. Our troops had left
tlie city. There only remained the foreign brigades, the
non-combatants, the women and children. The demeanor of
these was noble and heroic beyond all example.
'• When on a point of etirpiette to them, but a point of
honor to us, the city was menaced with a bombardment,
there was no ])anic, no hesitation, no fear. Awful as the
consequences would have been in such a city, Avith no place
ol' retreat, save to the swam])s, the people cheerfully awaited
the I'ate with which they were threatened. If the men had
dared to yield the point of honor, the women would have
scourged them froni the city. ]>ut there was no yielding.
The civil authorities were worthy of the ]ieople. Xo flag
was lowered by them — none hoisted but that which the en-
emy alone ccruld by his jihysical force raise. Tlie invader
met no friend, no ally, no sympathizer among us. The peo-
ple presented their breasts to his guns and bayonets in a
solid iihalanx. Thus far, we can honestly say, that, except
in the inconsistent, unauthorized, and cruel demand of the
commanding oilicer of the licet, relative to the State flag,
and in the event of refusal the menace to bombard the city,
the enemy has borne himself witli dignity and propriety.
The terms yielded to the gallant garrison of our forts were
liunor.able. The ofticers retired on their ]iai'ole with their
side-arms. The highest tributes were paid l)y the enemy to
the heroism of the defence.
"The l''nited States flag waves over the city. It is the
flag of the conqueror. Its presence has made doubly dear
the standard which it has displaced. That will be embalmed
in the heails and memories of this jieople.
"This sad fite has come upon our city from no fault of
our people and authorities. Louisiana was left alone to de-
fend this great city. The forts were prepared, armed, and
defended exdusively by the troops of this State — the river
by hastily constructed gunboats, manned by our own volun-
teers. The Government at Richmond gave us little aid, and,
indeed, embarrassed us by the aid which it attempted to give.
The defences would have been stronger and more formidable
if a Confederate naval officer had never had command in our
river. The lack of energy and earnestness on the part of
the agents of the Confederate Govei'nment deprived us of
the most powerful of our resources for defence. Indeed,
had not our resources been drained for the defences of other
and far less important portions of the Confederacy, Louisiana
would have had ample means for the maintenance of her own
integrity. But we had already nearly exhausted our mili-
tary resources to protect distant sections of our Confederacy.
" There is another source of consolation to us. All the great
cities of the world have been subjected to the humiliation
which we are now passing through. Paris, A'ienna, Moscow,
London, Madrid, Antwerp, and all the great capitals of Eu-
rope, have in turn been occupied by hostile armies. So, too,
in our own country, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Wash-
ington, Charleston, and Savannah, have had to succumb to
invaders. There is no disgrace or dishonor in this. The
only disgrace and dishonor that can come to us will be Avhen
we surrender the convictions of our minds, the loyalty of
our hearts, and the duties of our conscience. The physical
victory has been won by the invader ; it is for us to see that
the moral victory is ours.''
So tlie days passed by until the 1st of May, when the cry
arose that "ricayune Butler" had come to town.
One of his adherents gives the following description of the
latter part of their voyage from the North :
" The troops had a joyful trip np the river, among the ver-
dant sugar-fields, welcomed, as the fleet had been, by caper-
ing negroes.
"The transport Mississippi, with her old complement of
fourteen hundred men, and Mrs. Butler on the quarter-deck,
hove in sight of the forts at sunset, on the last day of Ainil,
" It was an animated and glorious scene, illumined by the
setting sun ; one of those intoxicating moments which repay
soldiers for months of fatigue and waiting.
"At noon on the 1st of May, the Mississippi lay alongside
the levee at Xew Orleans."
What a delightful time they must have had, to be sure,
and to think their golden dreams were so soon to be real-
ized ; — their thieving propensities gratified in this El Do-
rado of America! To imagine that creatures, such as are
.seldom seen, unless paying a visit to the penitentiary, should
be turned loose upon a wealthy, refined, and enlightened
community! Oh, such \ookwg objects as they were ! witli
old ll(jJd-I>lue slouched hats, and clothes to match — looking
as though they had slept in them, and water was scarce;
their daguerreotypes should have been taken, and sent to
Bariunn's Museum.
We h.ave lionored them too much by noticing them.
AVc expected to have seen a grand cortege passing from
the INIississippi through the streets; but, " as usual," were
There was a perfect rush to see this awful representative
of human authority. The noise was deafening. We waited
a long time ; hour after hour passed away, many anxious
eyes looked long and anxiously to catch the first glimpse;
tliose on horseback rode from street to street with despera-
tion ; others ran with all speed from corner to corner to
obtain a sight. ■
Tlie crowd which had been disappointed at one section,
came pouring in from another quarter.
At length, Avhen anxiety was at its height, a stir among
the multitude advised us that the Butler troop was ap-
proaching. Then came the tumult, noise, and discord of
every kind. " Shouts, langhs, and screams, came revelling
in the wind !"
First to be seen was a great parade of military. Then
General Butler, Avith a row of soldiery each side of him,
closed in the rear with soldiery, and a band playing " The
Star-spangled Banner." Butler's staif, of course, accompa-
nied him.
Men, women, and children, of all ages, ran along the side-
Avalks ; negro women, with torn clothes and slip-shod shoes,
a head-handkerchief and basket, jostled against her neigli-
bor dressed in broadcloth, with a stove-pipe hat : all went
splashing through the mud together, one elbowing the other
to get the first sight ; cake-stands were overturned, and tin
cofiee-pots, with their contents, rolled into the gutters.
It was a scene which will not soon be forgotten ; all
seemed to be fearful that it would be the only chance they
might have of seeing " Picayune Butler."
Had he been mounted, there would not have been so
much elbowing and crowding; but, at that time, horses
were not a " miUtary necessity."
Some, in hopes of having a better view, had gone on in
advance ; so the corners c4" tlie streets were crowded before
the Caravan arrived.
As soon, liowcver, as thoy saw lUitler, and ihc triumpliant
and pompous strut of the Yankees, and lieard the music, the
indignation of the canaille knew no bounds ; tliey knew no
language too gross to accost him witli ; the newsboy's
screams were music to t/ieir tongues ; every epitliet wliich
could be applied to the vilest was heaped upon him, and
this ended only Avhen he was safely ensconced in the Cus-
Leaving the place well guarded, he that night returned
tp the Mississippi, as his wife was there.
The next day, he took possession of the St. Charles Hotel
as his headquarters ; he was inducted into authority as Mili-
tary Governor of New Orleans, through the agency of live
frigates, ten gunboats, and some dozen or so of mortar ves-
sels and other craft, the strongest of which were lying in our
port, with their enormous batteries bearing upon our city.
This valiant man had cannon placed upon the portico of
the hotel — their mouths opening upon St. Charles Street ;
others were revei'sed, Avith their mouths ojiening into the
chamber of state, where he sat ! Cannon were placed at
the corners and around the building, so as to be ready at
any moment, upon one of his f<lf/}ia/s being given, to lire
ujion intruders.
Sentinels marched wilh bayonets pointing to heaven, in
front and aro>md the scpiare. -
The general, no doubt, breathed iVecly, nnt fearing intru-
sion ; his Vfout;/ was gratified, as the darkies looked on
and admired the man who Avas " Massa Abe Linkum's''
While all was A'cry pleasant in-doors, the mob was ]>l.»y-
ing sad havoc outside. It was a diflicult matter to restrain
it : ifit coidd only have gotten hold of" I'icayune," he would
not have troubled any one for any length of time.
His stafl', his wife, and her hair-dresser (whom report says
that "Mrs. Lovell" left behind), all thought they had very
comfortable quarters, although rather large for bo small a
His first act, after resting " a spell,'''' was to issue a procla-
mation, Avhich he had written no doubt before his arrival, and
send it to the office of the True Delta newspaper, to be
published as a handbill. This the editor refused to have
Butler ordered the office to be closed — sent a file of sol-
diers, with "bayonets," who drew up before the building;
some of them, printers by trade, went into the office, and
Hnding the type, paper, etc., therein, used them for printing
the proclamation as a " military necessity." After finishing
off several copies, they departed.
A few days after the proprietor was alloiced to have his
office opened again.
This was the first tijrannieal act, although, perhaps, oblig-
ing them to open the St. Charles Hotel for his benefit might
be called the first.
New Orleans, May 1, 1803.
The city of New Orleans and its cnvirojis, with all its
interior and exterior defences, having been surrendered to
,the combined naval and land forces of the United States,
and having been evacuated by the rebel forces in whose
possession they lately were, and being now in occupation of
the forces of the United States, who have come to restore
order, maintain jjublic traiKpiillity, enforce peace and rpiict
under the laws and constitution of the United States, the
]\[ajor-General commanding the forces of the United States
ill tlie Department of the Gulf, hereby makes known and
proclaims the object and purposes of the Government of the
United States in thus taking possession of the city of New
Orleans and the State of Louisiana, and the rules and regu-
lations by Avliicli the laws of the United States will be for
the present and during a state of war, enforced and main-
tained, for the plain guidance of all good citizens of the
United States, as well as others who may heretofore have
been in rebellion against their authority.
Thrice, before, has the city of Xew Orleans been rescued
from the hand of a foreign government, and still more
calamitous domestic insurrection by the money and arms
of the United States. It has, of late, been under the military
crontrol of the rebel forces claiming to be the peculiar friends
of its citizens; and at each time, in ihe judgment of the com-
mander of the military forces holding it, it has been found
necessary to preserve order and maintain quiet by the ad-
ministration of law martial. Even during the interim from
its evacuation by the rebel soldiers, and its actual possession
by the soldiers of the United States, the civil authorities of
the city have found it necessary to call for the intervention
of an armed body known as the "European Legion," to
]trcserve ])ublic tranquillity. The Commanding General,
therefore, will cause the city to be governed until the res-
toration of municii)al authority, and liis further orders, by
the law martial ; a measure for which it would seem the pre-
vious recital furnishes suilicient precedents.
All persons in arms against the United States are required
to surrender themselves with their arms, equipments, and
munitions of war. The body known as the "European
Legion," not being understood to be in arms against the
United States, but organized to protect the lives and prop-
erty of the citizens, are invited still to co-operate with the
forces of tlie United States to that end ; and, so acting, will
not be included in the tcrijis of this order, but will report
to these headquarters.
All Hags, ensigns, and devices, tending to uphold any au-
thority whatever, save the flag of the United States and the
tlags of foreign consulates, must not be exhibited, but su|>-
pressed. The American ensign, the emblem of the United
States, must be treated with tlie utmost deference and re-
spect by all persons, under pain of severe punishment.
All persons well disposed towai'ds the Government of the
United States who shall renew their oath of allegiance, Avill
receive the safeguard and protection in their persons and
property of the armies of the United States, the violation ot
which by any person is punishable with death.
All persons still holding allegiance to the Confederate
States will be deemed rebels against the Government of
the United States, and regarded and treated as enemies
All foreigners not naturalized and claiming allegiance to
their respective governments, and not having made oath of
allegiance to the supposed Government of the Confederate
States, will be protected in their persons and property as
heretofore under the laws of the United States.
All persons who may heretofore have given their adher-
ence to the supposed Government of the Confederate States,
or have been in their service, who shall lay down and deliver
up their arms and return to peaceful occupations, and pre-
serve quiet and order, holding no further correspondence
nor giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United
States, will not be disturbed either in person or property,
except so far, imder the orders of the Commanding General,
as the exigencies of the public service may render ne-
The keepers of all public property, ivhether State, National,
or Confederate, such as collections of ait, libraries, museums,
as well as all public buildings, all munitions of war, and
armed vessels, will at once make full return thereof to these
head(iuarters ; all manufacturers of arms and munitions of
war will report to these headquarters their kind and places
of business.
All rights of property, of whatever kind, will bo
lield inviolate, subject only to the laws ol" the United
All inhabitants are enjoined to i)ursuc tlieir usual avoca-
tions; all sho})s and ])]aces of business and amusement, are
to be kept open in tlie accustomed manner, and services to
l)e had in churches and religious houses, as in times of ])ro-
found peace.
Keepers of all public houses, coffee-houses, and drinking
saloons, are to report their luxmes and numbers to the office
of the Provost-Marshal, will there receive license and Ije
hfld responsible for all disorders ami disturbance of the peace
arising in their respective jilaces.
A sufficient force will be ke})t in the city to preserve order
and maintain the laws.
The killing of an American soldier by any disorderly per-
son or mob, is simply assassination and murder, and not war,
anil will be so regarded and 2)unished.,
The owner of any house or building in or from which
such murder shall be committed will be lield' responsible
therefor, and the house be liable to be destroyed by the
military authority.
All disorders and disturbances of the jjcace done by com-
bination and numbers, and crimes of an aggravated nature
interfering with forces or laws of the United States, will be
referred to a military court for trial and punishment ; other
misdemeanors will be subject to the municipal authority if
it ehooses to act. Civil causes between i)arty and party
will be referred to the ordinary tribnnals. The levy and
euljci'tion of all ta.ves, save tho.-^e imposed by the laws of th(!
I'nited States, are suppressed, except those lor keeping in
repair and lighting the streets, and for sanitary pm-poses.
'fiiose are to l)e collected in the usual manner.
The circulation of Confederate boiuls, evidences of debt,
e.\eept notes in the similitude o\' liaidv-notes i.ssued by the
Conl'ederate Slates or scrip, or any trade in the sanu>, \:i
strictly forbidden. It liaving been represented to tlie Com-
manding General, by the civil authorities, that these Con-
federate notes, in the form of bank-notes, are, in a great
measure, the only substitute for money which the peo})le
have been allowed to have, and that great distress would
ensue among the poorer classes if the circulation of such
notes were suppressed, such circulation will be permitted so
lung as any one may be inconsiderate enough to receive
them, till further orders.
Xo publications, either by newspaper, pamphlet, or hand-
bill, giving accounts of the movements of soldiers of the
United States within this department, reflecting in any way
upon the United States or its oflicers, or tending in any Avay
to influence the public mind against the Government of the
United States, will be permitted ; and all articles of war
news, or editorial comments, or correspondence, making
comments upon the movements of the armies of the United
States, or the rebels, mnst l)e submitted to the examination
of an otticer who will be detailed for that purpose from these
The transmission of all communications by telegraph will
be under the cliarge of an oflicer from these headcpiarters.
The armies of the United States came here not to destroy,
but to make good, to restore order out of chaos, and the
government of laws in place of the passions of men ; to this
end, therefore, the eftorts of all well-disposed persons are in-
vited to have every species of disorder quelled, and if any
soldier of the United States should so far forget his duty or
his flag, as to commit any outrage upon any person or prop-
erty, the Commanding General requests that his name be
instantly reported to the provost guard, so that he may be
punished, and his wrongful act redressed.
The municipal authority, so far as the police of the city
and crimes arc concerned, to the extent before indicated, ig
liereby susjiended.
All assemblages of persons in the streets, either b)' dny or
by ni<;ht, tend to disorder, and are forbidden.
The various companies composing tlie Fire Department
in New Orleans will be permitted to retain their organiza-
tions, and are to report to the office of the Provost-Mar>hal,
so that they may be known and not interfered with in their
And, finally, it may be sufficient to add, without further
emimeration, that all the requirements of martial law will be
iini)osed so long as, in the judgment of the United States
authorities, it may be necessary. And while it is the desire
of these authorities to exercise this government mildly and
after the usages of the past, it must not be supposed that it
Avill not be vigorously and firmly administered as occasion
By command of Major-Geneual Butler.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff.
AiTKU y\r. Butler had become di)mesticated in the St.
riiarlcs Hotel, the following items appeared in the i)apers.
We givo iheni in full :
'Jiiic LAST roKiv-roru nouns.
We give to-day, ibr the benefit of those among our citi-
zens who may yet be ignorant of the real state of affiiirs —
and we have reason to believe that the number is not very
limited — a brief history of what has occurred in the city
since Friday last. On the morning of that day, Federal
Bentries having been placed at each entrance to the City
Hal], Captain French, General Butler's l*rovost-MarshaI,
proceeded to the Mayor's parlor, where he met the magis-
trate, and informed him that the General would soon issue
a proclamation, and Avished to have an interview with him
and General Paul Jiige. The latter was sent for, and
promptly answered to the invitation. His honor, after
warmly thanking him for the valuable services he and his
command had rendered New Orleans, for the zeal and devo-
tion they had brought to the discharge of their faithful and
onerous duties, requested him not to disband his brigades,
until order was completely restored, and no fear entertained
for life aud projaerty. General Juge retjirned his thanks
for the compliment paid to himself and his soldiers, and
added that the latter were tired down ; but Avould remain
under arms, if an arrangement to which the Mayor had pre-
viously alluded, could be concluded in a few hours. That,
furthermore, General Butler had taken possession of the
city, aud was responsible, he thought, fur the preseivation
of good order.
The Mayor subsequently had an interview, at the Federal
lieadqiwrters, with General Butler, who declared that he
had only come here to restore 'New Orleans and Louisiana
to tlie Union ; that he had no desire to resort to hard
measures, but to be conciliatory, as far as possible ; that
he was willing to facilitate, as for as he could, the transit ot
provisions to the city, and wished the Mayor's co-opei'ation
in tlie government of the city. This proposition was de-
clined by his honor, as was also that to co-operate witli the
Provost-Marshal, and a third proposition, that the police
should report directly to the Federal headquarters. It was
finally agreed that the Mayor and Common Council should
meet General Butler in the evening. At the appointed
time, the views of the authorities as to the terms on which
they would continue to administer the affairs of the city
were made known to the Federal commander through
Pierre Soule. A lliird interview wiis iixed for Saturday,
and tlie result is that the Mayor and tlie Council remain
perfectly untrammelled — free to act as formerly, as i'ar as
municipal ail'airs are concerned ; hut the right to deal with
parties charged with political offences, or interference wilh
the military ])0\ver, belongs exclusively to the Federal
I'rovost-Marshal. "We understand that other imj)ortant
matters, including the su])ply of provisions, Avere also satis-
factorily settled.
On Satui-day morning, (General Butler's proclamation, for
the printing of which the job office of the True Delta had
been seized, made its ajipearance on our streets, and was
attentively and anxiously read by those mIio were lucky
enough to procure copies. As to its eifect on the piTblic
mind, we have nothing to say. It was followed by the two
subjoined notices, which we give as they appeared in yes-
terday morning's True Delta :
(fENER.Vr, OliDEKS No. 17.
New Orleans, ^ray 2, 18G3.
The proprii'tor of the Xew Orh'ans True Di-lla, having
refused to pi-int the proclamation of the Major-(ieneral Com-
manding this Department, the ])u])rication of that pajjcr is
suspended until furtlier orders. ]>y command of
]Ma.!ou-G e.vkhai, 1>uti,er.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. (!., Chief of Staff.
Ge.nekal Okdicks No. 18.
New Orleans, May 3, 1802.
General Orders No. IT, current series, from these head-
(juarters, suppressing the jmblication of the True Delta
jiewspaper, is hereby revoked, and its publication, under
the limitations cxpres.sed in the proclamation of the 1st
instant, is perniilted.
Tiie Commanding General — liaving ilemonstrated the
ability of his oiHcevs and soldiers to do every tiling deemed
necessary for the success of his plans, witliout any aid from
any citizen of New Orleans, will show the uselessness of
armless and unavailing o})position by the people — desires to
interfere no further with that press. By command of
Major-General Butler.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff.
We are gratiheil to learn that the public-spirited gentle-
men composing this brigade, who have been protecting the
liomes and property of our citizens during the ])ast four
days, yielding to the solicitations of a large number of our
most respectable citizens, have consented to continue to
perform this duty for a few days longer, although it had
been their intention to retire the moment the United States
authorities took possession of the city.
In thus continuing to perform so severe and disagreeable
a duty, these gentlemen are doing us a service Avhich can-
not be over-estimated by all who love order and desire that
tlie fair lame of the city may remain unsullied, and we hope
that no man, be he ever so much under the influence of the
excitements of the day, will foil to bear it in mind.
After having, for several days and nights, during a time
of great excitement, contributed very largely to the protec-
tion of life and property, and thus rendered services of ines-
timable value to the city, of which a grateful people will
cherish the remembrance, these brigades, composed entirely
of foreign residents, were disbanded on Friday evening —
the necessity for their further services being obviated by the
changed condition of aflairs. As their commanding general
justly says, their '' mission is accomplishccl,'' and tlicir "con-
duct has been most meritorious."
]\Iany of our old friends and ])atrons, doubtless, look to
us Ibr advice and counsel, in this liour of humiliation and
sorrow. They may, also, look to us lor an expression of the
eternal enmity which animates their hearts, and the hearts
of every citizen of our beloved city, to those who have in-
vaded and conquered us; and not_ always finding on the
small sheet we publish matter exactly suited to their tastes,
w ill sorrowfully conclude that we have lost the interest and
zeal which have always characterized our labors in their
If such should be the fact, and our readers really expe-
rience the dissatisfaction wq mention, we will undeceive
them at once. "We have lost none of our former interest in
our fellow-citizens, nor in their concern, and are prepared
to do all that our moderate ability will allow, as mcU now
as of yore. But, in common with the other journals of the
city, we are environed by difficulties which cramp our abili-
ties and nullify our good intentions. — Daihj (Ji'csccnt,
May 3, 18G2.
iiox. riKUUE sori.E.
l>y some oversight, we have neglected until this time, to
accord to our distinguished fcllow-eitizen, I'ierre Soule, the
just meed of jiraisc which has been so eminently his due, for
services ably aud enicieiUly rendered in our present troubles.
.\s the a<lviser of the Mayor and C'ount-il ; asihe medium, with
his mighty force of letters, between them and the Federal
naval commander; as the orator of the peoi)le, urging them
To iiilldness and I'ni-lic'irance, yet transcendent dignity and
hoiuir. In all these capacities he lias been the " head and
front'' of a peo[ilo bowed in atlliction, but not of despair,
mul whose Aviso and fearless action will be admired to the
" latest syllable of recorded time." No pen can over-esti-
mate liis worth, no words sufficiently recount his lofty
patriotism. — Tuesday morning, May G, 18G2.
"We learn that the ex-Minister, ex-United States Senator,
and late Provost-Marshal of this city, Mr. Pierre Soule, has
been arrested on a high political charge, and that he will
probably go North in the course of a few days,
The arrival of Mi*. Pierre Soulo in this city as a prisonei',
and at the same time passenger, on board the Ocean Queen,
created considerable interest ; and all kinds of inquiries were
made everywhere, to know how he had come, where he was
going, and what was to be done with him. The ca|)tain
says that the conduct of Mr. Soule was exceedingly orderly
and quiet during the whole ])assage. lie was by no means
cast down or dis})irited, but conversed freely with any per-
son who felt disposed to address him, at the same time being
careful to avoid any conversation of a political nature. lie
was treated in the same way as all the other passengers on
board, no distinction whatever being made. It was the
special order of General Butler, previous to his embarka-
tion. Mr. Soule came on board the Ocean Queen, at New
Orleans, without any guard or protection, and was perfectly
unknown to the other passengers on board, so quiet and
gentlemanly was his conduct. He was immediately fol-
lowed by the gentlemen selected by General Butler to
deliver him over to the United States authorities iu this
On the arrival of the steamer in the harbor, a tug was
iniraediately sent alongside by the United States (jjuarter-
master (.Mr. 'roinpkiiis), for tlic ])iii-]iose of convoyiiiLj tlie
[uisonor to the United States ^Marslial's office; and, iiidee<l,
Ills i)resence on board Avas kept so secret, and so reserved
was lie in his general conversation, that it was only on leav-
ini; tlie vessel tliat the niajorily of those on board discov-
ered who was the gentleman with the lonii:, gray beard.
When the ncv»s of the an-ival of Mr. Sonlo reached the
city, yesterday morning,- (jiiite a large number of citizens
assembled on ])ier No. 4 — the dock at Avhich the Ocean
(^ueen generally lies — and so great was the anxiety to see
him, that hundreds loitered about the jiier ibr the whole
day; but, as night came on, it became evident they would
be disn])])ointed, as the vessel still lay riding at her moor-
ings in tlie stream. The disappointnient among the curious
crowd, when it was ascertained that Soule had left the ves-
sel in charge of the United States Marshal, was evinced on
every countenance.
All access to or communication with the distinguished
gentlemen is strictly forbidden. At about one o'clock the
])arty arrived at the ]\[arshal's oilice. There was a groat
concourse of jiersons present, anxious to see these notabili-
ties. Mr. Soule was attended by a colored servant, who,
Avilh hat in hand, was as reverential to his master as ever
" Jeames" was to his lordship of I'erkley S(piare.
No one was allowed to converse with the distinguished
Southern prisoners. They wei-e locked in tlie 31arshars
inner oflice, in the care of two aids ; but, from a furtive
glance, we were able to sec that time, or the cares of this
ilistracted country, had whitened his once dark hair. Mr.
Soule appeals to be about sixty-live years of age, with the
keen eye of Daniel Webster, a head like the first Xajioleon,
and a ligure midway between the rotuiidity of l>oth.
'J'iie charges under which (ieiuM-al Ibitler ordered the
arrest of Senator Soule, in New Orleans, were : That ho
was a leader of a secret socictv, known as tlu^ "Southern
Indepciulent Association," of which cacli member was sol-
emnly sworn to oppose, at the cost of his life, if necessary,
the reconstruction of the Union; the second charge is that
Mr, Soule is the author of the letter sent by tlie late Mayor
of New Orleans to Commodore Farragut, and that he was
the principal supporter of the rebellion in that city.
Upon the arrival of Marshal Murray, he telegraphed to
Washington I'or ii^structions as to where the prisoners of war
should be sent — he not liaving had any official instructions.
The telegram was sent at ten minutes to three o'cloiik ; but
at the closing of the Marshal's office, at half-past five o'clock,
no reply had been received. In the meantime, Messrs.
Soule and Mazureau were provided with accommodations
at the Astor House for the night.
June 19. — Pierre Soule and his fellow-prisoner of war,
Adolphe Mazureau, remained at the Astor House all last
night. Mr. Soule suffered intensely from neuralgia, but was
much better in the morning.
No answer to the telegraphic despatch of yesterday hav-
ing been received — in consequence, it is supposed, of the
non-arrival of Secretary Seward in Washington — Marshal
Murray despatched another telegram this morning. In
reply to which, he received directions from Secretary Stan-
ton to transmit the j^risoners who had been delivered to
him by Major Kinsman to Fort Lafayette, " until further
The Marshal immediately sent for a carriage, to convey .
the Southern gentlemen to their destination. — Nevi York
Seizing the printing offices and suppressing the papers
were among Butler's first beneficent acts.
The Crescent was closed because the owner was a rebel.
Butler also confiscated his estate, valued at -^150,000, for the
eanie cause.
The Crescent made a dying speech :
"Tlial no event ol'tlie war lia-; sodisconiiilcdand elmgiined
tlie Yankees as liie evacuation of !Manasses ; the secret of
tlieir indignation consisting in the lact tliat they Avere out-
■\vittcd — and " to outiclt a Yankee is an offense for which he
never forgives you."
The Ik'e, one of our ohlest and best papers, French and
English, he allowed to continue ibr a short time ; but it hap-
pened to print something about " bui'ning cotton" which did
not please him; so he suj)pressed it, and clutching his list,
he swaggered across the room, exclaiming, "There! I've
nailed it to the wall."'
There is a very good caricature of this transaction to bo
seen in the picture shops, and, by the way, his likeness is
Tlu! Picayune, another old farnibj paper, bothered him a
good deal ; he could not ujidersUind it — it puzzled him. At
last, however, he coneluded it was not loyal ^ so he sajv
I^ressed that al.>o.
Il'iving done all that human instinct could devise to
trouble aiul annoy, he allowed them again to publish their
papers. What kindly leelings they must have towards him.
With Christian charily, they may forgive him.
The press was trammeled eciually with the people,
"Articles in reference to tlie civil law were prohibited
from being written." " Xo editorial comments to be made
(ui the movements of the dilVerent armies." " Xo state-
ments of war news allowed," without submitting everything
of the sort to the examination- of an officer detailed for that
purpose." So' the orcbnary functions <.)f the press were nearly
sus|)ended, and it was reduced to a ))iere compendium of
hn-al news, with notices of jiublic health, the ])olice govei'u-
nu'ut of the city, and the like; diversilied by anecdote, hc-
tiun, and literary, artistic aiul theatrical criticism. Indeed,
one of the journals came buldly out: "There are a great
many tilings occurring in and around the city, accounts of
which woukl be of interest to oiu- readers, but, the fact is,
we find it so difficult to discriminate between that Avhich is
and that wliich is not contraband iuteUigence, that we are
under the necessity of disappointing them. It is not a mat-
ter of choice, but one of necessity, as our limits are some-
wliat circumscribed."
Why did tliey not amuse their readers with some of But-
ler's "jokes V Here is one :
"The hand that cuts your bread can cut your throat."
Another :
*' With one whistle from that Custom-IIousc I can com-
mand the city." Here is a pungent, delicate one :
When he found that quantities of quinine had been taken
into the Confederac}' for tlie sick soldiers, he remarked that
the women were the " d est set" he ever saw. They
even concealed quinine in the underclotlies of their babies.
The boast which he had made, that " he had a spt/ behind
the chair of every rebel head of a family," showed that no
lofty ideas had ever been nurtured by him. Such language,
carried into effect, chilled all our better feelings.
Some call him "« heasV — his habits miglit be called
bestial — but he is not a beast.
He has a soul, which beasts have not, and when " all will
stand at the judgment-seat of God, to answer for deeds done
in the body" — whether for good or evil — " ma)/ toe he there
to see!''''
Scarcely a day passed that some such piece as the follow-
ing did not appear in the papers :
" It has been intimated to the press that no discussion will
be allowed of the right or justice of the proclamations issued
by the United States General commanding in this city ;
that General Butler, as he expressed it, considers himself
and the Pope of Rome as the only infallible rulers on the
globe. We are, therefore, debarred from the usual, and
hitherto regarded valuable privilege of discussing the policy
or wisdom of his edicts. General Butler further astounded
the conductors of the press, by saying that he had a great
desire to hear an argument on the aflirmative of the projio-
pition whether the printing jjross, the post-ofiice, or the tele-
graph had ever benelited mankind. Considering the claim
to high literary and scientific development of llie ]>eople
whom General Butler represents — his vicinity to the Athens
of America — and the frecpient opportunities he must have
had for the discussion of this question among that ingenious
people, who are wont to debate every subject, sacred or pro-
lane, with unbounded freedom, not to say licentiousness, we
can only exi)ress our surprise that he should not have had
an opportunity of hearing this proposition debated, when it
could be done, under much more favorable circumstances
than it can be in a community over which he claims to jios-
sess an ' infallible' control. We are certainly not in a con-
dition to present the merits of the affirmative of a proposi-
tion upon which an 'infallible judge' evinces so decided an
inclination towards the negative. "We could hardly expect
to achieve a greater triumph than that of the lawyer, who
argued the defendant's side of a certain case before a Dutch
magistrate, and was indignantly stopped with the remark
that the only eiiect of his argument was to confuse a very
}>lain case — that the judge had made up his mind, and the
lawyer was guilty of a contempt of court in seeking to un-
dermine his fixed oi)inion. We do not, therefore, intend to
make ourselves liable for contempt, by questioning ' the in-
flilUbility' of General ]}utler. But we think we may, Avith-
out touching upon his exalted })Owers aiul attributes, exer-
cise the small right of seeking further information — of
inquiring as to the scope, meaning, and full intent of his
We endeavored, and determined that we icould keep in a
good humor; but how was it jtossible? We determined to
move along quietly ; but were sorely tried.
About two months after tlie occnpation of the city by the
Union army, the following sketch was taken of it, July ?!il,
We are now near the middle of summer, and the sanitary
condition of the city has probably never been better at this
season of the year. The general health, indeed, appears to
be improving as the season progresses, for the mortuary
report of last week shows a considerable decrease of mor-
tality from that of the week preceding. This is a gratifying
indication, in face of the fact that we have a large number
of unacclimated persons among us, and a greater than nsual
proportion of our population remains here from inability to
get' away. The condition of things is due partly to the
arrangements made by the Commanding General for cleans-
ing the streets, partly to the strict quarantine regulations,
and, in a measure, perhaps, to atmospheric conditions.
The temperature of the atmosphere has been at the high-
est point for some weeks, the thermometer ranging from
eighty-eight to ninety-five in the shade in some localities ;
but we have had compensating breezes, and latterly some
refreshing and drenching rains, accompanied with sheet
lightning, that has relieved the atmosphere of much of its
su2)erliuous caloric.
There is no denying the flict that people here are re-
duced to the utmost straits to procure a sufficient supply of
■\vliolesomo food. Flour is al n I'lbiiloiis pvicc — a quantity
having been sold at over thirty dolhiis ])er barrel, and but
little to be liad at tliat. We know of numerous families
who, before the wai-, lived eomfoi-tably and even luxuriously
on the rents of property, who liave not had a loaf of wheat
bread for weeks past. Tliese manage to eke out a subsist-
ence l)y means of corn meal, potatoes — which are scarce and
high^ — and other articles. The laboring poor cannot, in
some instances, get any thing, and this class daily besiege
the oiVico of the United States Commissary of Subsistence
for charity. From this source as much has been done for
them as practicable, but the relief is but temporary, and
cannot be general. Some .assistance has been atibrded tliis
class of people through means adopted by the military au-
tliorities. About two thousand laborers have been emj^loyed
in cleaning the streets and making city im})rovements, and
this feeds perhaps ten thousand people. The merchants and
men of wealth do nothing for the poorer class, but lay back
in cushioned seats and enjoy the hoarded wealth amassed
by means of speculations and war contracts.
Lawyers and mechanics arc doing nothing, or next to
nothing, and have to live on their little means saved during
seasons of ])rosperity : when this resource fails, they are re-
duced to the alternatives of borrowing or selling their small
properties. There are no buildings being erected, nor any
repairs being made, and houses and fences go to wreck in
consequence. The courts are all closed, and judges, law-
yers, shcrilfs, clerks, Szc, can dream only of salaries and
lees. The Supreme Court does not sit, and the judges re-
ceive no pay, lor tlie State Treasurer, who has the disbursing
of their salaries, has gone off with the Governor — and whei'c
bo keeps Lis court is not known to the wisest.
These drive only a small business, of a retail character,
and their sales are confined mostly to goods of prime neces-
sity ; for all articles of luxury are dispensed with, for lack of
means in the consumer to purchase them. Wholesale houses
do no business ; for the country trade is entirely shut off,
and the city business amounts to almost nothing. . On Poy-
dras, Tchoupitoulas, Magazine, and Levee Streets, the prin-
cijial marts of produce, the stores are mostly shut, and the
owners of the buildings do not take the ti'ouble to put "to
let" on their doors, for there is no one to rent them. In
these streets the grass is growing in many places, and the
Avhole district bears the deserted air of death and desola-
tion, as in the sorrowful days when the yellow scourge was
upon ns.
Here, where formerly all was life, bustle, and animation,
nothing is doing, and embryo crops of oats are springing up
tlirough the wharves. Formerly the wharves were piled
with cotton and the products of the great "West, but now
not a bale is visible, and only now and then a solitary vehicle
is to be seen, engaged, perhaps, in doing some small services
in the Avay of transporting Government stores. The place
looks as if it had been swept by a plague, such is its bare
and deserted appearance.
New Orleans, at present, is without a Irotel. The S^
Charles is occupied exclusively by General Butler and staff.
Sentinels march in front and around it — heavy cannon are
placed on the banquette before it. The City and St. Louis
Hotels are closed, and the St. James is a hospital for Federal
soldiers. The Custom-IIouse is occupied by a regiment of
Federal soldiers. Lafayette Square is an encampment for
mother regiment, and the Mint is similarly occupied.
The United States military autliorities are occupying the
most central buildings in the city for their hospitals and
barracks. A boarding-liouse on Poydras Street, the Lyceum
Hall, in the City Hall, the upper rooms of Judson's oflices,
corner of Camp and Canal Streets, Odd Fellows' Hall, and
lastly, we hear, the St. James Hotel, on Magazine Street,
liave been taken possession offer the several uses indicated.
The Custom-House, in dts unlinished state, is also occupied
by one or two regiments.
New Orleans enjoys a marked advantage over many othei
cities in the delicious southern breezes ■which spring np to-
wards sundown, and revive the languid and exhausted frames
of its citizens. In Xew York, Boston, and sundry western
cities, there are summer nights almost suflbcatingly hot, from
the total absence of a cii-culation of air. Here the evening
south wind I'arely fails us. And thank God, no human being
can deprive us of these blessings.
Only four years before — we have a letter from Xcw York
— see what thev thought of New Orleans then.
Nicw YoKK, Nov. 22, 1858.
The Crescent City, the coming winter, will be the "water-
ing place" of the North. So much has been said and sung
and written of your delicious climate, social amusements, arid
" St. Charles" gayeties, tliat the tide of visitors to the South
duiiiig the ne.\t three months promises to be almost as large
as the tide that sets northward during the summer. All
the Southern steamers are "full" for weeks in advance; and
Kew Orleans seems to be the geheral destination of all
who, in ])ursuit of jileasure, health, or business, are ilying
from the frosty rigors of the North. The past week had
been i;nusually cold for the season, and New York, out of
doors, lias been decidedly uncomfortable. Street watering
ceases on tbe 1st of November, and every puff of wind
raises a cloud of dust, composed of pulverized granite, and
other more disgusting matter.
" The genial clime that lies
In ten degrees of more effulgent skies,"
becomes particularly attractive about these days, and the
flight of the free and happy birds is a suggestion worth fol-
lowing by all Avho can. But how are all these people to be
taken care of when they reach you ! New Orleans wants
another mammoth hotel, with the capacities and attraotions
of the St. Charles.
Parts of the city were in mourning. Passing along some
of the principal streets, Carondelet particularly, the observ-
ing pedestrian could not fail to notice the great number of
stores and offices that had black squares painted on the
granite colunrn.'j where formally there were gilded letters.
The tirnis that lately occupied those commei-cial palaces
appeared to have retired, and the buildings were in mourn-
Such was the case for whole squares, the columns of every
store being painted black.
Besides the black squares on the columns, the absence of
gilt letter signs was also noticed. Men mounted on ladders
Avere every day taking down those signs, which were once
the symbols of commercial activity.
Butler endeavored to counteract this depression by fining
and imprisoning those who closed their stores. " Mr. F. J.
Barriere for refusing to open his store was fined !§100, and,
in default of payment, was sent to the guard house."
Mr. J. F. Guion was fined $100 for not opening wide his
Etore. He paid his fine.
Ot BEAUTY AN'l) 1500TY.
Mr. J. p. Danicron, for not opening liis stoie agieeaLly to
the terms of tlie proclamation, lined $100. Mr. Wm.
Blanchard and Chr. C. Gale, jr., it Co. were fined in like
amounts ibr similar otfences. This money was made easily,
and served for " military necessities."
" Oh wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursel's as ithers sec iis !"
■i After using the St. Charles Hotel as long as his purposes
required — the warm weather and musquitoes having set in
— General Butler took up his headquarters at the delightful
residence of General Twiggs, on Prytania Street ; his family
took a sojourn to the North, taking with them, among other
bafTgage, a silver tea-pot from the St. Charles,
This tea-pot not proving to be silver, only platetl, was
brought back in the liill, when the family returned, and was
restored to its owner. 7
General Butler was very fastidious about locating his
family ; it must live in style — " the observed of all observers."
He and his wife visited many mansions, before making up
their minds which to choose. They Avere received with
Southern hos])itality, as their purposes were not known.
Among others, Mr. Burnside was called upon,
Mr. B e has a magnificent establishment, occupying a
large square of ground in the upper part of the city. The
brown stone mansion stands in the midst, surrounded by the
mo.st exquisite and rare plants and ilowers.
The house was built by Mr. llobb, in his i»almy days, as
liis private residence, and memory heaves a sigh when in-
dulging in reveries of the past.
The perfume of the flowers no doubt pleased the old-
factory nerves of the visitors.
Mr. B — — e of course received them courteously, not
knowing their mission, nor divining that they were on
" evil thoughts intent ;" showed them, as they appeai*ed to
take so much interest in his alfairs, his library, his drawing-
room, boudoir, conservatory, large pantries filled with cut
glass and plate, paintings, etc., besides a Avell-stored wine-
room and store-house, which General Butler could fully
They expressed themselves delighted, and, bidding a cor-
dial adieu, they departed.
The next day, Mr. B e was astonished at seeing a file
of soldiers marching up his front avenue. Asking what it
meant, the officer in command replied that General and
Mrs. B e had called, and admired the premises very
much, and they had come to take possession for them.
Mr. B e was thunderstruck — such duplicity and mean-
ness ! There must be some mistake !
Not at all ; they were sent by General Butler, etc., no
Mr. B e not in the least daunted, amused himself ques-
tioning them, — they growing bolder all the while, as they
had their muskets and " orders from headquarters."
After parleying for some time with them, " they growing
Avarmer, while he gi'ew cooler," he remarked quietly : " You
are mistaken," and, taking a paper from liis pocket, showed
the troop that " he was a British subject."
They skedaddled.^
Many houses Avere peered into — hunting a residence.
The fine I'csidence of Mr. Suretter, on Rampart Street^
■■•' A vulgarism, altliougla expressive iu the present instance.
2)]e;iseLl llicni ; the furniture was exquisite, but it was not
stylisli enougli.
The mansion Avliich they at last cast tlieiv longing eyes
■upon was tliat of Dr. C 11, one of our most ])rominent
physicians, at the corner of St. Charles and Julia Streets.
Its cost Avas great, and Avas finished elaborately, Avith
stables, etc., etc. It Avould just suit; all Avas new, the
parlors not yet furnished ; and then too Mrs. Dr. C 11
occupied it, Avith her four children, in the absence of the
-Doctor — how could they be disposed of?
General Butler and his Avife called, examined the rooms,
asked Avherc Avere the parlor carpets, etc. ; he could not*
imagine that some feelings Avould recoil and quiver under
his reckless eloquence, his being seemed to have no sympathy
with any Avho were suffering from Aveariness of spirit or
from refined feelings outraged ! Enough — the house, etc.,
suited them.
Late in the afternoon ]\Irs. C U Avas notified to leave
her house ; herself and four children suddenly, just before
dark, turned into the street; her horses and carriage taken
from her, and some of her servants, Mr. S e's furniture,
before spoken of on Kampart Street, Avas stolen, and thus.
Dr. C ll's house Avas furnished for Butler and his wife. ^
About this time ai>peared in the newsjiajier a paragraph:
" The investigation of this case comes on before Judge
r>ell to-day. The particulars, so far as disclosed, ai'e, that
II. 1). lliunplu'cys and corporal Avere on guard at Dr.
C ll's house. When the inmates left, they left every thing
in it, even the silver-ware. This fiict the guard becanu;
acquainle<l with ; and (he day the hou.se Avas being cleaned
up and fixed for the luture residence of !Major-General
Butler, Humphreys and corporal got into the closet,
and stole out the plate, Avhieh must have been considerable,
from tlie well-known wealth of the Doctor, and, the style in
which he lived.
" They sold it all to one Dan Xoonan for the sum of S40
— who is a street peddler, and he in turn sold it to a Jew on
Camp Street, named J. Leokonitz, for $70."
This is but a single instance. It is almost impossible to
give an inkling of what our people have suffered, in insult,
wrongs, deprivation of rights, confiscation of property, seiz-
ing of pri\ate dwellings, and turning into the street the
families occupying them.
Hundreds of cases have occurred, perpetrated by Butler'a
officers, luider his official sanction ; from Colonels to Lieu-
tenants, as the caprice of each might dictate, have seized
and taken possession of gentlemen's houses, broken open
wme-rooms, and used the wine. Wardrobes of ladies and
gentlemen forced open and the clothing of whole families,
men, women, and children, used or sent away from the city ;
not even private portraits of fimilies were respected, but
were sent to auction and sold.
Mr. Jones, a private citizen, had his furniture taken from
his dwelling and sold. Tiie portraits of Mr. Black and wife,
relatives of Mr. J , Avere also taken, and Air. J had
to go to auction and purchase the porti'aits.
Why this outrage was enacted, no one knew, as Mr.
J never belonged to the army, nor had he comn)itted
any act against the Federal Government, except to leave
the city, to pass the summer at Pass Christian— a watering
place, where he had passed every summer of late years.
Tljis is a fair sample of hundreds, v
The iiiosL infamous proceedings, however, are those
■where — -from tlie General down — tlie private residences liave
been seized by army officers or friends, and ap[iropriated to
the vilest uses.
The residences of ]Mr. ]\[ (). X , Mr. L , and Mr.
11 , also of Mr. T , corner of Canal and I'liillippa
Streets, have been thus shamelessly devoted ; — polluting the
houses of high-toned gentlemen, by their ruthless indecen-
cies! — such wretches sJiould be held up to the scorn and
contempt of the moral and honorable wherever they may
live. Tlieir names are well known in this community, v'
Some of the chaplains, with black deeds uj)on their vest-
ments, desecrated the sanctuary of God, reading the com-
mandments, and finishing by expostulating their congrega-
" Do as I say, and not as I do I" were .seen, and marked
for after consideration.
It was noticeable that very lew remained to receive the
comniwdon from such hands !
How pleasant it was, when we took up the paper in the
morning, to read such pieces as the following — the in-
ference, was that he was "acting imder authority from
Washington." Like the man wlio was blown u[) by the
bursting of an engine, we wondered what would come.
]Iailing from New England — that Puritanical country —
one would have thought that he had been taught his catc-
cliism. Ijut-most certainly the commandments "Thou shalt
not steal ; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's man servant,
nor his maid servant, nor liis ox, nor his ass (horses.^), nor
any thing which is his," were not taught liim in his youth,
or he would not have dared to so violate the divine law
but the '' order" from his President was more to be regarded
than the " order" from Mount Sinai.
At .1 mcetirig- of the Board of Aklenucu of Lowell, re-
cently, the following letter, received from Major-Gcneral
Butler, presenting- a secession ling, whicli was brought from
New Orleans by Colonel Jones, of the 26th Massachusetts
Regiment, was read :
Headquarters Department of the Gulf,
New Orleans, June G, 1863.
Mk. Mayok: I send, enclosed to your order, tlie Hag of
Fort Livingston, La. The fort is said to have surrendered
to the navy ; but I have the flag, and I assure you I did not
borrow it. The truth is, the fort surrendered to a heroic
Union girl, Avho has brought me the llag, which I send you,
that our people may see for the first, and, I hope, only in-
stance, what kind of a rag secession and rebellion jjropose,
instead of the glorious flag of our fathers. Please have it
hoisted under the Stars and Stripes, on the City Hall, on the
Fourth of July, and give one thought to your fellow-citizen,
whom duty calls to be far away from the city of his home.
I remain, very truly, your friend,
Bex J. F. Butler.
The Board passed an order to the efilct that the flag be
disi)layed under the Stars and Stripes, on the flag-staff" of
the City Government Building, during Fourth of July, and
lliat it be preserved as a trophy, and placed with the other
collections relating to secession in the City Library.
The celebrated statue of Washington has been removed
from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. This was done by
order of Major-General Butler, who was unwilling to suffer
the marble image of the Father of his Country to remain
anion ir savage guerrillas and thieving rebels. We have no
knowleelg-c of what (lis])ositioii Avill 1)0 finally made of it ;
but if we could obtain the oar of General Butler, wc should
not he.sitate to suggest that it be oifered to the city of New
York, as a gift for the adornment of Central Park. It is of
no possible use to secessionists.
The rejwrtcr of the Xew Orleans True Delta, John }■!.
West, was arrested yesterday, and, by order of General
1 hitler, was sent to Fort Pickens, for aiding and abetting
treason. It has been his custom to circulate in Ijar-roonis —
particularly in that rookery on lioyal Street, where seces-
sionists most do congregate — and there gather groups about
him, and tell them that he was in yjosscssion of intelligence
of "great rebel victories ;'' but he could not put the facts in
his i)aper, because the d d Yankees would not permit it.
When scarcely two weeks had passed over after the pos-
session by Union forces, see what was done :
On Sunday morning last. May 11, Rev. Dr. Lcacock,
Hector of Christ Church, announced President Davis's pro-
clamation, making Friday of this week a day of humiliation,
fasting, and prayer:
GENKiiAf, Okdeus No. 27.
New Orleans, May 13, 18G2.
It having come to the knowledge of the Commanding
General, that Friday ne.xt is pro}>osed to be ob.served as a
day of of I'asting and prayer, in obedience to some supposed
proclamation of one Jeflorson Davis, in the several churches
of the city, it is ordered that )io such observance be had.
"Churches and religious houses are to be kept open as in
times of profound ]jeace,'' but no religious exercises are to
be had upon the supposed authority above mentioned. By
command of !Majou-Gknekal Butleu.
Cii:o. ('. Stkono, a. a. Geuerul.
Churches were closed and garabling-houses licensed ! This
latter was, perhaps, because it was a " military necessity" —
so it was pardonable
Proyost-Marsii.a.l's Office,
New Orleans, May 1, 18G2.
The keepers of all cofiee-houses, bar-rooms, hotels, ganiiitg
establishments, and billiard-saloons, are hereby notified that,
in accordance with the proclamation of the Major-General
commanding the department, they must immediately pro-
cure licenses. Any failure to comply with such instruction
will be followed by the immediate closing of the establish-
]nent, and the confiscation of the pro])erty of the offender.
Jonas H, Fkencii,
Provost-Marslial, New Orleans.
New Orleans, Jnne 4, 1863.
Editors Delta : From information received, it is be-
lieved that there is a secret organization being formed in
this city, for the purpose of making a hostile demonstra-
tion against the scant military force now in New Orleans.
It behooves the Federal authorities to be vigilant — to bo
always on the alert — and particularly to caution the senti-
nels to be quite as wakeful and suspicious as they were the
first day they landed here It is noticed that nearly every
sentinel who guards a store or other building, is in the habit
of leaving his arms behind the door, or some place beyond
his convenient reach, thereby placing those weapons within
the easy grasp of any organized body of men wlio desire to
capture them, and turn them, against the guardians of law
and liberty. More Anon.
When General Williams died, in August, the military
were arranged, with all due dressing and straps, in the ves-
tibule and at the door of Ciirist CIjuilIi, uu Can.d Streot.
As wc liad oi'lcn attcndccl that oliurcli, avc llioug-ht we woulil
go in. The coffin had not yet arrived. Upon entering the
cliurcli, the old sexton met us, and told us that vre could
not enter " until General Butler and his staff had arriveil !"
The ladies knew the sexton, and were astonished at his
rt'Ciising them admittance; but his "orders" were iinjjcra-
tive, and could not be disobeyed, We could not wait I'or
" Uuller and his staff"' to enter the house orGo'l, so retired
in disi'ust.
A i.ADY friend has written '* a tribute" to General JJeaure-
gard, and wc insert it with pleasure:
" His is a name wliicli inspires every trnc-hcartcd South-
erner with mingled feelings of admiration aiul profound
" The sincere and zealous interest he manifested in his
valiant deeds in their cause sliowed his noltle character.
" lie was a true and high-toned champion, justly deserv-
ing a wreath of laurels for his indefatigable exertions to gain
the victory.
"Success always attended him and his brave and fearless
army in repelling the invading foe at every point.
" Tlis destiny led him and duty called.
"lie ins])ired his noble-hearted band of soldiers ^ilh
bravery, leading them on to victory by his commanding
precept and exam})le, and encouraging the timid with ])is
high and thrilling spirit of adventure and skillful man-
"I must confess that T have often imlulged the thought
and belief, that if our true-hearted and bravo Beauregard
had been placed at the hehn iu our much-beloved city of
New Orleans, he never would have passively surrendered it,
or beguiled its interests and people to the power and mercy
of the invading foe.
"I fancy he would have proved truly faithful to his people
and the sacred trust they reposed in him, and his immortal
name would ever be treasured in the hearts and minds of
grateful Southerners.
" He Avouhl have been held in everlasting remembrance
for his enduring fidelity to their first cause,
"I only regret that all the citizens of our fair South were
not imbued with the same brave and fearless spirit our
noble Beauregard possessed; but alas! such a commendable
spirit did not pervade many sections of the South.
" He has most assuredly proved himself to the world a
brave soldier."
" A stillness reigns o'er the city no-.v,
And the prayerful throngs in silence bow,
When the holy light of the Sabbath morn
Is ushered in with a rosy dawn."
General Beauregard's appeal for the bells was a very
touching one ; he knew how highly they were prized by the
owners, and how useful they were ; still, nothing daunted,
he knew they were needed, and such faith was placed in his
request that all the bells which could be gathei-ed were
placed at his disposal.
The question was asked, v^hy the bells were needed ? We
obtained the following answer :
" The supply of tin was deficient — while copper was
abundant, to convert the copper into bronze. Bells contain
so much tin, that two thousand four hundred weight of bell-
metal, mixed with the proper quantity of copi)er, will suf
fice for a field battery of six pieces.
" Beauregard's solicitation was for the ])urpose of provid-
ing light artillery for the public defence. When General
Ilutler took possession, the first thing his eyes gloted upon
were the bells ; he forthwith seized ui)on them and sent
them Nortli as a tropliy, the^V*^^ trophy of Ids hard-earned
The following beautiful verses, by P. 11. Ilaync, are from
the Charleston Courier:
ef.aurf.gakd's aiveal.*
Yea ! thoougli the need is bitter,
Take down those sacred bells !
Whose music speaks of our hallowed joys,
And ])assionate farewells !
But ere ye fall, dismantled,
King out deep bells ! once more.
And pour on the waves of the pat^sing wind
The symphonies of yore :
Let the latest born be welcomed
My pealings glad and long ;
Let the latest dead in the churchyard bed
Be laid with solemn song ;
And the bells al)ove them throbbing
Slioidd sound in mournful tone,
As if in the grief for a human death.
They prophesied their own : —
Who says, 'tis a desecration
To strip th(! Temple Towers,
And invest the met al of peaceful notes
"With death-compelling ])owers?
* Although General Beauregard, in his proclamation, only calls
(lirccdi/ for the " plantation bells" along the Mississipin River, it is
yet clear, from the tenor of his remarks, that the church bcUx would
likewise be acceptable. Already, the delicately worded hint has been
imderstood, and acted upon. AVe fintl that a single village (Marietta)
has contributed the bells belonging to its three churches, and doubt-
lees others will follow the noble exami)le.
It was to illustrate the moral grandeur of such sacrifices that the
preceding verses were composed. •
A truce to cant and folly !
With Faith itself at stake,
Can we heed the cry of the shallow fool,
Or, pause for the Bigot's sake ?
Then, crush the struggling sorrow !
Feed high your furnace fires,
That shall mould into deep mouthed guns of bronze.
The bells from a hundred spires.
Mcthinks, no common vengeance,
No transient war eclipse.
Will follow the awful thunder burst
From their " adamantine lips."
A cause, like ours, is holy.
And useth holy things.
And over the storm of a righteous strife,
May shine the Angel's wings.
Where'er our Duty leads us.
The grace of God is there,
And the lurid shrine of War may hold
The Eucharist of prayer.
Having tlie bells sold in Boston, was one of Butler's
dlahlerks. The satisfliction at having such trcqyhies sent
them, is shown in the following jjiece taken from one of
their papers:
The Boston Traveller, of the 30th nit., says:
N. A. Thompson ct Co. sold at auction this forenoon, at
Lombard's north wharf, East Boston, the lot of church,
plantation, school, factory and other bells, which had been
presented to the rebel Government, to be cast into cannon,
but were captured at New Orleans and confiscated. There
were 418 in all, a motly collection in shape, size, weight,
color, ornament, and tone. There were the mellow wedding
bells, loud alarm bells, brazen bells, bells with molten golden
notes, and liquid tones. There was a larcjc attendance of
metal dealers, relic seekers, church and school committees
from the country, and of the curious. The labels which de-
clared where they had been used were mostly torn off, al-
though some were found indicating their donors.
The greater part of them Avere cast at the Buckeye
]''oundry, Cincinnati, though many were from foundries at
Xew York, ^Vest Troy, I*ittsburgh, and Louisville. Among
the number were several Catholic bells, cast in France — one
Avith the inscription, "Fait par Jean Bagin, 1785," over a
cross; another cast at Xantes, France, 178G; otliers cast in
lT7o, 1770, and l7S3. One, very elaborately ornamented,
Avas from the First Presbyterian Cluu'ch, Shreveport,
Colonel Tliompson, before beginning the sale, read a note
from a Mr. De ]*eyster, of Dutchess Count}', N. Y., Avho
desired the jjrivilege of purchasing a bell which he gave
several years ago to the Fpiscopal Church at Nacogdoches,
Texas, founded by a friend of his, Rca'. Thomas r)acon, Avho
Avas driven IVom tlie place on account of his Union senti-
ments. The colonel also took the opportunity to make a
stirring speech on enlisting, taking for a text the bells as an
evidence of the terrible earnestness of the South.
All Avere sold in lots of from three to one hundred and
eighty-seven, except the three heaviest, sold separately, and
a lew othi'rs botiglit as relies and lor imlividual use. One
was bought, having painted on it the Avords, '* G. T. J>eaure-
gard, from the I>aptist Church of Durhamville, Teim."
'I'he piiccs ranged IVom 21 1 (o 30 cents a pound. Tlie
bidding was spirited, and the amount realized was pntbably
upwards of '^.'30,000. A lot of iron bars for coverinfj steam-
sliips and l)atteries, sold for $17 a gross ton. A lot of cojv
])ei', consisting of hathing tuljs, roofnig, spouts, sugar-lioilers,
etc., at 21.^ cents a pound ; a small lot of bars and cast iron
was also sold.
From tlie Wilmington (jST. C.) Journal we hear tlie same
kind remarks of our friend :
General Beauregard, ever since the outbreak of hostili-
ties, lias occupied a high place in the affections of the people
of Wilmington. We admire the hero of Sumter, of Man-
assas, of Shiloh. Adversity has now given us new grounds
of attachment to the distinguished leader of our armies.
Ilis promjjt humanity in sending a distinguished member of
liis medical stall', Dr. Choppin, to our aid, and obtaining au-
thority to detail other experienced sui'geons for the same
purpose, can never be forgotten. Others may admire the
general — we have cause to be grateful to the man.
" Oil ! soon may the solemn silence cease.
And the bells re-echo the notes of peace ;
May our hearts once more with their music thrill,
And beat responsive to Love and ' Good Will.' "
Before Butler arrived, we had what was called the " Free
Market ;" that is, a market to which all gave gave freely :
the grocers, bakers, butchers, all gave for the poor, whose
protectors had left for the war. Steamboats would stop at
the rich plantations, and would be laden Avith vegetables
and whatever else woidd be serviceable, as the following list
will testify. Tlie building used as a receptacle for those
things stood in the centre of Canal Street, known as the
neutral ground. Mr. Thomas Murray presided, and thither
resorted, twice each week, some eighteen hundred families
to be fed, without '' money and without price." It was kept
in the most perfect order, and with the most scrupulous
cleanliness. It was i)lcasant to see the women with their
large baskets fillet! to overflowing, with fresh eatables, get-
ting into the cars, to ride to their homes. This was a God-
like charity; it blessed those who gave and those who
From our note-book, we find the families supplied on the
lOlli of April, 1862, were eighteen hundred and thirty-three
in number, and the following provisions were distributed,
viz.: V bullocks, 219 bushels corn meal, 15 bbls. rico, 155
sacks potatoes, 13 bbls. molasses, 1 bbls. mackerel, 2 boxes
codfish, 850 cabbages, 800 bunches leeks, 21 sacks peas,
3 bbls. turnips, 5 sacks of salt, 2 bbls. vinegar. Of the above
number of families, 1,211 were supplied by half-jiast seven
o'clock, A. M.
We also find the following remarks :
"We refer to the fact that the managing conimittee of
the Free Market, in the indefatigable di.'>cliarge of the oner-
ous duties of their oflice, commenced their labors as early as
lialf-past two o'clock in the morning, thus enabling applicants
for supplies at the market to be furnished, if they would
but come early, in time to save the best portion of the day's
laboring hours. This gave the members of the committee
an o]>portunity of attending to their own business, as well
as to the applicants to do the same. Eleven hundred and
seventy families, on the last market-day, were served by a
quarter of eight o'clock in the morning;-.''
The following notice also appeared about the 20tli of April :
We visited this institution yesterday afternoon, and were
pleased to see that the committee, who have managed its
affairs and dispensed its benefits, have not wearied in their
well-doing. We were gratified to learn from Mr. Thomas
Murray, the president, that the supplies on hand were sufii-
cicnt for four or five weeks to come. In the meantime it is
lioped thai some satisfactory arrangement will be made
which will enable planters to send in their contributions as
heretofore. The Free Market has done much good, and, as
it is more needed now than ever, we hope that no effort will
be spared to keep it up.
New Orleans, April 30, 18G3.
Donations received to date from April 1, 18G3.
March 31.— Balance $2,061 51
M. H. Haggerty & Bros., cash 500 00
" Col. W. Gr. Vincent, Va., cash from Companies
G. and F of his regiment 51 90
A. F.. through D. I. Ricardo 250 00
John Holmes 25 00
Wm.B. Conger 100 00
April 1.— Dr. Cenas 50 00
Mrs. W. H. Foster 10 00
" Savings of a gentleman for the month of
March 107 00
" Passport OflBce 44 Co
Tiger Rifles 5 00
" Judge Morel, Fourth District 5 00
April 2.— Darby & Tremoulet 100 00
V. B. Marmillon, St. John the Baptistc 100 00
" Mrs. Louise Fuselier, St. Bernard 100 00
Pauline Dutel 50 00
W. G. Hewes 100 00
" Mr. Kaiser, for hides 163 25
April 3.- G. W. Dunbar 100 00
Joseph Sutton 50 00
April 4.— A. Jaquet 50 00
n. II. Hedden 100 00
Ilanna & Co 100 00
Thomas, Griswold & Co 25 00
Nicholson & Co 100 00
" Proceeds of one bale cotton 35 00
April 5. — From a Friend on Royal Street 10 00
" Old Man's Savings for March, abstaining from
segars, liquor, etc 10 00
Hall of Hope Hook and Ladder Co. No. 3. . . . 100 00
S.Ozer&Co 250 00
April 7.— Edward Nagle & Co 30 00
Alex. G. Black, Augusta, Ga 100 00
April 7. — ir. 0. Colonib, throu^'h Aufcustin & Thibout. . .
" Passjwrt Office, Caj)!. Brother
" N. J. Pc<i:ram
" . D'Arcy, hatter
' " Samuel Snodgrass
April 9.— S. L. & E. L. Levy
B. A. Dryer & Co
" Dr. King and friends
" Cash, omnibus tickets
" M. S. Casetty
" Swiss Guards
" Bradley, \Mlson & Co
" An absent Louisianian, through Given, Watts
S. N. Moody
April V2. — Carroll. Iloy & Co
" Kichard & Co
" J. D. Damerou
Samuel Wolf
Wm. P. i:ilison
" Milneburg Fire Company
April 14. — Captain J. I). Swain
" Passport Office, Captain Brother
April 15. — 0. A. G id ray, Barres' Landing
J. & \V. Ellis
C. Balligo
" J. M. Johnston
April IG. — City Council, cash balance of $5,000 appro-
Slark, Stauffi-r & Co
" W. II. Frierson
" Starlight, cash or donation
April 17.— Samuel Bell
" Capt. W. Wilson, cash
" Chas. II. Churcliill
" Valcoiir Aime
S. P. Russ
" Texas Delegation
" Two Ladies at Jlarket door
" Avet & Bro
E. A. B., School girl
Gen. Alex. DeClouet, St. Martin
" A. & M. Heine
" Paul Fulane •
April 18. — Pei't, Simms & Co
April 18.— R. W. Rayn
April 19. — Found in Market
W. H. Letcliford & Co
" Lafayette Lodge 97, Pattersonville
April 21.— E. W. Diirell, Jr
" Passport Office, Capt. Brother
W. W. Wright, Rapides
April 22.— Samuel McConnell
W. H. P. Bobb
" Dr. J. S. Knapp
" N. B. Boulet, Orleans Guards, Coriutli
L. E. Allen
" Mr. Tylor, visitor
" Two Ladies at Market
" Jlr. Titterton
April 23.— R. M. Damerou
" Mrs. Clias. Black
Mrs. T. W. Williams
" E. Gallagher, for Booth, on Canal Street
" Dr. C. Hensley — Cash won by him as a wager
W. F. Goldthwaite
April 28.— Mr. Davis
April 29.— Bank of Louisiana 1,000 00
Dr. W. N. Mercer
" Eliza H. Young
" Screwmen's Benevolent Association
Unknown 3 00
Unknown 100— 4 00
April 30.— Mr. Good, at Market— Donation 1,000 00
" Proceeds Hams 42 00
Proceeds Hides 174 00
E. W. Dorr 50 00
Total $13,900 66
$25 00
1 50
100 00
8 00
3 00
58 15
2 00
50 00
100 00
10 00
25 00
2 00
3 00
20 00
20 00
100 00
50 00
50 00
25 00
CO 00
20 00
50 00
000 00
500 00
100 00
75 00
Valuation of Donations in kind, received from 1st to SOth
April, 1862, inclusive.
Molasses $530 00
Sugar 440 00
Corn Meal 261 50
Corn 42 00
Peas 94 00
Kice 150 00
Bacon 120 00
Hams $80 00
Potatoes 89 00
Vegetables 83 00
Salt 48 00
Butter 20 00
Preserves 20 00
Plardware 5 00
Total ,$1,98(» la
IIow could it be possible, with all this evidence of the
Confederates caring for and assisting their poor, that Gen-
eral Butler, only nine days after, could issue the following
notice :
General Oiideks No. 25.
. New Orleans, May 9, 18G2.
The deplorable state of destitution and hunger of the
mechanics and working classes in this city has been brought
to the knowledge of the Commanding General.
lie has yielded to every suggestion made by the City
(Government, and ordered every method of furni.shing food
to the ])eople of New Orleans that that govcrnnaent desired.
Xo relief by those oilicials has yet been aftbrded. This
liunger does not i)inch the wealthy and influential, the
leaders of the rebellion, who have gotten up this war, and
are now endeavoring to prosecute it, without regard to the
starving poor, the working-man, his wife and child. Un-
mindful of their suffering fellow-citizens at home, they have
caused or suffered provisions to be carried out of the city
for Confederate service since the occui)ation by the United
States' forces.
Lafayette Square, their honu' of atUuence, was made the
de])ot of stores and munitions of war for the rebel armies,
and not of provisions for their poor neighbors. Striking
hands with the vile, the gambler, the idler, and the ruihan,
they liave destroyed the sugar and cotton which might liave
been exchanged for food for the industrious and good, and
regrated tlie 2)rice of that which is left, by discrediting the
very currency they had furnished while they clo])ed with
the specie ; as well that stolen irom the United States, as
the banks, the property of tlie good ])eoi)le of New Orleans,
thus leaving them to ruin and starvation.
Fugitives from justice many of them, and others, their
associates, staying because too puerile and insignilicant to
be objects of punisbment by the clement government of the
United States.
They have betrayed their country.
They have been false to every trust.
They have shown themselves incapable of defending the
State they had seized upon, although they have forced every
poor man's child into their service as soldiers for that pur-
pose, while they made their sons and nephews officers.
They cannot protect those whom they have ruined, but
have left them to the mercies and assassinations of a chronic
They will not feed those whom they are starving.
Mostly without property themselves, they have plundered,
stolen, and destroyed the means of those who had property,
leaving children penniless, and old age hopeless.
Men of Louisiana, workingmen, property holders, mer-
chants, and citizens of the United States, of whatever nation
you may have had birth, how long will you uphold these
flagrant wrongs, and by inaction sufter yourselves to be
made the serfs of these leaders?
The United States have sent land and naval forces here
to fight and subdue rebellious armies in array against her
authority. We find, substantially, only fugitive masses,
]-unaway property owners, a whisky-drinking mob, and starv-
ing citizens with their wives and children. It is our duty
to call back the first, to punish the second, root out the third,
feed and protect the last.
Ready only for war, we had not prepared ourselves to
feed the hungry and relieve the distressed with provisions.
But to the extent possible within the power of the Com-
manding General it shall be done.
He has captured a quantity of beef and sugar intended
for the rebels in the field. A thousand barrels of those
stores will be distributed among the deserving poor of this
city, from whom the rebels had plundered it ; even although
Borae of the food will go to supply the craving wants of the
wives and children of those now lierding at "Camp Moore"
and elsewhere, in arms against the United States.
Captain John Clark, Acting Chief Commissary of Subsist-
ence, will be charged with the execution of this order, and
will give public notice of the place and manner of distribu-
tion, which will be arranged as far as possible, so that the
unworthy and dissolute will not share its benefits.
By command of
^Iajok-Gexeu.vi, Butleu.
Geo. C. Stiioxo, A. A. G., Chief of Stall'
Office of Commiss.vey op Sucsistexce,
Custom-House, New Orleans, May 10, 18G2.
In compliance with the above order of the Commanding
General, the Commissary announces that his oflicc in the
Custom-House will be oj)en on Monday, and from day to
day thereafter, from 9 o'clock a. ^r. to 1 v. m., for the pur-
pose of examining the claims of those who present them-
selves for assistance. Applicants for aid should bring such
credentials from gentlemen in their respective Districts as
shall guard against deception. The indorsement of a cler-
gyman, a physician, or any gentleman known or knowing,
will be sufficient.
On Monday, two hundred tierces of beef will be distributed.
Joiix Clark,
Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, U. S.
Charity would almost make us believe that "General Or-
ders No. 25" had been written before /te came to the city,
when he had more time to draw upon liis imagination —
w'hen he was living a more reposeful life. We have always
been noted in New Orleans for our charities.
" Here the rich never forget that the poor are always a\ ith
lhem ; and although they may be remiss in a thousajid other
duties, charity seems to have been always uppermost iu
llieir thoughts. In no city in the civilized world does so
general a s|iirit of philanthropy exist, and although adver-
sity may frown upon her, and the tongues of some attempt
to sully her fair fame, yet the record of the past lives fresh
and everlasting — not alone in the minds of those who are
now with us, but in the grateful hearts of thousands who
wander in far ofi" lands.
"Remember the many friendless strangers who have been
rescued an untimely grave by the Howards. The destitute
fnnilies fed by them in seasons of pestilence ; the orphans
reared and educated at the expense of our people, and by
the selfsacrilice of those devoted women, the Sisters of
Charity. Those were not spasmodic acts of any particu-
lar period, but an habitual benevolence, which was 23ersisted
in daring years of dearth as well as plenty. And never,
since the present war began, have our people abated one
whit in their benevolence or kindness of heart. The free
market — that monument of philanthropy — erected by a peo-
ple whose trade was cut oif, and whose sources of wealth were
almost closed, has fed its six thousand destitute women and
children, week after week and month after month ; the fifty
or more societies of benevolent ladies, whose members,
though unused to toil, have labored so hard and so success-
fully to clothe and provide for the wives and httle ones of
the poor ; the thousand private acts of benevolence done by
those who 'let not their left hand know of deeds done by
their right.' Does all this look as if the rich had forgotten
the poor? or as if there was none of that Godlike virtue, char-
ity, among us? Let the poor themselves — let their wives
and little ones — answer, as they will, most emphatically, No.
And, although the city was almost incapable of aflbrding
that relief she was wont, one of her children, we hope, will
never be found so base — so lost to every principle of grati-
tude — as to seek to curse and destroy her because she had
no more to give — because the last drop had been drawn
from her withered breast. Init, on tlic contrary, wo feel
assured that tliey will love and respect her flair lame, and
seek some means by which they can prove the gratitude of
tlu'ir hearts.''
Onr free market being closed, those who had depended
upon it were in danger of starvation — every thing was too
(U'ar to purchase. General ])utler was, of course, informed
of this, and endeavored to have things arranged according
to his own "notions."
Ill' endeavored to sell i'ooil at a loio price; but the poor
h.iil been too long cared for and sujtportcd gratuitously, to
give their small earnings for bread, so he was obliged to
conjure some other method to bring about the result.
"hitler and his ISKOTIIER."
Two brothers carac to New Orleans,
Both wore the name of "Butler."
The one was major-general,
The other merely sutler.
Tlie first made proclamations
That were fearful to behold,
While the sutler dealt out rations
And took his pay in gold.
lie had a^)(oy>osc in all his actions. The poor must be
fed, and he must su.stain his poi)ularity with the working
classes. He did not care so much for the more enlightened
]iart of the community. He must have been fully aware,
from their avoidance of him in private life, how little they
cared for him.
He had understood that the "old inhabit.ants" liad sub-
scribed a very large amount of money to the Confederate
cause, to sustain the army (although many deprived them-
selves of all luxuries to enable them to lend a helping hand),
BO he concluded they could still be forced to give.
" lie set his brains to contemplate the c(ise."
We omitted to mention that Cutler's "wislies and designs
were all conveyed either in " general orders" or " special
lie was truly a despot^ and bis despotism knew no bounds.
Each " order" was a sledge-hammer, to fall upon any one
who demurred at his shameful behavior. In the present
instance, he states in his " General Order No. 55," that the
immense sura subscribed was spent with stupidity and
Avastefulness ; that the same parties should be assessed (now,
a great many were in trouble, poverty, and distress) according
to the sums annexed to their names — the sums to be paid to
a man of his own choice, in one week, or the j^roperty of the
delinquent be forthwith seized and sold at public auction, to
pay the amount, with all necessary charges and expenses, or
the party imi^risoned till paid !
The money in his hands would go in the right direction.
His " orders" were imperative — " no retreat in that war !"
So, rather than run the risk of being sent to Ship Island,
Diy Tortugas, or Fort Jackson, with a ball and chain
attached to their limbs, they would succumb and repay —
being ground to the earth and forced to give even of their
penury, whilst he gloated over their misery, and inwardly
exclaimed, " Am not I a god ?"
" All, Ben ! aL, Ben ! tliou'lt get thy fairin',
Old Scratcli will roast tliee like a lierrin'."
In the course of a few months, this money had vanished —
no doubts to feed the poor ! — and he had issued his "order"
iov a second assessment, when, most unexpectedly to himself,
and with great rejoicing throughout the community, he was
General Order No. 55.
Headquarters Department of the Gulp,
New Orleans, August 4, 18G3.
It appears that the need of relief to the destitute poor of
the city requires more extended measures and greater out-
lay than have yet been made.
It becomes a question in justice, upon whom should this
burden I'all? Clearly, upon those who have brought this
great calamity upon their fellow-citizens.
It should not be borne by taxation of the whole munici-
])ality, because the middling and working men have never
been heard at the ballot-box, unawed by threats and un-
menaced by " Thugs" and paid assassins of consjjirators
against peace and good order. Besides, more than the vote
which was claimed for secession have taken the oath of alle-
giance to the United States.
The United States Government does its share when it
protects, defends, and preserves the people in the enjoyment
of law, order, and calm quiet.
Those who have brought upon the city this stagnation of
business, this desolation of the hearthstone, this starvation of
the poor and helpless, should, as far as they may be able,
relieve these distresses.
There are two classes whom it would seem peculiarly fit
should at first contribute to this end. First, those indi-
viduals and corporations who have aided the rebellion with
their means ; and, second, those who liave endeavored to
destroy the commercial prosperity of the city, upon which
the welfare of its inhabitants depends.
It is broufjht to the knowledfre of the Commandinij Gen-
o o o
cral, that a subscription of twelve hundred and fifty thou-
sand dollars was made by the corporate bodies, business
firms, and persons whose names are set forth in the schedule
"A" annexed to this order, and that sum placed in the hands
of an illegal body, known as the " Committee of Public
Safety," for the treasonable purpose of defending the city
against the Government of the United States, under whoso
humane rule the city of New Orleans had enjoyed s-uch
\uiexampled prosperity, that her warehouses were filled
with trade of all nations, who came to share her freedom, to
take part in the benefits of her commercial superiority, and
thus she was made the representative mart of the world.
The stupidity and wastefulness with which this immense
enm was spent was only equaled by the folly which led to
its being raised at all. The subscribers to this fund, by this
very act, betray their treasonable designs, and their ability
to pay at least a much smaller tax for the relief of their des-
titute and starving neighbors.
Schedule "B" is a list of cotton brokers, who, claiming to
control that great interest in Kew Orleans to Avhich she is
BO much indebted for her wealth, published in the newspa-
pers, in October, 1861, a manifesto, deliberately advising
the planters not to bring their produce to the city — a
measure which brought ruin at the same time n^^on the pro-
ducer and the city.
This act sufficiently testifies the malignity of these traitors,
as well to the Government as to their neighbors, and it is
to be regretted that'' their ability to relieve their fellow-citi-
zens is not equal to their flicilities for injuring them.
In taxing both these classes to relieve the suftering poor
of New Orleans — yea, even though the needy be the starv-
ing wives and children of those in arms at Richmond and
elsewhere against the United States — it will be impossible
to make a mistake, save in having the assessment too easy
and the burden too light.
It is therefore ordered —
1st. That the suras in schedules annexed, marked "A" and
" B," set against the names of the several persons, business
firms, and corporations therein described, be, and hereby
are assessed upon each respectively.
2d That said sums be paid to Lieutenant David C. G.
Field, Financial Clerk, at his office in the Custom-House, on
or before Monday, the 11th inst., or that the property of the
delinquent bo forthwith seized and sold at public auction, to
\>ay llie amount, willi all the necessary charges and ex-
penses, or the party imprisoned till paid.
.3d. The money raised by tliis assessnient to be a fund for
the purpose of providing employment and food for the de-
serving poor people of New Orleans.
By order of Majou-Gkxkual Butleu.
R. S. Davis, Captain and A. A. A. G.
[Lieutenant Field may be found in the room formerly
occupied by the Navy Agent.]
Schedule A.
List of Subscribers to the Million, and a Quarter Loan, placed in the
Jiands of the Committee of Public Safety, for the Defence of New Or-
leans against the United States, and expended by them some $38,001).
Sums subscribed Sums assessed
to niil tieasoii to le'.ievc Ibo
Hgiiinst tlie V. poor by tho
Stiites. U. States.
Aba., f Jonoris & Co §210,000 $o2,r)00
J.matlian Montgomery 40,000 10.000
Thomas Sloo, President Sun Insurance Co. . . 50,000 12,000
C. C. (iainos 2.000 500
C. C. (Jaines & Co o.OOO 750
^.'-Trust. McDonogh Soli. Fd 840,000 85,000
J. B. SUuvson 10,000 2,500
S. II. ^Vond 5,000 1,250
Mrs. S. II. \N'ood 2.000 500
Jacques Lange 7,000 1,700
AVidow W. i'. Welham 10,000 2,500
]{o])ert (ieddos 10.000 2,500
ANidowVogcl 20,000 5,000
.J.Levois&Co 10,000 2,500
Samuel Ilurby 14,S00 3,700
( 'itizens' Bank of Louisiana 300,500 ■ 70.000
( J iqntil & Jamison 7,500 1,875
K. Booth 400 100
K<lward Chapman 8,000 2,000
Thomas Layton 1,000 250
1). .1. Bcagnot 2,000 500
]}. Diyer & Co 1,000 250
\V. II". Pierson 3.000 750
Samuel Locko 10,000 2,500
Hart & Wintz 5.000 l,2r>0
SouUiern Bank 10,000 2,509
Richard & Co $10,000 $3,500
Dr. B. Moss 3,000 750
J. & J. C. Davidson 20,000 5,000
DqueLanata 0,900 2,250
II. Samory 1,000 250
K. Turuey 1,500 875
II. D. Maclin 2,500 625
J. II. Cohen 3,000 750
Mrs. C. A. Slocouib 5,500 1,375
Committee of Public Safety 805 210 25
II. Lee ' 150 37 50
George Zickendrath 200 50
Hyde & Goodrich 1,000 250
Magee, Hor.ten & George 500 125
Samuel Loeb 100 25
Valentine Heermau 1,000 250
S. S. Bickler 250 02 50
John M. Demarest 100 25
Thomas O. Donnell ,. 50 12 50
Mrs. V. B. McMahou 50 12 50
W. H. Letchford 1,000 250
0. F. Thiesman 50 12 50
Frederick Bauer 725 181 25
John Hickerson 250 G2 50
McStea, Value & Co 1,000 250
Jacob Zoelly 1,000 250
T. Lafon 500 125
E. Cresswell 100 25
II. II. O. Meallie 50 12 50
Joseph Field 1,000 250
Jules Done D. Amanon 150 37 50
John Farrell 150 37 50
D. II. Holmes 2,500 625
S. P. Lamon 300 75
Fanny Hollander 100 25
J. w! Stanton & Co 500 125
John II. Randolph 500 125
Harriet Morgan 175 43 75
Rachel Morgan 125 31 25
Sarah Morgan 173 43 50
Elizabeth Morgan 150 37 50
Mary M. Morgan 50 12 75
INIargaret Harrod 50 12 50
Davis Brothers 200 50
Trustees Finke Asylum Fund 55,000 13,750
William Massey 300 75
F. Layay !?■:;.-)
John J. Adams 1,000
A. \V. Bosworth GOO
Chark'S Briggs 100
J. A. Liim A: L'o 150
diaries Loelllcr 200
( icorge C. BrowLT SO
I'atrick Howard 25
I icorgo Clainman 50
ll.ll.lledden 500
.1 allies (Jorani 100
liivas & Siiums 500
1'.. C. Young 150
J). A. Briien 125
Madame Ve. li. Chretren 200
Henderson & tiaines 1,000
J. S. Aikcns 250
\V. O. Denegre 1,000
J. C. McLellan 200
Mrs. C. F. Snowden 50
Louisiana State Bank 7,500
Hank of America 5,000
tjleneral D. E. Twiggs 1,000
Jean Petit 13,125
37 50
$1,350,8G5 $312,71G 25
List of Cotton Brokers of JVrw Orleans trho published in the Crescent,
in October hist, ei Cardadcisinfj Planters not to send Produce to JS'eio
Orleans, in order to induce Foriiyn Intervention in behalf of the
Suras nsscssod to relieve
tlie Kliii viiif; poor b/
the Uiiitud Sliilv9.
Hewitt, Norton & Co $500
West & Villicro 250
S. E. Belknap 100
Brander, Chanibliss & (."o 500
Eewis & Oglesby 100
W. A. Johnson & Co 250
Carroll, lloey & Co 500
I'arley, Jiirey & Co 500
\\\ Cox & Co 500
James M. Putnam 100
A. Levi & Co 250
Montgomery & Hull lOO
Bellocq, Noblou & Co $250
Abat & Cuslimau 100
Ilolloway & Lousdale , . . . 100
J. W. Champlin & Co 250
A. D. Ilenkel & Co 100
R. Yeatman 100
Broad well & Hayues 100
Moore & Browder 250
H. W. Estlin & Co 500
Lane & Salter 100
S. O. Nelson & Co 500
Campbell & Strong 250
Patton & Finney 100
Fellowes & Co 500
Payne, Huntington & Co 500
T. II. & J. M. Allen & Co 500
F. B. Ernest 100
Edward Pil'lsbury 100
George E. Mandeville 250
Bell & Bouligny' 250
Ricliard Nugent & Co 500
A. Miltenberger & Co 250
George Connelly & Co 500
J. & G. Cromwell 500
Moses Greenwood 100
A. Ilillay & Co 500
Scruggs, Donuegan & Co 100
Hughes, Hyllestead & Co 500
W. & D. Urquliart 500
Phelps & Jones 100
John T. Ilardie & Co 500
Hawkins & Norwood 100
Walker & Snyder 500
Gillis & Ferguson 250
J. B. Gribble & Co 100
Foley, Avery & Co 500
Ro£-3er, Prothro & Co 250
Henderson, Terry & Go 100
Bradley, Wilson & Co 500
West. Renshaw & Cammack 500
John Williams & Co 250
Tarlton, Whiting & Co 250
Bartley, Johnson & Co. ., 500
Hayes, Gaierverse & Co 100
Frierson, Conway & Co 400
Green & Crump .._^.... 250
R. Mcllhcnny $Q50
Davis, Jenkins & Co 500
Kirkpatrick & Co 100
McFarland & Barksdale 500
Walker & Co 100
John L. Lee 250
P. H. Skipwitli 100
Knox & Higgins 100
J. J. Person & Co 250
Battle, Noble & Co 500
R. C. Cummings & Co 500
Montgomery & White 500
Wright & Allen 500
lujbert L. Adams & Co 500
llorrell, Gale & Co 250
John Watt cS: Co 500
Rotchford, Brown & Co 500
I\I. D. Cooper 500
Smith and Johnson 100
James Bankhead 100
MeLemore, Ray burn & Co 250
Thomas Henderson & Peale 500
AVood ct Lowe 500
Gallagher & Dyer 100
Pritehard & plower 500
Stuart & James 100
Thornhill & Co 500
Ar. Miltenberger 500
Gladden & Seixas 100
J. ^V. Burbridge & Co 500
Friedlander & Gerson 250
A\'arren & Crawfi)rd 100
Perkins & Co 500
Cutler & Harrison 100
Nixon & Co 500
('(•jies & P]ieli)S 250
Giflin, Smedes & Co 500
Total $20,200
To delicate miiuls llic unfortunate are always oLjccts of
losjjoct ; but, alas ! there was none of the milk of human
kindness in the breasts of otu- adversaries. Ivvultinj^ in tlie
misery of their victims, the slupid and revolting creatures
would indulge their low wit at the expense of the feelings of
a whole community.
We turn with disgust from the vulgar and coarse language
of the following remarks, taken from one of the papers which
the " commanding general" kept under his supervision to
l^rint his " orders" etc. Tlie news-boys called it the lie-iible
(reliable) paper.
As we are faithful chroniclers we give it place :
" From the moment that General Butler's Order No. 55
became known yesterday, mulcting some one hundred and
ninety individuals, corporations and mercantile firms in the
snug little sum of three hundred and forty odd thousand dol-
lars, for the purpose of providing emj^loyment and food for
the suffering poor of this city, the flags of Carondelet Street
became the scene of vmwonted agitation. For the first time
those many months, the habitues of la Grande Hue were
awakened from their ancient, snake-like lethargy. Sleek old
gentlemen, whose stomachs are extended with turtle, and
who sport ivory-headed canes, and wear on their noses two-
eyed glasses rimmed Avith gold, came out from their umbra-
geous seclusions from Prytania Street, Coleseum Place, and
other rural portions of the Garden District, to condole Avith
each other upon the now once more animated flags.
"At an early hour yesterday morning, knots of these alder-
manic-looking gentry, Avith Avhite vests and stiffened shirt-
collars, had collected in the vicinity of Colonel Baxter's cor-
ner, for the purpose of discussing the merits of the order —
of that Order No. 55, Avhicli Avas destined to disturb the
equilibrium of many a cash balance, and to cause unwilling
fingers to diA'e into the depths of plethoric pockets, long un-
disturbed by the prying digits of their unctuous owners.
"It Avas refreshing to cuntemi>late llie sorrowful visages ol
this funereal crowd. Some of ihcm had been taxed liundreds
and some to tlio tune of thousands, but all alike bore the
soleiim aspect of unresisting muttons led silently to slauu;h-
ler. They had made their money easy, to be sure, l>uL
iiarting- with it was like pulling teeth. Some of these men
are worth a million or so ; a few, perhaps, as much as ten
millions in real estate, stocks, bonds, and exiiectations ; and
others again are known as 2^oor men., tolerably well to do,
and worth only from three to five hundred thousand dollars
apiece. For tlii'se latter to be taxed as high as a hundred
dollars, out of the little savings which they had laid up, by
means of two-and-a-lialf per cent, for advancing on cotton
crops, and two-and-a-half per cent, commissions, and yet
other percentages for brokerage and stealage, seemed rather
hard — at least to them ! Xo wonder that they growled.
"But, gentlemen, lamentations won't do. The poor must
be employed and fed, and you must disgorge. It will never
do to be said that while you lay back in cushioned divans,
tasting turtle and sipping the wine-cup, dressed iu fme linen
and rolling in lordly carriages — that gaunt hunger stalked
ill the once busy streets, and poverty flouted its rags under
your aristocratic noses for the want of the privilege to work!
Launch out, then, the needful, you favored ones of the higher
walks of trade, and let the [)oorhave work. This slight i)hle-
bottomizing of your plethoric jmrses will feed thousands of
the deserving, and you be none the worse. J>y Monday, the
11th inst., the time limited by the order, we hope to see you
all ei^ine up to the tei'ms ])rescribe(l ; and lor our part, we
shall be happy to give so llattcring an account of you."
In less than lour months more than !;^340,000 had been
expended JudicioKsli/ under Jkitler's fostering care. ''Order
105" was the second requisition, which had just been made
when he was politely "ordered'' to leave Xew Orleans.
Headqu^vrters Department op the Gulf,
New Orleans, Dec. 9th, 18G2.
Under General Orders No. 55, current series from tlicse
headquarters, an assessment was made upon certain i)arties
who had aided the rebellion, " to be appropriated to the re-
lief of the starving poor of New Orleans."
^ The calls upon the fund raised under that order have been
frequent and urgent, and it is now exhausted.
But the poor of this city have the same or increased ne-
cessities for relief as then, and tlieir calls must be Iieard ; and
it is both fit and proper that the parties responsible for the
present state of affairs should have the burden of their sup-
^ Tlierefore, the parties named in Schedules A and B, of
General Ordei-s No. 55, as hereunto annexed, are assessed
in like sums, and fur the same purpose, and will make pay-
ment to D. C. G. Field, Financial Clerk, at his office at these
head<|uarters, on or before Monday, DeccL-iber 15tb, 18G2.
By command of
Major-Gexeral Butler,
Geo. V. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Stall'.
Butler's brother assisted him to feed the poor. He got
beeves irom Texas.
With such a superabundance of money, a free market was
also established, but there was a great deal of grumblino-;
almost as much as they had at the Forth, about the samj
time, when Mrs. Lincoln gave a ball.
It may be interesting, and therefore we insert i(, although
somewhat out of place.
" Other dunce, the warriors knew,
^Vh(•n tlicy danced at Waterloo."
GnuMi{Li\(T AT THE xe)irni. — Mijs. Lincoln's (iUAXD ball.
TIio following firlit'Ies fiom XorlluTii papers we lake from
the Xew Yoik llei-ald of Xovember IS.
The first ball over given at the White House came off
h\st Wednesday evening. The Cabinet, both Houses of
Congress, many of the army ofKcers, forcMgn ministers,
leading citizens, etc., to the muuber ol" five lumdred, were
present witli their wives and daughters. Tiie ladies were
dressed in the highest style of fashion and extravagance,
especially ]\[rs. Lincoln. The gentlemen were generally
very j)lainly attired. About 12 o'clock the supper room
was thrown open, and exhibited one of the finest displays of
gastronomic art ever seen in this country — a temple of
liberty, a ft)rt and war steamer, admirably modeled in candy,
and a ton of turkeys, ducks, venison, phea.sants, partridges,
etc., all ex(piisitely prepared by Alailhird, of X'ew York, at
a cost of thousands of dollars.
AVhile the country is shaken as by an earthquake by the
niiglitiest and most unnatural civil war recorded in history,
and on the eve of bankruptcy and ruin ; while it is even now
a question — a fearfid one — whether we are to be licnceforth
the free ])eople of a I'vev nation, or whether we .'ire to become
the subjects of anarchy, a second Mexico — we say, tliat
while these direful calamities are tlireatoning our very life
ns a nation, such an extravagant and foulish display is
shocking. At any time such mimicking and aping European
courts is disgusting in the capital of a republic; but, at such
a crisis as the present, such a wanton display of extra-
vagance and indifference on the part of tlie Administration
is an outrage to tlie interests and feelings of the people. It
is tempting a kind Providence to our destruction. Wliat
will be tliought in Europe of such frivolity ? How forcibly
and unpleasantly it calls to mind the fiddling of Xero at the
burning of Rome. That same night, while in Washington
all was wanton and gay, the hunted Unionist in our bloody
border land stole in secret from his den, and, aided by the
glimmering moonlight, looked once more on the ashes of
what was once his happy home.
That same night wounded volunteers died in the hos-
pitals for want of care and comfort, and our noblest sons and
brothers pined in the loathsome horrors of a Southern
prison, and sighed hopelessly for release; Avhile on our
Western frontiers the houseless mother clasped her starving-
babe, and the prairie wolf gnawed ravenously the bones of
the loyal dead. And still with bands playing, and streamers
flying, and the noble old ship of State, tempest-tossed and
drifting along the very verge of an abyss, the "august
wisdom of the capital" are merry with wine, jolly and
indifferent, toasting and feasting, dancing and capering
about the White House goose with devil-me-care imbecil-
ity, as though life were intended for a I'lastime — civil war
an agreeable tableau. Shade of Belshazzar — ashes of Nine-
veh — golden calf of Ashron — come forth, ye are wanted in
Washington ! — Adams Transcript.
MRS. Lincoln's ball.
The first ball ever given in the White House came off
to-night, says the Tribune's correspondent of Thursday last.
We have read of the crews of sinking ships, when all hope
had fied, throwing off all restraints, human and divine, and
mingling their revoliing orgies and mail carousals ■with the
avenging spirit of the tempest, which was hurrying them to
a swift and sure destruction. Are the incumbents of the
high places of trust and power, mad or demented, that, in
this dark hour of our history and our hopes, they desert our
posts of duty to inaugurate, the reign of fashion, and
worship at the shrine of folly? Or was this a "shameless
funeral wake over the unburied remains of a defunct Union.
"Most of the Senators and Members of Congress and
generals of the army were there,'' says the reporter. Faith-
less betrayers of a people's trust, was it for this that you
were sent to Congress or placed in command of our armies?
Are we incurring an expenditure of two millions of dollars
per day, and sacrificing hundreds of lives, that you may
congregate and riot at our expense ?
Again, says the reporter : " The supper was set in the
dining room, and Avas considered one of the finest displays of
gastronomic art ever seen in this country. It was prepared
by Maillard, of Xcw York, and cost thousands of dollars."
And this was while Secretary Chase was nrgcntly impor-
tuning Congress to adopt some meastu'es to rejilenish an
Quipty treasury.
Again says the faithful chronicler: "The tables fairly
bent under the expensive luxuries heaped one upon another."
Only one week before Mr. Wilson lind stated in his place in
the Senate, that " he had seen certificates from sick soldiers
that they had actually to go to the swill tubs to enable them
to live in the hospitals at Alexandria."
Is the White House to be made the scene of disgraceful
frivolity, hilarity and gluttony, while hundreds of sick and
sulfering soldiers, within ])lain sight of the dome of the
Capitol, are left to suffer lor the bare necessaries of life,
imattended and uncared tor ? There must bo a moral
malaria in the ntmos])here of Washington Avhich stupefies
the iutfilrct and diins the }>('rcc'plions, whilt? it dries up or
2)oisous the fountains of liuman kindness in all "who enter its
transforming circle. Slavery and treason still liv^e and flour-
ish there. Sampson was shorn of his strength by a -woman
of tlie Philistines. The White House may have its Delilah ;
Avho can tell? — Jeffersonian Democrat.
"We will not be guilty of such disrespect towards President
Lincoln as to suppose him responsible in any other way than
a passive, if not virtnally enforced, acquiescence in those
misplaced festivities of the White House which have lately
shocked the sensibilities of the nation. It was bad enougli
for Mrs. Lincoln to make an ostentations parade of her
gayety at foshionable watering places last summer. The
nation has drawn no favorable augury from her intimacy
with the family of James Gordon Bennett, and the evident
relish Avith which she has received the fulsome flattery of
the infimous sheet which he edits. But these things were
generally borne in silence. It was not until this crowning
act of inaugurating, in the climax of the nation's agony, the
recent scenes of rout and revelry at the White House, that
the press has been compelled by its sense of duty to speak
out. This it is now doing, and with no uncertain tone. It
comes from all quarters, and from journals representing
every variety of sentiment.
A Member of Congress from this State who has already
done his country signal service in exposing frauds for which
tliis same social influence, sui-rounding the White House, is
said to be largely responsible, is re2:)orted to have " freed his
mind" as follows:
Two or three days since Mr. Lincoln sent word to Mr.
Dawes, through a brother member, that he (Dawes) had
done more to break down the Administration than any other
man in the country, by his speech exposing the corruptions
of contractors and others. Mr. Dawes sent back a message
in reply to ll»o Prcsitlent. " Tell lilm," said Uv. Dawes, " that
nothing that I can do will break down his Administration as
rapidly as his dancing party given at the time when, the
nation is in the agonies of civil war. "With cqnal propriety
might a man make a visit Avitli a corpse in the liousc."
The concluding expression of ]\lr. Dawes, though start-
ling, can hardly be called extravagant. Tlie last dollar was
])aid from the national treasury, and the nation stood lace
to liice with hundreds of millions of debt unprovided for on
the day of this unseemly festivity. Our wounded and
diseased soldiers were sufl'ering, dying, amid the liardships
of the camp, while the contractors who liad wronged them
out of most of the limited comforts which the necessities of
their situation permitted, were paraded amid the splendors
of the social pageant. — lioxhiinj Journal.
The following letter shows the many ingenious modes re-
sorted to by the wives of rebel soldiers to obtain relief:
"whining does no good." — provision vs. pkinciple.
" The mercy I to others sliow
That mercy show to me."
Mr. Editor: Your reporters sometimes complain of a
scarcity of items. If they will go around the places where
])rovi8ions are distributed to the poor of this city and its en-
virons, they can find items enough in one day, for a week.
Having occasion to call on one of the otticers who haj)-
pcned to be on duty there, I stood for some time in utter
amazement, Avitnessing the ingress and egress to and from
that place, which seemed to many to be thcGolconda of tlie
world. If that is not the place to see human Tiature un-
adorned, then I have never found it.
There tliey would find persons of all ages, sexes, and con-
ditions, each telling his or lier particular hardships, and the
miseries war has brought upon them, thinking, no doubt, that
/At'<V sufierings were not equaled V)y those of any one else.
They would find there men (and women, too), who have
spent their lives in cursing and bemoaning tlie Yankees,
asking bread. It ought to choke them. They would see
there scores of persons who have sworn, and still do, that
they would not eat any thing the Yankees have to sell, yet
they slip there under double veils, or send some one secretly ;
and if they pay at all, they get the articles at about half price.
I should like to know who has eaten a breakfast in New
Orleans within the last two months that was not purchased
from the Yankees ? One says, " I did not get my provisions
of them; I bought them at Mr. S.'s grocery." Well, where
did Mr. S. get them ? This kind of crawling out will never
do. To use a common exj^ression, " you might as well eat
tlie devil as drink his broth."
A woman came up to the officer and said : "Sir, I want
to get in to get some provisions." " Have you a husband ?"
" Yes." " lias he taken the oath ?" " Yes" — showing the
document. Officer, looking ; " taken to-day ?-' " Yes."
" It's to Great Britain ?" " Yes." " Well, you may go
there and get something to eat." Woman, in a rage, turns
away, but finally officer passes her in.
She soon returns with a well-filled basket, and meeting a
friend, says : "Them low, good-for-nothing, mean Yankees
did'nt want to give me any thing, because John didn't swear
for the Union ! He'd see them all hung first, the vagabonds."
And off she went, heaping curses upon the heads of those
who are willing to feed the hungry.
Another came up and asked admittance. " Have you a
husband?" "Yes." "Is he at work?" "Yes." "Arc
you needy ?" " Yes ; I cannot get his wages, and my fam-
ily must suffer if I cannot get assistance." " Where is your
husband ?" " In the army." " In which army ?" " The
Confederate, to be sure." "And you come here for pro-
visions ? Why, we did not come here to feed Rebels ?" " I
am no Rebel. My husband did not Avant to go, but he had
to." " Then you are for Union ?" " Yes." " Well, pass in."
Foeling soinewliat interested in this lady's success (lor I
knew her well), I waited until she came out, and the iirst
salutation was, " Didn't I fool that Yankee officer nicely ?"
" How ?" said I, ajjpearing ignorant of the facts.
" Why, I told him I was for Union, and that Charley had
to go to war, and that I was suifering, and all that, and see
what a nice lot I've got !"
" Xow, are you not ashamed ?" I said. " You did not tell
ITun one truth." " I know it, but who cares. lie can as
well give me something as others. Plenty go there 'who
don't need it." Hundreds of just such Union people daily
throng those places ; deceive the men in attendance ; receive
supplies, ami, wliile seated at their tables enjoying them,
curse (and teach their children so to do) the source from
whence those blessings come.
Union }ieople ! Yes, united in getting something to cat,
but nothing more. Tiiat these impositions are constantly
being practiced, every one of observation must know. The
remedy is yet to be found. Tliis I leave for wiser heads,
but one thing has just struck my mind that might not be
inapplicable here.
1 recollect very distinctly' being out shopping some months
ago, and meeting (or crossing the street to avoid meeting)
the greatest mass of mortality, in the greatest state of ex-
citement, that I had seen for a long time. I did not at first
know what it was, but, upon taking a second look, saw that
it was a man of huge dimensions and great muscular pow-
ers, who ran hat in hand through the streets, foaming, pant-
ing, and crying something I could not understand. The ex-
cited crowd followed and hallooed in tl)e same words, Avhich
jiroved to be, "Glorious victory at Bull Kun."
Surely, he beat all time ever made at a battle, or any-
where else, except the time made by General Lovell last
April. "Well, to my subject. This bellicose news disi^enser
is now giving out "papers" to those Ac considers worthy to
receive assistance from tliose wlio are distributing provisions
to the poor. May be he has taken the oath ; but if he lias,
he is a turn-coat and can't be trusted. He'll turn again
Avhen it's his interest. I hope he'll excuse me. I don't mean
the least harm, but think those who give "papers" ought to
Ite f7'ied ITnioii men, and he will agree with me.
It is very natural to suppose that the men who give out
those papers, or certificates (we don't know what to call
them), are acquainted with those to whom they give them,
and that they know whether or not they are deserving. If
this is not the case, it should be so, and they should be held
responsible ibr any impositions that may be practiced.
I believe it is the intention of those engaged in this work
'of benevolence to feed all classes, but it is a notorious fact
that the greatest number of those who patronize those insti-
tutions are tlie loudest-mouthed and most abusive secession-
ists we have.
There are families of this kind who go there alternately,
parents and children, almost every day, and in this way have
laid in a nice little stock, almost enough to start business.
They pretend they are for the Union till they get their
supplies, then go home and laugh about it. I do not believe
in a kind of Union people who, six months ago, cursed the
Government, and used all the influence they possessed to put
it down, abused all who were true and loyal, and neglected
no opportunity to show^ their secession sympathies, who now
come round, and, for the sake of getting something to eat,
say they are for the Union. They ought to be escorted out
of the country on a rail.
There are persons here who have from the commencement
of this rebellion stood up against all the abuses a mobocratic
community could hurl at tliem, and in the face of powder and
ball, and with the rope threatening them, gone steadily for-
W'ard upholding the Union, and expressing- the hope and be-
lief that the rebellion would be put down, and that the glo-
lions emblem which lias for eighty years waved Iruiraphantly
over us, would be seen flying from every house-top.
Tliese are Union people, and although some of them have,
on aecount of their sentiments, been deprived of business
and redneed to want, and to-day are not able to i)rocure for
their families the necessaries of life, they are the last to call
for assistance.
Some of this class have called and met these, their tradii-
cers, and the tradncers of the Government, Avith well-filled
baskets, while they had to stand back, and could not gain
admittance. This is hard, but may be right. I hope sin-
cerely that the authorities will investigate this matter imme-
dlatchj^ and arrange it so that the friends to their cause may
at least fare as well as those who, after receiving bounties, tra-
duce the givers.
One of these recii)ients said to me the other day, in a very
threatening inanner, " Just wait until the Confederates get
back to the city. They will then take the feeding of the poor
into their own hands, and if they don't give some of these
Union brawlers a dose that will choke them, I'll miss my
Suppose it will be molasses and cotton ! "Well, we shall
wait anxiously, and if the Confederates ever do have the
feeding of the poor of New Orleans, and dispense their fa-
vors as imj)artially as those now engaged in that work of
mercy are doing, they will be entitled to the everlasting
gratitude of a people who have, by the stern realities of war,
been reduced to a state of destitution hitherto unknown to
them. Nkllie.
Nkw Oulkans, July 2Sth, 18G2.
" Man's ixiliumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn."
The excitement of the populace was intense when they
found that the Confederate flags wliich had waved over tlie
Custom-IIouse, the Mint, and the City Hall for several
months, were ordered to be removed. What right liad any
one to issue sucli a command when the city liad not
surrendered ?
It was the supposed right of brutal might alone.
A force of one hundred marines and a body of sailors, with
two brass howitzers, were sent ashore by the United States
Squadron, then in our port, hauled down the Confederate
flags from the Custom-House and Mint, and hoisted the
flag of the United States. One of the officials, we think
named Bell, hauled down the flag from ofi' the City Hall,
and came down with it under his arm.
The incensed multitude, kept at bay by the military,
"looked daggers" and received him with a groan.
It was heaping insult upon injury to see those beautiful
silk flags, which had been presented to the city by such
loving hands — which we had all cherished and prized so
highly — now desecrated, and in possession of those who
would most likely send them North as trophies.'^
Four men, among whom were "William B. Mumford" and
" Adolphe Harper," more excitable, perhaps, than others, de-
termined to take down at least one of the hated emblems,
as they thought of their degradation.
* And wliicli we now know lias been done.
Mounting to tlie roof of "the ]\Iint," AdoJphe Tlaiyef
hauled down the flag, and departed! There was wild com-
jnotion wlicn this was done. ]\Iuniford being in company,
was arrested, tried by '' liutler's Court of Military Comrais-
sison," convicted no doubt upon circumstantial evidence, or
perhaps upon no evidence at all — condemned to death, and
General B. F. Butler ordered the execution !
Governor Moore, speaking of the act, remarked : " The
noble heroism of the patriot Mumford has placed his name
high on the list of our martyred sons."
Some of our most influential and respected citizens used
their most earnest and pathetic entreaties to pursuade
General Butler to spare the prisoner's life ; but he had de-
nounced him, and his fate was sealed. The most conclusive
and aflecting arguments were treated with contempt.
The (juostion of right was waved ; his compassion and
generosity were aj^pealed to, but obstinacy and vindictive-
ness governed him.
He liad power given him as "despot," and he must strike
terror into the Southern heart, so he would begin at once!
For Mumford's family tliere was no redress — no respite
from suffering.
In a short time the poor man was executed ! leaving an
estimable wife and three small children to tlie tender mer-
cies of the world, to be supported by charidj.
Some of our benevolent ladies took them under their
care, and did all they could to assist them in their great
tribidation ; but "God alone can ease the troubled heart."
" The want of decency is a want of sense."
Butler's infamous " Order No. 28," known everywhere,
and commented upon both -in Europe and America, was a
most refined piece of cruelty. Fearing it might be lost, it
had better be inserted as a relic :
^^ GenerjUw Order No. 28.
Headquarters Department of the Gulf,
New Orleans, May 15, 18G3.
As the officers and soldiers of the United States have been
subjected to repeated insults from the women (calling them-
selves ladies) of New Orleans, in return for the most scrupu-
lous non-interference and courtesy on our i:)art, it is ordered
that hereafter when any female shall, by word, gesture, or
movement, insult or show contempt for any officer or soldier
of the United States, she shall be regarded and held liable
to be treated as a woman of the town plying her avocation.
By command of Major-General Butler.
G. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Staff.
The ladies in New Orleans, however, had their champions.
See what the London Times says :
The London Times says the proclamation of Butler re-
alizes all that was ever told of tyranny by victor over the
vanquished, and the state of slavery endured by the negroes
of New Orleans cannot be more absolute than that now
suffered by the whites of that city.
In the House of Lords on the 13th of June, Earl Car-
narvon called attention to General Butler's proclamation re-
l.Uive to tlie ladies of Xew Orleans!. lie condemned it in
severe terms, as without precedent in the annals of war, and
asked if the Government had information of its authenticity,
and if it had protested against it.
In the House of Commons, Sir J. Welsh made inquiry as
to ilie authenticity of General llulter's proclamation, which
he denounced as rejMignant to the feelings of the nineteenth
century, and moved for any correspondence on the suhject.
There was a wail of anguisli throughout the land when
this " order" was issued — all others now seemed endurable,
Ir.it this hum'dlated us. We looked on in silence, not
knowing from whence a blow might come !
Afraid to speak — almost to breathe — lest a wrong motive
would be imputed to the most innocent movement.
The Episcopal Clergy Avere next assaulted — even they
could not be allowed to pursue " the even tenor of their
Avay ;" every o))portunity was taken to insult them, and
ihially. Old Kutler '"ordered" them to Xew York.
])r. Leacock, ])r. Goodrich, and Dr. Fulton were sent ofT;
Mr. Hedges sent to ]\Iobile — all faithful ministers of the
Gosi)el, M'ilh large congregations devoted to them !
The Sunday Delta asks in a very cpiaint way: Who is the
Kev. Dr. Goodrich, the minister who has hitherto ofliciated
in the Episcopal Cliurch on Camp Street, near the intersec-
tion of I'rytania Street?
Of course the person wlio asked the (piestion was from
other i)arts — perhaps from Enrrland — which is a fjrcat ifai)
oif from us. Dr. G. commenced his career here as a mis-
sionary, working for many years in this city, more for the
benefit of liis ])arishioners and the love of his Saviour than
for any remuneration which he received.
His good and godly life is so well known in this com-
munity that it need not be commentetl upon.
After his banishment to the Noilh he returned, and now
officiates in the liandsome edifice erected for him. It will
be well to read the description of the scenes which were
enacted within its walls.
Fought in New Orleans, Sunday, October 12, 1SG2.
Come, boys, and listen while I sing
The greatest figlit yet fought —
That time the hated Yankee
A real Tartar caught.
'Twas not the first Manassas,
Won by our Beauregard,
Nor Perryville, nor Belmont,
Though Polk then hit him hard ;
Nor was it famous Shiloh,
Wliere Sydney Johnston fell —
No, these were mighty battles.
But a greater I will tell.
'Twas fought on Sunday morning,
Within the Church's walls.
And shall be known in history
As the battle of St. Paul's.
The Yankee Strong commanded
For Butler the abhorr'd.
And the Reverend Mr. Goodrich
Bore the banner of the Eord.
The bell had ceased its tolling.
The service nearly done.
The Psalms and Lessons over.
The Lord's Prayer just begun;
When as the Priest and paople
Said " Hallowed be Thy name,"
A voice in tones of thunder
His order did proclaim :
"As this house has been devoted
To Great Jehovah's praise.
And no prayer for Abra'm Lincoln
Witliin its walls you raise.
Therefore of rank Secession
It is an impious nest,
And I stop all further service,
And the clergyman arrt'st ;
And in name of General Butler,
I order furthermore.
That this assemhly scatter.
And the Sexton close the door."
Up rose the congregation —
We men were all away.
And our wives and little children
Alone remained to pray.
But when has Southern woman
Before a Yankee quailed ?
And these with tongues undaunted
That Lincolnite assailed.
In vain he calh.'d his soldiers —
Their darts around him How,
And the Sirorifj man then discovered
What a woman's tongue can do.
Some cried, '• We knew that Butler
On babes and women warr'd.
But we did not think to find him
In the temple of the Lord."
Some pressed around their pastor,
Some on the villain gazed.
Who against the Lord's annointcd
His dastard arm had raised.
Some said, " E'en to a Yankee
We would not do such wrong.
As to mistake another
For the gallant Major Sti'ong ;
So we'll look upon the hero
Till his face we cannot doubt,"
While a etout old lady shouted,
" Do some one kick Mm out."
" Don't touch him," cried another,
" He is worthy of his Kuler,
For he fights with women braver
Than he fought at I'onrliatoida."
But wh<'n the storm raged fiercest,
And liearts were all aflame.
Like oil on troubled waters.
The voice of blessing came —
For thougli witli angry gestures
Tlie Yankee bid liim cease,
The Priest, with hands ui^lifted.
Bid his people go in peace ;
And called down heavenly blessings
Upon that tossing crowd.
While the men their teeth were clenching,
And the women sobbing loud.
And then with mien undaunted
He passed along the aisle.
The gallant Yankee hero
Behind him all the while.
" You better bring a gunboat,
For that's your winning card,"
Said a haughty little beauty.
As the Strong man called a guard.
" 'Tis only 'neath their shelter
You Yankees ever fight,"
Cried anotlier spunky woman
Who stood upon his right.
But the Major thought a cannon
(If his men could not succeed
In clearing off the sidewalk).
Would be all that he should need.
And I guess his light artillery
'Gainst Christ Church he will range,
When his "base of operations"
Next Sunday ho shall "change."
'Twas thus the tyrant Butler,
'Mid woman's sobs and tears.
Seized a priest before the altar
He had served for twenty years.
We know in darkest ages
A Church was holy ground,
Where from the hand of Justice
A refuge might be found :
And from the meanest soldier
To the highest in the land.
None dared to toucli the fugitive
Who should within it stand.
Twas left the beastly Butler
To violate its walls,
And to" be known in future
As the Victor of St. Pauls,
lie has called our wives " She-adders,"
And he shall feel their sting.
For the voice of outraged woman
Through every land shall ring.
He shall stand with Austrian Ilaynau
Upon the rolls of fame,
And bear to latest ages
A base, dishonored name.
The ehurcli in wliicli the Rev. Mr. Hedges officiated was,
after his banishment, converted into a school-liou«c for young
" con/ralxfuds,'" wliere their youtlil'ul ideas were heiiig taught
to shoot.
It caught fire, accidentally one windy niglit, and burned
to the ground. It Avas a great loss to the neigliborliood,
for some of tlie Etliiopians liad very sonorous voices and
pitched their notes full high.
'I'he crime fur wliicli those clergymen were arrested was,
that they refu.sed to luay for " tlie president of the United
States and all others in authority.
Old Dr. Beecher once i)rayed : " O Lord, we pray Thee
that we may not dispute our rulers ! and, O Lord, we further
jiray that they may not behave so that we cannot lielp it!"
There was a clergyman in Frederick, Md., the Rev. Dr.
Z , who, bolder than the rest, had the courage to pray
lor " the President of the United States" in the presence of
a number of Rebel officers, who took no step to punish or
i-ebuke him. No doubt they thought it right to have him
enjoy the ' lienefit of clergy.'
" lu the evening, he had among liis hearers Stoneioall
Jarkson^ who slept soundly through the services.''
"VVe are bajipy to state that all the clergy have returned
to their respective churches in New Orleans, much to the
ielight of their congregations.
Our beloved Bishop Polk will long be remembered and
mourned — but he returns no more ! What a sorrowful
thought! We should all endeavor to "remember the
words which he spoke unto us while he was yet j^resent
with us."
No one has been with us who was more truly beloved by
all parties than he ; his amiable manners and righteous life
endeared him to all. He was a man of whom it might truly
be said : " lie knew no wish, but what the world might hear."
A lady has written a short tribute to General Polk.
There are few more justly deserving of praise than our
patriotic hero, General Leonidas Polk, of whom we all feci
Nature invested liim with a benign disposition and with
all, the characteristics of generous feeling. He always
exerted a salutary and moralizing influence over the minda
of his people by his chaste and exemplary example and
precepts. He won the respect and afiection of his brave
SDldiers by his genial and social disposition and manners. He
was highly esteemed and appreciated for his zealous interest
m behalf of his people.
He is deserving of praise for his selfsacrificing conduct
during our sad and sanguinary war. He manifested an in-
defatigable spirit of energy in defending the cause which
he had espoused. He was brave and fearless to the last
moment, until the invading- foe snatched his life away ! so
unexpectedly ; depriving his aggrieved people of their noble,
and much-loved defender.
His immortal spirit was transferred from the battle-field,
to a more ti"anquil and purer sphere.
His people will hold his noble deeds and acts of benevo-
lence in aftectionate and grateful remembrance.
"0 Shame, Avlicro is thy blush!"
The greater part of the information respecting private
])roperty was derived from negroes, as at all times they
were allowed the cntrte to IJutler's sanctum.
Intriguing men have emissaries everywhere, and they
are never above a little fomiliarity with servants ; they are
their best " helps" as a little money can generally buy their
If servants could only be ilattered into talking of their
master's affairs, Butler's aims were accomplished ; the facts
alone he wished to know, and he could draw upon his vivid
imagination to invent schemes to desolate and destroy.
It was a negro servant who informed one of Butler's
emissaries that A. Coutcrio, Esq., the Consul of the Xether-
lands, " had a large amount of silver in his possession ; " such
information was valuable, and must be acted upon. Accord-
ingly, A. Coutcrio was arrested by an " order" from the
" General Commanding ;" his office seized and the most
insulting language used ; finally, two officials were ordered
to search his person, " even to searching the soles of his
shoes," to find the key to unlock the treasure !
This was done artistically, decency not being regarded.
Tiieir purposes being gained, the Consul was released ;
removing from his office several wagon loads of silver,
amounting to §800,000, also private papers and other things.
The reason for this outrage, which caused intense excitc-
jnent, was : " Tlie Citizens' Bank owed the celebrated bank-
ing-liouse of Hope tfc Co., of Amsterdam, a large sura —
variously estimated from 6500,000 to $1,000,000— the notes
'beauty and booty. 117
for the payment of which were due in the course of the
next two months. The directors of the bank, for reasons
of their own, concluded to place the amount of their indebt-
edness to Hope & Co., in the hands of the Holland Consul,
for the payment of these notes, either before or at the time
they became due." And Butler wished to investigate the
The Fi'ench Consul was also relieved of a large amount
of specie, although not treated in so rude and insolent a
We copy the following from the daily papers :
" Messrs, Sam, Smith & Brother, the largest private
bankers in the city, M'ere arrested on Sunday by order of
General Butler, and detained as prisoners until yesterday
noon. The books, moneys, and other assets of Messrs, Smith,
including the boxes, packages, etc., deposited with them by
private depositors, $70,000 in specie, and about $400,000 in
bills receivable, were also seized by the same authorities.
Mr. B. Avegno, another private banker, was also arrested
yesterday, and last night Mr. A. B. James, a wealthy
property holder and ca})italist, was marched to the Custom-
Ilouse under a guard of United States soldiers."
Affairs got to such a state in the city, that numerous
complaints were sent to the President in Washington, to
have him interpose his authority against such lawlessness.
Accordingly, President Johnson commissioned the Hon.
Iveverdy Johnson, of Maryland, to go to New Orleans to
investigate the case.
The following letter from Washington fully exj^lains his
ideas upon the subject:
" Hon. Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland, has made his
report to the Government nj^on the points in the administra-
tion of aifairs in New Orleans, which he not long since went
thither to investigate, and the President has approred its
" It is understood tliat he recommends the return to the
Consul of the Netherlands of" the eight hundred thousand
doUars seized by Gen. Butler; tlmt seven hundred and
sixteen thousand dollars be returned to the French Consul,
and also a large amount ot sugars and other merchandise be
relinquished to the Greek, British, and other foreign mer-
chants domiciled in Xew Orleans, as, according to Mr.
Johnson, these seizures by Gen. Butler cannot be justified
by civil or military law."
]Jutler was obliged to refund the money, and, in doing so,
he iio doubt felt relieved of a very heavy responsibility.
'• Trifles, liirht as air, arc to the jealous
Confirmation strong as proofs of Holy Writ."
It has been truly said that " those who allow trifles to
annoy tliem live among their enemies." This was emi-
nently the case with General Butler.
He would allow nothing to escape without noticing it ;
the most tri\ ial circumstance was magnified by the satel-
lites around him.
l>ad as he was, he was made still Morse by the cunning,
envy, hatred, and malice of those in whom he trusted.
His habit of drinking so freely of molasses and icatei\
which made "his face so red," doubtless assisted in devising
his schemes to annoy and irritate.
" A case in point was the turmoil respecting the Eiiglisli
•ship Ivinaldo.
He could not understand tlic cause of the hilarity on
board the vessel — concluded that it was done to torment
liim — while, in tact, no one there gave him a passing
Tliere were a number of young Englisli gentlemen, of
high birth and parentage, midshipmen on board the Ivinal-
do, an English man-of-war, lying off Xew Orleans. Tliey,
us they were justly entitled to the hospifalities of the city,
were kindly received and hospitably entertained by some of
our best Creole families, several of them of English descent.
Their time passed pleasantly ; scarcely a day or evening but
they were invited to soirees or parties, gotten up to enable
the young people to enjoy themselves, and to forget in in-
nocent gayety, if possible, the terrible scenes through which
the country was passing.
Those gentlemen, willing and anxious to return some of
the civilities which they had had kindly extended to them,
gave a " tea party" on board their vessel, and invited a num-
ber of the beautiful, high-toned Southern young ladies to
favor them with their presence — which invitation they were
most happy to accept, and a delightful reunion it was. The
Aveather was charming — moon shining brightly — baud inlay-
ing — and all conspiring to make them happy.
The band played "Dixie," "The Bonnie Blue Flag," "My
Maryland," and many other favorite airs, to please the
ladies. All went oil" charmingly. The dancing — the sing-
ing — the i)rornenading on the deck — the sujiper — all were
Quite a crowd gathered on the levee to see the novel
sight. The vessel gaily lighted, and flags floating in the
breeze, looked beautiful by moonlight. '
This was too much for old Butler ; he could not let it
pass. "The fidgetty thing," he would not have felt so
badly if he had been invited ; but, in no such society could
lie figure, so he amused himself by sending his myrmidons,
the police, on the levee, about eight o'clock in the evening,
pretending that he feared a riot^ and actually arrested per.
sons for singing songs in unison with those on board the
As day after day the "orders" were issued, eacli one
seemed more virulent than the last. The culminating point
was at length reached, at least so it Avas thought, in " Order
No. VG." The beauty of our country, our wealth, and the
happiness we enjoyed among ourselves, where inferior spirits
could not obtain foothold, excited envy and malice.
The exclusiveness of a portion of the Southern peo[ile
doubtless irritated the pc»»i^JO?<s New England stranger and
his stair. Indeed, inuendoes were thrown out in the news-
papers " that if a different course were pursued, a smile (a
grin) might be gained from those in power," etc.
No such proposition could be for a moment entertained I
There could be no amalgamation. Nothing but disgust
was felt, and, of course, shown. All that was desired by
Southern-born people was to be left alone.
Like Satan himself, wandering around, "seeking whom
he might devour," and Avondcring how he miglit enter
ladies' houses, whose " husbands had departed," and whose
doors and windows were generally closed, old Butler issued
h\s pri/i»f/, crushing/ "Order No. 7G."
We publish Order No. TO, from Major-General Butler.
Its requirements are of vital interest to all persons in this
Department above the age of eighteen years. Let the order
be attentively read and readily complied with :
Now Orlcang, Septi-mbcr 24, 18G3.
All persons, male or female, within this Department, of
tlie age of cigliteen years and upwards, who have ever been
citizens of tlie United States, and liave not renewed their al-
legiance before this date to tlie United States, or who now
liold or pretend any allegiance or sympathy with the so-
called Confederate States, are ordered to report themselves,
on or before the first day of October next, to the nearest
Provost-Marshal, with a descriptive list of all their property
and rights of property, both real, personal, and mixed,
made out and signed by themselves respectively, with the
same particularity as for taxation. They shall also report
their place of residence by number, street, or other proper
description, and their occupation ; which registry shall be
signed by themselves, and each shall receive a certificate
from the Marshal of Registration, as claiming to be an
enemy of the United States.
Any person, of those described in this order, neglecting
so to register themselves, shall be subject to fine, or impris-
onment at hard labor, or both, and all his or her property
confiscated by order as punishment fur such neglect.
On the first day of October next every householder shall
return, to the Provost-Marshal fiearest him, a list of each
inmate of his or her house, of the age of eighteen years or
iipAvards, which list shall contain the following particulars :
The name, sex, age, and occupation of each inmate, whether
a registered alien, one who has taken the oath of allegiance
to the United States, a registered enemy of the United
States, or one who has neglected to register himself or her-
self, either an alien, a loyal citizen, or a registered enemy.
All householders neglecting to make such returns, or mak-
ing a false return, shall be punished by fine, or imprison-
ment with hard labor, or both.
Each policeman will, Avithin his beat, be held responsible
that every householder failing to make such return, within
three days from the first of October, be reported to tlie Pro-
, vost Marshal; and five dollars lor everj^ such neglect, for
every day in wliicli it is net i-oported, will be ileiliieted fi'oiii
Hucli policein;ur.s ])ay, and lie sliall be dismissed. And a
like sum for conviction of any householder not iiuiking Jiis
or her return shall be paid to the policeman reporting such
iMery person who sliall, in good faith, renew his or her
allegiance to the United States previous to the first day of
October next, and shall remain truly loyal, will be recom-
mended to the I'resident lor jiai'don for his or her previous
oflenses. l>y command oi'
IMa.iou-Gexicual IjUTLLII.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. G., Chief of Stafi".
"What brain does not burn with indignation while read-
ing the following pieces? " Dreathes there a man with
soul so dead," who can listen to these strains unmoved ? If
so, "go mai'k liini well I"
The Commanding General of this Department, by order
Xo. VG, requires those who still i)retend to hold allegiance
to the so-called Confederate JStates to report themselves to
the nearest IVovost-Marshal before the 1st of October, and
he registered as ene)nles to the United /States. Registered
as enemies to the United States !
'J'his terrible feature is, liowever, hidden as yet from the
insane votaries of secession. Signing their names on that
I'earful roll is to them simj)ly recorcbng their continued alle-
giance to the government of their choice. They do not, ])y
any means, appreciate the importance of the act, when they
recjuest to be registered as enemies to the Ignited States.
'J'hey do not reali/.e that in so doing they confess themselves
traitors. Xo need, then, of a jirolonged trial, a eloiul of
witnesses, a critical examination into the evidence. Thei'e,
in black and white, in unmistakable characters, traced by
their own hands, they may read their death warrants. Xo
chance for them of commutation or of pardon. Les^s obdu-
rate traitors niay experience the clemency of that very
Abraliani Lincohi whom they have so often reviled ; whose
election to that seat whence he holds their fate in his hands
was i»ronounced by tliem a suflieient cause for the disrup-
tion of their country ; but not those whose names are en-
rolled in that fearful register, that book of doom, upon
whose clasps might well be graven the i'atal Avords that
bhazed in withering luster over the gate of Dante's Inferno :
" All aviio kxter here abaxdox hope."
It is not worth the Avhile for young men who have not
taken the oath of allegiance because they have no property
to confiscate, or for some other reason satisfactory to them-
selves, to feign ridicule towards those who liave returned to
the faith, for it is barely possible that they do not yet clearly
see the exact point where " the laugh is to coine i/i.'^
Office of PEovosT-MARsnAL-GEXEHAL of Louisiana,
New Orleans, September 20, 18G2.
All persons, male or female, within this Department, of
the age of eighteen years and upwards, who have ever been
citizens of the United States, and who did not renew their
allegiance thereto before the 24th inst, Avill, in accordance
V\-ith General Orders No. "70, immediately report themselves
to the nearest Provost-Marshal, with a descriptive list of
their property, etc., over their own signature, as required
by said orders.
Ijefore the 1st of October blank forms will be furnished
by the jiolice to each householder, upon which must be reg-
istered the particulars required by the third clause in said
order. The police will call for these blanks before the 3d
day of October, and houseliolders are expected to have
tiiem prepared.
Their attention is }»articularly attracted towards the pen-
alty wliicli a neglect to make these returns involves, and
also towards the duties of the police in the premises. Let
it be distinctly understood that only those who liave not
taken the oath of allegiance are re(iuired to furnish lists of
their properly ; hut that (dl householders must furnish de-
scriptive lists of the inmates of their several houses.
Jonas 1 1. Fukxcii,
Provost-Marslial-Ucncral Louisiann.
IIeadquakteus Dep-VUTMENT of TUE (ill-F,
New Orleans, October G, 18G2.
The jNIajor-General Commanding the Department orders
that Uriah (jI. Patterson be confined for siv months at Fort
Pickens, at hard labor, with a twenty-fuur-pound ball
attached to his leg by a chain, for an insulting and seditious
report to the authorities of the United States.
By order of Majou Gknekal Butlku.
Feed. JLuilin, Lieut, and A. D. C.
Uriah G, I'atterson, aged IS years.
llcsidence — Xo. 4-11 South Poydras Street, First District.
Oc<:upatio)L — Police Olhcer, before subjugation of Xew
Orleans, since, a non-ca|)acitated j)risoner of war, conlined
within the ^lililai'y District of Xew Orleans.
IlryUtered Alien — Jlegistered. 13orn free.
Taktn Oath of Alley in nee — To sup})ort the Constitution
cf the United Slates as i-evised, amended, adojiled and
defended by the Confederate Stales.
Jirfjistcird J'Jiii-vv/ — Of the Conslitulion as inlerpreled
and execuleil by the present Abolition (Jovernment of the
D I S-United States, but a iViend of the ' Constitution and
Union as intei-preted by the immortal, pure Henry Clay.
Keglectal to lake ()<(th or ile'jistcr — Xeglected to take
i\nn Patlerson, aged I I years.
Hesidoice — No. 44] South Poytlras Street, First District.
Occiqmtion — Keeping house.
Itef/lstered Alien — Registered. Born alien.
Tdl-en Oath of Allegiance — A loyal citizen of New
Orlc'uis, Louisiana.
Registered Enemy — Not a registeretl enemy of the United
N'eglected to taJce Oath or liegister — Neglected to take
The rebels are certainly frank. They tell us plainly and
in the most contemptuous way that they come of a master
race, and wo Northerners and Northern emigrants of a
suhject and slave race. They disdainfully declare that they
have al\va3's ruled us — that they are our born masters — that
they have whipjied us in like hounds before, and that they
Avill do it again; that we are peddling knaves and cowards,
who would gladly sell our souls for a sixpence, and who
instinctively cravvl upon the ground before the chivalrous
gentlemen of the South.
Well, fellow-Northerners, they will make their words
good \mless we believe in ourselves as heartily as they
believed in themselves. They have ranged their class and
their civilization against ours. It is useless to disguise the
scope of the contest. Their system must be annihilated or
ours must. We must conquer or subdue them utterly, or
they will absolutely overcome us. After sixteen months of
war they are flushed, with hope and confidence ; but tlieir
purpose is no stronger now than ever. They have always
meant conquest of the North. They hoped it would come
by peaceable secession, and then a peaceable sui-render of
the North under tlie name of reconstruction. But they
believe now that the same practical result can be achieved
without separation.
And lliere is but one tliinf^ can lielp it; tliat is, llie
resolution of tlie Xortli tliat tliey sliall be exterminated, if
extermination is necessary to our success. And when once
Ave have tliat deep and inexorable determination, we sliall
succeed without exterminating them. For we shall dis-
integrate their society. We shall make the foundations of
their social system quiver and shake beneath their feet. We
shall lili the sky ■with blackness over them and the air wlih
ti'i'ror around them, liather than that they shall be vic-
torious over this Government, and iiiin the foundations of
civil order, tlie death and horror and desolation in which
they would engulf us sliall yawn for tliein. Wlio are tliey,
and for what purjiose is it, that they are to disturb with
liix' and blood, and infinite loss and anguish, the peace in
wliich we were all living — a peace which provided every
peaceful remedy for difference or comjilaint? They have
brought the sword against us. Let them feel the edge of
tliat sword in all its sharpness, rather than that it shall
prevail against us.
This " order" assisted by " the detectives," nien and
women, 2)aid for " being idle, wandering from liousc to
house, and not only idle, but tattlers "also and busybodies,
speaking things which they ought not."
These creatures, so fiilly described in St, Paul's Epistle to
Timothy, chap. v. 13 (the 12th might apj)ly to some), en-
abled the " arcli fiend" to discover all he wished to know
about our j)rivate concerns. The women detectives Avere a
comical-looking set. Sanctimonious, generally carrying a
hymn-book in their hand, a fan swinging on their arm, and
a <pieer-looking bonnet, ])riin and neat as though Lou-ell had
sent them South by the case.
]v\tra money should have been " ordered" for dressiiu/ as
well us j»'i/in(/.
Had Olympe or Sophie have managed their toilettes, and
Vegas have taught them to turn out their toes, they might
have pnsscd in the crowd ; but tlioy were too (jaui'ij not to
escape observation.
Some of the Southern Ladies, supposin_<^ tliat all Yankees
were the same as those who had been sent from Washing-
ton to New Orleans, signed tlieir papers (in accordance witli
"Order"' To) as "enemies," as they were disgusted and
heartily despised them ! Bitterly had i/iei/ to pay for tlieir
temerity ; many truly were jdaced in the fiery furnace of per-
secution ! there was no retracting-,
"They should leave the city; their goods should be ' con-
fiscated,' their houses and lands disposed of;" even their
silver-plate in small cpiantities was not allowed to be re-
moved ; they were left heggar.-t.
Papei's were signed by ladie?, explanatory ; they were
"gentlewomen," "genuine women," " keeping house," "en-
deavoring to love, honor, and obey" as occupation:^;. No
doubt Old Butler was edified.
" She sworC; and tlie wide cliarnel echoed — ' Never, never !' "
"Yield to fate to-day, and j'oii may grasp her proudest awards to-
morrow ; to succomb is not to be subdued."
Sunday Morning, September 21, 1862.
Tpie law of 7}cresslt(/ induced the greater part of those who
took " the Oath" to accept it as it was " ordered.''
Compelled again to suffer, and endeavoring to meet our
new trials with composure and firmness, all morbid hesitancy
being thrown aside, we went to the City Hall " to hear
■\vli:it llie oiiicials had to say I"' "Wliat a most blosscd privi-
lege it 1.-5 that wu can //(//(/.' as we i)lease, that
" in tlio inmof-t eliawljcrs of my soul,
There is another world, a blessed home,
0"er which no living power holdoth control,
Anigh to which ill things do never come."
"The Oatli"iniist be taken, oi- liavc wliat little we liad in
this world's goods taken from ns. Here it is:
TiiK Oath of Ar,i,i:GiAxcK: The Citizen's Oath, as pre-
scribed by (reneral lUiller!
crrizKx's oath.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear
trne iailh and allegiance to the United States of America,
and will sujtport the Constitution thereof.
The melancholy feelings and expei'ieuce of the day showed
us very ]>lainly that we were not exempt from the inlii-initics
of human nature. The step, which had been taken was only
excusable on the ground of an overruliiu/ ncccssilj/. Tiio
following remarks show what sort of men they were, anil
Avhat sort of hearts they had, who had ihe jooicer, not directed
by virtue or religion, to domineer over the citizens of the
"Dei)artnient of the Oulf
" To swear, or not to swear —
That's the ([uestion."— Sn.VKE Knkes.
For the last few days there has been the greatest possible
excitement upon the ilat^s of Carondclet Street and in the
purlieus of cottondom relative to the all-absorbing question
of taking the oath of allegiance to the United States. The
dealers in the "staple" have fought shy of the question, and
many of them has'e waited, in great trepidation and doubt,
to see how the cat jumps before veiituiing upan what they
regard as so perilous an undertaking. One would not take
the oath because his neiglibor had not taken it, and so days
wore on, until now the kist hour of grace is about to expire,
and scarce time enougli is left for all to comply with the
ordei", in view of the great rush of patriots who crowd around
the offices where the oath is administered.
For several days ])ast a reviving sense of the requirements
of the Commanding General's order appears to have obtained
lodgment under the double-breasted vests of some few of
the nabobs who drawl away their leisure in the splendid
saloons of the Pelican, the l*ickwick, and other aristocratic
club-rooms; and we are impressed to say, that on several
'occasions we may have seen certain well-fed and dignified
bipeds dodging out from their cavernous offices in Union or
Perdido Streets, and making straight coat-tails for the ofKcc
of the Provost-Marshal. What these movements migh.t in-
dicate, we will not undertake distinctly to say ; but when
■\\-e have observed the aforesaid staid gentlemen, with un-
exceptional linen, wedging through a crowd of all nations
and all flavors, we have shrewdly opined that it was not
alone for the purpose of only getting a sight at Colonel
French, the Provost-Marshal, a good-looking man though, he
be. Furthermore, when we have seen these self-same gen-
tlemen, with shirt collars awry and hats kocked into cocked
ones, elbowing their way out of said crowd, blowing like a
school of porpoises, and bearing in their gloved digits little
bits of i)rinted paper, carefully folded up and studiously
withheld from the general gaze, Ave have inferred, after our
fashion, that they have been " taking the oath." Nor liavo
we left them here, but, following them around the next
corner, we have observed with wliat^ sly satisfaction they
have entombed the little bits of paper in capacious wallets,
while at the same time they have fumbled for blue tickets
in unsoiled vest-pockets, and called for " brandy straiglit," as
130 BEAUTY AND 1300TY.
if nolliin;::; ]\ni\ li:i]>))ene(l. This, loo, llioy call " taking tbo
oath," but they take to it more naturally.
Do not understand us, ye lords of the " long staple," as
condemning you fur either of these practices — whether of
taking the oath to prove your loyalty, or of taking it to
quench thirst. One is good for the stomach, and the other
soothing to the soul. Neither amounts to much after you
have had a little practice, for like eels, when they get ac-
customed to being skinned, you will begin, after a while, to
like it! So go ahead, wc say, and to those Avho have not
ibllowcd your respectable exam2:)lc, we Avould say, delay
not a moment, for the hour approaches when it will be too
The Government requij^es from every one not only a
quiet submission to its authority, but an open declaration of
his adherence to the Government. And this is expressed by
an oath of allegiance.
After the 2:3d September it will not do fur a citizen of
Xew Orleans to say, I have never done any thing against
the Government, I have never supi)lied arms for the equip-
ment of a company, I have; never subscribed money, I liave
UL'ver by word or act abetted or countenanced treason
against my country. This will not serve the man of property
in any respect whatsoever. The answer to any such i)lea
Avould simply be, You were silent and inactive, while an
enemy was destroying your counli'v; you consorted daily
with the ])lotters of treason ; day after day, from the time
since tlie Government has been restored here, you liave
kept aloof, disregarding the orders of the Commanding
(ieneral, and refusing all iVaternity with those representing
the Government.
"When it was announced by orders from liead(|uarter6
that till' loyal citizens of this great metropolis would be al-
lotv'cd until the 23d of September to take tlie oath and
return to their allegiance, there \\:as not an inconsiderable
number of the stift'-necked who turned up their aristocratic
nose-s, and resolved, both inwardly and openly, that they
would see General Butler sank to the lowest depths of To-
phet before they would coraiily. To hear tliese recusants
talk upon street-corners and bluster in bar-rooms, it miglit
have been supposed by the uninitiated that the Union men
of this fliir city were
"Like angels' visits, fow and far between,'
or, as expressed in more homely phrase, that they were as
scarce as hens' teeth !
As time wore on, and the sixty days limited by the
President's proclamation were about to expire, a very de-
cided fluttering might have been observed in secession
circles. Gradually the fact began to permeate their capillary
integuments that there was reality in the proclamation, and
that all those who did not take the oath would be made
liable to the pains and penalties of the confiscation act. To
avoid this, many of the more cunning sort sought to 'Bover
up their personal and floating j^roperty under the broad
folds of female crinoline, and many were the defiant ones
of the " gentler sex" who began about this time to gather
ui)on the anxious seat, solicitous to get a sight at the hand-
some Provost-Marshal, with a view to getting themselves
politically healed by taking the oath.
For several days before the expiration of the time limited,
all the avenues leading to the different places where the oath
was administered, were thronged with shoals of women —
from the miss of eighteen summers, brilliant with curls aud
flashing with jewels, to the full-fed dowager, fat, fair, and
forty — all wending their undulating way to the City Hall,
the Custoin-House, and other places where the form of ad-
juration might be gone through with. Remarkable, too, as
it may seem, llie wliolo mass of the iMliiopian jiopulation
appeared to turn out, for tlie purpose of taking "de oaf-
unmindful of the edict pronounced against tlieir social staiitit,
in tlie Dred Scott decision, drlivei-ed under the administra-
tion of their friend, James Buclianan. That made no ditfer-
cnce, for they crowded in, al)juring, in the great rusli for
jireeedence, all distinctions of rau/c, as they ■well might.
Shives, as Avell as freedmen, all went in, so that their num-
heis might have been summed up by thousands. It was
inii)ossil)le to distinguish the bond from the free, %vhere all
were of one color, and so all \vere awarded a chance. It
was refi-esiiing to see with \vhat an air of triumph these
cboii}- ])atriots would receiye their certificates, and the Nvay
the ivory shone on such occasions Avas a sin and an insinua-
tion on the glory of Senegal. How they bettered them-
selves by taking the oath — nfiyer having voted for secession,
as they had no right to vote — is a question for the casuists.
Nevertheless, Sambo Avas proud of the privilege; and if the
cultivation of this pride will tend to improve his industry
and morals, much good may it do him. Even our colored
poller, Wade, thought that under the law he was bound to
take the oath — in I'act, he said, he was obliged to take it- -
and he did take it !
Sambo and the women were not alone in their haste to
whitewash themselves by taking the oath. Another class
were not less anxious, though not so demonstrative. These
latter were of the plethoric sort of middle-aged gentlemen —
old codgers, who have cavernous oflices in Union, Oravier,
and Perdido Streets — white-breasted cormorants, who o>\n
cotton planters, together with their ]ilantations, and amass
their tens of thousands a year by advancing on cro})s the
money borrowed from banks. These are they who, by the
mysterious operation of two and a half per cent, for accept-
ing, two and ahalf ibr advancing — drayage, weighage, stor-
age, brokerage, and stealage — manage to mortgage to their
service the small cotton-planter, grow rich without effort,
cat turkey and turtle, and swim ia Cliquot. These staid old
o^entlemen — the double-brested cormorants — went about
netting themselves wliitewashed in the most quiet manner
possible. Tliey went iu the dusk of the evening, or at early
light, and not ia crowds, like ambitious " crinolinedom," but
through alleys and by-ways, singly and alone. Some would
])ut on airs, and swear that they intended to take out certi-
licates that they were enemies of the United States. These
would mai'ch boldly up to the polls, flourishing their gold-
headed canes, putting on bullying looks, while beneath their
double-breasted breasts beat hearts of hares.
Xo one could get a sight of their certificates, for Avhile
they professed to have declared themselves enemies, it was
shi-ewd!y suspected that in many cases they had taken the
undiluted obligation of dutiful lieges to the powers that are.
Tiiere are many — very many — whom we know to have done
in this wise, and how iiiany more there may be who did so
that are unknown, passes all comprehension. At any rate,
it is certain that nearly the entire poj)ulation passed through
the mill, and those who did not, relied upon their poverty
or insignificance to escape the penalties of the law.
There are many reasons why the women of New Orleans
should be brought within the purview of the President's
proclamation. "We have so many property-holders among
this class of our population, that it becomes important to de-
termine, with some degree of certainty, how far they are em-
braced by the sixth section and subject to its provisions.
In the first place, the law makes no distinction, but says,
" if any ])erson, etc.," and the proclamation warns "all per-
sons, etc."
Now, it is apparent that the interpretation made by those
in authority hitherto has extended this matter to women,
who have been rc({uired, before obtaining passports, or upon
making appearance before tlie military tribunals, to recognize
in the usual manner tlie authority of the United States.
Tlie law and proclamation attach the same penalty, ren-
dering the persons referred to subject to the seizure of " all
estate, property, moneys, stocks and credit."
The only question to be considered, then, is wliether
women are in law persons or not — whether they hold prop-
erty or not.
We, of Louisiana, have to consi(hn-, not the rules of inter-
pietation at common law, but what rule will be observed
here when the civil law jirevails.
Women have held property in tlieir own names, and have
the same control over it as the men, under certain eircum-
staiu'es. It is unnecessary to enter into details, because the
matter is perfectly understood. We shall not refer to the
])i-i)visions governing dotal and peraphernal property, as held
by women in Louisiana, and the community of acfpicsts and
It is sullieient for the [iresent purpose to refer to those
hiilding property, sepaiate ami ai)art from their husbands.
And of those there are an immense number among us.
'i'iiese, however, with but slight limitation, have entire con-
trol over their property, and are, in law and in fact, jiersons
doubtless within the jjurview of liie law.
Sliould the law intend to exempt tlu'iii from its operation,
it would be easy for this class with their means to purchase
the ])roperty of the disloyal, and covei- a vast amount of
pi'iijierty IVoiu the penalty of seizure and ultimate confisca-
Should these women be shielded from the j)rovisions of
ihe sixth section, a very large class of the most «lisloyal
woiiM thus be shielded, as also tlie very ])arties themselves,
w h(j, it is notorious, have been the most active among us in
" aiding, cotmleiianeiiig and abetting rebellion.''
It may Le said tliat this view of the matter is not in ac-
cordance with a higli state of civilization, opposed to the
chivah-ons spirit that should actuate a refined peojile ; and
tliat, in short, it is a war npon tlie women of the land. Tliis
may appear so, unless it be considered that when a woman
leaves the spliere of her duties, when she uses her influence —
the most powerful element in the social condition — to incite,
to the destruction of the best government the world has
ever seen, puts arms in tlie hands of fathers, brotliers and
sons to effect such object, and, by her words, her actions
and efforts, impels them to the carrying out this end, it be-
comes a necessity for a time to visit upon her such penalties
as the one set forth in the law. This woman has forgotten
hei duty to her country. She may have been carried away
by the rushing tide, but she must be brought to recognize
licr country and its laws. She must return to her allegiance,
or slie must suffer the jienalty of the law.
It may be said that our laws, ia giving such control of
their property to "women, have done it for their pi'otection,
and that tlie view taken destroys the very spifit of the law
itself This may be granted ; but, on the other jiand, if they
thus invoke the law granting the protection, why have they
thought it proper to sti'ike at the very source and f nmtain
of the law itself — the government — which gives vitality and
force to the very laws of the State whose protection they
claim? The Code of 1825, which gives them the right to
the property they hold, was but the creature of a Legisla-
ture acting under the laws and Constitution of the United
We are not advised how the commanding general may
consider this question, or to what extent he may intend en-
forcing the ultimate penalties prescribed by the statute. Ilis
chivalrous feelings as a man and soldier — and we venture to
say that, to them, so»far as his counti-y women are concerned,
no one on American soil, North or South, has higher clainis,
(the umnt'aniiii^ twaddle about Ordrr i'*^ In the contrary iiot-
Avithstaiidiii^-) — may revolt from the iieeessity iin])Osed ujion
him, but we may be assured tliat he will shrink froni nothini;
he esteems it his duty to do for the vindieatiou of tlie vio-
lated majesty of the hiws.
Peoi)le who take the oath of allegiance, and afterwards with
a sneer say, "it did not go down further than there" (point-
ing to their throat), should bear in mind that if it is ke[)t in
that position, and they conduct themselves accordingly, tlu're
is great danger of its chokinrj them some fine morning. "It
is dangerous to ride on the platform," and it is not i)articu-
larly safe to trifle with' a govermnent to which you have
sworn allegiance.
The twenty-third of this month is the last day of grace af-
forded to rebels and rebel sympathizers to save their property
from the action of the Confiscation r)ill. Those who, when
that time has expired, shall not have com]ilied with the law,
and by taking the oath of allegiance to the United States have
signified their intention to live henceforth as loyal citizens,
must expect to submit to the rigid enforcement of the penalties
specified in section six. Their lot will from that moment be
cast Avitli the rebellion (or, rather, to their blindness will
seem so) ; to its success alone will they look for a restora-
tion of that wealth or competence of which they have justly
bicn deprived by an outraged country. Beggared by their
own blind adhesion to a cause foredoomed to failure — the
cause of treason — they will have no straw of hope whereat
to clutch, but that broken reed — a mad belief that the rc-
bt'liion must nltimately succe(-d ; no i)ath open liefore them
but that which leads to destruction, with the dcci'itt'ul mi-
I'age of a Southern Kepublic based on Afiican slavery still
luring them onwards.
After the fatal twciity-tliird, then, every man wlio lias not
taken the oath of allegiance will feel himself as completely
compromittecl to the cause of rebellion as if he had formal-
ly signed away his pqwers of self-decision ; as if he had
been bought, paid for, and handed over to the rebel leaders.
"VYe are tired of Butler's vagaries, and so Avill allow our
readers, " whoever tliey may be," to peruse a private letter
picked up upon the battle-field. It is quite refreshing :
Camp SniLon, near PittsbupvG, Teistst.,
April 5, 18G2.
Dear Tillie : After some time and various wanderings,
your kind letter of the 2Gth ult. reached me at this place
yesterday. As we are in hourly expectation of an advance
movement or an attack, I will answer immediately, presum-
ing, from what you said in your letter, it will be none tlie
less welcome on account of being answered promptly.
It pleases me exceedingly to think you have not forgotten
me, and that my letters are received in the same spirit as
formerly, and hope they may always continue ^o. As for
your sister Mary, I thank her very much for her good opin-
ion of me, a stranger, and should I ever be so fortunate as to
see you all, may she not be deceived in me, but her good
opinion rather improve on acquaintance.
As you Avish to be posted in my moves, I w'ill attemi)t to
give you some of them. We left Paducah March the 8tli, in
consort with some eighty steamboats, filled with troops,
which, by the way, was the grandest sight I ever saw — and
why not? That number of boats, crowded with uniformed
men, flags flying and bands playing, must surely have been
grand. It were impossible for me to attempt a description.
We all remained together until we reached Savannah, where
our division, under General W. T. Sherman, was ordered on
up llic river to aU:uk a rebel battery. "When we reaelied
it, liinlini; tliein entirely too formidable, were forced to retii'c.
We dro])ped back to this j)lace, where orders came for us to
f^o into camp, much to our joy, havinp^ been aboard boats
thirteen days. Here we have been enjoying- the beauties of
a Southern campaign imdisturbed, with the exce])tion of two
inai'ches and attacks the last two days. Our present camp
is some two hundred and thirty miles uj) the Tennessee
river, and thirteen miles from Corinth, Miss., the next great
Twice we made armed reconnoissance in the direction of
Corinth, and the last time came near being "gobbled uj),"
as the boys call it. A\ e found ourselves in an and)uscade,
but from some unaccountable reason, with their usual chiv-
alric spirit, "ran." From that time we have been living
with all peacefulness imtil yesterday, when a large Ibrce of
theirs attacked a small one of ours, and were driven back.
As this "was the first time I had ever been near a battle, it
made me leel " kinder phunny."' The latlliug of musketry
sounded si>lendid, but perhaps it would not have sounded so
well Jiad we been engaged. "We remained drawn up in line
of battle some hours, when orders came for us to goto camp
and sleep on our arms. We were not disturbed any more
that night, but to-day again our pickets were attacked, re-
sulting the same as yesterday. The army assembled here is
but little inferior to the Potomac army, and when they do
move, you may expect to licar stirring news.
'J'he rebels themselves admit the Jiopelessncss of their cause
in case of a defeat at Corinth. With ns, it is victory or
death. Shouhl tliey whip us out there, with the Tennessee
liver at our backs, escape Avould be imi)ossible, and would
end in our destruction. With this in view, we know what
to expe("t. J5ut, jishaw! the idea of a defeat must not be
liarbored for a minute.
How much longer our services will be required is impos-
sible to say, but one tiling', the army do not care liow soon
it will end. A great many place the 4th ^f July as the day
when we Avill be mustered out, but it appears to me that is
too soon ; not that the war will last longer than that, but
our services will be required for some time after cessation
of hostilities. One thing certain, Tillie, as soon as it is over,
and I have seen my mother, the next place will be Terre
Haute, so that your curiosity, as well as my own, may be re-
lieved. But when you do see me, may it not be possible you
will be disappointed ? Perhaps you may expect to see a nice,
handsome, intelligent, affable young man, without spot or
blemish. In either event, you will be gravely disappointed.
What opinions have been formed of you, I will tell when
we first meet, but I know there will be no disappointment
with me. Do you recollect, some two or three years since,
you gave me your picture ? I have safely kept it till this
time, and have it with me at present. Through trials and
afflictions it shall serve for a talisman.
You ask me about Mary Murray. I do not corresjjond
M'ith her, but heard of her through my mother (both being
great friends), in my last letter. She was very well, but was
making preparations to move into town. Moll has a brother,
sergeant in the Sixty-tliird Ohio liegiment, now serving un-
der General Buell. I have been expecting to see him for
some time, but have not as yet. Moll is a good girl, and I
thiidc a great deal of her. You must know her intimately
to know her worth.
Mag Daws was in Portsmouth visiting a short time before
our regiment left Ohio. She is the same old Mag as when
you knew her at school. Kate Robinson is still there, iler
father commands a battery of artillery in Eastern A'irginia,
under General Shields, and was in the late action at Win-
Lou Gillett is at home nov,', having just returned from a
lor.g visit to Minnesota.
Ilattic Bui-k]ialler is at home. TIio rest of your girls I
know nolliiiig about.
Tattoo lias just sounded, and ''taits" will soon be, wlien
all lights in camp must go out. IIoi)ing you may consider
this worth answering, and that soon, I remain, as ever, yours,
"Will U. S.
1*. S. — You need not be alarmed about your letters, as I
burn all up as soon as read. I do not want the Secesh to
get liold of them, land sent South as a relic, the way we do
Direct your letters, " Sergeant jMajor William 1). Stephen-
son, General Sherniau's Division, Fifty-third Ohio llegiment,
I'aducah, Ky." Forward to regiment.
Only by hearsay can we describe this wretched place.
It is a long, low sand bank, about nine niili's in extent,
and one in })readth, about sixty miles from New Orleans, fifty
from ^Mobile, and ninety from tlie mouth of the ^Mississippi.
"On the western extremity is a militai'y station, consisting
of a brick fort, a machine shop, and several mean-looking
l)uildings, mIucIi are said to resemble the wheel-house of
Noah's ark."
Here the ladies informed us they were kept for several
hours, when they first landed, guarded by a scpiad of negro
" The other end of the island is covered with a growth of
tall pine trees, and all between is a mere sand bar, rising
above the surface of the water, and productive only of shells,
clams and silicum."
Tliere are no shade trees, and the tropical sun, beating
upon the white sand, is intolerable.
There are sand flies and musquitoes innumerable.
During storms, and they are frequent, the water washes
over the island, and, like " Last Island," it may some day
disappear entirely from the face of the earth.
Who can read that delightful work, entitled " Uncle Tom's
Cabin," and not recognize our "arch-fiend tormentor" in the
description of " Mr, Simon Logree." We can but imagine,
as Mrs. Stowe hailed from Massachusetts, that she must have
had him in her mind's eye.
We must confess that any likeness ice might draw would
be for inferior to hers.
Another quotation from the same work, and we finish :
" If low-minded, brutal people will act like themselves, what
am I to do ?"
They have absolute control ; they are irresponsible desj^ots.
Tlicre would be no use in interfering; tb3reis nolaw that
amounts to any thing, practically, for such a case.
" The best we can do is to shut our eyes and ears" (and
mouths also), " and let it alone. It's the only resource left us."
For a few moments let us digress pleasantly.
The following, which we take from the Jackson (Miss.)
Standard, of the 13th, deserves a place in the standard books
for reading for the young — aye, and for the middle-aged and
the old.
In the Vicksburg Herald, of the 11th inst., we find the
following couplet, said to be an inscription over the gi'ave of
». Confederate soldier, in the Alexandria cemetery :
" ' Unknown' — is all the epitapli can tell ;
K Jesus knew thee, all is well."
Those toueliiiig ami simple lines are suggestive of many
fciorrowf'ul relleclioiis. They bring up, from the mighty past,
thronging memories of the thousands of noble and ardent
soldiers of the South, Avho went forth with flashing eyes and
si)rin<'-ing ste})s in defence of iheir native land, but who never
more will return to gladden the hearts of their kindred.
Some of them sealed their devotion to liberty with tlie blood
of tlieii- young and gallant hearts. Others, toiling through
the seorching rays of summer, and shivering in the eold
blasts of winter, without food or adequate clothing, yielded
to privation and disease, and Anally perished on the terrible
march, in a land of strangers, with no gentle hand to allevi-
ate tlie agonies of death. Others, taken captives on the red
field of battle, were immured in Northern dungeons, and,
like caged eagles, droojjcd and died !
All over this broad Southern land are hundreds and thou-
sands of little mounds of earth, beneath which moulder the
remains of our gallant defenders, with no stone or monu-
ment to designate the ]*ale sleepers. We know they are
"soldiers' graves" — we know nothing more. Many of the
nameless dead were volunteers from other States; and in
many cases the very mothers who nursed them in infancy
are ignorant of their fate. Perchance, even yet, at many
distant homesteads, mothers and fathers, and sisters, sustained
by illusive hope, peer through the gloom of twilight, trust-
ing that they may hear returning footsteps, destined never
more to be heard in the Avalks of men. The little hillocks
which mark the resting ])lace of the "unknown" soldiers of
liberty will soon be leveled and obliterated. Over their re-
mains the buzzing multitude will tread. Tlie memory of
themselves and their deeds of valor, and their terrible suf-
I'ering and sacrillces, will fade from all minds, and oblivion
will add their names to those of the innumerable multitude
of Adam's sons who liave thus perished and been forgotten.
In the language of the epitapli which heads this article we
reverentially say,
" K Jesus knew thee, all is well."
During the past winter, there was in one of our pleasantly-
located houses in this city, a cheerful circle of friends Avhose
evenings were often agreeably beguiled by the voice and
guitar of a young Kentuckian, ever a welcome guest, espe-
cially Avith the ladies (an honor always coveted by gentle-
men) — ladies who listened with genuine enjoyment to the
clear, rich tones of his voice, as it melted away in " Twilight
Dews," or to the soul-stirring melody of his " Spanish Re-
treat," on the charmed strings of his " light guitar," as his
listeners heard in fancy the clashing of arms, with shouts
from the victors and vanquished, now breaking on the ear
in martial spirit, then slowly retreating until one could almost
see the distant hill, round the base of which they turned, till
the sound sunk so gently into distance, you knew not when
those eloquent cliords became mute, and one continued
earnestly listening, after the hand that had moved the strings
was still.
Few could surpass him in those original medleys that pro-
voked so much mirth, and, but for the cause that called with
a sterner voice than ours, we should have truly regretted the
loss of our kind, brave young minstrel. lie lett this city
with that noble body of artillery, the name of which has hal-
lowed it forever, and true to that name, with courageous toil
of heart, he stood on the battle ground of Manassas.
It was there that he tuned his heart-strings to another
theme than the breathings for an orange or a pomegranate
grove, but a richer reward of smiles awaited him than with
all his skill on the harp he had evci' stirred before.
A lew evenings since MC welcomed liim again, but alas,
though the voice in tliat terrible din of destruction and dis-
may had lost none of its pleasing power, the hand, one hand,
so ready ever to wake sweet harmouies beneath its touch, is
feeble and helpless now. A ruthless ball had |)assed through
the arm, just above the wrist, breaking two of it bones, and
leaving the member at present beyond control. Yet, not a
shade of regret on his part was mingled with the rnislortune.
lie had been faithful to his country — to his duty. He glo-
ried in his loss thus received. lie had supported on his knee,
with that benumbed, broken arm, a youthful fellow soldier
shot down beside him by the coward foe ; had given in the
bond of a tender brotherhood, cool water, at the last, to the
hot, dry lips, while a ])urple stain from each young form
flowed forth and baptized the soil. "And in the midst of all
Avere you not afraid ?" said I. " Yes," was the reply, " I
■was afraid. I expected death, and I knew that I was not
This is the bravery we most admire. In that hour when
the wrongs and insults of a treacherous enemy had kindled
into a flame the rage of nature, he still felt that he was not
prej)ared to meet a higher power before whose tribunal the
dictator of this inhuman war must shrink at last, and when,
O for that solemn summons, Avhen can he be " ready."
Mr. has received a just promotion, allhougli he mod-
estly disclaims a right to it, and he very soon returns to his
post, ready to use his renuiining strength in the true cause so
signally marked through an overruling Providence as just,
by the victories already crowning it.
A. M. R.
New 0JaEA^-9, October 13, 18G1
In this cliaptei" we shall endeavor, from the vei-y best au-
thority, to present our readers witli a few out of the ahuost
numberless acts of atrocity and outrage which characterized
the administration of General Butler in New Orleans, which
are known and read almost co-extensive Avith civilization,
and which have forever blackened his character as a gentle-
man, a soldier, and a man of honor, in the estimation of all
humane, intelligent and right-thinking people.
The instances arc so numerous and so aggravated tliat we
lind it difficult to make a selection.
But wliat follows will probably be sufficient to illustrate
the true character of the man, and the infamous rule of this
distinguished "Commander of the Department of the Gulf."
*^ Our first illustrations shall be drawn from the condition
and circumstances of some of the victims of his intolerance
and inhumanity, who were sent as culprits to Ship Lsland in
18G2. And these, cruel as they were, were some of the
mildest instances of this brutal tyrant's reign.
At this time there were about sixty persons, among whom
were many of our best citizens, confined on this island,
huddled together in small huts and portable houses, and fur-
nished with the most unwholesome food, consisting chiefly of
condemned soldiers' rations. The only exception to this
close confinement was on the part of those who were con-
demned to daily hard labor on tlje fort. Some, in addition
to the most servile employment, were compelled to wear a
ball and chain, wh.ich were not even removed when their
daily tasks were over, and, wretched and weaiy, tliey were
driven to tluir (lc!-X)I;ite liuls at ni^lit. The inisei'y oL' tlieir
condition, eerlainly, was not exeelled even by tliat of the
captive Jews under tlie liard task-master.s of Kgypt. And
all this M'a.s the work of a man who chnnicd to be tlio ene-
my of the oppressor — tlio friend ol the oppi-essed ; and wlio,
because he was
'.' Dress'd in a little brief authority,
Play'd such antics l)cf()re High Ileavon
As made the angels Ti-cep."
A youuG^ gentleman, now a I'esidcnt of this city, of liigh
respectability, who had been a prisoner on Ship Island, stated
to me, that in oixKr to obtain fuel for their scanty culinaiy
purposes, they were required to obtain it I'rom the extreme
end of the island, about seven miles from their huts. They
Avere compelled to carry it upon their shoulders, under a
si)ecial guard of negroes, aiul, if, while toiling through the
liot sun and sand, a distance of fourteen miles, they should
stop to rest, the bayonet of a negro soldier or the end of
his musket applied to their wearied limbs compelled them
to proceed. Only three sticks of this green pine wood wei-e
allowed to some thirty ])ersons, wilh which to ])repare their
scanty meal for the day. I will now mention the names of
a few of our most respectable citizens, who were among the
victims of lUitler, sent to Ship Island, for the most trivial
offences. Among these may be mentioned the name of ]\[r.
Shepherd, an elderly genthiinan in feeble- liealth, ^\ ho was
charged with secreting certain papers belonging to a naval
olTicer of tlie Confederate Stales, which had been hit in his
charge mIicu this oflicer departed fi-om Xew Oi'leans.
lieing brought before Butler, ."Mr. Shepherd ]>roiluced un-
equivocal proof that the gentleman who had dejiosited these
(b)cuments wilh him subsetpiently returned and took them,
ami that they liad been carried into the C'onll'derate States.
This testimony, liowever, (u-iu'ral Ihilhi- would not receive,
and in violation ol" e\ery princij-le of law, justice and honor,
declared that if the flicts, as proved by Mr. Sliephcrd, were
true, it would make no difFerencc ; lie must go to prison
as a coininon felon, because he luid at one time these papers
in liis possession.
^L)r. Moore, a respectable druggist of New Orleans, was
sentenced to hard labor, with chain and ball around his ancle,
ibr having sold a few ounces of quinine to a person who al-
terwards took them to the Confederacy. The object of the
Doctor was to alleviate human suft'ering, and the inhuman
]»ui-pose of Buller was to prevent such alleviation. .Such
instances of "inhumanity to man" we shall find it ditHcult to
procure from the annals of civilized or barbarous warfare.
Among others on the Island was a pale-faced looking boy,
some seventeen years of age, mIio had been sent to prison
on the chai'ge of being a gueriilla, a term which Ibitler ap-
plied to all partisan rangers, notwithstanding they were or-
ganized under the act of Congress of the Confederate States. V^
The conscience of ]>utler (if he had any) must have re-
jiroached him for this palpable violation of the rules of war.
For, as the Southern army had been by tlie United States re-
garded as belligerents, and as this patriotic boy was a regular
Confederate soldier, he had a right to be treated as such,
and not as a highwayman or a common thief
Judge Andrews, a prominent citizen, a wealthy merchant,
and a leading politician of Louisiana, was condemned to two
years' imprisonment and hard labor for simply denouncing
certain persons who had first taken the oath to the Confed-
erate States, and afterwards, ignoring this, had taken the
oath of allegiance to the United States. Many snch persons
there were, who disregarded the solemn obligations of an
oath ; when the Confederates were in power, would swear
to maintain the government of the Confederate States, but
as soon as the^Federal rule predominated, would swear al-
legiance to the government of the United States. For de-
nouncing such unprincipled men Jutlge Andrews was sent
to .Shijt Islaiul .111(1 made to eiiilure the i)unislimcnt of a
common lulon, and this, too, wlien he Avas far advanced in
lil'e and was in most delicate health.
The jnxtaice for sending Judge Andrews to Ship Island
was that at the Louisiana club room one evening the Judge
liad u small wliite cro.ss hanging to his watch chain, with
other little "charms." Some one asked liim what that was.
lie replied, jokingly, "it was made out of a bone of a Yan-
kee." U])on this he was an-ested and sentenced !
After the return of !Mr. Andrews to New Orleans on
l)arole, on account of his extremely delicate iiealth, he was
])ermilted to Avalk about the city during a part of each day,
but was compelled to report at the I'arish Prison at six
o'clock in the evening, and pass the night in a convict's cell,
and, after being released from prison, was finally compelled
by the bitterest persecution to leave the city entirely.
jMr. Kellei", a respectable bookseller, shared a similar
iiito, on the charge of permitting a clerk to placard the word
" Cliickahominy" on a skeleton Avhicli was suspended in his
show-window, for sale, for the use of students of anatomy.
The trivial character of tliese offences, and the severity of
the punishment with which they were visited, show most
clearly the brutal and vindictive character of the tyrant.
'J'iie circumstances of the conviction and imprisonment of
jNIrs. Phillips are perhaps known to most of the readers of
this Work. J'.ut as it was an exceedingly aggravated case,
fully nu ritiiig ■ the righteous indignation of every pure-
minded auil humane nidividual, we Avill here present it
s<»niewhat in detail, ;ind we cannot tlo this better than by
giving the following extract, from a letter wi'itten at the
time by one of the victims of the brutal rule of IJutler, at
New Orleims :
"In the r.-iiil of the United States troops near Warrenton,
j\Iississip])i, a young oflieer, named Dekay, was mortally
Wounded. lie died in New ( )rleaiis, and an attempt was
made by tlio Federal auUiorities to get up a pompous funeral
ceremony and procession in honor of so ' gallant and heroic
a young officer,' who had fallen in an expedition which had
no otlier purpose or object than the pillage of defenceless
farms and villages. The effort to excite the sympathies of
our people on this occasion proved a ridiculous failure, and
the funeral ceremony had no aspect of solemnity or even
propriety — a long line of carriages composing the cortege,
designed for the Union citizens, being all empty. As this
l)rocession passed the residence of Mr. P. Phillips, Mrs.
I'iiillips, standing on the balcony with several lady friends,
was observed by some Federal officers to smile, so it was
charged. She was then arrested and taken before Butler, .
Avho, in tlie most brutal and violent manner, sought to
terrify the heroic lady. In this he did not succeed. While
denying that her gayety had any reference whatever to the
funeral ceremony, Mrs. Phillips refused to make any apol-
ogies or concessions to the vulgar tyrant. Thereupon she
WMS condemned to close imprisonment in a filthy guard-
room, thence to be trans2:)orted to Ship Island, ■\vhere she
was to be held in close confinement for two years, Avith no
other fore than sojdiers' rations — no intercourse or corre-
spondence with any person, except through General Butler.
This sentence was published in the newspapers, accompanied
by words of the grossest insult and most vulgar ribaldry, in
which Mrs. Phillips was denounced as ' not a common, but
an uncommon bad woman,' referring to liis proclamation
denounced by Lord Palmerston and the whole civilized
world as ' so infamous,' in which his soldiers are authorized
to treat as ' common women plying their profession' all who
may manifest any contempt or discourtesy towards them.
To add further insult, in the order condemning Mr. Kcllei-,
it was made a part of his sentence to permit him to hold
converse and intercourse with Mrs. Phillips, to wliich con-
dition that honest man was induced to protest, from the
lu'lieftliaL liis fell* )\v-iiri.sonL'r was .1 notorious courtezan of
tlio city, wlio bore ll>e name of I'iiillips. This protest was
])ul>lislied in the i)ai)er, witli IJutler's order granting the
rtM|uest of Iveller, so as to convey to tlie world the idea tliat
a jioor vender of periodicals declined association with a lady
of the liighest res])ectabi!ity, the wife of a distinguished
la\v\'er and ex-nicinber of Congress. I can bear jiersoiial
testimony to the iMgorous execution of the sentence against
Mrs. I'hillips, liaving been iin})risoned for weeks in a buikl-
iiig adjoining to that which she was never allowed to leave.
Siu-h was the treatment of a delicate lady of the liighest
reiinement, the mother of nine cliildren."
The punishment of Mrs. I'hillijis would have been con-
sidered severe, even in the case of a man guilty of the most
heinous crime; but when we consider it was intlicted ujjou a
woman, the mother of nine children, and of the highest
respectability, 'we cannot restrain the feeling of the deepest
indignation. ^'
"When General liutler ilrst took command in Xew Or-
leans, lie declared that he would take no cognizance of any
acts committed prior to liis occupancy of the city, and
tl'.e estalilishinent of martial law therein. This solemn and
oft-repeated jdedge, however, Mas violated in a thousand
Among the other prisoners at Shi]i Island, were three
Confederate Ca2)tains, JMcLean, ].osberg, and l'>alchelden,
all of whom liad at the time copies of their parole, as
prisdiu'i-s of war, and who were sent to the Island on no
sj)feiiic charge, but inerel}' as suspicious i>ersons, who
might break the lines and again enter the Confederate
service. There was also a young Creole of good character,
the sole ])rotcctor of a witlowed mother and her iinnily, who
was sentenced to an indefmite punisliment on the charge
supported l)y the testimony of a negro boy, of ha\ing
thrown a revolver into the river, after the ]iublication of
]»iitlcr'.s onlcr requiring the citizens to deliver u]) their arms.
There were many other ])ersous sent to prison, on charges
C(|ually frivolous ; for example, some eight or ten were sent
to Ship Island and condemned to imprisonment and hard
labor, for simi)]y publishing cards, denying that they had
taken the oath of allegiance to the United States, their
names having been i)ublished in Butler's journal among
those who had taken the oath. In addition to tiie personal
suttering of these and otiier prisoners, victims of liutlei-'s
tyi'anuy, their jiomes were made desolate, their pro})erty
conliscated and ap})ropriated by their enemies, and their
families subjected to almost every variety of annoyance,
insult, and discomfort.
The disproportion between the iiature and chai'acter of
the oftences charged, and the j^unishments inllicted in many
cases, was truly astonishing — even a word spoken in jest, a
look or a smile, as in the case of Mrs. PhiUii)s, was deemed
of sufficient importance, to justify the most severe ])unish-
ment, short of death, that could be meted out. Such a
course, as that pui-sued by Butler, towards many of the
citizens of New Orleans, and particularly many of the l)est
ladies of the city, could only iiave been dictated and adopted
I)}' a man whose mind was perverse, whose heart was
corrupt, and whose moral sense was utterly depraved.
How unlike the conduct of tlie great Napoleon towards a
fiUen people was that of Gen. ]]iitler towards the denizens
of Louisiana, and especially of New Oi'leans. One historical
f let will serve as an illustration. After Bonaparte's victoiy
at the battle of the pyramids, the wife of the commander of
the Egyptian army, then residing in Cairo, became very
much alarmed, fearing that she would personally fall into
the hands of the French General. Napoleon being informed
of this, in order to allay her fears, sent one of his officers to
the lady, with this message : " Fear not, Madam, Napoleou
is your protector,"
This circumstance, wliile it shows tlic elevated cliaraclor
of the man ami his superiority to any thing low and little,
exhibits a strong contrast to the course of General Butler
towards the people of New Orleans, after the fall of the
Ijut pcrlia})S I ought to apologise for in any way asso-
ciating the name of l*icayune Butler with that of the great
" soldier of destiny/'
" Ilast tliou lu'arcl not of Lliss that ne'cv t'mloth,
Of wcallli that endures evermore.
Where never destroyer invadeth.
For the blessed of OJod kept in store?
Oh l)ow down to thy Father iu Heaven,
lie ciills thee to glories above.
And each drop in the cup lie hath given,
Is a pledge of His chastening love."
Tin: thrilling history of a laniily, well known in our com-
munity in the highest circles, is well to ho chronicled.
Tlie excellent wife of Col. J. O. X , of the Confeder.ato
army, had two beautil'iil and accompli.shcd daughters, Mattie
and Bull.
" Like twin roses they grew."
One sixteen, the other seventeen years of age, when their
iH)l)le father left the city, with the army. M wns taken
ill. Our cniiiKiit surgeon, Di-. Stone, attended. All th;it
could be done was doiu^, but alas! no earthly power could
save, and, after sullering intense agony for nearly three
months, she died.
Ilev funeral was like a weMmgfete; her friends had
filled the rooms with flowers, also the coffin where the
" beautiful lay dead."
The whole apartment was filled with light and odorous
]K'rfumes ; death seemed robbed of its dreariness. One could
nhnost imagine that an angel had descended and "breathed
upon her features, crowning her with immortality."
Three or four days after we called upon the family, but
were shocked.
What had happened ?— the windows of the same apart-
ment thrown wide open, two or three seamstresses in the
distance puckering up white cotton cloth, and every thing in
AVhat was the cause ?
The answer was given, that the family had received " or-
ders" from headquarters to vacate the premises and leave
the city in three days !
The favor was asked to allow them time to iiave mourning
made, as so long an illness in the family liad necessarily caused
7ieglect to personal comfort. The answer returned was
" 'No ;' and nothing like goods by the piece should leave
the city." So seamstresses were obtained and extra wide
skirts were puckered into small bindings.
Seeing two large book-cases filled with books, by the
choicest authors, and beautifully bound, we inquired what
would be done with them, and were answered, " All to be
]^,\\ — not a book to be removed !"
This family, however, got a reprieve of three days from
licadquarters ; and, one week after the biurial of their darling
child, this sorrowing family left for parts unknown.
Half an hour after their carriage had left the door, the
wagons irom headquarters drove up and removed eveiy
thing from the domicile— even an old stove-pipe was thrown
in as lancnj a])pe. All had been confiscated.
This was the penalty for a lady being a " registered enemy."
With all the trials and liarilsliips ondiircJ l»y the prisoners
on Ship Island, ihey were easy coni})ared with tlie sufterings
of those Avho were consigned to the damp and unwholesome
casemates of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, on the Mississijv
])i, and in Fort I'ickcns on Santa Ivosa Island.
Among the latter was the ]\rayor of X^ew Orleans, "who
was im|)risoned for four months I'or the offence of writing fi
letter to Butler, protesting against his order relative to the
ti'eatment of the ladies of the city, and declaring his inabili-
ty to maintain the peace of the city if the Federal soldiers
were authorized to insult and outrage wonica at their own
]i!easure ami will.
Tiie secretary of the Mayor, who wrote the letter signed
liy the Mayor, was included in the same committal ami im-
jirisonment. Several members of the city council suiVered
the same penalties.
Dr. I'orter, a wealthy denti>t and lesiieetablc citizen, was
im])risoneil for requiring the Citizens' Bank — the pet bank
and ])lace of deposit of 15utler and his agents, in liis vast
scheme of corruption and extortion — to pay checks in the
currency which ]'>utler alone allowed the bank to pay.
(4e()rgc Lawrason, formerly the Collector of Xcw Orleans,
suffered a like penalty for simply applying for a ])assport to
visit his family in Europe. Thomas Murry, jjresident of that
l)tnevolent institution known as the " Free Market," which
supplied the families of the soldiers with the means of sub-
sistence ; ]\Ir. Charles Ileidschick, :i French citizen, the pro-
]iiiel"r of an cxlensive wine manufactory in France, as well
as several British and Spanish subjects, u'ere also imprisoned
at Fort Pickens for endeavoring to i»ass the lines without
having taken the oath prescribed by Butler for foreigners,
Avhich oath required thent to reveal to the United States all
information they were in possession of resj)ecting t,he acts
and designs of the Confederate States, on pain of l)eiiig i-e-
garded and treated as enemies and spies. Dr. McPherson,
an elderly and most respectable citizen ot'Xew Orleans, was
condemned to the casemates of Fort Jackson, for speaking
in a circle of friends of Butler's proclamation No. 28 — that
relative to the ladies of New Orleans, as vi/fouous — the
very epithet which Lord Palmerston, in the British House
of Commons, declared to be the only ap})ropriate one.
Y Dr. Warren Stone, the distinguished surgeon and philan-
thropist,.was consigned to a like punishment, for refusing to
recognize an individual who had been announced as i)resi-
dent of a Union Association, and yet who, a thw months be-
fore, had made in public a most violent speech against the
Yankees, and had advised our people to cut the throats of
all invaders. While the Confederates were successful, this
unprincipled wretch was a Confederate ; but as soon as the
f )i'tunes of war changed, he became a most zealous Federal.
And for the non-recognition of such a man Dr. Stone Avas
sentenced and condemned to suffer in a loathsome prison.
The Federal authorities, however, soon found it quite con-
venient to release Dr. Stone and bring him back to the city,
having special use for his service as a surgeon. Upon his
return, the Doctor dictated his own terms, and the Federal
authorities were glad to accede to them. To the truth of
this assertion Generals Canby and Sherman can bear testi-
mony. Several ladies of the highest social position were im-
prisoned for exjDressmg sympathy with the Conledcrate cause
and for Aveariug ribbons of certain colors.
Mrs. Dubois, an elderly lady, long engaged in the busi-
ness of teaching our children, Avas sent to prison on the charge
of not bc'iiiix able to account Ibr certain keys and books be-
longing to liie schools, wliicli wei'c never in her possession.
Her solemn declaration to this eilect was wholly disregarded,
while tlie word ot" an ignorant negro was good autliority for
All the nieni1)ers c>t' the linancc conimittee of the eily
council were inijirisoaed for authori/-ing the subscrijtlion of
the city to the fund for its defence, and several hinidred cf
our citizens, wlio subscribed to tliis finid, were compelled to
]»ay twenty-live ])er cent, of their subscription to ]iutler, un-
der a threat of imprisonment at liard labor.
To swell this exaction to the sum of three hundred thou-
sand (h)llars, all the cotton flictors of the city, avIio had united
in a circiUar address to the planters, advising them nat to
send their cotton to Xew Orleans, were assessed in a fine of
two hundred and fifty and five liundred dollars, wliich they
Mere compelled to pay or go to prison. And to any one
acquainted with tlie policy and character of General Lutlcr,
i( would not be difficult to determine what became of tliis
money. I apprehend that neither the Federal treasury nor
llie ]*\>deral army were very greatly assisted by it. I'er-
haj)s, if the (ieneral's brother coidd speak, or if some of liis
interested agents would speak, they might throw some light
on the std)ject.
The treatment of a venerable citizen, named lioberts, liv-
ing a sliort distance from ]?aton llouge, is an instance of
]i('culiar atrocity. A son of Mr. Roberts, a soldier of the
Confedciale aiMiiy, having returned home on sick leave, .1
detachment of Federal soldiers was sent to arrest him. The
young man, hearing the approach of armed men, went out
to meet them, when several shots were fired at him, one of
which killed him. The fiither, seeing the condition of his
son, seized a gim and lired through the door, slightly wound-
ing Colonel McMillan, a renegade Xorthern Methodist
preacher, who was in command of the detachment. The
old man was at once arrested and charged with killing liis
own son, and was, with the rest of the family, taken from
Ills Iiome. The lamily residence, all the out-houses, barns
and stables, were burned to the ground, and his mulc>!, horses
and cattle were driven off to the Federal camp. Old Mr.
Uoberts was sentenced to close confinement for twenty years
and sent to Fort Pickens.
There were many other cases of equal atrocity and hard-
ship of citizens of the higliest respectability, who, upon the
most frivolous charges were dragged from their homes by a
brutal soldieiy and immured in cells or the casemates of
forts and condemned to hard labor. The i:)risons of New
Orleans were crowded with citizens, whose highest offence
consisted in the bare expression of opinion and of hopes for
the success of the Confederate cause. Not a few were con-
fined for si mjily reporting reports of Confederate victories,
or having in their possession news[)apers containing such re-
ports. To show siill more clearly and fully the malignancy
and unreasonableness of Sutler's rule, I will allude to a few
other cases, Mr. Lathro]), a respectable lawyer, was con-
demned to two years' im})risonment in the Parish Prison,
on the charge of kidnapping his own slave, who had been
stolen and appropriated by a Federal officer. This sentence,
Butler declared, was intended as a warning to the people
not to interfere with the servants of ids officers. The old
adage, "a poor excuse is better than none," will hardly ap-
ply in these cases, for many of these poor negroes were, by
false representations, induced to leave their former comforta-
ble quarters, and become the servants — unpaid servants — of
some of the most licentious and unprincipled wretches that
ever disgraced humanity. We will allude to but one or two
other cases in this connection. Captain W. E. Seymour, who
iK'longed to one of the regiments for the defence of the
State, and who liad been honorably paroled, was condemned
to close confinement at Fort St. Pliilip, and his entire proj)-
t-rty confiscated, on account of an obituary notice wliicli aji-
jteared in his own jiapcr (llie Bulletin), of liis lather, the late
gallant General I. (t. Seymour, of the Sixth Louisiana regi-
ment, who fell in the l)attle of Gaines's 3IilI. The writer of
the article, Mr. Dennis, an old and highly reputable citizen,
w as subjected to a like im})iisonment in the same fort.
]jesides these instances, many other citizens only escaped
))unishmcnt by l)aying large sums of money, and in many
cases by actually bribing F"ederal ofliccrs of influence ; for,
■wjth few exceptions, all these officers "had their price." And
in this res])ect General Uutler himself only diifered from his
■inferior affivers in that he required a " higher bid,'' and if
this was not madse, would very deliberately, through his
auilahle ^\n-o\.\iQ\\ or some other agent (as a military neces-
sity, of course), ai)proi)riate to his own purposes M-hatever
his cupidity dictated, from a silver spoon to a finely furnished
mansi(Mi. It is well known that most of the large and com-
modious dwellings of our citizens, csi)ecially those of ab-
sentees and oflicers in our army and government, were ap-
])i'o]U'iated by Fedei'al officers — some of ■whom ranked no
higher than lieutenant, and who, at home, had never been
accustomed to any thing superior to a cabin or a little one-
story frame house.
And it was really amusing to witness the airs which some
of the ignorant officers of low grade would put on when j)ut
in ])Ossession of some of those fine mansions irom which the
rightful owners were ruthlessly expelled; and it was still
more laughable to see the efforts some of their i)inocent^\i\\i
ignorant, factory-girl wives would make to j>h(>/ the lodi/, in
rJK' diamonds, silks and satins, which their husbands had ap-
pin|iiiati'd, or lather, which they had actually stolen from
those who ownecl and knew how to use and to enjoy them.
These remarks may be considei'cMl harsh, and unbecoming
an authori'ss, but they are lu'vertheless true to the letter,
and in all the instances of enormily we have nieiitiont'd, wo
have only given a part of the truth, for to write the whole
truth would require more than one volume like the present.
The example set by Butler, in appropriating the house of
General Twiggs's minor heir, and furnishing it in a luxurious
style at the expense of the estate, and in transmitting the
plate and swords of the deceased veteran to Lowell ; the
seizure and the removal to the North of the statue of Wasli-
ington, by Powers, and of the State Library from the ca})i-
tol at Baton Bouge, was very extensively followed by But-
ler's subordinates.
The course pursued by him in order to compel our citizens
to take the oath of allegiance was most detestable indeed.
He prohibited all trade to those who had not taken the oath,
and seized all the funds which they had on deposit in the
banks of the city, thus entirely taking away their ordinary
means of subsistence. A last device was to compel all those
who did not take the oath to register themselves as enemies
of the United States, thus making for himself an apparently
2:)lausible excuse for expelling the non-conformists from the
city, and at the same time confiscating all their property.
Such a procedure, though ostensibly from military necessity^
was little less than downright higliway robbery, and was
enough, as it has done, to blast the character of the man for-
ever in the eyes of all civilization. Many persons were t.hus
compelled to take the oath, contrary to every conviction of
honor and right, and ^vere led to embrace the doctrine that
a compulsory oath was not binding — the morality of which,
to say the least, is somewhat doubtful. These orders of
General Butler, especially the oath requirement, were appli-
cable as well to women as to men."^ Indeed, the malice of
Butler against females Avas, if possible, more bitter and in-
satiable than against males. A placard was suspended in his
oiHce, bearing this inscription :
" The venom of the she-adder is as dangerous as that of
the he-adder." \
Outrac^eous mid inliuinan as weie many of tlie ads of l>ul
]er, as prostMitcd in this and tlie ja-ecedini^- (•lia])UM-, tlu-y af-
ford but a feeble and deficient ssketcli of llie enormilies of
this brutal monster.
'Vo the eredit of some of his subordinates, lie it said, that
they protested earnestly against many of liis acts, but all
such ])rotests were A-ain. His fiendish soul seemed to take
deliyht in torturing the innocent, i-cndering horaelcss ■\vomeu
and children, and crusliing beneath liis unhallowed feet those
Avliom the fortunes of war had ])laced in his power.
In all his course while in command of the " Department
of the Gult^" General Butler seems to have been actuated by
three leading motives, namely: first, to crush the people,
who,- though overpowered, hated and detested the tyrant ;
secondly, to make the highest bid for the popular favor of
the Xorthern people; and tliirdly, to accumulate a vast for"
tune by extortion and plunder.
The extent to winch this latter purpose was carried was
Jiardly sur[)asscd by similar efforts of the greatest robbers,
from Veres down, and all this was. done in the name of the
" Union and the Flag.''
If the stars of the old flag could have done so, doubtless
they would for shame have hid their faces beneath the folds
of blue. The stripes M'ould have turned into blackness, and
the old time-honored banner of freedom, that in other days
so proudly and voluntarily waved over a free and hapj>y
])eople, would have floated at half-mast in token of sorrow
for the desolations Avhich, in its name, had been brought
upon the country.
" Notliing too little for that little creature — Man."
"VVe have licard of " tlie times tliat tried men's souls."
The " Coufiscation Act" tried the souls of botli men and
One act would scarcely be complied witli, before another
more exciting would be produced.
. General Butler sequestered or confiscated (confiscating
and rough stealing amounted to about the same thing)
property ad Uhltuin^ before the " Confiscation Act" was
passed ; as in the cases of General Twiggs and Mr. Slidell.
In the first case, he wished to occupy the house of General
Twiggs ; so it was styled a " military necessity." Finding
tliat General Twiggs had presented his niece, Miss 1*.
Florence, with the three swords, which had been awarded
him, as " a reward of valor," he ordered this delicate and
refined young lady to appear before him.
He questioned her respecting them. After stating very
quietly what she knew about them, General Butler brushed
liis hand rudely before her, exclaiming " i>s]iaw !" and, turn-
ing to a black man, who stood at his side, and was his
general informer, asked: "Is slie telling the truth, or telling
a lieV" Suffice it to say, those swords were confiscated and
sent to Washington as trophies.
One was presented to Butler by the President for his
We append the orders of Gen. Butler, confiscating the
property of Gen. Twiggs and his minor son, -as likewise that
of John Slidell :
General Okdeks No. 4G.
Kcw Orleans, Jiiue 26, 18G2.
All llio ])ropcrty in New Orleans Lclonuiipj,' to (iencr:il
1). E. Twigg's, and ol'liis minor son, tlie income ofwliieli lie
has received and inider the charge of his agent, II. W.
I'alli'ey, Esq., consisting ol" real estate, Imnd.s, notes of
hand, treasnry notes of the United .States, slaves, liouse-
lujld fnrnituie, etc., is hereby sequestered, to be held to
await the action of the United States Government.
]>y order of ]\Ia.]ok-Genkkal Uutj.ek.
li. S. i)AVis, Captain and A. A. A. G.
Special Orders No. 251.
Headquarters DEP.vjiTMEXT of the CIulf,
New Orleans, August 11, 18G2.
All the property of John Sliilell, an ollicer of the Kebel
Cioverinnent, is licreby coniiscated.
]>y command of Major-General Butler,
Commanding Uepartment.
11. S. Davis, Captain and A. A. A. ({.
In the case of Mr. Slidell, our ^Minister to France, all his
]ir()]ieity was sequestered.
Tiie liousc in which Madame Leauregard resided, on
ivsplanadc Street, and which liad been ]iresented to lier by
an old friend, was understood by Bntlcr to belong to Mr.
Slidcll, the brother-in-law of INIadame ]] . llis luinions
were of course sent llierc. A troop of cavalry drew up
bel'oi-e the house; jNIadame B was very ill at the time.
Upon alighting from their liorses, aiul entering, they were
) c'ceived i»o]itely, shown all they wished to see, admired the
]>ictures with which the walls were decorated, examined the
]iiemises, and then were given to understand tlu'y wero
mistaken, that liouse could not be coniiscated. We under-
stood that Butler, notliing daunted, made a second call, and
insisted uyon seeing the deed, etc., respecting the property.
After tlie "Act" was passed, confiscation Avent on glo-
riouly. Those who remained in the city, could see, almost
daily, the government wagons backed iij) to aristocratic-
looking houses, and magnificent furniture, large mirrors, etc.,
driven off to tiie government auction, to be sold to the bet.t
We called at an auction store on Camp Street, and asked
which was confiscated property. Were shown beautil'ul
furniture ; it was to be sold on a particular day.
A grand day for speculators. Tliose who had no consciences,
or " whose consciences were seared with a hot iron," and
had no scruples about approj)riating their neighbours' goods,
no doubt bouglit great bargains.
Butler's friends say that it was at such times as those,
when confiscated jjroperty sold cheap, that his brother made
Other property was " confiscated," under the 2:)retense that
the owners would not take the " vile oath."
So all were doomed to suffer.
Southerners, whose great crime it was to love their South-
ern homes too well, and did not wisli to be meddled with
by incpiisitive Yankees, suffered most.
Wiien referring to "Yankees," we must not be supposed
to refer to those high-born, highly-educated ladies or
gentlemen, who, although living in a Northern climate, have
ail the elegance of demeanor and appearance which would
adorn a European court.
Such persons have no conception of the depravity of the
canaille ; they live in a difierent atmosphere, although per-
haps in the same city.
• Tlie " wooden nutmeg'' vender might reside alongside of
that eminent statesman, Daniel Webster. Tiic "tricky
clock-maker" alongside of John Jacob Astor; even B. F.
llullor coiilJ reside alongside of Professor Longfellow ;
and yet there might be a perfect obliviousness of the
cxistenee of such persons. In I'act, u-e never had an idea of
such an heterogeneous mass, until it landed upon our shoi-es. j
Aiul, although they, such as they are, may boast of living in
New Orleans, they might as well live anywhere else, as
they cannot thrust themselves into the " inner life" of this
dear old city.
If you wish to distinguish the elite of olden times, the
ladies of the old school, you may see them in the i)lainly-
dressed, retiring i)ersons you meet; none of them are found
in the llauntingly-dressed " fidgetty" somebodies, who " am-
ble up and down" d la Shoddy.
You can distinguish the " old inhabitants" by the elegance
of their manners and their refined appearance. But we were
u]»on the subject of contiscation, and have digressed too iai\
In the Lafourche district the "Confiscation Act" was more
sweepingly aj)[)lied than elsewhere.
There, the magnificent cotton and sugar plantations
dazzled the eyes of the invaders — each plantation covered
many miles, and but a few white persons usually remained
u])oii each.
AVhen an invading force would appear, those unoflendiug
]»eople Avould leave all, and llee, il-aring fire, murder, rapine,
and every other abomination which tlie concoctor of the
"infamous Order No. 28" could invent to molest them.
If ather lose all than encounter that " big bull of J^ashan^'
and his satellites. Some of the Yankee oflicers bought
large quantities of sugar — at tlieir own price. Other articles
were confiscated as a " military necessity."
'i'he " Commanding General" confiscated almost every
thing which came within his reaeli, as can be seen by ihe
It was a money-making business to Yankees, and a luait-
breakintr one to Southerners.
The whole Lafourche district was seized upon, and it is
beUeved that Butler and his brother divided two millions of
projjerty between them.
His ofHcials were much more gracious than he. When
General S was applied to by Mrs. P , after she had
liad her house confiscated, for " a pass" to go into the Con-
i'ederacy, he was very kind. She remarked that "■' ahe had
registered herself an enemy, that she was a Southern woman,
that she would rather die than not adhere to her ])rinciples."
lie replied, certainly, she was correct, and he admired lier
lor her firmness and resolution ; that she should have " a
pass" to go wherever she pleased iu the Confederacy, etc.,
bowed gracefully, allowed Mrs. P to have a pass, and
she left, leaving her beautiful house, grounds, furniture, etc.,
to be sold at auction, for the benefit of all whom it might
Another generous act of General Butler's was, " upon
opening a sealed letter, written to Mrs. C by a friend,
enclosing $150, he remarked, handing the letter without
reading it :
" There is your letter, the money is confiscated," and very
coolly put the $150 into his vest pocket!
It is certain the " Commanding General" had neither
refined taste nor delicate sensibility.
One more anecdote we will relate, and then stop, as wo
could write a volume upon the same subject, but would
Aveary our readers. It is we think too good to be lost.
Major Arnold had takeu possession of Mr, Suzette's house
on Uampart Street, as his headquarters.
It had been occupied by a highly-respectable widow lady
who was obliged to leave miceremoniously, and could remove
Calling one day, her own servant-m.au met her at the
door. She asked for the General iu Command, the servant
was very impertinent.
She walked in and tlu'vo Ibuiid several " shoulder-straps,"
and inquired if there. Avas no one there to shield a lady I'roni
the impertinence of a servant?
]S\) one answering, she proceeded to state the purpose of
her visit.
The ofiieials listened very attentively.
" She had left in haste, liad not taken her wardrobe with
lier, and Avas really in Avant of her clothing," The head man
answered, " that all that was in tliat liouse Avas confiscated,
that all belonged," etc.
Astonished at their unkindness, she remarked " that they
certainly did not Avant a lady's wardrobe ! they could make
no use of that!" They still i)ersisted ; and iinding that she
A\ould lose lier Avardrobe, she addressed herself politely to the
" May I liave the pleasure of asking your name ?"
" Certainly jMadam ; my name is General Arnold."
"Ah !" she replied ; " Arnold, yes, any one Avho l)as read
the history of his country recollects that name!''
Immediately, he called the servant ; " Here, take this lady
uj» stairs, and let her have her clothes!"
She rctireil, very niuch obliged, bapjiy to have rescued
some liLlle iVom their rapaeiousncss.
'I'liKiiK uro many, pei-liaps, wlio Iinvo never seen the Cou-
liscation JJill ; it is well worth reading-. Also the dillerent
proehunatiuns, oixlers, etc.
The London Times says :
In the mean time, what is the occupation of the Federal
legislators? While their chief general is shut up in a little
I)atch of ground under the protection of liis gunboats, and
the I'resident is in vain asking for volunteers to reinforce
liim ; while the reckless })olicy of the dominant party is urg-
ing even the Unionists of the Border States into opposition,
and rousing a spirit of desperate resistance in the Southwest,
the two Houses, as they exist at Washington, are engaged in
passing what they call a Confiscation l>ill, devoting to caiiitnl
])unishment eight millions of i)eoplc ! It is impossible to
conceive a more impotent display of spite than this piece of
legislation, Avhich the liepublicau ]>arty would not consent
to modify, even at the instance of ^Mr. Lincoln. The idea of
iurther embittering an already hopeless struggle by threat-
ening the whole Southern population with death, or live
years' imprisonment, could enter only into the minds of the
men who were so anxious last year to carry out their politi-
cal theory by executing a privateer's crew at the certain cost
of a bloody reprisal on Federal ])risoners. At the present
lime the number of Northern soldiers in the hands of the
Confederates probably exceeds that of the Confe(loi-ates who
ICS beautv and booty.
are prisoiicr.s at tlie Xorlli, luid any aUeni|it to adJ to the
horrors of tlio war by a series ofjiulieial inurtlers would pro-
voke tlie just retaliation of the Confederates. Happily, it is
certain that no ruler will ever dare to jiut in force this scan-
dalous law. It will only remain a monument of infamy to
those who })asscd it, and be ranked hereafter with the at-
tempted destruction of Charleston harbor and the savage va-
gaiies of General Jiuller.
Jhj the President of the United States of America.
In pursuance of the sixtli section of the act of Congress .
entitled "An act to suppress insurrection, to inniish treason
and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the proi)erty of rebels,
and for other purposes," approved July 17th, ISG'J, and
which act, and the joint resolution e\j>lanatory thereof, are .
herewith published, I, Abraham Lincoln, PiX'sident of the ,
United States, do hereby })roclaini to and warn all jiersons
witiiin the contem])lation of said sixth section to cease par-
ticii)ating' in, aiding, countenancing, or abetting the existing
rebellion, or any rebellion, against the Government of the
United States, and to return to their proper allegiance to the
United States, on^j)ain of the forfeitures and seizures as within
and by said sixth si'ction ju'ovided.
In testimony Avhereof I have hereunto set my hand and
caused the seal of the United States to be aiiixed.
Done at the City of "Washington, this twenty-fifth day i
of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
|i,. s. 1 hundred and sixty-two, and of the Independence of
the United States the eighty-seventh.
AiiKAiiAM Lincoln.
]Jy the President :
W.M. II. Sewakd, Secretary of State.
[Public— Xo. ICO.]
Au Act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebel-
lion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and
for otiier pui-poses.
Sectiox 1. Be it enacted^ by the Senate and House of
Itepresentatiees of the Llnited States of America in Con-
gress assembled., That every person who shall hereafter com-
mit the crime of treason against the United States, and shall
be adjudged guilty thereof, shall sufier death, and all his
slaves, if any, shall be declared and made free ; or, at the
discretion of the court, he shall be imprisoned for not less
than five years, and fined not less than ten thousand dollars,
and all his slaves, if any, shall be declared and made free ;
said fine shall be levied and collected on any or all of the
property, real and persoii.al, excluding slaves, of which the
said person so convicted was tlie owner at the time of com-
mitting the said crime, any sale or conveyance to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
8>:c. 2, And be it further enacted, That if any person shall
hereafter incite, set on foot, assist, or engage in any rebellion
or insurrection against the authority of the United States, or
the laws thereof, or shall give aid or comfort thereto, or shall
engage in, or give aid and comfort to, any such existing re-
bellion or insurrection, and be convicted thereof, such per-
son shall be punished by imprisonment ibr a period not ex-
ceeding ten years, or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand
dollars, and by the liberation of all his slaves, if any he have;
or by both of said punishments, at tlie discretion of the court.
Sec. o. And be it further enacted. That every person guilty
of either of the offences described in this act shall be forever
incapable and disqualified to hold any office under the United
Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, Tliat this act shall not
1)C construoi] in any way lo ailVt-t or alu-r the proseculion,
conviclioii, or puiiislinient ofaiiy j)crson or 2>ersons guilty of
treason a<_;;ain.st the United States before the passage of tliis
act, unless such person is convicted luidcr this act. i
Sj:c. 5. A/(d be it further enacted, That, to insure the 1
speedy termination of the ])resent rebellion, it shall be the
duty of the I'resident of the United States to cause the
seizure of all the estate and projierty, money, stocks, credits
and ellcets of the person hereinafter named in this section,
and to :ip]>ly nnd use the same and tin' proceeds thereof for
the suii2)()rt of the army of the I'nited States ; that is to say :
First. Of any person hereafter acting as an otiicer of the
army or navy of the rebels in arms against the government
of the United States,
Secondly, Of any ])erson hereafter acting as President,
Vice-President, member of Congress, judge of any court,
cabinet oflicer, foreign minister, commissioner or consul of '
the so-called Confederates States of America,
'J"liii-dly, Of any person acting as Go\ernor of a State,
member of a Convention or IvCgislature, or judge of any
court of any of the so-called Coidederate States of ^Vmerica.
Pourlhly. Of any ])erson wlio, ha\ing held an othce of 3
honor, trust or ])rolit in the United Slates, shall hereafter
hold an olhce in the so-called Confederate States of jVmerica,
Fifthly, Of any person hereal'ler holding any ollice or
agency under the government of the so-called Confederate
States of America, or under any of the several States of the
said Confederacy, oi' the laws tln'icof, whetlu'r such oilice or
agency be national. Slate, or munici]>a! in its name or char-
acter : J'roi'/dcd, That the persons thirdly, I'ourthly and
lifthly above described shall have acee}iled their appointment
or election since the dale of the pretended oi'dinanee of se-
cession of the State, or shall have taken an oath of allegiance
to it, or to support the Constitution of the so-called Coide<l-
crate States.
Sixthly. Of any person who, owning 2)roporty in any loyal
State or Ten-itory of the United States, or in the District ot
Colunihia, sliall herealler assist and give aid and comfort to
sacli rebellion ; and all sales, transfers, or conveyance of any
such pi'operty shall Le null and void ; and it shall be a suffi-
cient bar to any suit brought by such person for the [losses-
sion or the use of such property, or any of it, to allege and
jirove that he is one of the persons described in this section.
Skc. C. And be it furtJier enacted. That if any person with-
in any State or Territory of the United States, other than
those named as aforesaid, after the passage of this act, being-
engaged in armed rebellion against the government of the
United States, or aiding or abetting such rebellion, shall not,
within sixty days after public warning and pi'oclanuition
duly given and made by the President of the United States,
cease to aid, countenance and abet such reb'ellion, and return
to Ills allegiance to the United States, all estate and property,
moneys, stocks and credits of such person shall be liable to
seizure as aforesaid, and it shall be the duty of the President
to seize and use them as aforesaid, or the i^roceeds thereof.
And all sales, transfers or conveyances of any such property
after the expiration of the said sixty days from the date of
such warning and proclamation shall be null and void ; and
it shall be a sufficient bar to any suit brought by such per-
son for the possession or the use of such pi'operty, or any of
it, to allege or prove that he is one of the persons described
in this section.
Siic. 7. And he it farther enacted, That to secure the con-
denmation and sale of any of such property, after the same
shall have been seized, so that it niay be made available for
the purpose aforesaid, proceedings in. rem shall be instituted
in the name of the United States in any District Court there-
of, or in any Territorial Court, or in the United States Dis-
trict Court for the District of Columbia, v/ithin which the
property above described, or any part thereof, may be found,
or into wliieli tlie saiue, if movable, may first be brouglil,
Aviiich proceedings sliall conform as nearly as maybe to pro-
ceedings in admiralty or revenue cases ; and if said i)ro|>-
crty, wlietlicr real or personal, sliall be found to have be- i
longed to a |»erson engaged in rebellion, or wlio has given
aid or comfort thereto, the same shall be condemned as en-
emies' pro}>erty, and become the ]iroperty of the I'nited
States, and maybe disposed of as the court shall decree, ani]
the proceeds thereof paid into the treasury of the United
States far the purposes aforesaid.
Sec. 8. A?id he it farther outcted, That the several courts !
aforesaid shall have power to n^ike such orders, establish '
such ibrm of dccix-e and sale, and direct such deeds and con-
veyances to be executed and delivered by the marsha!
thereof where real estate shall be the subject of sale, assha ,
lilly and eflicicntly elfect the jiurposes of this act, and vest
in the purchasers of such jn'operty good and valid title-
thereto. And the said courts shall have ])Ower to allow
such fees and charges of their ollicers as shall be reasonable
and proper in tlic i)remises.
Skc. 9. And be it further enacted^ That all slaves of per-
sons who shall hereafter be engaged in rebellion against tin-
govermnent of the United States, or who sliall in any way
give aid or comfort thereto, escai)ing Irom such persons and
taking refuge within the lines of the army ; and all shm -
captured from sucii persons, or deserted by them aiul com-
ing under tlie control of the govi'rnment of the Ignited
Slates, and all slaves of such persons fimiid o)i [or) bt'ing
within any jilace occujiied by rebel I'orces and afterwards .
occupied by the Ibrces of the United Stales, shall f)e deemed ^
captives of war, and shall be forever free of their servitude,
and not again held as slaves.
Si;r. 10. A)id he it f(rt]trr cna<'i( d. That no slave escaping
into any State, Teriitory, (u- tlu' District of (\)lumbia, fi-om
any ollirr State, sIimII be deliverrd up, or in any way iui- !
pedeJ or liindcrcd of liis liberty, except for crime, or some
offence against the laws, unless tlie person claiming said fu-
gitive shall first make oatli that the person to whom the la-
bor or service of such fugitive is alleged to be due is his
lawful owner, and has not borne arms against the United
States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given aid and
comfort thereto ; and no person engaged in the military or
naval service of the United States shall, under any pretence
wliatever, assume to decide on the validity of the claim of
any person to the service or labor of any other person, or
sm-render up any such i)ei'son to the claimant, on pain of
being dismissed irom the service.
Sko, 11. And he itfurtlicr enacted^ That the President of
the United States is authorized to employ as many persons
of African descent as he may deem necessary and proper for
the suppression of this rebellion, and for this purpose he may
organize and use them in such manner as he may judge best
for the public welfare.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted^ That the President of
the United States is hereby authorized to make provision for
the transportation, colonization and settlement, in some trop-
ical country beyond the limits of the United States, of such
persons of the African race, made Iree by the provision of
this act, as may be willing to emigrate, having first obtained
the consent of the government of said country to their pro-
tection and settlement within the same, Avith all the rights
and privileges of freemen.
Sec. 13. And he it further enacted. That the President is
hereby authorized, at any time hereafter, by proclamation,
to extend to persons who may have participated in the exist-
ing rebellion in any State or part thereof, pardon and am-
nesty, with such exceptions and at such time and on such
conditions as he may deem exi)edient for the public wclfai-e.
Sec. 14. Andhe it further enacted, Tiiat the courts of the
United States shall have full power to institute proceedings,
make orders and ilccrcos, issue ]irocess, and do all oilier
tilings necessary to carry this act into ellcct.
jVliproved July 17, 18G2.
[Pl'iu.ic IIesoi.utiox — Xo. 54.]
Jt)int resolution ex})lanatory of '' An Act to suppress insur-
rection, to punish treason and roLellion, to seize and
contiscate the pr<)])erty of rebels, and lur other \>uv-
Hesolred^ Jnj the Senate and JFouse of Jiepresmfatit'es
of the United States of Atncrica in Con^/ress assonbh'd,
'fliat the })rovisions of the third clause of the fifth section of
'' An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and re-
hellion, to seize and contiscate the projierty of rebels, and
for other purposes," shall be so construed as not to ajiply to
any act or acts done prior to the jiassagc thereof, nor to in-
clude any member of a State Legislature or Judge of any
State Court who has not, in accepting or entering npon his
olfice, taken an oath to support the Constitution of the so-
called " Confederate States of America ;" nor shall any pun-
ishment or })roceedings nnder said act be so construed as to
work a forfeiture of the real estate of the oflender beyond
his natural life.
Approved, July 17, 18 32.
OFFICIAL AVAii r.ri.i.im x.
^^'AU I)r.rAUTMEXT, ^Vaslungton, July "2.
First — Ordered that military commanders Avithin the
States of ^'irginia, Xorlh Carolina, (leoi-gia, Florida, Ala-
bama, ]Mississip[)i, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas, in an or-
derly manner seize and nso any property, real or personal,
which may be necessary or convenient for their several com-
mands, for supplies, or lor oilier military jinrposes ; and that
M'hile property may be destroyed for jiroper military objeots,
none shall be destroyed in wantonness or malice.
Second — That military aiul naval commanders shall em-
[iloy as laborers, within and from said States, so many per-
sons of African descent as can be advantageously used for
military or naval purposes, giving them reasonable wages for
their labor.
Tldrd — That, as to both i)roperty and persons of African
descent, accounts shall be kept sufficiently accurate and in
detail to show quantities and amounts, and fi-om whom both
property and such pei'sons shall have come, as a basis upon
which compensation can be made in proper cases ; and the
several Departments of this Government shall attend to and
jjerform their appropriate parts toward the execution of these
By order of the President:
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
The rebels having, in front of Donaldsonville, fired on a
Govermnent transport Inst Thursday, Admiral Farragut, on
Friday, ordered a portion of liis fleet to destroy the town.
There is nothing left of the i)laee now but a '(Ki.w sticks.
The town is about fifty miles from New Orleans, and was
tlie contemplated capital of Louisiana.
There is nothing left of it now but ruins and rubbish.
We understand that all the towns on the banks of the
Mississipi>i river have been notified that, just as sure as
guerrillas are permitted to fire on the transports passing up
or down, they will be shelled and destroyed.
General Orders No. 91.
Headquarters Department of the Gulf,
Nl'W Orleans, November 9, 1SG2.
The Commanding General being intbrmed, and believing,
that the district Avest of the Mississippi river, lately taken
possession of by the United States troops, is most largely oc-
ciipicd l)y persons disloyiil to llie United States, and wliosc
jtroperty has become liable to conliseation under the Acts of
Cono-rcss and the Proclamation of the President, and that
sales and transfers of said jjrojierty are being made for the
))iirp()se of dejjriving the (Government of the same, has de-
termined, in order to secure the rights of all persons as well
as those of the Government, and for the purpose of enabling
the crops now growing to be taken care of and secured, and
tlie unemployed laborers to be set at work and i)rovisions
made for payment for their labor —
To order, as follows :
T. That all the property within the district to be known
as the " District of Laiburche," be, and hereby is, sequestered,
and all sales or translers thereof are Ibibidden, and will be
held invuliil.
II. Tlie District of Lafourche will comprise all llie terri-
tory in the State of Louisiana lying west of the Mississipjii
river, except the parishes of I'laqucmine and Jeiferson.
III. That
Major Joseph M. IJell, l*rovost Judge, President,
Lieut. Col. J. r>. Kinsman, A. D. C,
Capt. Fuller (Toth X. Y. Vols.), Provost-Marshal of the
lie a commission to take possession of the property in said
district, to make an accurate inventory of the same, and to
gather \\\) and collect all such personal i)roperty, antl turn
over to the proj)er oilicers, u])on their receipts, such of saitl
]iroperly as may be required for the use of the United States
armv; to collect together all the other personal property,
and bring the same to New Oilcans, and cause it to be sold
at ))ub!ic auction to the highest bi<ldcrs, and after deducting
the necessary expenses of care, collection and transi)ortation,
to hold the i)roceeds thereof subject to the just claims of
loyal citizens and those neutral tbreigners who in good Ikith
bhall appear to be the owners of the same.
IV. Every loyal cilizen or neutral foreigner, wlio shall be
found in aetual possession and ownership of any property in
said district, not having acquired the same by any title since
th.e IStli day of September last, may have his property re-
turned or delivered to him without sale, upon establishing
his condition to the judgment of the Commission.
V. All sales made by any pei'son not a loyal citizen or
foreign neutral, since the IStli day of September, shall bo
held void, and all sales whatever, made with the intent to
deprive the Government of its riglits of confiscation, will be
held void, at what time soever made.
VI. The Commission is authorized to cmjjioy in working
the jjlantation of any person who has remained quietly at his
home, whether he be loyal or disloyal, the negroes who may
be found in said district, or who have, or may hereafter,
claim the protection of the United States, upon the terms
set forth in a memorandum of a contract heretofore oftered
to the planters of the parishes of Plaquemines and St. Ber-
nard, or white labor may be employed at the election of the
VII. The Commissioners will cause to be purchased such
supplies as may be necessary, and convey them to such con-
venient depots as to supply the planters in the making of the
crop ; which supplies Avill be charged against the crop manu-
factured, and shall constitute a lien thereon.
VIII. The Commissioners are authorized to Avork for the
account of the United States such plantations as are deserted
by their owners, or are held by disloyal owners, as may seem
to them expedient, for the purpose of saving the crops.
IX. Any persons who have not been actually in arms
against the United States since the occupation of Xew Or-
leans by its forces, and who shall remain peaceably upon their
jilantations, afi:brding no aid or comfort to the enemies of the
United States, and who shall return to their allegiance, and
who shall, by all reasonable methods, aid the United States
wlicii called ujion, may be cmpowcrod by the Commission to
work their own j)lantations, to make tlieir own crop, and to
retain possession of tlieir own property, except such as is
necessary for the military uses of the United States. And
to all such persons the Commission arc authorized to furnish
means of transportation for their crops and sup})Ues, at just
and equitable prices.
X. The Commissioners are empowered and authorized to
hear, determine, and definitely report upon all questions of
the loyalty, disloyalty or neutrality of the various claimants
of property within said district ; and furtlier, to report such
]iersons as in their judgment ought to be recommended by
the Commanding General to the President for amnesty and
])ardon, so that they may have their property returned ; to
the end tliat all persons tliat are loyal may suffer as little in-
jury as possible, and that all persons Avho have been liereto-
fore disloyal, may have opportunity now to prove their loyal-
ty and to return to their allegiance, and save their property
from confiscation, if such shall be the determination of the
Government of the United States. V>y command of
Ma.ior-G !■ xkral Bltlf-k.
Geo. C. Stkong, A. A. G., Chief of Stall".
" oil ! woman, in our hours of case,
I'nccrtain, cov, and hard to please,
And variable as the shade,
Wlien pain and sickness wring the brow,
A nvinisterini; angel thou."
DLinxr. the anguish of our jK'ople, and when desolation
reigned supreme, we had but little to engage our attention;
all was uioom.
If we looked into Ciinjil Street at five o'clock a. m, and
five p. M., we Avould see, every day, a large government
"wagon with white cover — tied beliind — filled with white
board coftins from the St. James Ilosjiital, dashing along,
drawn by four splendid iron-gray horses.
About twenty feet behind dashed another vehicle of tlie
same kind, drawn by four bay horses, equally as elegant and
s]»irited ; this carried the living freight — twelve soldiers were
jiiled in, with muskets, prepared to fire over the graves of
their deceased comrades !
The chaplain rode in a sort of apple-cart in the rear.
One evening Ave happened to be in the grave-yard when
the grays arrived. Nine coffins Avcre taken out, buried in
graves two feet deep, and half filled with water. Prayers
Avcre said and guns fired. It was a full liilf acre, well filled
with newly-made graves. At the entrance was a high and
massive gate. It was noticeable that only on one grave
there were flowers planted. Their friends soared above
these externals. There was a tomato vine flourishing over
one or two ; we pulled it up — it might have grown spon-
The negroes had a burial-place of their own. We saw
five coffins being buried there. It was nearer the public
road. The driver told us they had died of small-pox, and
we hastened on. One of the party, a beautiful young French
girl, remained at their graves, to breatlie a prayer for those
poor creatures. No earthly friend was near. On the other
side, outside the massive gate, where waved a little picayune
United States flag, w^ere buried the Confederate dead. Wo
also happened there at sunset. The Jeisey wagon had just
arrived, Avith its freight of three coffins, and a cart with one.
The tops of the coffins Avere put on so slightly that Ave could
see the light through the cracks.
There Avas but one grave dug — like the others, two feet
deep. We thought there Avas not time to dig another, as it
Avas near dark. N(7 one accompaiiifil ilie dead. There waa
a man and two boys to alteiid to the biisjincss of interring
them.' No guns were lirtd! no i)rayers were read I "We
thouglil tliey rested (jiiile as well.
We liad walked through the grave-yard. There was an
air of Iioliness tljvoughout tlie place. Although not enclosed,
yet each grave had its liead-board, Mitii name npon it — each
giave was jilanted with flowers — and on most of them were
fresh flowers or wreathes placed, — sweet evidences of " last-
ing love, frecpient prayer, and oft-vei)eatcd visits.'' In the
centre was erected a huge, black velvet cross, on which was
inscribed, in large gilt letters, the motto, " To our Southern
nrothers." The momid on Avhich the cross rested was sur-
rounded by the choicest flowers; and this was done by "the
ladies of Xew Orleans," on All Saints day, the first of No-
venibei-, tlu; day when all who have lost friends visit their
tombs and renew the flowers — feeling almost reunited. This
is a beautiful custom in almost all Catholic countries.
These were the graves of tliose Confederates who were
.almost starved at the siege of Yicksburg. "We had visited
them in the St. Louis Hospital, liad seen their suflerings,
and had .alleviated tlicm as much as wc were allowed to do.
'J'liey wer(> surrounded by the most heartless set of men and
<^)flieials " with stra})s" that Avcro ever placed upon earth.
Going into the hospital (it was very diflicult to gain ad-
mission, unl(.-«ss we were fortunate enough to obtain or bor-
)()W a pass; even then, we were forced to tell some fifty
falsehoods to the oflicers, doctors, etc. — for which wc hope,
and ex[)ect to be forgiven) — we saw those poor men. Sucii
siiftering we never saw. One ))oor soul could scarcely spe.ak.
J asked him what lie wanted; he replied, "Nourishment."
'i'lu; next day we looked at his bed — he w.as gone !
Sever.al were in a ])erfeet state of nudity, with only a
sheet to cover them ! Tliis may seem improbable, but never-
theless it is true. 01> ! how we begged (we were isent from
one official to another) to see if v/e wonkl not be allowed to
take some of them to our own liomcs, to have them nursed
and attended to ; but in vain. Perhaps some mio-lit have
been saved. Some were not sick — Captain II. only had the
rlieumatism — Mr. M. only wanted food, etc. — and so with
many others. We were informed there were 150; and only
one or two out of the whole ever recovered.
We saw ten dying and dead in one morning ; and well
do we remember the remarks that were made. We knew
them — we talked Avith them — they gave us their pocket-
liooks to send to their friends — and Ave saw their names on
their wooden head-boards. We carried iiowers to their
graves, and wrote their friends " at home," as they desired
us to do — before dying.
Oil! we could write a volume on this hosj)ital business;
but we forbear. Some of those cold-blooded, white-eyed
officials — and that precise doctor, who opened and shut his
mouth like a clam-shell — will liave to answer at a liigher
ti'ibunal for their shameless heartlessness and unkindness.
We also visited the Federal sick,, who were down stairs ;
they were nicely cared for — musquito bars, and plenty of
iracfs for their bodily comfort.
Another number of Confederate prisoners were brouglit
in, and placed in the Custom-IIouse. Those were not sick,
excepting at heart, but were guarded by a sentinel with a
gun larger than liimself lie strutted before the door, and
showed oiT astonisliingly. Those prisoners were allowed to
go into an ante-room when their relatives called to see them.
Of course every one had a relative. One was a cousin, one
an aunt, one a sister ; and Colonel J. actually had live to
call, who all said they were his iv/fe — most likely he had
never seen them before.
Baskets of provisions Averc sent in, with notes, to theif
relatives ; the fellow Avith a gun would receive them, open
A)\d read tliein, and i-etuin tli(> aiiswci-, willi llie empty bas-
ket, in a very conse(iuential manner. lie was, however,
outwitted, as we liad no relatives among the prisoners —
liad never S(!en them l)elore, and never expect to see them
We still have some of the notes, and they serve to amuse
us when thinking over the scenes we have gone through.
3\indness ot" lieart alone prompted the Soutliern women to
visit those who were in ])rison, and to relieve tlie sick. They
only carried out the teachings which they had liad 'from
t;uir youth up.
Persons are not whctlly bad, there are ahvays some good
qualities intermixed. So with lUitler. Jle had an eye to
cleansing the city; lie was the best scavoif/er we have ever
had among us. lie was fearful that the besom of destruction
might apjx'ar with the summer heat, and perhaps remove
some of his Xorthern friends; Southerners were generally
acclimated, so there was not much to be feared for them.
It was quite a grotesque sight to see a battalion of stalwart
iiu'ii, with brooms and spades, rallying forth on a hot sum-
mer nu)rning to scrape and sweep the streets, and, without
doubt, the city has been much more liealthy since. The
broom brigade would liave served as a reserve corps in case
of an emergency, it was so extensive.
Vvw could sec the great love the General had for dumb
Inuists, and not feel assured he had gre,at kindness of lieart.
Ill' took a iimcy to a fine i)air of carriage liorses belonging
to ]\Iis. "Wisdom, who was absent in Xew York, and no
puisuasion would make him change liis mind, so, of course,
be l<>ok them, as a " military necessity." The hor.ses of Mr.
I-'oIey he did not Mish to retain in the city; he had the
stalls nicely pa<hled to keep them from being injured on
their passage to Xew York. Most unfortunately, Mr. F
licaiil of his kind intentions, just in time to recover his
The v;ilii;il)le liDrscs ofMr. D, K— — ■ and. Mr. 'M-
ailvertised, niul sold for cat-h at public auction, to the high-
est bidder, without reserve, all for the benefit of the United
States Government. So, all property wa.s confiscated. It
■was pitiable to see tlie most elegant houses stripped of their
furniture and surroundings, given to the lowest sort of
Innnanity. Opening the front door of a beauliful mansion
in the upper ^^ortion of the city, with a lai'ge portico in front,
we f )und the front parlor occupied by an Irish family — with
a bed, safe, table, and a few chairs in it ; the chandeliers for
gas were still there, as if in mockery of the scene; bare
floors, squalid cliildreii running around, and all looking
distraite. We were told that nine flxmilies occupied the
house. We had been sent tliere to look for a servant. An
old woman met us at the door, who asked us our business ;
after answering her questions, we remarked, " You have a
delightful place to live in.'' Not seeming pleased, she rejilied,
rather gruffly : " Yes, but we don't get any thing to eat !" and \
this was the gratitude for such benefits. Some liouscs were j
taken as a " military necessity," and such havoc and destruc-
tion never was seen ; furniture broken ; ])ianos taken to
pieces, to look for concealed arms ; bedsteads and other
furniture packed up and sent North ; large mirrors placed
between beds and packed for colder climes ; every thing
Calling to see a colored individual, to find out if she
would oblige us by washing for us (at $1.25 per day), we
were asked to walk into her room, as she was not well.
We found her reclining upon a magnificent rosewood
bedstead. Brussels carpet upon the floor, and all in unison.
We were amazed, and asked where she got her finery.
She remarked, " that when General Butler came here, tlio
things were sold, and she had bought them."
We concluded she made plenty of money by vmsJdng.
Ijutler'8 "General Order Xo. GO," i-uspeding firo-anns,
gave a carte blanche to evil-minded persons to wreak their
vengeance upon an luiarnied po})iilati(jn.
Xo place was sacred ; every place was invaded.
The negroes became almost franctic.
Our servant, as soon as he heard the " order'' read, catne
rushing frantically into the house, iiKpiiring where " master's
sword Avas, it M'as an ofiicer's sword ;'' but be could not llnd
it, perhaps it had been given up. John was disappointed.
X'^one but tliose who have been placed in similar situations
can imagine the feeling of being surrounded by a lawless
set of runaway negroes, Avilli a camp) full of them not far
distant, and the worst sort of white soldiery being com-
pletely in their power and unarmed.
Scarcely a house in the neighborhood that had not been
broken into, or an attem}>t made.
If ever Ave felt that Ave had to lean upon an Almighty
arm to save, it Avas then.
AVe give the " orders" as received.
We call ])articular attention to the following order,
issued l)y the Assistant Military Commandant of Xew
Orleans :
General Ordeks No. 21.
Headquarters INIilitary Com.m.v:ndant,
Neav Orleans, August 11, 18C2.
It l)cing a fact that numbers of tlie inhabitants of IJaton
llougo, Avho liavc been alloAved by tlie I'nited States author-
ities to retain their private arms, were Ibund dead and
wounded on the battlc-lield, it is hereby ordered, to prevent
any repetition of such breach of trust, that all arms, of
vhalercr (lescrij)tiont now in this cltij, be turned in as
follows :
All persons residing- below Esplanade Street, to the r2tli
Maine Regiment at the Confederate States Hotel, in the
Third District.
Those residing in the Second District, to the loth Con-
necticut Regiment at the Custom-IIouse.
Those residing in the First District, to the 21st Massacliu-
setts Regiment at Lafayette Square.
Those residing in the Fourth District, to the 31st Massa-
chusetts Regiment at Annunciation Square.
Those residing in Algiers, to the 8th Vermont Regiment
at Algiers.
Those residing in JelFerson City, to the ofiicer command-
ing United States forces stationed there.
Tliose residing at Lake Pontchartrain, to the officer com-
manding picket station at that point.
The commanding officers of the above-mentioned regiments
will detail an officer to receive the arms turned in under
this order, and see that they are carefully preserved for
future disjiosition.
Each person will make one package or bundle of all the
arms turned in by him, and close such package or bundle in
the presence of the receiving othcer ; and each receiving
officer will keep an accurate list of the names and residences
of those who comply with this order, with statement of the
arms turned in.
This order must be complied with before Saturday next ;
and any person failing to comply with it, as directed, will be
held liable to imprisonment at hard labor.
By order, G. Weitzel,
Assist. Military Commandant.
Edwin Ilslet, A. A. A. G.
Charles Chapotin, for having arms on his premises, was sent
to Ship Island at hard labor for three months. (Mr. Chapotia
has lived in a sparsely settled portion of Jeflerson City.)
Tlio gentlemen of Xow Orleans are called upon to deliver
u]. lorlhwith all the lire-arnis in their ])Ossessslon. This is
timely. We trust that pains will be taken to do this work
thoroughly. Let every gun, musket, pistol, and knife Le
This should have been done a month ago.
General Orders No. GO.
New Orleans, Au^nist IG, 18G2.
Ordered, That after Tuesday, 19th inst., there be paid for
information, leading to the di.scovery of weapons not held
un(hr a written permit from the United States authorities,
but retained and concealed by the keepers thereof, the smns
Ibllowing :
For cacli serviceable (Jun, IMusket and JUdc $10
Revolver 7
Pistol .' ; 5
" yal)re or OJRccr's Sword 5
" Dirk Dagger I?
" Bowie Knife, Sword Cane, etc 3
Saitl arms to be confiscated, and the keeper .so concealing
them to be punished by imjirisonment.
Tills crime being an overt act of rebellion against the
authority of the United States, whether by a citizen or an
alien, works a forfeiture of the pro])erty of the olfender, and,
therefore, every .slave giving information that shall discover
the concealed arms of his or her master shall be held to be
II. As the Ignited States authorities have disarmed the
inhabitants of the Parish of Orleans, and as some fearful
citizens seem to think it necessary tliat they sliouki havts
arms to protect themselves froni violence, it is ordered :
That hereafter the offenses of robbeiy by violence or
.iggravated assault tliat ought to he repelled by the use of
deadly Aveapons, burglaries, rapes and murders, whether
committed by blacks or whites, will be, on conviction,
punished by death. By order of
Major-General Butler.
K. S. Davis, Captain and A. A. A. G.
The following correspondence between Count Mejan and
Major-General Butler we coi)y from the Delta of August 13,
Frexcii Coksulate at New Orleans,
Now Orleans, August 12, 1802.
Siu : The new order of the day, which has been iiublishcd
this morning, and by which you require that all and what-
ever arms which may be in the possession of the people of
this city must be delivered up, has caiised the most serious
alarm among the French subjects of New Orleans.
Foreigners, sir, and particularly Frenchmen, have, not-
withstanding the accusations brought against some of them
by certain persons, sacrificed every thing to maintain during
the actual conflict the neutrality imposed ujDon them.
AVhcn arms were delivered them by the municipal author-
ities, they only used them to maintain order and defend
personal property ; and those arms have since been almost
all returned.
And it now appears, according to the tenor of your order
of to-day, that French suljects, as well as citizens, are re-
cpiired to surrender their personal ai'ms, which could only
be used in self-defence.
For some time past immistalcable signs have manifested
themselves among the servile population of the city and
surrounding country of their intention to break the bonds
which bind them to their masters, and many persons appre-
hend an actual revolt.
It is tlicso signs, lliis j)rospccfc of ilinlin!;; ourselves com-
pletely uuaniicd in the iirescnee of a population IVoiii \vliich
the greatest excesses arc feared, that we are above all things
justly alarmed ; for the result of such a state of thir.gs
M'ould Ihll on all alike "who were left without the means of
self defence.
It is not denied that the protection of the United Slates
Government would be extended to them in such an event,
hut that protection could not be elfectivo at all times and in
all places, nor provide against those internal enemies whose
unrestrained language and manners are constantly increasing,
and who are but partially kept in subjection by the convic-
lidu tliat their masters arc armed.
I submit to you, Sir, these observations, with the request
that you take them into consideration.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my high estec'.n.
Count ;Mk.iax.
Consul of France.
Lieut. Wf.itzku, IT. S. Engineers, find
As.sistant Military Connnandaut of Xmv Orleans.
New Orleans, August 14, 18(52.
Siu : Your ollicial note to Lieut. Weitzel, Assistant Mili-
tary Commandant, has been Ibrwarded to me.
1 see no ju.st cause of complaint against the order requir-
ing the arms of private citizens to be delivered up. It is
the usual course pursued in cities similarly situated to this
— even without any exterior Ibrce in the neighborhood.
You will ob.scrve that it will not do to trust to mere pro-
fessions of neutrality. I trust most of your countrymen arc
in good faith neutral; but it is unfortunately true that some
of them are not. This causes the g(Jod of neces.sity to sutler
i'ur ill." acts of the bad.
1 take leave to call your attention to the lact, that t!iQ
United States forces gave every immunity to Monsieur
Bonnegross, who claimed to be the French Consul at Baton
Kouge ; allowed him to keep his arms, and relied upon his
neutrality ; Lut his son was taken prisoner on the battle-
field, in arms against us.
You will also do me the fovor to remember that very few
of the French subjects here have taken the oath of neutrality,
which was oftered to, but not required of them, by my
Order ISTo. 41 ; although all the officers of the Frencli
Legion had, with your knowledge and assent, taken the oath
to sujDport the Constitution of the Confederate States.
Thus, you see, I have no guarantee for the good faith of
bad men.
I do not understand how it is that arms are altered in
tlieir eflectiveness by being " personal property," nor do I
see how arms, which v.ill serve for personal defence (" qui
no 2:)euvent servir que pour leur defence personnelle"), cannot
be as clfectually used for oifensive warfare.
Of the disquiet which you say there are signs manifesting
themselves among the black population, of a desire to break
their bonds which bind them to their masters (" certaine
dispositions a, rompre les liens qui les attachent a leurs
maitres"), I have been a not inattentive observer, without
wonder, because it woukt seem natural, wheji their masters
had set them the example of rebellion against constituted
authorities, that the negroes, being an imitative race, should
do likewise.
lUit surely the representative of the Emperor, who does
not tolerate slavery in France, does not desire his country-
men to be armed for the purpose of preventing the negroes
from breaking their bonds.
Let me assure you that the protection of the United States
against violence, either by negroes or white men, whether
citizens or foreign, will continue to be as perfect as it has
been since our advent here, and by lar more manifesting
ilst'lf at all iiioinc'iits and everywhere ("tons Ics instants
et partouf') than any improvised eilizens' organization
can do.
"Whenever the inhahilants of this city will, by a public
and united act, show both their loyalty and neutrality, I
.shall be glad of their aid to keep the peace, and indeed to
restore the city to them. Till that time, however, I must
re(pure the arms of all the inhabitants, white and black, to
be under my control.
I have the honor to be,
Your obedient servant, .
Ben.t. F. Butleu;
Major-General Commandiug.
To CouMT ME.IAN, Frcucli Consul.
SF.rzruKS. t
In addition to the seizures heretofore made by the Fede-
I'al (Tcneral for ])urposes of his department, we have heard
that the St. James ILotel, on Magazine Street, and the Car-
rolton Hotel, are about to be converted into liospitals ibr
their sick soldiers. The new and costly furniture of tlie St.
James is now being removed to ]\Iontg(.)niery's auction mart
for ])ublic sale, and that contained in the hotel at Carrollton
is to be i>laced in the Jefferson Lake End Hotel. A portion
of the latter building is also to be occupied by the United
States soldiers, but for what pur})0sc we are uninformed.
One of the most shamei'id seizures was that of the Touro
Almshouse. We have obtained a copy of that part of Mr.
'J'ouro's will relative to the building. It might be well to
state that Mr. Judah Touro was a liiglily-respected old in-
habitant of New Orleans, very wealthy at the time of his
death. He be(iueathed the greater ])art of his lai'gc estate
for the l)eneiit of the city, and Ibr benevolent jjurpcses.
'i'he followin-j; is an extract from the will :
" I give and bequeath, for the purpose of establishing an
Ahnshouse in the city of New Orleans, and with the view
of contributing, as far as possible, to the prevention of men-
dicity in said city, the sum of eighty thousand dollars (say
$80,000), and I desire that the Almshouse thus contem-
])lated shall be organized according to law ; and further, it
is my desire that, after my executors shall have legally
organized and established said contemplated Almshouse,
and ajipointed proper persons to administer and control the
direction of its affairs, then such persons legally so appointed
and their successors in office, conjointly with the Mayor of
the city of New Orleans, and his successors in office, shall
have the perpetual direction and control thereof"
This building was taken by Butler as " a military neces-
sity," and the most lawless set of negroes have had it as a
rendezvous. No white person's life was safe there ; and the
white officers who were in charge could scarcely restrain
them. It is a real nuisance in the lower part of the city.
The foUoAving is but a single instance, which avc took from
the paper :
" The Bee of this morning says it learns that the French
Consul has been complained to on account of exceedingly
grave occurrences which took place during last week at the
Touro Almshouse, which has been used for some time as a
barracks for negroes. A Frenchman, M. Pierre Abadie,
furniture dealer, of 130 Dauphin Street, was made the victim
oi' an armed attack, which evidently comes under the order
of General Butler. On Thursday, just at nightfall, as he
Avas returning home, he was stopped by a group of negroes,
who, after having struck his horse several sabre-cuts to make
him stop, inflicted several cuts on himself, wounding him on
the head, on the right arm, and on the neck. His assailants
also kicked him, punched him, and cnnied hiu; in a .state
of insensibility into one of the rooms of the barracks, in
vhicli there "was ab'eady an Irishman named Lee, who had
been taken uiitter simihxr circumstances. These two persons
liad to appear before a negro court-martial, by which they
were condemned to be summarily lianged. But the sen
tence was not put into execution, and M. Abadie was set at
libeily. Ilis wounds have been examined by Dr. Loiseaux,
surgeon of tlie French volunteer corjjs, to which the victim
of the assault belongs. The complaint has of course been
laid before the military authority, and it is hoped that justice
will be done to it, by the inlliction of exemplary chastisement
on the authors of this astounding misdeed."
One of the most revolting sights, and also one of the in-
sults most deeply felt, and which stung us to tlie quick, was
seeing our Confederate soldiei's brought into tlie city by a
negro guard !
AVhen a number came together, it seemed as though, liad
as it was, they liad compaiiion.shi}) in their suU'ering, whieli
made it more endurable — they were not so conspicuous.
JJut when a single Confederate was seen, walking down the
neutral ground, on Canal Street, on a hot summer da}',
])o\\ed down with his knapsack and without arms, and be-
hind liim a stalwart negro with liis bayonet, strutting along
with a kepis stuck upon his head, and a greasy face, you
can imagine our feelings!
It was the refmement of cruelty.
How must these jioor men lia\e felt, thus paraded through
their own street.s, on their way to that loathsome den, the
I tari.--h prison ! "When once the gate was shut upon them,
they were not allowed to see their dearest i'riends — even a
wife was relused admittance. A negro sentinel would pace
np and down belbre the door, liugging his gun, and order
off to the banipiette anyone, particularly ladies, who tarried
rather long about the premises.
We heard an anecdote of a lady who sent a roasted
turkey to or^Q of the prisoner^; it 'Aas nicely prepared, and
stuffed V Ii a rope, which enabled some seventy-five to
make thci escape.
By the following description of the great Union Meeting,
our readers may infer what pleasant times some persons
were having in the Sunny South. It is taken from Butler's
paper, the True Delta, issued on Fridny morning, Au-
gust 22, 18G2:
The New Orleans Bee, ricayune, True Delta, and Na-
tional Advocate are so heavily freighted with Union adver-
tisements, they are unable to bear any thing in regard to
the great demonstration of Tluirsday night, in favor of the
United States Government. Straws show which way the
wind blows.
"the GKEAT union meeting last night GREAT UPHEAV-
Tiie greatest demonstration that has ever taken place in
New Orleans gladdened the hearts of her loyal citizens last
night. Early in the evening the different streets that lead
to the City Hall, Avhere the great meeting was to take place,
Avere thronged with men, young and old, wending their
way to take part as lovers of their country. Very soon the
Lyceum Hall was filled to overflowing with a dense mass of
humanity and were surged back into the street, where an-
other stand had been erected for tlie accommodation of
{speakers. The wildest excitement pervaded the A'ast mul-
lb'. EEAUT^ AUb l/iOTY.
titudc ou'.-:i'le, I'r.at e.-'totided up and down St.Cliarles Street
iov neaily a ulock, and t;.s some noble sentiment sprang from
the orator's heart aud found utteranee in glowing words,
cheer after cheer went up, which niusi have caused the
despicable traitors in our midst to seek the darkest recesses
of their holes, for they must have trembled to the very mar-
row at the sound — The voice of the people is the voice of
God — and tliey shuddered at its dreadful intonations.
Here, looking from the ])]atlurm, every conceivable
space was lilled up with eager faces and earnest eyes. It
was easy to be seen that all there were Union men and
lioncst men — men to whom their country was more than ti
A little before eight o'clock the meeting proceeded to an
organization, by Col. T. 1>, Thorpe i)roposing the following
officers: Col. J. ]\[. C. Urady, President; V. IJ. Earharl,
Esq., Secretary; Vice-Presidents, John Sullivan, .Tames j\Ic-
Gawley, B. Collins, J. O'Neil, D. S. Nugent, D. C. Wood-
ruff, Patrick Sullivan, Henry ]\IcCuire, Thomas liiley, II.
Mahon, George Oaks, ]Mr. Gulius.
The officers were elected by acclamation, and the Pres-
ident, J. M. C. Ijrady, then canu' forward and delivered
an excellent and cflective address, that was greeteil witli
great applause.
T. J. Earliart then introducrd the full(.)wing resolutions,
Avhich were moved and adoj»teil :
liesoh'cd, That it is only by the restoration of the au-
thority of the United States that the laboring men of New
Orleans can expect remtmorative labor.
Jicsoli'cd, That fleeing from a government of oppression,
we foimd under the aulluu-itii's ol" the I'^niled Stales a home
ol" plenty, political equality, anil sorial elevalinn, and we de-
sire a restovcation of the authority that gives us sucii nn-
equaled blessings.
Resolved., That in JMajor-General Butler we have found
a friend to the working man, a soldier of discipline, a sup-
porter of the honor and glory of his country, and we thank
the Federal authorities that he and his brave army came to
our rescue from a rebellion started without cause, and car-
ried on for the benefit of persons wiioni we believe to be
cneniies of mankind.
Colonel T. B. Thorpe was then introduced, and hailed with
the greatest enthusiasm. Waiting until the noise had sub-
sided, the gallant Colonel proceeded substantially as follows :
He did not come here with the intention of speaking, and
he would much sooner have taken a back seat, but that ho
]jad been repeatedly urged to say something ; and what he
would say would be short and brief. lie stated that he
had come here twenty-five years ago, and had seen this city
grow from a comparatively small village to be a princely
metropolis. He had seen the levee, now a miserable ruin,
covered with the produce of the Far West, which had en-
riched our merchant princes and made our laborers the hap-
piest and freest men under the sun. This was then the city
of Jackson and of Clay — that had thrived and pros2:)ered
under the ever-honored Stars and Stripes. He came back
recently after an absence of six years, and finds her sitting
in sackcloth and ashes, her people starving and idle, and
her great men degraded by the rebellion.
They might talk about the strength of the rebellion, but
he believed there were enough brave Irishmen in this very
city to sweep Louisiana.
If you do not restore the Union, what are your lives
worth ? Will you consent to hang around the City Hall
begging for a day's work ? General Butler has done for
you all that man can do. He has exhausted the means
196 beautv axd booty.
and tlie money at his conunand to relieve you. lie has
made the rich give a htlle, to keep the peojile from liunger,
from those stores they spent with sucli a hxvish hand to ruin
the people.
AVho should know tliis country better than Irislimen V
lias not England trampled down their sea-girt isle for cen-
turies, and did they not come here to find open arms and
liappy homes to receive them, and would they desert it now ?
And is this great country to be trampled down in the same
manner — the poor white men degraded, for the sake of the
everlasting nigger, by a few rich men ? What order was
published in the Picayune, the True Delta, and all the iiews-
pa})ers of Xew Orleans by the rebel authorilies? That no
white man, no Irishman, should work on the levee, or on a
steamboat, llow dared they deny their right to lioncst la-
bor ? Why did they do it? Because, if they degraded
them, if they saw your ^ives and children starving, they
would be forced to enter their armies and be marched north-
ward — to meet in deadly •conflict their own countrymen
fighting tlic battle of freedom. (Tremendous cheers.)
The speaker believed this country's salvation rested with
the laboi-ing men ; they should, with a quickness of percep-
tion as if a knife had been stuck into them, know their dead-
ly enemies to be the men Avho would under any pretext, or
under any subterfuge, degrade honest labor, and would
trami)le thenx under foot. A man that would lower their sta-
tus they should hate as their bitterest enemy.
The sjieaker then referred to the many absurd stories put-
in circulation l)y designing men in relation to the meeting,
and alluded, amid its loud laughter, to a story that had l)een
industriously retailed by the (juidinmcs — to the effect that
all present were to be seized and enlisted. He did not como
here for any such thing. lie came here to put a soul in
them if possible, to defy the devil ; to knock the shackles
iifl' their arms ; to tell tlieni that with the working men of
tliis country he could swoop the whole Confederacy and the
British lion they are so often trying to call in.
lie proceeded to say that if they went to work under the
jii'oiection of the American flag, some one steps up and
whispers in their ear to beware, for next Aveek England will
intervene. In such a case, iie told them to do what they
should do and have a right to do — shut up the mouths of
the libellers and villifiers of the Uniom If some one speaks
up and tells them that Iluggles, Breckenridge & Co. are
coming down with a vast army of two Imndred and fifty
men, let them answer, There are five hundred men working
under the Surveyor, and they will sally forth with their
shovels and clean them out.
When the rebellion was inaugurated — when it was sprung
upon Louisiana — for she never went out, thank God — when
the ordinance of secession was first read, this city was un-
exampled in prosperity. A system of internal im})rovemcnts
had been inaugurated that would, in course of time, have
given to every poor man in this city a little cottage in the
suburbs that he miglit leave to his children, Now, we can-
not find a silver picayune.
Before this war was inaugurated men went about with
bags of silver in their hands, begging people for God's sake
to give them bank notes in exchange. There yet exists a
statute compelling the employes of the city to receive one-
half of their salaries in silver ; it was actually a drug in the
market. How much did they think old Jacob Barker would
ask now to exchange the same shinplasters for coin ? '(Loud
laughter and apjilause.)
If these times were to return, he told them they must
have peace, and we must silence those villainous scamps who
prevent it by going about villifying all truth, all good and
all honor. The people of the majoi'ity of the Southern
States, if left free, would hail with joy the raising of the
Stars and Stripes over them. The United States does not
wisli to conquer llicm. If she did, a million of armed men
could not have been raised. She comes as a parent among
her children ; she appeals to you, licr peoj)le ; she wants you
to range under her banner ; she requires the strength of
y(jur moral support, and wishes to let the brave fellows who
are lighting for her laws depart for their homes.
Colonel Thor2)e sat down, amid loud and hearty clieering,
Colonel "White, of Jeilerson City, next took the stand, and
made a very effective speech, calling on tliose present never
to forget their common country, but to ever remain faithful
to tlie Constitution and liberty. He concluded amid loud
acclamations, and the meeting adjourned.
In addition to the meeting in Lyceum Ilall, another was
organized upon St. Charles Street. This at fu-st was intend-
ed for an auxiliary meeting, but soon became the principal
one. The stand faced the City Hall, the steps and front
portico of which were jammed with spectators. The dense
mass illled also the space in the rear of the stand, and e.v-
tended from Poydras to Girod Street. It reminded us forcibly
of the Bell and Everett demonstrations of 18G0, and was
more than equal to tlie best of them.
The meeting was called to order by Dr. William 11. Hire,
who nominated Judge Ilahn for President, and the nomina-
tion wijs ratified by a unanimous vote. Judge Hahn, how-
ever, not having yet arrived, L. ^NFadison Day was chosen to
iill that oflice, together with the following list of Vice-Presi-
dents and Secretaries :
Vice-rrcsidcnts—Dv. W. C. Duncan, E. Iliestand, Thos.
Ingram, Dr. W. H. Hire, W. U. Crane.
Sa-refarics — Patrick I\[ur])hy and C. Erederick.
A Committee on ] resolutions, consisting of Dr. Duncan,
^\^ 11. Crane and Dr. Hire, was ai)pointed.
Mr. D;iy, tlic President, being loudly called for, proceeded
to address the meeting as follows:
lie said the object of the meeting was to uphold the Union,
the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws. lie had
lived, and, by the blessing of God, he hoped to die, under
the folds of the glorious Hag of the Union. (Applause.)
lie would ask those who had lived under the secession Hag,
if they had not seen the evil effect of such a rule. (" That's
so.") Before that flag was displayed all the men of New
Orleans felt themselves strong, and were willing to fight for
the flag of the Union, under whose folds they had prospered.
(" We will yet do it.") But the scene had been clianged by
the demon of secession. Under the advent of Union rule,
however, the normal state of things had returned, and the
poor man was protected in his right of working for a living.
From this state of things he drew a contrast of what would
be the state of the wives and the little ones of many of the
})ersons present, had secession prevailed.
lie next spoke of the shameful fact of naturalized foreign-
ers being deprived of the right of voting in the city, under
the Confederacy, unless they went for the spurious govern-
ment, and of every man being deprived of the right of suf-
frage if he did not own negroes ; but he exhorted his hearers
to be of good cheer, for the country would soon be once
more " the land of the free and the home of the brave."
The speaker then went on to speak in the most bitter terms
of the secessionists, who had brought this great city to its
present state of desolation, contending against the would-be
aristocrats that New Orleans belonged to all who were then
present, and in the city, and not to a few purse-proud people.
After reminding the audience of the time when the poor
man could earn his two dollars per day, and contrasting
those times with these, he went on to say that the chief con-
spirators ought to be caught by a caj^ias of the whole Ameri-
can people, and be hanged as high as Ilaman for their trea-
Bon ; and that, in spite of quibbles of la^v, juries would be
found to convict them. (A])plau.s('.)
Dr. Duncan, on belialf of the Committee on Resolutions,
reported tlie following, M-hich were adopted amid loud
cheers :
liesolved, That we hail with delight the restoration of our
State to the Union, of which it formerly formed so conspicu-
ous and lionorable a part, and out of which it was uncon-
stitutionally and wickedly drawn, for a period, by the trea-
sonable acts of unprincipled ])oliticians, who sought personal
aggrandizement in the ruin of their country.
Jiesolvcd, That having for a time been deprived of the
great blessings of our American Constitutional Government,
and our rights of citizenship in the American Union, we can
now the more strongly ajipreciate and cherish them, when
we again see the old ilag wave above us, giving protection
to our persons, proj)erty and our honor.
Jiesolvcd, That the late call of I'resident Lincoln for ad-
ditional trooi)s, and the conduct generally of the Adminis-
tration and its representatives in our State, meets our un-
qualified and heartfelt apju-oval, satisfying tis that the war
is to be carried on Mith vigor and justice, and that the
American Union will soon assume its former proud position
among the nations of the earth.
Judge Ileistand was then called upon. lie said he was
glad to see such a vast assembly of laboring men, for,
though belonging at present to a liberal profession, he was a
drayman not many years ago. The gentleman then M'cnt on
to review the secession of South Carolina in ISGO, conse-
quent on the previous treason at the Charleston Convention,
at which the greatest traitor was John Slidell. (Cries of
" Hang him.") The s])caker then contrasted the state of
trade now to what it was when New Orleans Avas prosper-
ous — before the treason of ISGO. So ])rosperous was it tliat
the people had no time to attend to public allairs ; all they
could do was to mind their private business, and that was,
perhaps, the reason why the traitors had stolen a march on
them. (Applause.) A comparison was then drawn between
tlien and now,, and the question was put to the people,
whetlicr or not they were better oif now, to which they
responded in thunder tones that they Avere now far better
ott" than since the inauguration of treason. He then put it
to them whether, in the history of the world, a conquering
army had ever conducted itself with such moderation — yea,
with such humanity, as to actually feed the conquered poor ;
and yet General Butler had done this. (Cheers for Gener.al
Ijutler.) After a few remarks about the tyranny of the Con-
federates, which he happily compared to that of Warren
Hastings, in India, which drew forth the celebrated bitter
rebuke of Edmund Burke, in the British Parliament, and
some further remarks on the same subject, the speaker gave
Avay to his successor.
Dr. Dostie, who had been in Europe, was the next speaker.
He spoke warmly on the subject of persons having been in-
carcerated in loathsome prisons, only because they loved
the flag under which they were born. He thought our coun-
try ought to be honored next to our God ; and he believed
that the people of New Orleans, as represented at that meet-
ing, would bring about the redemption of Louisiana. Is it
not so ? (" Yes, yes.") The Doctor spoke warmly, at consid-
erable length, in favor of his native State, in connection with
the Union, loudly cheered all the while, and sat down amid
thunders of applause.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Afterwards both meetings coalesced, and, preceded by a
splendid brass band, moved up town like a vast sea, filling
up the streets fir and wide, and rending the air Avith their
vociferations. They halted in front of General Butler's head-
quarters, and the band played some exquisite airs, to which
the hero of the occasion bowed his acknowledgments. After
giving a number of cheers for the General, and otlier favor-
ites of theirs, they gave one last cheer, just to keep their
hand in, and quietly dispersed, and the great New Orleans
I'nion Meeting of August 21st, 18G2, became a matter of
The names at this meeting wc had never heard, excepting
one Avho had been a barber in Chicago, and had shaved con-
TuKKE was to be an exchange of prisoners ! Of course,
tlicre was to be another " order'' forthcoming. "No. 19''
was more lenient than most of the others. The gentlemen
were actually alloved to wear their clothes ! and a sword.
" Georgia uniform" was similar.
Head the Order :
CiENKRAL Okdkrs No. 79.
Headquarters DEi'ARTirENT of the Gulf,
New Orleans, October 4, 18G2.
In accordance with the terms of the cartel recently nego-
tiated between the Major-General Comnianding this depart-
ment and jVIajor-tieneral Van Dorn of the Confederate array,
all i)risoners of war registered at these headquarters for
exchange will be sent by steamer to Baton Rouge, La., on
the 8th of October inst., leaving New Orleans at 10 o'clock
A. M. of that day.
Those officers the terms of whose surrender permitted the
retention of their side-arms, will be allowed to take with
them their swords only ; but in no case will permission bo
granted to purchase arms of any description to carry beyond
tlie lines ; nor -will any supplies he taken further than the
apparel actually Avorn at the time of their departure.
By command of Major-Genekal Butler.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. General.
We were on the leveo when the Laurel Ilill departed
with the Confederate soldiers for exchange at Baton Kongo,
and a more exciting scene we have seldom witnessed.
According to the general estimate the number of lookers-
on was about twenty thousand. *
All was din and noise. Th? black smoke from the steamer
curling to the skies, the letting oft' steam, the scream of the
steam-whistle, the puffing and blowing, the putting out and
liauling in plank, the shouting and hallooing of sailors, the
last tinkling of bells to warn strangers to depart, all added
to the melee.
It was almost agonizing to hear the mingled sighs and
sobs of those who were taking their last farewell — the sad
farewell of aching hearts, parting from those they loved,
leaving for the war, perhaps never to return !
Our own boys had gone, we could not .hear from them —
:uh1 we " knew what sickness of heart it was which arises
from hopes deferred."
We looked on in tearful silence, feeling a dull sense of
loneliness, watching the waving of handkerchiefs and listen-
ing to the " God-speed" of hundreds of voices as the vessel
departed from the wharf, straining our eyes to catch the
last glimpse until she was lost in the distance. War for a
while relaxed its rigid rights, and the amenities of humanity
We missed the baggage-wagon ; it was not needed. Some
of the officials made a most imposing show of military-
power — strutted their short hour, and were left iu the
20i BEAUTY AND 1500TV.
Some more excitable spirits than the rest hoorraed for the
Southern Confederacy, and were airesied,
A woman waved a small Federal Ihig. Some of the poor
heart-broken Confederate women, being exceedingly in-
censed, gave lier a good whipping, got arrested, and were
sent to the calaboose for the night, ami, thus ended the
TiiK "Emancipation Proclamation" of the President pro-
duced great excitement in the South. As a number have
never seen it, wt' will give it entire; it will be gratifying to
keep it as a souvenir. To some it will be very interesting.
The pen with which it was written and signed was encased
in a glass tube, which formed the centre of a beautiful can-
delabra, and sent to General Banks while he sojourned in
New Orleans.
It was displayed in the window of the store of Hyde &
Goodrich, and gazed upon by thousands of persons. It had
been used as a weapon of defence ! Here is the article :
Washington, Monday, September 22, 1SC3.
JBy the President of the United States of America:
I, AiiRAJiAM LiNX'OLK, President of the I'nited States of
America, and Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy
tlieieof, do hereby proclaim and declare, that hereafter, as
heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the object of
l)racticaliy restoring the constitutional relation between the"
United States and the people thereof in which States that
relation is, or may be, suspended or disturbed ; that it is my
purpose, at the next meeting of Congress, to again recom-
mend the adoption of a practical measure tendering pecuni-
ary aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all the Slave
States so-called, the people whereof may not then be in
rebellion against the United States, and which States may
then have voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily
adopt, the immediate or gradual abolishment of Slavery.
Avithin their resjiective limits; and that the eflbrts to colon-
ize persons of African descent with their consent, upon the
continent or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent
of the governments existing there, will be continued.
Tliat on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all j^ersons held
as slaves within any State, or any designated part of a
State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against
the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever,
free ; and the Executive Department of the United States,
including- the military and naval authority thereof, will re-
cognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will
do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them,
in any eflbrts they may make for their actual freedom.
That the Executive will, on the first day of January afore-
said, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of
States, if any, iu which the people thereof, respectively,
shall then be in rebellion against the United States ; and the
fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day
be in good faith represented iu the Congress of the United
States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a
majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have
])articipatcd, shall, in llic absence of strong countervailing
testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State
and the people thereof have not been in rebellion against
the United Stales.
'J'hat attention is hereby called to an act of Congress
entitled "An Ax:t to make an additional article of >var,''
approved March 13, 1SG3, and which act is in the words
and figures following:
Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled.
That hereafter the following shall be promulgated as an
additional article of war for the government of the army
of the United States, and shall be observed as such.
Anxici.E. — All otticers or persons in the military or naval
service of the United States are prohibited from employing
any of the forces under their respective commands for the
purj)ose of returning fugitives from service or labor is
claimed to be due, and any oilicer who shall be found guilty
by a court-martial of violating this article shall be dismissed
from the service.
Skction 2. — ^Ind be it fart her enacted, That this action
shall take eifect Irom and after its passage.
^Vlso to the ninth and lunth sections of an act entitled
'' An Act to sujtpress insurrection, to punish treason and
rebellion, to seize and confiscate property of rebels, and for
other purposes," ai)proved July 17, 180 J, and which section
is in the words and ligures ibllowing:
Skctiox 9. — And he it further enacted, That all slaves of
]>iisons who shall hereafter be engaged in rebellion against
the (iovernment of the United States, or who shall, in any
way, give aid or comfort thereto, escaiiing from such per-
sons and taking refuge within the lines of the army ; ami
all slaves cai)tured I'rom such ])ersons, or deserted by them
and coming under the control of the GovcrBment of the
United States, and all slaves of such persons found on (or
being within) any place occiq^ied by rebel forces and after-
wards occnpied by the forces of the United States, shall be-
deemed captures of war, and shall be forever free of their
^servitude and not again held as slaves.
Sectiox 10. — And be it farther enacted, That no slave
escaping into any State, Territory, or the District of Coliun-
bia, from any of the States, shall be delivered up, or in any
way impeded or hindered of his liberty, except for crime or
some offence against the laws, unless the j^erson claiming
said fugitive shall first make oath that the person to whom
the labor or service of such fugitive is alleged to be due is
his lawful owner, and has not been in arms against the
United States in the present rebellion, nor in any way given
aid and comfort thereto, and no person engaged in the
military or naval service of the United States shall, nnder
any pretence whatever, assume to decide on the validity of
the claim of any person to the service or labor of any other
person, or surrender np any such person to the claimant, on
pain of being dismissed from the service.
And I do hereby enjoin upon and order all persons en-
gaged in the military and naval service of the United States,
to observe, obey and enforce, within theii- respective spheres
of service, the act and sections above cited.
And the Executive Avill in due time recommend that all
citizens of the United States who shall have remained loyal
thereto throughout the rebellion, shall (upon tlie restoration
of the constitutional relation between the United States
and their respective States and people, if the relation shall
have been suspended or disturbed) be compensated for all
losses by acts of the United States, including the loss of
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-second day
of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
liuiiilred and sixty-two, and of lliu Independence of the
I'nited States the eighty-seventh.
By the President : ABRAHAM LINCOLN.
WiLLi\.\i n. Sewakd, Secretary of State.
A dispatcli dated Wasliington, October 3d, says :
The lliehmond Whig-, of Sei)teniber 30th, contains tlie
In tlie rebel Senate, on the 29tli of September, Mr,
Senimes, of Louisiana, submitted tho following joint reso-
lution :
UNSOLVED, by tho Congress of the Confederate States,
That the proclamation of Abrahai;a Lincoln, President of
the United Slates of America, issued at the City of Wash-
ington, in the year 1802, jiherein lie declares "that on the
lirst day of January, in the year of our Lord 18G3, all per-
sons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of
a State, Avhereof the i)eo]>le shall be in rebellion against the
United States, shall be henceforth and forever free/' is
leveled against the citizens of the Confederate States, and
as such is a gross violation of the usages of civilized warfare,
an outrage on the rights of private property, and an invita-
tion to an atrocious servile war, and therefore shouldhc held
v}> to the execration of inan/cl/ul, and counteracted by such
severe retaliatory measures as in the judgment of the I'res-
ident may be best calculated to secure its withdrawal or
arrest its execution.
We touch upon this subject with trembling hesitation, as
we do not care about expressing our ojjinion where there
are so many who may differ froni us. It was a matter of
astonislunent tliat the negroes, being so lately placed in a
nc'v position, should have behaved as well as they have done.
Many are lazy, and will not work ; but there are a number
who have ac-ted wonderfully well.
They have taken i)laccs and remained in them; some havo
takcu rooms, at quite high rents, and suj-yport themselves by
washino- and ironinc:,
A nmiiber have hired themselves upon plantations, either
for wages or a share of the erops.
Those who have acted badly, generally are those who have
been misguided by white men, who tamper with them for
the vilest purposes.
Jf left alone they are a good-natured, obliging, noisy set,
enjoying a laugh " most consumedly ?''
General Butler, we are told, set an exam})le of riyiJity
toward them which, no doubt, had a very conciliatory eftect.
One of the servants at General Twiggs's mansion wished
to go out, perhaps**' to visit."
Tlie General denied his request; wished him to remain
" at home."
As the " Commanding General" had other " orders" to
give, he was obhged to depart, and, calling an orderly to
him, told him that if the individual should leave the house,
he must restrain him.
As the story is told, the man attempted to jump the
fence and the orderly shot him ! He died.
General Butler did all he could do ; he had a great parade
and funeral. A long string of carriages, filled with friends
of the deceased, made quite a show.
The funeral cortege moved from the mansion of General
Twiggs, and all w^as done decently and in " order."
Our servants — they are reliable informers — came in with
the wonderful account ; it made quite a stir in the neighbor-
hood at the time, but the funeral was so evpensive that all
settled down, as the Quakers say, " into the quiet."
The only time the " colored individuals" were uproarious
was upon the Fourth of July — the first year of their " inde-
The weather being excessively warm, towards evening Vv'o
took our stroll on Canal Street, the boulevard of the city.
Largo crowds Avcrc assembling at the corners of the street
(general order, forbidding ])ersons to assemble, did not ap-
I'ly to Ethiopians) ; we were startled by terrific yells, hoo-
ralis, etc., long before we could see or divine the cause. At
length, Ave saw an innumerable quantity of negroes — there
could not have been less tlian five thousand — come around
the corner of Rampart Street, walking two and two in i)ro-
cession, whooping and yelling, men and women ; men waving
their hats, women pulling olf their turbans, Avaving them in
the air, shrieking and liallooing at the top of their voices —
looking like maniacs just escaped from their cells.
This collection of contrabands proceeded down Canal
Street to the Clay Statue (where white persons were forbid-
den to assemble, even with three in company), to hear the
" Union speech." " Who^Ujoin the Union., (/ho, Olio.''''
Stopping at Durant's corner, they gave liim three cheers^
It was a strange sight,
O/i dit, that the whole city was in their full po.ssession un-
til their celebration was over.
They dispersed quietly, and we heard no more noise or
Kvery one Avho remained in the city will I'emember the
large, good-looking negro, dressed to death, <^ la niilitairc,
and liis line horse, caparisoned ditto, Avho rode up and down
the streets quietly, slioioiny oJ^\ making the vulgar starc^
and enticing tlie negroes to go to the war.
He and his horse were in danger of melting in the hot
sinnmer sun, when the perspiration Avould roll off both of
However, his name was CaUhm. He went into actual
figld'uKj and Avas killed, Ave forget Avhere ; but liis remains
A\ ei-e brought to the city, and duly honored by thousands of
negroes, men, Avomen, and children, Avalking two and two,
beliind the hearse. Such a procession has never been seen ;
perfect order reigned, and sorrow was expressed in each
face. " Mr. Linkum's" portrait was carried among tlieni.
Reading over an old newspaper, we came across a very
pathetic history of a faithful old servant. As it pleased us,
perhaps it may please others, who may remember the good
old creature. It was during an epidemic in New Orleans —
a real scene. They were a hapjiy people when they had
good homes, and, we hope, they will still continue to have
them, althougli in a difierent manner, if they arc industrious
and saving.
The following is one instance ; the same was met with
every day :
" Having been informed that the female servant of my
neighbor, to whom tliey had entrusted their house during
their absence for the season, had been taken violently ill, we
hastened to her, knov/ing she was generally alone througli
the day. In what condition did wo find her : an object of
misery upon a bundle of rags in one corner of a room, desti-
tute of a friend to give her a warm bath or a dose of medi-
cine ; with an infant, hungry, dirty, and almost devoured by
musquitoes, as we had found an Irish woman the preceding
week ? iSTo, the rooms — for slie occupied two — were about
twelve feet square. The first seemed to be her reception-
room or parlor (the poor, bare parlor). Its furniture was
simple, but tastefully arranged and commodious. On the
table, covered with a cotton-damask cloth, were a set of
highly-colored fimcy cups and saucers, and a variety of glass
vessels and ornaments, among which we noticed a beautiful
Bohemian cologne bottle, given auntie for discovering
Jimmy's first tooth. In the centre was a Methodist hymn-
book and Bible. On the ceiling were suspended many cheap
jiicturcs and a large looking-glass, surrounded by a wreath
of gaudy artificial flowers. The floor was clean, and gave
evidence of a recent scrubbing with brick-dust. When ad-
mitted to the next room, we found the patient in bed, and
nscertaincd tliat her master, wlicn Icavinf,^ liad dirccteJ lier,
in case of siulden illness, to call in the doctor on the same
square, and if tlie disease proved dangerous, to call also the
old family physician from a distant part of the city. The
former had been called, liad provided medicine and a nurse,
:iiid the patient was as comfortable as one recently attacked
M ilh yellow fever could bo. Wlien inquired of for the im-
mediate cause of her sickness, she could give none, but re-
])lied :
" ' La, no, I never pays no 'tention to sieh things Misses
allers looks arter us anyhow, and when she's home it's sure
onpossible to get sick, but cuUer'd people never minds notliing
about nothing nohow, and dcy is bad off when misses is gone.
I believes de Lord tells Miss Agness what's in de future,
'cause all the time 'fore she leaves she tells me what to do if
I gets sick. An' she left all dat money for me if I's sick.
De Lord bless her heart and spare me to see her sweet face.
You knows, 3Ladani, my misses is mighty putty, and Mass
Jim is chock full of jokes.'
" When cautioned against talking, she began to sing :
' Tlicre is a ha])py land,
Far, fur away,
Where saints in glory stand,
Bright, bright as day.'
"When cautioned again, she said :
" ' Madam, Ts not afeard of dying. I know I's a poor sin-
ner, but Jesus is my Saviour. Cullered peojilcs go to Leaven
in his name.'
" We inquired :
" 'Are you willing to leave your children ?'
" ' r>less your heart, yes. Madam. Won't missus and all
de family care for them ? ])ut I wants to get well and see
missus, and bless his little lieart, baby Jimmy.'
" Nothing but a positive order could stop lier talking of
the iliniily. She requested me to take from her arnioir a
basket of clotliing for her children, who liad been sent to
her mother, who belonged to a gentleman in tlie neighbor-
hood, and who Avas to take care of them till their mother
Negroes are proverbially fond of dress ; they have an in-
nate perception of the beautiful ; gaudy colors seem to please
them most.
Some in New Orleans dress elegantly, particularly since
the ladies' wardrobes were sent to auction and sold to the
highest bidder.
The auctioneer's voice in Camp or Chartres Streets could
be heard during their sales, shouting out :
"Here is an elegant silk dress belonging to a rebel.
Who'll bid? who'll buy? will no one bid? six bits? eh,
six bits ? une piastre, une piastx'e," etc. ; and it was sold to
the highest bidder.
Another, liolding up a silk mantilla, would shout :
" Here is a man-tiller worn by a rebel when she went to
take the oath! ha! ha! Une piastre, eh ! une piastre, eh !
deux piastres ! — you shall have it." It was bought as a bar-
gain — costing from $25 to $30.
We are not astonished that Butler's brother made so
much money " buying confiscated property," although wo
" guess" he didn't care for skirts.
The negroes are now being educated, and they will no
doubt be a very intelligent race when they become acclimated
to good society.
We hope to see the good effects of the school mistresses'
Mrs. Stowe, in " Uncle Tom's Cabin," gives a glowing
dcscriiotion of a strong-minded woman from New England — ■
" Miss Ophelia" — undertaking to teach " Topsy," a Ken-
tucky darkey, a slave, her catechism. She was a young girl,
and had an uncommon verbal memory, and committed with
a fluency that greatly encouraged her instructress.
Miss Ojilielia hiisicHl Iiersclf" very earnestly on Sundny.s
teacliing her. ^Malicious persons laughed at her kind exer-
tions, but, nothing daunted, she continued them.
Tojisy, wlio liad stood hke a bhiek statue during a dis-
cussion about educating children, etc., Avith hands folded
decently, at a signal from Miss Ophelia, continued her
catechism :
"Our iirst parents, being left to the freedom of their own
■will, fell from the state Avherein they were created."
Topsy's eyes twinkled, and she looked incpiiringly.
" What is it, Topsy ?" said Miss Ophelia.
"]'lease, jNIissus, was dat ar state Kiutuck ?"
" What state, Topsy ?"
" Dat state dey fell out of; I used to hear mas'r tell how
we came down from Kintuck."
In very much this way Topsy's training proceeded for a
year or two — Miss Ophelia woirying herself from day to
day with lier, as a kind of chronic i)lague, to whose inflic-
tions she became in time as accustomed as persons sometimes
are to the neuralgia or sick headache.
This desci'i})tion shows they cfni be educated,
Xow they are a ireed ])eople, and Avhen they arc
thorovghl'j educated they will ])erceive the vulgarity of
dressing so overmuch, and the folly of putting all they can
obtain upon their backs. Their vulgar fussiness Avill givo
})lace to (juiet ccjuanimity.
"Room for the leper! room," and, as be came.
The cry j^assed on — " Room for the Jeper ! room."
TuERE is a moral leprosy wliich is for greater thau the
bodily taint, and more to be tlreadecl, as its efleets may
pervade a whole community.
V/ Walking down Prytania Street, our custom often on a
summer afternoon, we paused as we passed, the spacious
residence of our old friend, General Twiggs — it had changed,
both in appearance and in occupants.
Formerly, the good old general could be seen, either in
his parlor or on his door-step quietly reading or amusing
his friends and himself with his hearty humor and kindly
hospitality : it was a qidefAooYxw^ house.
Now, it looks distrait — it is the " Commanding General's"
headquarters ! We saw a file of orderlies, Avith bayonets,
extending from each side the steps to the street. "Room,"
there was suflicient for General Butler to pass from ihe door
to liis carriage ; two orderlies M'ere placed on the box with
the driver ; one was back of the ponderous vehicle, and one
inside for co'inpany. You can imagine the picture, as it
drove down Prytania Street. You could scarcely see the
orderlies, but the bayonets were (iis2>layed far above their
heads and glistened in the sun.
The fact was, the " Commanding General" was fearful
that his " grade of authority" would not be recognized, and
afraid, also, that if the ca7mille would once get him into
their hands he would be "hung as high as Ilaman."
If kind old General Twiags could have crtered his
tloinicilc, cinbcllishctl Avitli tho p;ains of (.•xtorlion and op-
pression, lie would have thought that he had entered the
wrong box.
"When the carriage wilh its precious freight landed at the
Custom-IIouse, the same manoeuvres were gone through —
orderlies with arms ranged on each side from the street to
the steps, and " room" left for Butler to pass through with
all due worldly " pomp and circumstance."
lie was beleaguered with bayonets — they alone protected
him until he arrived in his sanctum.
The tlrst care he then had Avas to arrange his pistols upon
his table, Avithiu reach ; this intimidated the ladies, or any
other persons who might wish to sec him upon business.
No one was allowed to advance within eight feet of him —
fearful of a rencontre — unless it miglit be General Tti;i<j(js''s
■ncip'o^ " Will 1(17)},'" who waited upon Butler !
On the M'all of this ollicc was printed the witty, vulgar
reniark :
" There is no dilTei'euco between a lie and a she adder in their venom."
It was from this dan of iniijuily that his " orders" were
issued. Here it was that he wrung tears of anguish from
many a broken heart ; many a heart he has broken, and yet
the sufferers have still lived on!
Here it was that he imposed hardshiiis upon those who
Mei'e least able to endure them I
And here it was that his horrid voice rang in the ears of
his aguni/cd \ictinis!
"the pass."
" The watch-word of persecution."
Another " OrdcM-," No. 80, was produced, to irritate aud
Lumiliate still further :
General Order No. 80.
Headquarters Departjient op the Gulf,
New Orleans, October 4, 1862.
No boat, of any description wliatever, -will hereafter be
permitted to carry stores of any kind up th.e Mississippi
river, beyond Camp Parapet, without special permission
from these headquarters; and from tliis office alone will
l)asses be granted to persons going- outward in tliat direc-
By command of Major-GexePvAL Butler.
Geo. C. Strong, A. A. General.
Formerly the negroes were given passes by their masters
to enable them to walk the streets at night without moles-
tation, after the nine o'clock bell had tolled them the time
Ibr retiring.
Since Butler's rule, the darkies can move round at all
hours, " always admissible."
Then, no white individual could leave the city without a
We were not allowed to visit the sick without " a pass !"
Persons wishing to obtain one would be sent from one
official to another, go to the office where passes were
manufactured, wait for an hour, and sometimes two or
three, llien liave to return in the eveiiiiij^ or pcrlinj^s llio
next moniinti^ ; tlien the oilicial iniglit not be in his olhce,
"was out \:ile hi.vt night," liad not come down luwn yet
(nearly all lived in the 8i)acious mansions taken as a ''military
necessity"), or some such trivial excuse ; luitil, wearied with
importunity, we almost wished they were where they came
from, that is, Yankee land.
Nothing could be sent beyond the Union lines without
"the ]iass," and then every box, bundle, trunk, or icoman,
was searched by a band of detectives, who were generally
either the men or the women, "no better than tliey ouglit
to be." Who could live in such an atmosphere, and j)reserve
their purity of heart?
The clanking of their sabres and spurs upon the banquettes,
as they stiutted by our dwellings, made every nerve (piiver,
and made us gnash our teeth. The reader must excuse so
many digressions, but it is almost impossible to have endured
so many agonizing insults, and be aide to write the record,
without feeling excited upon the subject.
Wishing to liave a sick I'riend visit us, who was in the >
St. Louis Hospital (the hotel taken for that puri)ose), wo
■were obliged to go in pro}>vlu pcvsoiia\ to ask for " a i)ass"
to visit the Hospital.
From lieadquarters, wo were sent to Dr. Alexander, the
medical director, who, witli much suavitnr m viodo, says if
Dr. Bacon (who lived about two' miles from him) says so,
" lie may go."
Hastening to Dr. ]5acon, a man with tliin lips, jiale face,
and determined expiession, he would say in a very sanc-
timonious manner, and smacking his lijis, if Mr. Bell says so,
"lie may go."
We go to ^Ir. IJell, who was talking and laughing as
thoufh the dead and dying were not around him, and maku
our request, and are answered, if lie will take "the Oath"
(he was a paroled i>risoner), "he may go.''
There appearing to be no other alternative, after trying
every other expedient, as the person was too sick to go to
lieailquarters to take the "monster oath," if he would, and
the Federals would not send any one to administer " the
Oath _;" tired out with their foolery, for we could give no
more approjiriate name, after spending all the morning,
riding from one official to another; receiving notes from Dr.
Ijaeon (some of which we now have as mementoes), that
" lie thinks" such a person can go out " this afternoon," but
" that afternoon" never came, we were obliged to relinquish
all idea of relieving the sick, poor disapjiointed men, and
leave them there to die! An army almost died in the
They obtained "• passes," to a better country, where, per-
liaps, some of their tormentors would be pleased to join
them at some future day.
This was the exi)erience of almost every one who asked
for " a pass ;" the delight which the officials took in torment-
ing their poor victims was demoniacal. Neither food,
clothing nor medicine were allowed to be sent to our
suffi^ring friends, although those who had the means in the
city could inirchase almost every thing that was needed.
Money could generally buy "a pass" for any thing, and a
lady friend assured us that she had "a pass" at once given
to her, upon her presenting five gallons of whiskey. .
It was wonderful the detectives did not seai'ch the ladies
M'lien going to the hospitals ; they might have found immense
pockets, filled with all sorts of necessaries under their silk
cloaks ; small bottles of brandy, tobacco, eatables, combs,
soaps, etc., too numerous to mention ; then, too, the infant
waists of their dresses Avould be so filled with papers ot
tobacco for the poor soldiers, that the ladies would look
much more robust when entering than when leaving.
One day we were annoyed by one of the bottles break-
ing, by knocking against the iron bedsteads while in the
Federal \v;irtl ; tlio scenl was <|uitc ref'rcsliiiig, so no notice
aiijiaic'iilly was taken of it. The pockets were sometimes
so heavy that we couhl scarcely cnn-y them, but every one
we asked would contribute something for the Confederates,
and we liad the pleasure of giving to them.
The detectives were as notorious as some of tlio oflicials,
for instance, a fellow named " Xay," whom Butler had sent
out from Washington as a forerunner, as a Hrst-rate, cunning,
sly somebody to assist him, was caught stealing $70,000
worth of goods, and " confiscating" or appropriating them
for his own use. A gentleman had the goods stored away.
Every thing which pleased him he contrived to lay lujld of
and apj)ropriate. He was at length caught, and report says
sent to the North.
A lady, with an inflmt almost rolled up in the finest lace,
called to see us ; we liad to take a second look ; who was it !
but our old washerwoman and paint-scrubber! only two
years had passed. We asked her " how her circumstances
liad l>ecome so changed for the better?" She told ns that,
lier liusband (before he died) Avas "a Union man,'' and. r
when .the Yankees came in, that lie informed them where
the Confederates had j)ut away certain valuable articles, and
they gave him half the ]>roceeds of all!
We have never seen her since. ,
" Passes" were given kindly enough, and very quickly,
when i>ersons would reliiKiuisli their houses, furniture, silver,
and all their valuables, and go where they would not be
heard from, so long as General Uutler had his head(]uarters
in the city.
Many sj)ent their all, and gave up all, to get rid o^ the
tyrant's j)ower.
The following freak of fancy we cut from one of the
Northern ])a})ers (the New York AVorld). He will get "a
pass" some day :
During the month of June, Mrs. SlocQmb, a wealthy lady
of Xew Oilcans, applied to General Butler for a pass for
heisclf and family to go to her country residence, but stated
frankly that neither she nor her family could take the oath
of allegiance. The General resjoonded that inasmuch as they
Avere true ladies, though enemies to the country, he would
grant their request if they would permit him to occupy their
liouso in town as his residence. To this Mrs. Slocomb and
her daughter, Mrs. Urquhart, demurred. Subsequently,
however, the following correspondence passed between
General Butler and the ladies :
New Orleaus, June 23, 18G2.
Mesdames : I have the pleasure to inform you that my
necessities, which caused the request for permission to use
your house during your absence this summer, have been
I'elieved. I have taken the house of General Twiggs, late
of the United States army, for quarters. Inclined never on
slight causes to use the power entrusted to me to grieve
even sentiments only entitled to respect, from the courage
and ladylike propriety of manner in which they were
avowed, it is gratifying to be enabled to yield to the appeal
you made for lavor and protection by the United States.
Youi-s shall be the solitary exception to the general rule
adoi)ted, that they who ask protection must take upon
tliemselves corresponding obligations, or do an equal fivor
to the government. I have an aged mother at home who,
like you, might request the inviolability of hearthstone and
roof-tree from the presence of a stranger. For her sake
vou shall have the pass you ask, which is sent herewith. As
I did myself the honor to say personally, you may leave the
city with no fear that your house will be interfered with by
any exercise of military right, but will bo safe under the
l.iws of tli(^ United States. Trusting- tliat the inexorable
logic of events will convict you of wrong toward your
country, when all else has failed,
I remain your obedient servant,
Bexj. F. Buti.kk, JMajor-General.
Mt'sdanu'S SloComd and Ukquiiart.
'i'o this letter Mrs. Sloeonib returned the following
reply :
General Butler: Permit me to return my sincere thanks
for the special permit to leave, which you have so kindly
granted to myself and family, as also for the protection
jiromised to my property. Knowing that W'e have no claim
lor any exception in our favor, this generous act calls loudly
upon our grateful hearts, and hereafter, while jiraying
'earnestly for the cause we love so much, we shall never
forget the liberality with which our re(^uest has been
g'ranted by one whose power here reminds us painfully that
oiu- enemies are more magnanimous than our citizens are
l)rave. Most respectfully, yours,
C. A. Slocomb.
Now Orleans, Juuc 23.
" Home — sweet, sweet home."
Persons not living in New Orleans are not aware what
]>('rfect delight " the old inhabitants" took in meeting in the
evening and having a friendly confab together. The even-
ings are so delightful, after the intense heat of the day, that
it invigorates to breathe the sea breeze when it sets in, which
is about eight o'clock p. m,, and the moon shines liere in its
greatest splendor. Who that has visited this city in the
summer, some ten years since, can forget the families seated
on their front banquettes until quite late in the night, as
though it were their common saloon, and the kindly feeling
that each had for their neighbors ; it was like a country vil-
lage. The Creole population gave the tone to society, and
all moved on joyously and harmoniously. A stranger com-
ing in their midst was received with open arms, and was as
much at home as if reared in their midst ; eveiy attention
paid to their wants and their luggage taken care of — not by
a lidgetty, dapper little woman, but by the servants who had
been brought up with the family, and who had learned kind-
ness and politeness by having seen it constantly practiced
around them. There was no " counting of spoons" in tlioso
days when visitors departed.
General Butler put an end to all " confobs ;" his General
Order of July 11, forbidding persons to assemble in the
streets, as it was dangerous, etc., compelled all to disperse.
On several occasions he had some of the most respectable
citizens arrested and sent to the calaboose.
These are extracts taken from the papers at that time :
A number of prominent and liighly-respectable gentlemen
of this city M-ere last night airested at the corner of St.
Cliarles and Canal Streets, for being in an unlawful assem-
blage — that is, according to an oHicial decree this morning
promulgated — for being engaged in conversation in an as-
semblage consisting of over three persons. They were taken
before Judge Bell, but the result of the interview there has
not trans])ired at this present writing.
P. S. — Since writing the above, the gentlemen whoso ar-
rest is mentioned above have had their case disposed of by
Judge Bell. Those of them who showed a disinclination to
disperse when ordered to clear out by the police were fined
twenty dollars each, and one of them, who drew a sword-
cane on the officers, had to |)ay one hundred dollars. The
defence set up was that no military order had, at the time of
their arrest, been published, making the meeting of three or
more citi/x'ns an unlawful assemblage, and that the parties
merely demanded of the police the authority under which
thoy were acting.
From police regulations instituted last night, it appears
that more than two persons talking together, if anywhere
on Canal Street, near the Clay statue, is considered an un-
lawful assemblage. As this new order had not been previ-
ously promulgated, it was scarcely credited. The consc-
(jiii'iice was, a number of respectable citizens were arrested
and locked up in the calaboose. "We make the statement
th;it it may be a warning to others.
Theii- names are Henry Florance, II. W. lieynoldsand
JMoUen Jenkins. ^Ir. Florance is a well-known citizen, and
lias a brother residing in Pliiladeli>hia, who owns a large
amount of property in this city, valued at something like
half a million of dollars.
PRGvosT-MAnsnAL's Office,
New Orleans, La., July 11, 18G3.
The assembling together in the streets and public squares
of citizens in groups and crowds has become dangerous to
the public peace. The police of the city liave therefore been
ordered to disperse all assemblages of more than three per-
sons, and to ari-est and confine all those who refuse imme-
diate compliance with their directions.
General Order No. 82 was the " Order" under which all
the rogues sheltered themselves when they cheated owners
of pro])erty out of their rents.
It was impossible to get them to remove out of their
liouses, and they would p.iy no rent ; generally, they were
of the lower order of people, and were upheld in their im-
Gener-VL Orders No. 83.
Headquarters DEPARTirENT op the Gulf,
New Orleans, October 17, 1863.
All i^ersons holding powers-of-attorney or letters of au-
thorization from, or who are merely acting for, or tenants
of, or intrusted with any moneys, goods, wares, property or
merchandise, real, personal or mixed, of any person now in
the service of the so-called Confederate States, or any per-
son not known by such agent, tenant or trustee to be a
loyal citizen of the United States, or a bona fide neutral
subject of a foreign government, will retain in their own
hands, until further orders, all such moneys, goods, wares,
merchandise, and property, and make an accurate return of
this same to David C. G. Field, Esq., the Financial Clerk of
this Department, upon oath, on or before the first day of
November next. Every such agent, tenant or trustee failing
to make true rclurn, or wlio shall pay over or deliver any sucli
moneys, goods, -wares, merchandise and property to or for
tlie use, directly or indirectly, of any person not known by
liim to bo a loyal citizen of the United States, without an
order from these headquarters, will be held personally re-
sponsible for the amount so ncrrlectcd to be returned, paid
over or delivered. All rents due or to become due by ten-
ants of ])roperty belonging to persons not known to be loyal
citizens of the United States, will be paid as they become
due, to D. C..G. Field, Esq., Financial Clerk of the Depart-
ment. By command of
Major General Butler.
(Jeouge C. Strong, A. A. U., Chief of Staif.
" A joko has often lost a friend,
But never gained one."
The wisest men like a little foolishness now and then ; and
.as we liave enjoyed so many inarijcnt jokes from " head-
quarters," we should be allowed to indulge in the same man-
ner in return.
It is only a little harmless one, which we have heard, but
it is quite amusing. AVe will tell it as it was told to us.
In the iirst place, some mention must be made of the aj)-
])earanee of the " General Commanding.''
lie was just such a specimen of humanity as would gladden
a physiognomist. He w.as decidedly enhonpoint^ as you
will perceive by his portrait in the frontispiece. His liead
w ;is the greatest circumstance of the institution. When
viewed from the l*rytania Street cars, " when retired his
male friends among" (wo could not apju-oach nearer with-
out danger), he looked like a ripe pumpkin, for his hair posi-
tively refused to grow on the toj) of his head, "where the
hair ought to grow," but rolled in masses au dcrr'wc.
Hut to the joke: An orderly handed in a beautifully em-
liossed note of invitation — frum a])i)earancc, to a ball, oi
some otlier recJierc-Jie afiair. Tlie old General's eyes bright-
ened with evident satisflxction. Rising, pulling down his vest
and kicking out his feet to make his pants reach the floor —
casting a glance at his figure and drawing himself up with
complacency, he folded the note. It was an invitation to a ball,
for his wife and himself! and he remarked to one of his of-
ficials, " Well, I am really glad that we are beginning to be
appreciated ; they have l)een a long time finding out our
merits — but I knew it would be so in time."
Rolling across the saloon — the rooms are generally largo
at the St. Charles — he handed Colonel very pompously
the note.
The Colonel, more au fait in those matters, read the note
and smiled.
The General asked the reason, and was told quietly that
" such things were better to be as little seen or heard of as
The General swore vengeance. " Till Phillips," who w^as
a former school-mate of Mrs. Butler's, was to have au enter-
tainment, and had dared to send an invitation to them !
No doubt he said " it was infamous," and was not sent to
Fort Jackson neither.
We really pitied the man, but the joke was too good to
be lost.
He would have cut a sorry figure in a ball room.
This cliaptcr is to tliose wliom it may conceri),
Uncler the lieading of " Burial of General Coffee : a solemn
scene,'' the Charleston Courier puhlislies the following amus-
ing letter from its correspondent in camp:
Camp of Rkgiment of Rifles,
January 17, 1803.
i\rKssRs. Editoks: "War does not consist entirely of hor-
rors, and the liard life of a soldier has its occasional gleam,
of sunshine. A few afternoons ago the colonel of the regi-
ment announced on dress parade that hereafter the coffee
rations would cease. During the following evening a pro-
cession was formed in the quarters of the Palmetto Iliilemen,
Mhich began its march through the camp, preceded by four
or live in suitable robes. As it wound its way through the
streets of the camp, the men fell in and soon swelled its
numbers. In the procession was displayed a huge tran-
sparency ; on the one side appeared a large coffee-pot nmning
away on two im]»romptu logs, the body of which was pierced
by an arrow. IjcIow it was the legend: "No more grounds
for complaint." On the reverse side, the picture of a coffee-
mill with its iiandle broken, and below it appeared a scroll
with the words, "The last grind." ]>ehind the transi)arcncy
was borne an old coffee-pot which liad evidently seen scr-
A ice. When the last tent was passed, the ])roccssion halted
by the side of a newly-opened grave, and with serious
The Kev. ^Ir. SmansUlamerhciseu then delivered the fol-
lowing address in the German language. His remarks
brought forth many a heart-broken sigh, and at the close of
the ceremony there was not a dry eye that could be seen
upon the ground :
Dearly Beloved Brethrex and Brother Soldiers : The
soldier's life, more so than any other, subjects one to trouble
and inconvenience ; heal, cold, thirst, hunger and hardship
of every kind, are incidental to his occupation and prol'es-
sion. Each of you, my comrades, know by experience the
value of a true friend. Under such trying circumstances,
such a friend has been taken from our midst, and journeys
upon that road from whence no traveller returns.
I ask which one of you, my friends and brother soldiers,
did not love and cherish our departed friend — Cofll'e, full
of strength ? lie joined us in this cam])aign. Although of
a black and swarthy complexion ; his temper though easily
excited, and at times he would boil upon slight provocation,
yet as soon as the grounds of turmoil settled, he would
again become tranquil, and would readily yield to the sweet
iniluence of his admirers, with the milk of human kindness.
The grief for his loss gives us great cause to lament and
mourn. For some time past we have noticed unmistakable
symptoms of his failing strength, and day after day we saw
and felt that he was growing weaker, gradually becoming
more pale, and soon did lose his healthy color.
Those who enjoyed his society daily, and who had often
been inspired by his exhilarating sjjirits, could scarcely
recognize him ; their once warm-hearted, strong-minded and
hearty friend, Coffee, they could scarcely distinguish from
that enemy of the madman's — Old Joe Rum.
At times though weak and pale, he was not deserted by
his friends ; they remembered the good he had done, and
with the hope that he would rally aiul recover liis strength.
]jiit, alas! our hopes were blasted, for in the mighty council
of the Confederate States his death-warrant was signed.
Our friend has departed — we trust not forever. As faithful
believers in the resurrection, we feel our friend will revive
again on that glorious day when our ports shall again be
ojiened to the world. And this should induce us to hasten
that much-desired end.
Let us now perform the last honor to our departed friend.
The cold soil now covers his earthly remains ; let us never
forget him, even though promised another to fill his place —
one of sweet disposition, known to us by the euphonious
name of Molasses — still unable to fill the void occasioned by
the death of our old and true friend Rio ! Our hearts
naturally sad by the present occasion, are made much more
so, when looking around we see who the disease has attacked.
Aye, that the hand of death itself is about to snatch away,
another old and equally valued friend.
Therefore, apon the grave of our departed one, let us
clasp to our bosoms our only remaining and sjnritual friend,
"IJourbon Rye.'' In conclusion, we will sing the following
Ob ! come my friends and comrades brave,
Come stand around poor Coffee's grave !
Witb humble thought and quiet tread.
To place in cold and lonely bed.
Our \)(X)T friend Coffee, who is dead.
The loss is great, oh I let us sigh,
For whiskey now is very high ;
It is, indeed, my honest dread,
Tiiat all mir drinks have forever flod,
For poor friend Coffee now is dead.
\N'e beg the " officers" please to try
If nothing stronger, give us l!ye ;
For one and all, our wives have said,
That they would break you, like a thread.
If any one of us should be dead.
And now, kind friends, we'll bid adieu
To Coffee, Eye and Whiskey, too ;
And if our Government nought but molasses can give.
We promise, like Marion, upon potatoes to live.
His education, who has nevei" seen a Louisiana swamp, is
vastly incomplete. He lias lived liis life with no adequate
conception of what Webster means when he defines desola-
tion, gloominess, sadness, destitution. Desolation means a
Louisiana swamp. For further information " inquire Avithin."
Familiar as I have been, in former times, with these vast
swamps, during hunting and fishing excursions, I extended
my acquaintance yesterday. I went further into the swamp
than I ever did before. I went in up to niy neck. IIow
far my horse Aveut in I cannot say. The last I saw of him
he was still going in.
We publish the following letter from a young " Crescent,"
in camp, to liis father in this city, wutli the greatest pleasure,
from the conviction we liave that it will be read with the
deepest interest by^all into whose hands this sheet may fall.
We consider it a model letter in every respect ; but Avhen
we add that the writer lacked a week of being seventeen
years of age at the time when, in answer to the call of our
gallant Beauregard, he left with tlie Crescent regiment for
the field of battle, we think the feeling with which it will be
perused will be one of genuine and universal admiration :
Camp near Corinth, April 11, 1862.
My Dear Fatuek : You have heard of the battle that
has been fought near the Tennessee river. The enemy
foiiirlit well iinJ contested tlieir uroiiiid willi brnvevy, and
fell baek incli by inch. Last Tliursday our regiment had
been ordered to work on the fortifications, but had scarcely
icaclied tliem -when notice was received to return to camp
and pre}iarc five days' rations. During tlie afternoon all
the troops were in motion and on their march to ]\[onterey,
a small town about the distance of eleven miles iVom the
camps. After a long and ihtiguing march M-e arrived late
at niglit where we were to bivouac, and, with nothing but
my blanket over me, I slept out in the open air.
Early next morning we were again in motion, and finally
reached ]\[onterey, where we remained for some liours.
While resting here General Johnston's address was read to
the troops, telling lis of an expected encounter wilh the
enemy, and hoping every man wonld act his ]iart well. Wc
were exhausted that night by the marching we had to
do, and obtained but little rest during the night, for the
rain streamed down upon us, and we had no covering but
our blankets and oil-cloths. AVe did not march such a
distance the next day, and we Pi)ent a tolerably comfortable
kSunday, April G, I shall never forget, nor the fearful
scenes I witnessed then. "We were for a long time held as
a reserve, and I could hear the battle going on, and even the
cheers of the men when they charged. JWe were, of course,
much excited at first by the reports of artillery and musketry,
but towards noon liad become pretty Avell accustomed to
tlic! sound. About one or two o'clock some one came for
us to march, and said that the day might depend upon us.
We were immediately in our places, and started at.a double-
<iuick for the battle-field. We soon arrived at the first of
the enemy's camps, Avhere we obtained }ileiity of pi'ovisions.
]t seems that the Federals must have been surprised, for the
camj) was filled with ])rovisions, clothing, cooking utensils,
in iacl, everything that was wanted. On a lire, I noticed a
jian filled, I suppose, witli a portion of some poor fellow's
Here we fii-st began to realize the horrors of the clay.
The dead and terribly mutilated bodies of our foes were all
around us. The sight was revolting, and it is painful to my
memory to recall it. We went on, passing Beauregard, who
directed us to the enemy, and finally were on the field.
The shells burst over our heads. Just upon entering on the
field, a shell struck one of our drummers, carrying his head
from ofl" his shoulders. We were very near a small house,
from within and behind which volleys of balls were fired on
us. We charged upon the house, and fired a number
of times from it; we were unable, however, to maintain
our position there, and fell back to our original station
in the woods. In coming up to the house, we were
greatly exposed, and lost some of our men. The enemy
Ave charged Avere not only far su})erior to us in force, but
possessed artillery, which they managed with sad eficct
upon us.
Shortly after, we altered our position to an adjacent hill,
where we met General Polk, who, cheering for Louisiann,
placed himself at our head, and led us forward. It was here
that we flanked the enemy, and forced General Prentiss and
about two thousand men to surrender to Colonel M. J, Smith.
After the prisoners were talten charge of, we entered another
camp of the Federals. The manner in which the enemy
Avcre equipped is remarkable ; large, commodious tents, the
greatest abundance of clothing, and provisions of every
kind ; indeed, they seemed to w^ant nothing.
It was now growing late, .and the enemy were retreating.
It was now that we were subjected to a fearful shelling from
the gunboats. It was dreadful. There we were extended
flat u])on the earth, and the shells bursting all over and
around us. We were finally told to retire, in an orderly
manner, beyond the range of the boats. It was night now^
WO lialted for a monient, am], tired and saddened, I leaned
ui)on my musket, and thanked God for my preservation.
Oil ! my father, the thought of what I experienced that
day makes me sad, and I almost shudder at the recollection.
With what sincerity and gratitude did I thank my Creator,
on the evening of that fearful day, that His arm had been
over me, and that lie had sheltered me, and saved me to
you still. That night I spent in the enemy's camp in a
large Sibley tent, and slept very comfortably upon a pile of
Federal blankets.
Next morning we were marching oft" to be relieved, when
General Hardee sent for us, and we had to expect another day
of fighting. On ^[onday, we were in the very beginning of
tlie light; the battle began early in the morning, and the
field was bravely contested. Several times our lines gave
way, but we rallied, and drove the Federals before us.
Our regiment suftered badly. Monday presented but a
repetition of the sickening scenes of the day previous. The
battle continued all day, and towards evening the firing
ceased. About dark, we started on our return to Corinth ;
it began to rain very hard, and we stopped for the night in
some deserted camp. V 1, C n and I first secured
a place in a covered wagon, but one of the men inside
grumbled so at our crowding in, that we left, and ran
about in the rain, trying to find shelter; we at last found
a tent, Avhcre we slept, and in the morning found ourselves
in a i)0()l of water, and our clothes pretty well wet through.
AH that day we continued our march to Corinth, and, after
walkiiig fuurtcen or filleen miles, I arrived at caini> about
4 or 5 r. M., completely broken down. ]\Iy feet were very
sore, and my body pained me considerably ; but two days
of repose has restored me, and I am now pretty "well re-
covered from the effects of the march.
I passed through both battles, by God's providence, with-
out a scratch. I cannot help contrasting last Sunday with
the one -wbich preceded it — one spent quietly in Mobile, and
the other passed in all the confusion and slaughter of a
Day before yesterday I received your letter, which Capt.
Wood was kind enough to bring on to me. I regret that I
happened to be absent from camp when the captain arrived,
so that I missed seeing him ; I sliould have been very much
pleased indeed to have met him, and heard from you. You
can imagine how delighted I was to receive a letter fiom
liome, and with what eagerness I opened it. I was pleased
to find that you were under the impression that the Crescent
regiment was held as a reserve, for it must have altogether
relieved your anxiety for me.
I am disappointed in not having received my box — I have
heard nothing of it. I regret this the more, because it
contains letters from dear ma and brother Willie, and my
Bible, which I would not willingly lose, for it was given to
me when I left home for Mr. Green's. I hope, however, in
time to receive it, and I will relish the contents more,
perhaps, from being temporarily deprived of it. Please
send me two pairs of socks and an oil-cloth. I lost my oil-
cloth before going into battle ; it was impossible to double-
quick with an unnecessary weight upon my back. Kiss
them all at home a thousand times for me — love to all the
members of the family — regards to J. C n. Remember
me to the servants. Again, love and a thousand kisses
home. How dear you all are to me! Indeed, you seem
still dearer, if that were possible, in these sad times. L.
V 1 sends his regards to the family.
Your affectionate son, 11. R.
The following letter, directed to 112 Customhouse Street,
was intercepted. It gives interesting news relative to Beau-
regard's army :
IIeadquarteks Army of the Mis:?isPirri,
Dear Siiephekd : Tliank God tliis army lias got out of
Corinth, wliere ^ve vere all sick ; and it" llie Yanks Avill
only stay there, but few Avill ever get away. They were
loo strong for us; and our generals all believed that a suc-
cessful evacuation (which has been elfected) would be e(iual
to their defeat. "Whether so or not, I am convinced Ave
have done that which was best. The ultimate defeat of our
foes now depends upon two things — food, i. c, the mainte-
nance of this army, and the burning of all our cotton. I
regard the latter as indispensable.
I have not received one word from you. Have you no
opportunities to write a line? I have written to you twice,
as also to my agents, and have told you both to see that my
Confederate funds were sent to me. Wlierever the army
may move, remember that I am always to be found at head-
(juarters of Gen. liragg.
Saw O. L. II. this morning. So many sick here that only
thirty are on duty. All of those you care for are well —
Kenner remarkably so; as also Foster. Tell jMiss Eliso
about the last — as also that Willie Fieret and JVrajor Smith
are in line condition: — and all three of us quarrel over lu r
every time we meet. How the d — 1 either is to get her I
can't tell, as we can't get to hei', nor she to us, if she would.
If possible, do let me hear from you. You cannot con-
ceive my desire to hear of all my friends. As to public
news of New Orleans, you can get it quite often. "We had the
infamous proclamation of that low-llung villain, Butler, about
the ladies "so called,''^ a. few days after it was published.
AVe will hang the skunk yet!
I have enjoyed camp life so much that I intend to see
things t/ivouf/h ^' and as to our ultimate success, I feel just
as conlident this day as I ever did. At any rate, I have no
desire to live, seeing our degradation, and altempling to
protect my child, Avitliout the power to guard myself.
Every day I thank God I am no longer in New Orleans —
still free, and can still d — n and shoot a Yankee.
Look after my interests all you can, my friend. Do for
me what is in your power, and what I should surely do for
you. Tell Dr. Stone you have heard from me. My love to
Madden and Miss Elise, and kiss II. D. for me. It almost
breaks my heart when I think of my poor little girl, whom
I have heard from once in a month. I don't know when I
shall see her again, nor how soon the infernal cusses may
get where she is.
Don't fail to have sent to me my Confederate bonds, and
five hundred dollars in Confederate notes. I am six miles
from Baldwin, Avhich is on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad,
and about forty miles north of Okolona.
Your friend, as ever —
You know who, but it is not necessary old
Butler should, under any circumstances.
The correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, writing on
the 19th ult. from the camp of General Ilalleck, on the Ten-
nessee river, records the results of an interview between Col-
onel Jacob Thompson, as the bearer of a flag of truce froni
General Beauregard, and General Ilalleck. We make some
extracts :
" The colonel had been sent iu by General Beauregard to
turn over to General Ilalleck some sixty-two j^risoners, re-
cently surprised and captured near Fort lleiman, Tennessee
(and released under parole not to bear arms against the
Confederacy till regularly exchanged), and to see what Gen-
eral Halleck would agree to in the way of a general system
of exchanges. He Avas escorted by Beauregard's body-
guard, a fine body of cavalry from New Orleans, under the
command of Captain Drenx.
* * * -i: * *
"They had, of course, been stopped beyond our outer jiiek-
els, and an hour or more of pleasant talk filled up the inter-
val, while Jieaurcgard's letter to Ilalleck, and Thompson's
)e(pu'st for a personal interview were taken back to hcad-
•piarters, and answers awaited. Iloth the colonel and Ca[
tain Drcux (who accompanied him) made themselves as
agreeable as possible, and there was a sort of tacit under-
standing, by which both sides avoided unpleasant subjects.
The grounds of comi)laint the South had against the North
were alluded to for a moment, but with Colonel Thompson's
' well, well, we can't sec it in the same light,' the matter was
"They were profuse in their exj)ressions of regret that the
war should have broken out at all, and particularly IVitter
against the yVbolitionists.
" ' We don't like to fight you Northern men,' said Colonel
Tiiompson ; ' it grieves us to think of having to meet men we
like as we do you, in battle ; we want to fight your abolition-
ists. 1 know,' lie contiiuied, ' you have very few of them here ;
but if you could collect a regiment of them, I'd like to pick
out a regiment of our fire-eaters, and have them brought out
face to iace in an open field. I'd be willing to abide by the
results, go which way it would. But we don't like to have
to light you.'
" ' I du regret one thing,' he said again, addressing him-
self to the ofiicer commanding the pickets of the Seventeenth
Ohio, Colonel Council, whom he had known as an Old Line
]^emocrat; ' and that is, that the old Democratic party is per-
mitting itself to be used by the abolitionists, and is now ab-
solutely under their control.'
" Colonel Council disputed the proposition.
" ' You'll see how it will be when the war is over,' said
Colonel Thompson, ' Even now you can see how Congress
is drifting, and the current is sure to set stronger and
stronger in the same direction.'
" ' But you might have checked the current if your mem-
bers had stayed in Congress,' suggested a hy-stander.
" ' Oh, no ! we might, perhaps, have pushed ofl" the evil
day a little further, but that was all. Abolitionism is going
to sweep every thing before it, just as we foresaw it would.
It was just as well to meet the matter now as any time, but
we did not expect you Northern Democrats to help swell
the abolition power.'
" ' One of the saddest of all the sad things in this war,'
said the colonel again, ' is in cases like this : Lieutenant
is in our army. He has two brothers with you. One
of them, some months ago, was severely Avounded at Mill
Spring, where he fought, too, and he has never yet been able
to learn whether he died or not. Can any of you tell me ?'
Unfortunately none of us knew, and so the family suspense
remains unbroken, notwithstanding the colonel's kindly
* * -s * * *
" It was pretty hard to lose New Orleans, they said ; and
Ben. Butler's establishing his headquarters at the St. Charles
Hotel was the bitterest pill yet, but still, all this would only
give them the energy of desperation. They must fight, be-
cause they couldn't afford to fail.
" 'And, gentlemen,' solemnly repeated the martial-looking
cavalry captain, 'you may win some victories over us, but
you can never subdue us.'
" The secession prisoners at Columbus were inquired after,
and the story of their kind treatment was received with
great gratification. Colonel Thompson had some relatives
among them, and ' could we arrange it so that he could send
tlicm a message, or, if possible, a few lines in writing.' True
to ncwspaj)er habits, I had writing materials with me, and
tlie colonp' at once nvuiled Iiiinsclf of the ofler, niul sat ilowii
on a lo'^ to write a letter, lie insisted on reading it over to
Colonel (Jonnell, to assure him tliat there was nothing im-
proper in what he had written, and expressed great delight at
the opportunity for such certain and speedy communication.
'' Meantime our officers had been mingling freely with the
lehels, and all manner of good-natured remarks or tart re-
joinders were being exchanged. One of our captains and a
tall, lank, long-haired, sallow-fiiced, black-eyed Louisianian,
struck boldly out into first i)rinciples, and the wrongs of tlu;
South, and the theory of secession were most volubly de-
fended and ridiculed. Horse trading was pro]>osed by others,
and, but for the ' U. S.' brand, some of our animals might
have transferred their allegiance, and have been enjoying
another government before sundown.
"At last the officer returned from Ilalleck's headquarters.
The general could not consent that Colonel Thompson should
come within our lines as requested, and he would be willing
to reciprocate the release of prisoners by returning them an
cijual number in exchange. Colonel Thom2)Son was evident-
ly chagrined at being allowed to go no further, but he was
too politic, as well as too gentlemanly, to manifest any open
* * * :i: * *
"The prisoners were marched forward; the rebel cavalry
turned them over to our officers ; a descriptive roll was pro-
duced, and sixty-two released i)risoneis answered very joy-
fully as their names were called. Colonel Connell inquired
whether they wished them sworn not to bear arms against
the Confederacy until regularly exchanged.
" ' Oh, we've attended to that already,' said Colonel
Thompson, ' and I guess it's pretty well impressed on their
" Some ale was produced, and rebels and loyalists alike
drank out of the same tin cup.
" ' If we could only take you up to our camp we could
give you something better,' said one of our officers.
" ' Oh, never mind,' replied a rebel, with a quizzical look,
' we expect to entertain all you gentlemen at our quarters
pretty soon, and, depend on it, this party shall have the best
old brandy Corinth affords.'
" The leave-taking grew protracted. Each one had some-
thing to say or ask. Hands were shaken with marked cor-
diality all around.
" ' May w^e meet again under pleasanter ausj)ices,' said
Colonel Thompson, and there was not one of the party that
did not fervently echo the wish, and inwardly hope that he
might, some day, have an opportunity to do a kindness
to this officer of Beauregard's staif. But at last there was
no excuse for waiting longer. Mounting their horses, the
colonel and captain waved a final adieu, and with uncovered
heads, rode on ; the body-guard wheeled in behind them,
every man lifting his cap as he i)assed our officers, and so,
under the white flag, the courteous rebels left us. May our
balls and shells deal lightly with that party in the coming
day !
" We were a little surprised to find their cavalry v/earing
blue, instead of gray uniforms. Captain Dreux explained
that it was an old New Orleans company, organized and
uniformed merely as militia, when blue was their color, too,
and when New Orleans still belonged to the United States.
They had but recently been called into service, and so it
happened that they still wore the old uniforms. They were
all well mounted, many of them on mustangs, and were all
excellent horsemen. They were armed with the sabre, and
with a muzzle-loading piece which they called the Enfield
"Colonel Thompson Avas dressed in fine gray cloth, with
large flourishes of gold lace on the coat- sleeves, and tliree
large stars on the side of his standing coat-colhir. Captain
Dreux gave inc an in.sijrht into tlicsc and other insignia of
rebel rank, whicli had always heretofore puzzled me. For
all below general olKcers, they have badges on the coat-col-
lar, instead of shoulder-straps. A colonel has three large
stars on each side of his collar ; a lieutenant-colonel has two,
and a major one. A captain lias three small gilt bars on the
coat collar; a first-lieutenant two, and a second-lieutenant
one. The scroll-work of gold lace on the coat-sleeve indi-
cates a stalV-officer."
iJciTKR rrvO:M new yokk.
We find tliat persons in New York can suQer, by physical
ailments, as Avell as ourselves.
A special correspondent of the Picayune writes:
New Yokk, Sept. 3, 18G2.
Our physicians report a large increase in the number of
cases of disease of the brain as compared with former years,
and the cause is attributed mainly to the excitement, and, in
some instances, suffering, growing out of the war. There
are some who make tlie war, so to speak, their meat and
drink ; they think and talk of it by day and by night, often-
times become excited over it, and, during all this period,
nervousness and kindred diseases are fastening themselves
upon them. Ere they are fully aware of it, i)erhaps, brain
fever sets in, or their nervous system is so shattered that all
the future years of their life are threatened with unhai>piness
and bitter repining.
Then, again, tliere are those who brood silently over the
war ; they say but little about it, but their thoughts are al-
most conlinually ujxui it —
" ^Melancholy sits on tlicni as a rloud along tlio sky,"
and, sooner or later, this moroseness does its work, and the
individual beholds him or hersell' a living wreck upon the
fahorcs of time, liut there are hearts which have some rea-
son or excuse for their unchecked grief because of the war.
There are hearts to whom no line, or even word of consohi-
tion has been received from tlie " absent one"* upon the
theatre of action for over a year, and with the lapse of eacli
day, and no intelligence, the trial becomes greater, the heart
sinks deeper, and the noble tenement that once encased it
is soon found a mere skeletoi], ready for the harvest of death.
The Montpelier (Yt.) Journal contains a letter from a sol-
dier of the Vermon'. Eighth, dated Camp Allemands, August
29, in which he states that on the previous Tliuisday, tlie
])roperty of General Kichard Taylor, a son of old General
Taylor (by whom it was bequeathed to him), was conlisca-
tetl, the son being now in the rebel army. Tiie slaves, one
hundred and hfiy in number, A\-ere all declared emancipated,
while the plantation was plundered by the Union soldiers.
According to the writer :
" It is one of the most splendid plantations that I ever
saw. There are on it seven hundred acres of sugar-cane,
M'hich must rot upon the ground if the Government does not
harvest it. I Avish you could have seen the soldiers plunder
this plantation. After the stock was driven olF, the boys
began by ordering the slaves to bring out every thing there
was to eat and drink. They brought out hundreds of bot-
tles of wine, eggs, preserved figs and peaches, turkeys, chick-
ens, and honey in any quantity.
'' I brought away a large camp-kettle and frying-pans that
belonged to old General Taylor, and also many of his pri-
vate papers. I have one letter of his own handwriting, and
many from Secretary Marcy, some from General Scott, and
■" Perhaps that " absent one'' was busy. Perhaps the " absent one'
will bring home some of the plunder.
some from llic traitor Floyd. I brought to cnmp four bot-
tk'S of chiret wine. Lieutenant brought away lialf a
barrel of the best syrup from the sugar-house, and a large
can of honey. The camp-kcttle and pans I intend to send
home. They are made of heavy tin, covered Avith copper.
I think I will send home the private papers by mail if I do
not let any one have them. The camp is loaded down wiih
plunder — all kinds of clothing, rings, watches, guns, pistols,
swords, and some of General Taylor's old liats and coats,
belts, swords, and, in fact, every old relic lie had is worn
about the camp. You and every one may be thankful that
you are out of the reach of ])lundering armies. Here are
whole fiimilies of women and children running in the woods
— large })lantations entirely deserted — nothing left except
slaves too old to run away — all kinds of the best mahogany
furniture broken to pieces. Nothing is respected."
'■ Hang out your gilded tapestry in tlic streets, and light your
filirine.s, and cliant your choruses."
Tin: joyful news has at length arrived, that we are to be
delivered iVoiu worse than Egyptian bondage. Butler lias
l)eeii recalled !
'I'lie news is too good to be true. We have been so often
(1eeL'i\ ed that we have become slow to believe. As the man in
the fable, when a swarm of bees alighted upon him, and he,
almost stung to death, begged a friend, who Avas driving
them off, not to interfere, fearing another set might come,
more hungry than the iirst, so we had been so doubly dis-
tilled in misery that we feared the successor might be worso
llian the oriLiinal.
Butler had for a long time been entreating the "higher
authorities" to send hiin reinforcements — new troops ! — for
what ?
The i)apers of the day, at the Xorth, say :
" Whatever reverses may attend the occupation of rebel
territory elsewhere, the Crescent City, at least, won with so
much gallantry, and held with so much firmness (?), will
still be preserved to the Union, that purchased it, and made
it what it is.
"The capture of New Orleans was, by all odds, the most
wonderful and brilliant deed of the war. In these days of
dejection and failure, we read the thrilling story with amaze-
" Let us revive the national heart, by a new baptism of
llame, in the Department of Louisiana. (!) Give General
Butler the men to assume offensive war at once," etc., etc.
This, from the New York Times, was exceedingly rich.
Nothing easier than to advise. The reinforcements icere sent
at a late period, and with the troops was sent a general to
command them.
AVe heard of this Banks' expedition when it first started
from the North, but supposed its destination was Texas.
Butler heard of it, and as it was a secret expedition — not
proclaiming " Avhence it came, nor whither it was going" —
the " Commanding General of the Department of the Gulf,"
fearing that it might possibly interfere with his arrange-
ments, wrote a very supercilious letter to the President, feel-
ing, perhaps, although in a difierent degree, a few of the
])angs which poor Mumford felt when his fote was sealed.
The diflerence was — one Avas innocent, while his executioner
was guilty.
We give his letter :
" I see by the papers (November 29) that General Banks
is about being sent into this Department with troops, upon
an independent expedition and command.
240 beaUtv and r.ooTV.
"This scc'ins to imply a w:\ni of coiiliiU'iioe in tlie coin-
iiiaud ol" lliis dL'[):irtim.'iil — iierimp.s deserved, but still paiii-
"In my judgment, it will be pi-ejudicial to the ]mblicscr-
■\it'e to attemj)! any expedition into Texas without making
Is'ew Orleans a base of supplies and co-operation.
" To do this there must be one head and one department.
'•I do not pro})OSC to argue the question here ; still fur-
ther is it front my ])nrpose to suggest even that tliere may
not be a better head than the one now in the Department,"
And so goes on to relate what he has done — has lived in
this mrfid ]>lace for eight months, " waiting for reinforce-
ments, which the Government could not give until now.''
"And now they are to be given to another. I have done
as well as I could every thing that the Government asked
me to do,'' etc.
" Permit me, also, to say that toward General Banks, who
is selected to be the leader of the Texas expedition, I liave
none but the kindest feelings," etc.
"If the Conimaniler-in-Chief fmd me incompetent — (un-
faithful, I know he caimot (?) ) — let me be removed," etc.
".Vllow me to repeat again, sir, what I have before said —
although the determination may cause my recall — put the
Department which includes Louisiana and Texas imder one
liead, and it will be best for the service," etc.
The letter was received too late. Lutler's fate liad been
sealed for upwards of two weeks; so, "hiding in smiles" his
ri'.'il feelings, he I'cceived, upon their arrival, General ]>anks
and suite, with complaisance and eti(juette.
General JJanks, upon his arrival, on the 1 tth of Decem-
ber, at once called upon his fiiend Hutler, and hande<l hiu\
this lillle " Order ;" and now he may say, in addition :
" That mercy I to otlicrs showed, that niorcy show to mo."
This is the delightful " Onltii-" to old Butler :
General Ordeu No. 184.
War Department, Adjutant-Gexeral's Office,
Washington, November 9, 1802.
By direction of the President of the United States, Major
General Banks is assigned to the command of the Depart-
ment of the Gulf, including the State of Texas. By order
of the Secretary of War.
IL W. Halleck, General-in-Chief.
E. D. Thomas, Assistant Adjutant-General.
This was the unkindest cut of all ! The papers say :
" General Butler's recall takes this coraraunity by surprise."
Another paper says : " General Butler tortured the peo-
ple of New Orleans." No one said, " I am sorry."
On the IGtli of December General Butler formally sur-
rendered the command of the Department to General Banks.
Tliere was a great deal of good feeling shown upon the oc-
casion. General Butler eulogized his successor, and hoped
that his stair and friends would do all in their power to make
them feel at home and understand their new position.
No, 106 was the last general order of General B. F. Butler.
It is well to insert it, as it is a curiosity to be preserved.
It is the most fulsome stutT.
" The last, the last, the last.
Oh ! by that little word.
How many thoughts are stirred."
General Orders No. lOG.
Headquarters Departjient of the Gulf,
New Orleans, December 15, 18G3.
Soldiers of the Army of the Gulf :
Relieved from further duties in this Department by
tlirectiou of the President, under date of November 9tb,
1862, I lake leave of you Ly tliis final orJei*, it being impos-
sible to visit your scattered outposts covering hundixnls of
miles of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the
kingdoms of Europe.
I greet yon, my brave comrades, and say farewell !
Tills word — endeared as you are by a community of
privalions, hardships, dangers, victories, successes, military
and civil — is the only sorrowful thought I have.
You have deserved well of your country. Without a
murmur you sustained an encampment on a sand-bar so
desolate that banishment to it with eveiy care and comfort
possible has been the most dreaded punishment inflicted
upon your bitterest and most insulting enemies.
You had so little transportation that but a handful could
advance to compel submission by the Queen City of the
Rebellion, whilst others waded breast-deep in the marshes
which surround kSI. l?hilip, and forced the surrender of a fort
deemed imprcginxble to land attack by the most skillful
engineers of your country and her enemy.
At your occujiation order, law, quiet anJ peace sprang to
this city filled with the bravos of all nations, wliere, for a
score of years, during the profoundest peace, human life was
scarcely safe at noonday.
By your discipline you illusti-ated the best traits of the
American Soldiei-, and enchained the admiration of those
that came to scoff.
Landing with a military chest containing but seventy-livo
dollars, from the hoards of a I'ebel Government you have
given to your country's treasury nearly a half million of
dollars, and so supplied yourselves wilh the needs of your
service that your expedition has cost your Government les3
by foiir-Jifths than any other.
You have fed the starving poor, the wives and children of
your enemies, so converting enemies into friends that they
have sent their representatives to your Congress by a vote
greater than your entire numbers from districts in which
Avhen you entered you wei"e tauntingly told that there was
" no one to raise your tlag."
By your practical philanthropy you have won the con-
fidence of the "oppressed race" and the slave. Hailing you
as deliverers, they are ready to aid you as willing servants,
faithful laborers, or using- the tactics taught them by your
enemies, to fight with you in the field.
By steady attention to the laws of healtli you have stayed
the pestilence, and, humble instruments in the hand of God,
you have demonstrated the necessity that his creatmvs
should obey His laws ; and reaping Ilis blessing in this most
imhealthy climate you have pix'served your ranks fuller
than those of any other battalions of the same length of
You have met double numbers of the enemy and defeate^l
him in the oi^en field, but I need not further enlarge upon
this topic. You were sent here to do that.
I commend you to your commander. You are worthy of
his love.
Farewell, my comrades ! again farewell !
Bexj. F. Butler,
Major-Gciieral Commandiug'.
After finishing off" in haste, the best lie could in his ex-
tremity, he returned to Dr. Campbell's si)lendid confiscated
mansion, where he lived, and which no doubt he was loath
to leave, packed uj), and produced a farewell address, which
is too much of a limnlntg essay to be placed in this truthful
book. About the same time we had the gratification ot
seeing in the daily papers :
" Major-Gcneral Butler and stafi" took their departure for
the North this moi-ning on the Emma Spalding."
So ended the career of this knavish, heartless adversary.
May we never look upon his like again !
" Ni'ver liatli this eartli
Seen mourning lialt' as mournful as their mirth I"
The next wo liear of rmller is the account, in the papers,
of Lis recci)tion at the Xortli, and his being " Honized !"
" We liear tliem praising him afar off.''
"We give the full account. Th().>e -svlio have suffered in
this city cannot reahze liow a Avliole community can fawn
around such a vile compound of iniquity.
The following is from the Xew York correspondent of the
X'ew Orleans Delta :
New York, January 10, 18G3
The 8th of January Avas not celebrated in tliis city on
Thursday as it was wont to be. Tammany has always hither-
to taken tliis day under its special care, and made all the ar-
rangements for whatever ])nblic festivities have been accord-
ed to it in later years, I hit this jear, owing to the critical
state of the country, and to the i'act, also, that the regiment
sent to the war under its auspices, and embodying in its
raidvs many of its own members, has been almost annihila-
ted in the several battles in Avhich it has been engaged, tlie
S.acliems decided to omit the celebration, and to make a dona-
tion instead to the regiment which bears its name.
It was the origmal intention of the friends of General
JIutler to have selected that day for the proposed public re-
cc])tion of that distinguished per^^ onage, could he have timed
liis visit so as to have made it practicable. But that was
rendered impossible, owing to the General's prolonged stay
at Washington. He did not arrive until noon of the day in
question, and- then he proceeded immediately to the Fifth
Avenue Hotel. Here he was lionized for the remainder of
the day. Among the many distinguished persons who called
upon him in crowds. General Scott was one of the earliest
In" the evening, the committee appointed to tender him a
public reception and dinner called upon General Butler in
the performance of their duty. The tender was made in
the form of a letter, of which the following is a copy :
New York, January G, 18G3.
Major-General B. F. Butlek, United States Army :
Deak Sir — At a meeting of citizens of this city, held at
the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on the evening of the 5th inst., for
the purpose of expressing the sense of this community in
reference to the public services rendered by you to the
country, the following I'csolution was unanimously adopted :
Hesohed, That the loyal patriotism, indomitable energy,
and great administrative ability shown by Major-General
Benjamin F. Butler, in the various commands held by him
in the service of the country, and especially in his civil and
military administration of the duties pertaining to his com-
mand of the Department of the Gulf, eminently entitle him
to an expression of approbation on the part of the citizens
of New York.
In furtherance of the views thus expressed, it was also re-
solved that, in addition to such action as may be taken by
our municipal authorities, in extending to you the hospitali-
ties of this city, a public dinner be tendered to you by the
citizens, and the undersigned were appointed a committee to
communicate with you upon the subject.
We have now the honor to apprise you of the action thus
taken, and ask that you will meet with our citizens at a pub-
lie dinner at such time, to be appointed by you, as may be
consi.stent witli your official duties and your personal con-
In conveying to you this invitation, intended as a tribute
of personal respect and esteem, Ave are well assured that it
will not be the less acceptable to you as marked by a still
higher significance. The citizens of Xew York, watching
the events of the Avar with a degree of vigilance and anxiety
proportioned to the vast interests and inQuences which con-
verge toward and radiate from this great commercial centre,
have recognized in the course pursued by you, in the ser-
vice and support of the Government, the principles which
they deem most essential and indispensable to its trinnijih.
They share with you in the conviction that there is no middle
or neutral ground between loyalty and treason ; that traitors
against the Government forfeit all rights of protection and
of property ; that those who persist in armed rebellion, or
aid it less openly, but not less eflectively, must be put down
and kept down by the strong hand of power and by the use
of all rightful means, and that so far as may be, the suffer-
ings of the poor and misguided, caused by the rebellion,
should be visited upon the authors of their calamities. We
have seen with approbation that in applying these principles
amid the peculiar difficulties and embarrassments incident to
your administration in your recent command, you have had
the sagacity to devise, the will to execute, and the courage
to enforce the measures they demanded, and wc rejoice at
the success which has vindicated the Avisdom and the justice
of your official course. In thus congratulating you upon
these results, we believe that we express the feeling of all
those who most earnestly desire the speedy restoration of
the Union in its full ijitegrity and power, and we trust that
you will be able to afford us the opportunity of interchanging
with you, in tlie manner proposed, the ])atriotic sympathies
and hopes which belong to this sacred cause.
T/e are, General, with high resjDect, your friends and
obedient servants,
E. E. MoiiGAX, Charles Kixg,
RiciiAED Gjraxt Wise, R. H. McCuedy,
Charles Gould, Hiram Barney,
G. W. Blunt, Setii B. Hunt,
Wm. Allen Butler, E. Nye,
John Blunt, Brooklyn, John Wadsworth,
Francis George Shaw, Charles Butler,
R. J. TiioRNE, Edward Minturn,
Peter Cooper, Russell Sturges,
C. II. Marshall, Hamlin Blake.
To the great regret of the committee, as well as of the
citizens at large, General Butler announced his inability to
accept the compliment tendered him, for the j^resent, at least,
owing partly to the state of his business affairs, which re-
quired his early presence at home, but mainly to the fact
that Mrs. Butler had just received telegraj^hic announcement
of the death of a near relative, whose funeral in Massachu-
setts she was desirous of attending. He took occasion to
add, however, that on his return from Lowell, which would
probably be within a fortnight or so, he would be happy to
yield to the wishes of his friends. After entertaining the
committee with a long narration of matters and things that
had come under his cognizance in New Orleans, General
Butler retired to one of the parIor.s, where he held a levee
for the remainder of the evening. Many ladies were present,
including Mrs. General Banks.
On the evening previous, the General was stopped while
on his route through Philadelphia, and compelled to stay
over night at the Continental, where a large collection of dis-
tinguished gentlemen were soon gathered. A speech, of
course, was what they were after, and a speech, they had of
considerable length, and delivered in the General's best style.
This speech was principally occii[iiecl willi allusions to raattcvs
in Xew Orleans, Avith which your readers are already sutli-
ciently well acquainted.
" When he had finished speaking," says the Xorth Ameri-
can, " he was conducted to a point where all who desired —
and that was all present — were introduced to him. 'God
bless you, Butler — I wish there were more like you,' was the
greeting he received from a venerable gentleman of ninety
winters. All greeted him as the men who have earned great-
ness only are greeted. The General shook hands, not gin-
gerly but heartily, and seemed gratified at the murmurs of
approbation expressed concerning his administration in New
Orleans in particular.
, " While this was going on. Chestnut street was blockaded
fiom the outside by a concourse of people that were clamor-
ing for General Butler's appearance upon the balcony. They
had provided a band of music, and were giving the grand
national airs that General Butler has caused to resound in
unwilling ears in New Orleans. The whole street was filled,
and the windows and balconies of the Girard House were
alike filled. ' Hail to the Chief,' 'The Star Spangled ]>an-
ner,' and ' Hail Columbia,' were given, and after many cheers
had been given for General Butler, he, at length, made his /
appearance upon the balcony. A general shout was raised
that must liave been audible for a mile distant. Ladies from
every window within eye-shot waved their handkerchiefs,
and rapturous shouts re-echoed from the entire front of the
A suggestion is made by a lady in one of our New York
journals that the Academy of Music should be secured for
the occasion of General Butler's public reception, so that
the thousands of women in New York who understand the
(ieneral's course, and honor him for it, may liavc a chance
to participate in it.
The next field of operations to which General Bntler is to
be assigned — for it seems to be admitted on all sides that
the country cannot dispense with his services — is still kept a
])rofound secret, if indeed the selection has yet been made.
The newspapers, however, are still full of rumors, surmises,
and suggestions touching the matter. Several destinations
have already been selected for him by newspaper correspond-
ents — as you may already have gathered from my letter of
Tuesday — and, what is, perhaps, very remarkable in this age
of general fault-finding with all our jjrominent ofilcials, there
is not one of these destinations, diverse as they are in their
responsibilities and duties, for which the General is not declared
to be pre-eminently fitted. The War Department continues
to be talked of in some quarters ; but for the rumors touch-
ing that matter I am inclined to think there is not the least
foundation. Among the new rumors is one to the eftect
that he is to take the command of the Army of the Potomac,
and another that he will return to New Orleans, and assume
his old duties, while General Banks enters upon active opera-
tions in the field. With regard to his rumored assumption
of the command of the Department of the South, the New
York Herald says : " We confess to having experienced a
decided pleasure when this conjecture was put forth. Charles-
ton, of all other cities, most deserves chastisement and hu-
miliation. General Butler, of all men in the nation, seems
best calculated to administer the needed discipline. He has
experience in just such work. He appreciates, as few of our
officers can, the exact frame of mind of a captured rebel
city, and the various ingenious modes of escaping the just
inflictions of penalty for treason. No veteran pedagogue
ever understood the tricks of truant school-boys better. It
is with decided regret, therefore, that we find it now given
out from Washington, that General Butler is not going to
South Carohna. * * * * -pi^g people will not be content to
see General Butler withdraw from the public service, for
"wlucli lie lias developed an aplitude the most remarkaljlc."
As a pendent to tins eulogy, it may be added, on the au-
thority of a "Wasliingtou dispateh, that a prominent senator
told the President the other day that General Jjutler had
shown more brains in the service than all the rest of the
three hundred Generals he had made. Another Washington
dispatch says the General, dined with Secretary Chase on
Tuesday evening, and on the following day had a long inter-
view with Secretary Stanton.
In the House of IJepresentativcs, on Thursday, a resolu-
tion, introduced by Mr. llutchins, tendering thanks to General
Butler for his "able, energetic, and humane administration of
the Department of the Gultj" was passed by a vote of 83
against 28. When the resolution was introduced on Wed-
nesday, the Yallandigham-Wood faction intimated a design
to resist its passage, and an excited debate over it was an-
ticiimted. But the malcontents seem to have come to the
conclusion that they would gain nothing by a factious and
wordy oi)position, and so they contented themselves Avith
simply recording their names against it. Tlie nays were all
Democrats, with the exception of Bullinton, of Massachu-
setts, and Conway, of Kansas.
'J'lie reception of Major-General Butler, by the citizens of
Boston, took i)lacc on the 13th inst., and was worthy the
gaUant ollicer to Avhom it was given. He arrived at the
depot from Lowell in a special train at 12 >r., accompaiiiid
by ]Mayor Ilorsford, ex-Speaker (ioodwin, Beprcseiitalives
llollon. Hill, Howe, Marshall and Barnard, G. F. llichard-
son, I'resident of the Common Council, and the iiivileil
guests. A portion of his staff, consisting of Lieutenant-
Colonel Kinsman, !Major Strong, Captains Haggerty and
Puffer, and Dr. McConuick, also accompanied him At the
depot, in Boston, he was joined by other members of his
stafi— Colonels Whelden and Shafter, Major Bell, Captain
Davis, and Lieutenant Clarke. On the arrival of the train,
General Butler was greeted with prolonged cheers by the
crowds who had assembled to see and honor him. General
Butler advanced to the front of the depot, where he was
met by GeneralTyler, Chief ]\^rshal, who briefly addressed
him, announcing that the citizens of Boston, approving of
his management of atlairs at New Orleans, Avere desirous of
meeting him in Fanenil Ilall. He concluded by introducing
him to Mayor Lincoln, Avho conducted him to a barouche.
As he stepped into the carriage, three hearty cheers were
given for " The Hero of New Orleans."
A procession Avas soon afterwards formed, in accordance
with arrangements announced in the Journal of yesterday.
It was under the marshalship of GeneralTyler, with Colonels
N. A. Thompson, Robert I. Burbank, Francis Boyd, and
William W. Clai>p, Jr., as Aids ; and Messrs. Carlos Pierce,
Eben Cutler, Lester M. Clark, James Dennie, J. Tisdale
Bradlee, Samuel Hatch, Henry Crocker, and S. A. Stetson as
Assistant Marshals. It was formed in the following order :
Police ; Chief Marshal General John S. Tyler, with aids,
mounted ; Hall's Band ; the first battalion of the National
Guard, Colonel George Clark, Jr., in coirimand, numbering
one himdred muskets; citizens; Gilmore's Band ; Commit-
tee of Arrangements ; carriages. In the front carriage, Avith
General Butler, Avere Mayor Lincoln, Mayor Ilorsford, of
Lowell, and Major Strong, of General Butler's staff. In the
other carriages Avere ex-Governor Clifford, Hon. George B.
Upton, IIoJi. John A. Goodwin, Dr. WiusloAV Lewis, Captain
McKim, and the following gentlemen of General Butler's
staff: Major Bell, Colonel Shaffer, Lieutenant-Colonel Kins-
man, Surgeon McCormick, Captain Haggerty and Lieutenant
The procession moved from the depot through CaussAvay,
Loveictt, Green, Court, Trcmont and Deacon Streets, to tlie
corner of I'.-irk Street, where it was joined by llie niembi'rs
of the Leg'islature, under the niarshalsliip of Hon. George
A. Sliaw, member of liie Senate, and one of the Committee
of .Vrrani^emeuts ; and from thence the line of march was
continued througli Park, Tremont, Winter, Summei-, Devon-
shire, Franklin, WasIiington^State, Commercial and South
^larket Streets, to Faneuil Hall. There were numerous deco-
rations and patriotic displays on the route, while crowds
lined the sidewalks. At certain points, as in State Street,
tile demonstrations were exceedingly enthusiastic. These
were graciously acknowledged by General Butler.
The h;ill was tastefully decorate<l, and numerous jjatriotic
mottoes were displayed in diiferent directions. The galleries,
Avhich were oi)ened for the benefit of the ladies, at 11a. m.,
Avi're iilled by them. The guest, officials, and other charac-
ters of note first entered the body of the hall, followed by
the multitude. The greeting to General liuiler, on his en-
trance, was enthusiastic, if not tumultuous. This ovation
over, General Tyler took the platform and said :
Fj:i,i.ow-Crri/i:Ns : This is not an occasion when any
formal organization is necessary. The lieart of ]]oston lias
spoken, and its head, our lionored Mayor, Avill present to
you our distinguished guest.
Cheers were again given for the General, at the conclu-
sion of which I\Ia\or Lincoln spoke as follows:
We have assendjled, fellow-citizens, in old Faneuil Hall,
to welcome a distinguished son of JNTassachusetts. j\rany of
us have been long acquainted with him from his intei-est in
llic! local affairs of our l>eloved Commonwealth. For nearly
two years ho has been away fi-om us, and has achieved a repu-
tation and t'anu', and come back to us crown(>d w ith the lauri'ls
of a successful soldier. One of the first to olfer liis services
to tlie Governor of the Commonwealth at the commence-
mi'iit of the rebellion, he led our gallant volunteers to the
South ; and liis services at Baltimore, at Annapolis, at Ilat-
teras, and at New Orleans, are known to the woild, and will
make one of the most important pages in the histoiy and
annals of these times. (Ai)plause.) The proof of his patriot-
ism is shown in the fact that he has periled his life in the
service of his country; and when we remember that for
months $50,000 have been offered for his head, we know
liow the rebels appreciate him. But, gentlemen, this is, as
our Chief Marshal has said, a spontaneous occasion of the
peoj)le. I know you do not wish to hear me, but you want
to hear our distinguished guest, and, therefore, Avithont any
fuither preliminary remarks, except to assure him that we
vie with the otlier cities of the Atlantic border through
which he has passed, in aj^plause for his services, I have the
}»leasure of introducing Major-General l)Ut]er.
General Butler responded as follows, as reported in the
Jounuvl :
Mn. IMayor — MY Fellow-Countrymen : Your too cor-
dial greeting impresses the heart so as almost to choke the
word. Your welcome — so kind, so heartfelt, so applauding
— merits more tlian words, yet merits and has the deepest
gratitude man can feel. Nothing in life can be a higher
am] holier motive than the love of country and the desire to
serve it. Nothing in life can be so great a reward as the
})laudits of one's countrymen given from the heart. (Ap-
plause.) At this hour of our friendly meeting, with the hot
feeling gushing up in every vein, you will hardly expect
from me any discussion, for the mind is too full of the recol-
lections of the past, and the thought will crowd upon me of
those soldiers whom I have left behind, who, alas! may not
receive your welcome, may not receive your plaudits, al-
though they may have more nobly deserved them. (Cheers.)
But you may ask mo why I am here, instead of being in the
field. To lliat I have tlie f^iinple answer: The pawn on llie
cliess-boartl has no I'iglit to know when and wliere and how
lie will be moved next by those who have the great game
of war in chai'ge. (Applause.) But whenever and wheiever
the Government may need my services, be it to start to-
night or on the morrow — in the direction of South, East, or
West — there, as a soldier, I am bound, and as a i)atriot I
am proud to answer and to go. (Loud applause.) And I
have said these last words because I feel like apologi'^ing
lest some of my comiianions in arms may say, " Why stand
ye here idle';"' I wish to assure them and you that this idle-
ness will not continue longer than the service and the good
of the country re(piire. I desire further to say to any one
wiio may doubt on the issue that is }tresented to the countiy,
tiiat there is much more doubt at home than there is among
your soldiers in the lield. (Applause, and cries of" Good.'')
AVe feel and know our strength ; we fet'l and know the
weakiu'ss of tlu; eiu-my; and we do not doidjt of the result
because of that kiu)wledge, and becaiise of the justice of the
war in which we are engaged — a war the like of which has
never before been waged on earth. Xo rebellion heretofore
lias been against so kind a Government; no rebellion here-
tofore has been carried on without cause and almost without
pretext ; and no rebellion heietofore has been treate<l with
the leniency and kindness and clemency with which this re-
bellion and these rebels have been treated by the most pa-
ternal Government on earth. (Api)lause.) In my judgment,
we have exhausted conciliation. (Cries of "Good,'' and im-
mensi' cheering.) And whenever any man asks you to hold
out the olive branch of peace, ask him if he is sure it Mill
be accepted ; and until those at the South, heretofore our
brothers, but now our armed enemies, arc willing and ready
to accept peace in the Union and as a part of the Union, let
no man talk of conciliation and compromise. (Enthusiastic
cheering, and cries of " Good.") When, acknowledging the
sovereignty of the United States over every part of its terri-
tory, they ask for peace, then I am willing to conciliate, and
forgive and forget, as far as the blood of my kindred and
tlie graves of my brothers will permit me, the wrongs they
have done, but not until then. (Applause.) Some may ask
me how is this war to be prosecuted ? where are the men ?
The men are already in the field. Where is another set of
men ? A thousand men are springing up irrthe South this
day, but their army can only be increased by the most re-
lentless conscription of every youth of sixteen and every old
man of sixty, and covering all the intermediate ages. But,
if I might further recur to a question that has been a thou-
sand times asked me since I arrived home, how is this great
war debt to be paid? that speaks to the material interests.
How .shall we ever be able to pay this war debt ? "Who can
pay it ? Who shall [)ay it ? Shall we tax the coming genera-
tions? Shall we overtax ourselves? For one — and I speak
as a citizen to citizens — I think I can see clearly a way in
which this great expense can be paid by those who ought
to i)ay it, and be borne by those who ought to bear it. Let
us bring the South into subjection to the Union. We have
olFered them equality. If they choose it, let them have it.
Ijut, at all events, they must come under the power of the
Union. (Loud cheers.) And when once this war is closed
by that subjugation, if you please, if necessary, then the in-
creased productions of the great staples of the South, cotton
ami tobacco — with which we ought, and can, and shall sup-
]>ly the world — tliis increased production, by the emigration
of white men into the South, where labor shall be honorable
as it is here (applause), will pay the debt. With the millions
of hogsheads of the one, and the millions of bales of the
othei-, and with a proper internal tax, which sliall be paid
by England and France, who have largely caused this mis-
cliief, the debt will be paid. (Cries of " That's right," and
loud cheers.) Without stopping to be didactic or to discuss
juiiieijilcs here, let us examine tliis matter for a moment.
They are willing to pay 50 and GO cents a pound for cotton ;
the i)ast has demonstrated that, even by the uneconomical
use of slave labor, it can be prolitably raised — aye, proiitably
beyond all conception of agricultural profit here — at ten
cents a ))ound. A single imj)ost often cents a ])Ound, which
will increase it to twenty cents only, will i)ay the interest of
a war debt double what it is to-day; and that cotton can be
more i>roiitably raised under free labor tiian under slave
laboi-, no man who has examined the subject doubts. ]3y
the imposition of this tax, those men who litted out the
Alabama, and sent her Ibrth to prey upon our commerce,
will be comi)elled, by the laws of trade and tl'.e laws of
jiations, to pay for the mischief they have done, (Loud
aj>plause.) So that when we look around in this countiy,
wliieh has just begun to put ibrth her strength — because no
country has ever come to her full strength until her institu-
jLions have proved themselves strong enough to govern the
count i-y against the will, even the voluntary will, of the
jieople — when this Government, which has now demonstrated
ilsell" to be the strongest Government in the world, jnits
Ibrth her strength as to men; and when this country of
ours, richer and more abundant in its harvests and in its
])roduction than any other country on earth, jnits forth her
liehes, we have a strength in men, we have an amount in
money, to battle the world lor liberty, and the freedom to
«lo, in the borders of the United States and of the Continent
oi' Anu'iiea lliat which Ciod, when lie sent us ibrth as a
ir.issioiiaiy nation, intended we should do. (Cheers.) So,
:;llow me to return your words of congratulation aiul your
words ol' welconu^, w ilh words of good cheer. IJe of good
cheer! God gave «s this continent to civilize and to free,
as an exami)le to the nations of tlie earth; and if He lias
struck us in His wrath, because we have halted in our
w oik, let us Itegin and go on, not doubting that we shall
liave His blessing to the end. V>e, tlierefore, I say, of good
clieer ; there can be no doubt of tliis issue. We feel the
struggle ; we feel what it costs us to carry on this war.
Go with nie to Louisiana — go with me to the South, and
you shall see what it costs our enemies to carry on this war ;
and you will have no doubt, as I have none, of the result oi
this unhappy strife, out of which the nation shall come
stronger, better, purified North and South — better than
ever before. Now, Mr. Mayor, allow me again to express
my cordial, ray heartfelt thanks and deep gratitude for the
kind reception you have given me. It has answered every
calumny from abroad ; it will be a balm for the sores of a
thousand points of the poisoned arrows of those who circu-
lated base calumnies against the instrument in hopes to
injure the cause. It will be to me the most grateful recol-
lection of my life, and with your kind approbation, I can
have no doubt in the future of the path of duty which I
ought to pursue.
General Butler closed amid tremendous api)lause. He
stepped upon the stand again with a silken Confederate flag,
and continued :
Mk. Mayor — In behalf of the Army of the Gulf, allow me
to present to you, sir, as the representative of the city of
Boston, this Confederate flag, taken from the City Hall of
New Orleans. I have not brought it here as a trophy — far
from it. I have brought it here that it may be in one of
your l)alls as a memento against the evils of secession for-
ever (loud api'lause), and that Ave and our children may see
to what extremity secession would reduce any portion of
our country, when they see the flag under whose folds the
fair ladies of New Orleans, having embroidered it with their
own hands, sent forth their brothers and lovers to fight.
Keep it, sir, that it may be a warning forever against any
attempt upon the integrity of the Union — not for a new in-
centive to patriotism to the cili^icns of Boston, but as a
■\v.ii-ning to those avIio sliall come liore, of the fate that such
a l)aniier oiiglit to meet — to be raised not over brave men,
but to be given as a warning to the traitors to tiie country
forever. (Loud applause.)
The Mayor accepted tlie Hag in the spirit in Mliicli it was
offered, the band jdaying " Oh, dear, what can the matter
As tlio General left tlie platform he was greeted with an-
other demonstration of enthusiastic aj>})lause and vocifei-ous
cheering, wliile the band played "Hail Columbia."
General Tyler liere anniiunced th.it the rece]»tion was
ended, and gave notice that there would be a serenade to
General J>utler at the Kevere House in the evening.
Three cheers were called for the hero of New Orlean.s,
and given witii a will. The audience dispersed, the band
performing "Dixie."
General iMitler was hoiioi'ed last evening by a serenade
jierformed by<olmore's Band, in front of the Ifevere House.
This took place at 10?, o'clock; previous to M'iiich the par-
lors of the Kevere were thronged with well-known citizens
who called to jiay their respects and exch.ange a word with
the liero of New Orleans. The band having j)erformed
scN'cr.al pDpiiI.ir airs, iii('lu<ling "Home, sweet home," Gen-
eral r>utlcr appeared upon tlie balustrade and briefly ad-
<lresscd the multitude in front, which nearly filled the
sfpiari'. He said he was exceedingly grateful lor the mani-
festation of kind regard which the cheers he liad just heard
indicated. He would be most ungrateful were not these
somids pleasant. He desired they should accept his thanks
f >r this manifestation of interest for the services he had pei'-
foiined, which he took to be an evidence of their devotion
to the Government — a Government that was worthy of their
respect for its equal and just laws — and beneath which to
claim to be an American, was equal in other days to "I am
a Roman." The rebellion, he said, must be quelled ; rather
than it should not be he would be willing to go back to
Plymouth and Jamestown and start anew. Treason must
be put down at all hazards. In conclusion, General Butler
again thanked the multitude and retired amid cheers.
About 11 o'clock General Butler and staff returned to
Lowell in a special train.
General Butler will partake of a private dinner at Par-
ker's to-morrow afternoon, tendered him by a number of
his friends.
The following advertisement, taken from a daily paper,
speaks for itself:
Below. — " Three ships, two steamers, and one l)ark."
Tliese vessels will arrive at Long Wharf to-day, about nine
o'clock. They contain the immense wealth accumulated by
General Butler and staff, Vv'liile stationed at New Oilcans,
which is estimated at about six millions of dollars. There
are two boots full of diamonds, one tea chest of cliildren's
silver mugs, one cradle full of ladies' gold hair })ins, two
bandboxes of pincushions, one coal hod of mosaic brooches,
two clothes-baskets of altar ornaments, seventeen valises of
gold and silver watches, twent}'-one strawberry boxes of
gold rings (stolen from the ladies while M'alking in the
streets), two sugai- boxes of silver door plates nnd knobs,
one stocking full of decanter labels, sixteen cigar boxes of
gold jiens and silver ever-poinled jjcncil cases, twenty-one
pianos (one for each of the stalf ), two church organs (a little
out of tunc), one liack, live poodles, six stallions, and various
fither articles, too numerous t(j niention. Col. French, on
his return, will bring the remainder of the lot.
Wr. take the following from our note-book. It aj>peared
in one of the daily ]iai)crs. It is pungent, and reads as
though it came iVom the heart :
Too late, we fear, to undo all the mischit'f that lias been
done by his predecessor, but not too late, we trust, to clear
the national honor and the cause of the Union iVom the
cloud which has been cast over the one and the other by the
conduct of General Butler and his subordinates in New
Orleans, ]\[:ijor-General IJatdcs lias assumed the command to
which this journal many weeks ago announced that he had
been called.
"While the olllcial disgrace of Ibitlei- K'uds :i certain
countenance to the allegations put foi-ward against him, tlie
nomination in his jilace of so honorable, high-ininded, and
statcsmaidik(> a man as General lianks, holds out a substan-
tial liope that the damaging inlluence upon jiopular teeling
in tlie Southwest, ol" llutler's outrageous and indecent mis-
government, may bo meusurably count'-racted by an
administration at once temperate and firm, forbearing and
honest, of tlie unfoilunate city of New Orleans.
The ill-conccaled alarm with Avhicli the parasites of the
deposed General have met the unexpected advent of.liis
successor, is an excellent sign of the temper in which the
latter enters upon the ditHcult task assigned to him.
The following orders, issued by General Banks imme-
diately upon taking formal possession of his post, indicate
very clearly that the ignoble army of })eculators, confis-
cators, and devastators, is likely to have serious grounds for
something more positive than alarm iu the presence of tliiti
Daniel come to judgment:
Ge'neral Ordeks No. 108.
IIeadquapvTers Department of the Gxilf,
Now Orleans, December 10, 18G2.
All military and civil oflicers of tliis deimrtment, who are
engaged in the sui)erinteiulence of public works, of any
character, or who have assumed to direct and control pri-
vate or })ublic jiroperty, and all other })ersons engaged on
such works or charged with the direction of such pro])erty,
will report to these headquarters forthwith the character of
such works, the number of persons employed, a description
of the property held, and the authority upon which proceed-
ings have been based. No claims for compensation for such
services will be considered from this date, until such reports
have been received at these headquarters.
Uy command of Major-General Banks.
IvicuARD B. Irwin, Lieut. Col., Assistant Adjutant-General.
General Ordpjrs No. 109.
Headquarters Department of the Gulf,
New Orleans, December 16, 18G2.
All public sales of jiroperty on account of the United
States are suspended until further orders.
By connnand of Mnjor-Gcneral Banks.
All that General Banks iniglit easily have acliieved, had
tlie good genius of the Union i)rompted the Government to
lake a year ago the step it has taken to-day, it will now tax
his tried abilities and his consunnnatc tact to the utmost to
accomplish. lie has to contend in New Orleans with the
worst form of popular hostility — the sullen and dangerous
hostility bred of deep distrust and passionate alienation in
the liearts of a community which has been taught to identify
llie Hag of ihe Union with the wanton oppressions, the arbi-
trary exactions, and the irritating petty tyranny of a venal
proconsulate. The course of General Butler in New Orleans
was that of a man who had no faith in the future of the
cause he represented. lie dealt with the city connuitted to
his power as if he believed himself to be the temporary
tenant of an authority which nothing but the sword could
maintain, an authority foreign to all the permanent interests
of the place, hostile to all the habits and institutions of the
people, and destined, therefore, to be as ephemeral as it was
oilious. To call his system of government proconsular is,
after all, to do injustice to the rulers who, whatever the
excesses and fully of some among their number, did on the
whole contrive to weld the })^u^•inces over which they pre-
sided into the permanent liumau dominion. His models
and exemplars )nay bo more fairly sought among those
pa^lias ^\■h<lm the (lecre]>it Government (jf Constantinoi>lo
inllieted upon the districts of their em})ire, and of whom
i\rr. Layard draws so iaithful a picture in his admirable
b'Miks upon the Ivist. Like them, Butler I'esolved to keep
New Orleans (piiet in his lime, careless what future and
tcrrilde ri'actions he might be ])re])aring against the Govern
ment of the nation. Like them, he abused the conunerce
of the city to his own i)roiit and that of the clique by
whom he surroniuled himsellj instea<l of using it, as by a
wis;' and honest administration he might have done, to
i'li.^ter and ilevt lop the great and permanent interests by
which alone the loyalty of iSTew Orleans to the Union could
liave been fortified and secured. As a pasha, he has earned
a pasha's reward.
In a general order of farewell, addressed to the "Army
of the Gulf," and of which the swelling- and bombastic
terms contrast most forcibly witli the dignified and earnest
simplicity of General Banks's contemporaneo'us order, issued
upon assuming the command of the department, Butler thus
excuses himself for forbearing to exhibit himself in person
at all the stations of his troops :
" Relieved from further duties in this department by direc-
tion of the President, under date of November Otli, ISG'2,
I take leave of you by this final order, it being impossible
to visit your scattered outposts, covering hundreds of miles
of the frontier of a larger territory than some of the king-
doms of Europe."
lleasons more imperative than any consideration of tlie
space to be traversed may be supposed to have had their
due inlluence upon the mind of a ruler who has armed
against himself the hand of every man Avithin this " terri-
tory larger than some of the kingdoms of Europe," whose
blood runs warm in his veins.
Glad to have any change, we received General Banks as
kindly as any invader could be received. lie was a gentle-
man ; dignified and respectful to all. As comparisons are
odious, we do not ■wish to make them, but we must say that
with the quiet, unobtrusive demeanor of the new "Com-
mander of the Gulf" we were quite pleased, and saw ^dif-
Walking around the city as a private citizen, without pa-
rade or show, and appearing to feel, by the " orders" he at
once issued, that he thought we had been a much abused
peoi)le, he gained the confidence of the community. No-
[/I'.ard was necessary to protect him.
General Ordeks No. 111.
IIeadqu.UvTeks Department of the Gulf,
N.'w Orleans, Dec. 17, 18G:2.
All sales of property on account of the United States will
be and are hereby suspended until further orders.
By command of
Ma.tou-Gexeual Uanks.
Richard B. Ira^tx, Lieut-Col., A. A. G.
General Orders No. 115.
IIeadcjuarters Department of tre Gclf,
New Orleans, Dec. 2:], 1802.
Upon consultation M'ith Major-General 15. 1'. liullcr, and
with his concurrence and advice, the Comnuindinii,- (jeneral
directs as follows :
1st. The foUowini^ named persons will be released from
arrest immediately upon the receipt of this order at the [)osts
at which they are confined, and upon their givinsj^ parole not
to commit any act of hostility to the Ignited States, or len-
der any aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States,
during the existing \\ ar :
AT siiir island.
JaMi:s C. Batcuelder, 1 1. ]\I. "Wright,
"William 11. Suei'pard, J'. E. "Wiltz, Jr.,
FkIM). boSHKUG, ]'.. F. I'kRUV,
Aaiion II. I).\Li;, .. L. J. DoDOE,
Eugene Morris, Joski-ii Bloom.
FORT ST. rniLir.
Martin Fallor.
Peter Kevenv,
W. J. Delano,
(t. II. Stewart,
Michael Bowex,
L. Delpit,
J. M. AVest,
Charles IIoudv,
John IIickev.
foi;t pike.
Dr. Tjieodore Clai^p.
J, Dacres,
E. N. RossEY,
Dr. Booth,
0. Morse,
D. C. Lowlser,
C. B. Metcalf,
11. Crosby,
A. N. Baker,
1. Creex,
G. T. Grinnel,
J. If. IlrCKINS,
C. Bacon,
AV. Kelly,
A. FoilSYTH,
N. Baurer,
AV. CusH,
E. A. Hamilton,
J. D. Kermey.
IIermogene Berry,
Leonard AIarins,
L. Collis,
(jiRL of Mrs. Cornes,
John Louistella,
N. Bonaparte,
g. morgenstine,
James Cuxninc!HAM,
Thomas Riley,
Andrew of Reed,
J. Donahue,
R. Allen,
Sam. Peters,
V. FouiN,
AV. E. NiLEs,
John Newillr,
Peter Finn,
James IIaiierty,
John Short,
K. S, Derricicson
J. J. Mitchell,
DlDUI, F. M. c.,
George of Williamson,
Capt. Maurin,
A. Catching,
T. IIargis,
John Williams,
William Miller,
D. Scully,
W. Hamilton,
A. Bllgeh,
James Gariltaldy,
Nelson (slave),
Aa.] All OF COSBV,
Joseph Raffle,
Levy Keys,
IioiiERT Phillips,
James Doherty,
J. Sheridan,
J. J. Foley,
J. Capdeville,
D. Graig,
S. Boydet,
William Buckley,
John Denis,
A. Reider,
John G. King,
W. Pulton,
M. Eagan,
William Jones,
P. Sweet,
Tim. Haley,
John Mooney,
1'elise Boyle,
C. Wilcox,
J. IIerod,
Ed. Green,
Joseph Levy,
Tim. Knight.
W. Hunter,
2d. The following named persons Avill be released from }
firrest upon taking the oatli of allegiance to the United
States :
at ship island.
James Beggs,
Michael Murphy,
FuEDERicK A. Taylor,
v. E. WiLTZ.
Jon. M. Monroe.
By command of Major-General Banks,
Richard H. Irwin, Lieut.-Col. A. A. U.
General Orders No. 118.
Headquarters Department op the Gulf,
New Orleans, Dec. 24, 18G2.
Applicalion for the suspension oftlie order closing certain
cliurches in the city of New Orleans, Lave been presented to
the Military Governor of the State, and by him referred to
the Major-General commanding.
An omission in the church service, assumed to have been
made by direction of the church government, is understood
to liave been the basis of this order. Where the head
of the State is also head of the clmrch, an omission like that
referred to would be in contravention of political authority,
but the Government docs not here assume that power, and
the case presented does not seem to require a continued in-
tervention of military authority. The order is, therefore,
provisionally rescinded, and the churches will be opened as
heretofore, on and after Christmas Day. This decision is
based upon the negative character of the ofleuce charged.
The Commanding General desires it to be understood,
however, that clergymen are subject to the restrictions im-
posed upon all other men. They well know the extent of
their privileges. No appeal to the j^assions or prejudices of
the peoj^le, or to excite hostility to the Government, whether
in the form of prayer, exhortation, counsel or sermon, nor
any offensive demonstration, whether open or covert, can be
allowed. As public teachers, ministers should give some
guarantee of their purpose to the public.
The Commanding General is indisposed to interfere with
the rights of others, or to submit to the interference of
others with the rights of the Government, which relies upon
its justice and power, and not upon the consent of its oppo-
nents, for the success of its measures.
By command of Majok-GeneRxVL Banks.
RiCHAKD B. Irwin, Lieut.-Col., A. A. G.
General Orders No. 117.
Headquarters DEPARTsrEXT of the Gulf,
New Orleans, Dec. 24, 18G2.
1. Owing to llie necessities of the service, and to pre-
serve the reputation of the army, all horses, mules, wagons,
carriages, and other means of transportation, in the posses-
sion of ofticers, soldiers or employes of the Government in
this city, and throughout the department, will be delivered
to the Chief (Quartermaster, or such officers of liis depart-
ment as he may designate. Horses, wagons, etc., Avhich
have been purchased in tlie State by such parties, must be
reported and registered at the office of the Chief Quarter-
master. A certitied copy of the bill of sale, giving the date,
jilace of purchase, from whom bought and amount i>aid, with
a descrij^tion of the property, will be deposited at the same
time. Officers entitled to liorscs, and having them in pos-
session, as above stated, may have them appraised and paid
for by getting proi)er authority so to do.
All commading officers, provost-marshals, quartermasters,
aiul other military agents of the Government, are directed to
enforce this order. Every violation or evasion of it will be
rej)orted to the Chief Quartermaster.
2. The Chief (Quartermaster will cause all seized or coniis-
cated houses not assigned by his authority, to be vacated,
without delay. Regimental officers will bo provided with
(piarters near their regiments.
3. All general ami stall-officers, regularly assigned to duly
in this city, will be paid commutation of quarters and fuel,
provided fuel is not issued in kind, and that no such officer
occupy a seized or confiscated house, or other building rent-
ed for the (Tovernment.
4. All houses, irregularly seized, occui)ied or confiscated,
■svill be disposed of by the Chief (Quartermaster, who will, as
far as iiraclicable, deliver tlicm to res})ousible persons, to be
lielcl by tliem subject to tlie future disposition of the Govern-
ment. Tlie Provost-jMaishal will give any assistance neces-
sary to carry out this order.
By command of Major-Geneeal Banks.
EiCHAKD B. Ikwix, Lieut.-Col., A. A. Q.
General Banks tried his utmost to revive tlie drooping
spirits of the inhabitants of the city.
Public places of amusement were opened ; concerts given,
public and private balls, soirees, and dinner parties, but all to
no purpose ; the iron had entered too deeply into the Southern
soul to be expelled by aught that any human being could
Time alone could heal the wounded heart.
All eftbrts at gayety seemed a mockery of woe — the
ISTorthern element with which tlie city was infested enjoyed
itself beyond measure. Mrs. Banks was quite " a bright
particular star" in it.
We heard of all the excitement — the feasting and extrava-
gance — a good deal of " the shoddy" about it. The Sutlers'
wives v.'lth their diamonds and satins, the ladies dressed in
the Flag, etc., etc., and the entertainments given in palatial
mansions, which had been confiscated, and their owners re-
duced to beggary!
The dark browm-stone residence standing at the corner of
Prytania and Fourth Streets, the mansion of Pierre Soule,
Esq., on Esplanade, and mun)/, many others, if they could
speak, could tell tales which, perhaps, would not be so pleas-
ant for some persons to listen to at the present time.
" The rooms were filled, but nobody was there."
There was one exception. One Northern lady, whose
sense of propriety was such, that rather than live in a con-
fiscated house she returned home, leaving her husband, who
was one of the officials, to attend to his supposed duty. She
could not brook the idea of being " de trop."
At last the old ostablislied " ^lardi Gras" day arrived ; but
filas ! its pleasures had all departed. Here, as in Fi-ance, it
had from time immemorial been kej)t as a day of amusement
and jollity ; but under the clouds which hung over us few
felt inclined to indulge.
The following beautiful lines were found in a daily paper,
written by a young Southern lady :
"We give i)lace with pleasure to the following feelingly
expressed thoughts, suggested by the approaching Mardi
Gras festivities :
In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of ad-
versity consider. God also set one over against the other,
to the end that man should find nothing after him.
Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire,
your land, strangers devour it in your jiresence, and it is
desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
Rise up ye women that are at ease ; hear my voice ye
careless daughters, give ear unto my speech.
For death is come up into our windows, and is entered
into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and
the young men from the streets.
Pause, gentle maiden, ere you whirl down the path of
])leasure, and drop a sympathetic tear for the old men and
women of your land ; they who liave laid their victims on
the altar, and sacrificed their sons for your protection !
List ! to the wail of anguish which arises from once happy
households, now stricken low in grief. Wcei) ! for the
gentle wife Avho liad so fondly hoped to catch again the
falling footsteps of him who left her side to battle for his
country's cause — now Avidowed and desolate.
"Weep for the lonely mother who, with Spartan heroism,
repressed the rising sobs, and sent her fair boys forth to fall,
nlas ! glorious martyrs on the slirine of liberty. Oh ! shall
the cold winds alone chant their funeral dirge, and Heaven
alone bedew their graves with tears ?
Gentle sisters and loving wives, who guard your brothers
and husbands near you, lend a listening ear to the agonizing
suspense of all who wait ai'ound you.
Dance not over these victims, but on the day which pre-
cedes the season of fasting and prayer, let no sounds of
revelry be heard. In silence let its passag'c be marked by a
calm contemj^lation of the now desolate aspect of our country,
and the dangers which beset ns on every side.
Tiie " Old Dominion" stands pulsating, for the cry of vic-
tory comes not from the old North State. Brave and fear-
less Carolina clasps with her right hand her flaming sword,
and links her left in that of the martyr State of Georgia.
Once smiling Florida now frowns defiance, and through the
flowery glades of Alabama there rings a cry for freedom ;
the vibration strikes the hill-tops of Mississippi, and from
the lowlands oi Louisiana every heart sends forth a bold re-
"The lone star" trembles, for through the silent swamps
of Arkansas the roar of battle and the sighing wail are
heard from suflering Missouri. Kentucky cowers in pale
affright, for the brave sons of Tennessee have shed a river of
blood, in freedom's cause, upon her recreant soil.
War, with its horrors, is in our midst ; then does it not
better become us to lay aside at such a season all tokens of
mirth and festivity, and hallow it by heartfelt supplications
to the King of Heaven for Ilis protection in this our day of
trial ?
Let it be said that by every public demonstration we
claimed the strength and power of God's protecting hand.
And here, in our city, let it be said, " They helped every
one his neighbor, and said to his brother, be of good
"Awako, awake, ])iit on strc'n2;tli, oli arm of IlieLord;
awnko, as in tlie ancient days in tlie generations of old.*'
Oil, my stricken country ! may tlie Pi)irit of the good and
miglity Washington come furth from its resting-place and
hover over you, urging us all to deeds of i)atriotic virtue
and wliispering words of good cheer. Racukl.
The day passed off more quietly than usual. Sr)mc arrests
were made ii\ the evening.
The ft)olishness of the masciuoraders in the streets could not
he tolerated — was not understood by
" Deacon John Auricular.
Who, in tlio riglit road, wulked perpendicular. "
This year, 1SG7, has lieen very dillerent ; old times seem
to be revived. "jNIardi Gras" passed off as usual, and the
" Mystick crcwe of Comus" was as splendid as in days
gone by.
TiFKHK was a great stir and intense excitement at one
time during (General lianks's administration. ^V numlier of
" IJebels" were to leave for the "Confederacy." I'heir
iViiMids, amounting to some 20,000 persons, women and
chiltlren ](iiiicipally, wended their way down to tlie Leveo
to see them off, and to taki- their last liirewell.
Such a (luantily of women frightened the oflicials; they
wi'ic (■.\asp( rated at their waving of lia idkerchiefs ; their
loiul (•alhiig to their friends, and their going on to vessels in
the vicinity !
Orders were given to "stand bade," but no heed was
given ; the bayonets were pointed at the hidies, but they
were not to be scared. A lady ran across to get a nearer
view — an officer seized her by the arm ! but she escaped,
leaving a scarf in his possession. At last the military received
orders to do its duty.
The aftair was called tlie " Pocket Ilandkerchief ^Yal•,"
and has been put in verse which is quite comical.
Of all the Lattlcs, modern or old,
By poet sung or historian told ;
Of all the routs that ever was seen
From the days of Saladin to Marshal Turrenne,
Or all the victories later yet won,
From Waterloo's field to that of Bull-run ;
All, all, must hide their fading light,
In the radiant glow of the handkerchief fight ;
And a Pciean of joy must thrill the land,
When they hear of the deeds of Banks's hand.
'Twas on the Levee, where the tide
Of " Father Mississippi" flows ;
Our gallant lads, their country's pride,
Won this great vict'ry o'er her foes.
Four hundred Eebels were to leave
That morning for Secessia shades,
When down there came (you'd scarce believe),
A troop of children, wives, and maids.
To wave farewells, to bid God-speed,
To shed for them the parting tear,
To waft them kisses as the meed
Of praise to soldiers' hearts most dear,
Th(>y came in hundreds — thousands lined
The si eets, the roofs, the shipping too.
Their ribbons dancing in the wind.
Their bright eyes flashing love's adieu.
'Twas tlion to dangor %tc awoke,
But uobly faced- tlie unarmed throng,
And beat tliom back with hearty stroke,
Till reinforcements came along.
We waited long, our aching sight
^^'as strained in eager, anxious gaze.
At last we saw the bayonets bright
Flash in the sunlight's welcome blaze.
The cannon's dull and heavy roll,
Fell greeting on our gladdened car.
Then fired each eye, then glowed each soul.
For well we knew the strife was near.
Charge! rang the cry, and on wo dashed
Upon our female foe.'!,
As seas in stormy fury lashed.
Whene'er the tempest blows.
Ijiko chaff their parasols went down.
As our gallants rushetl ;
And many a bonnet, robe, and gown
Was torn to shreds or crushed.
Though well we plied the bayonet,
Still some our cflbrts braved.
Defiant both of blow antl threat,
Their handkerchiefs still waved.
Thick grew the fight, loud rolled the din.
When charge! rang out again,
And then the cannon tluindered in,
And scoured o'er the plain. '
Down, neath th' unpitying iron heels
Of horses children sank.
While throngb the crowd the cannon wheels
Mowed roads on either flank.
One startled shriek, one hollow groan.
One headlong rush, and then
Huzza ! the field was all our own.
For we were B.VKKs's men.
That night, released from all our toils.
Our dangers jiat-t and gone;
We gladly gatbered up tlie spoils
Our cliivalry Lad ■won !
Five Imndred 'kercliiefs we liad suatclied
From Rebel ladies' bands,
Ten parasols, two slices (not matched)
Some ribbons, belts, and bands,
And otber things that I forgot;
But then you'll find them all
As tiophies in that hallowed spot —
The cradle — Faneuil Hall!
And long on Massachusetts' shore.
And on Green Mountains' side.
Or where Long Island's breakers roar.
And by the Hudson's tide.
In times to come, when lamps are lit.
And fires brightly blaze.
While roiind the knees of heroes sit
The young of happier days.
Who listen to their storied deeds.
To them sublimely grand —
Then glory shall award its meed
Of praise to Banks's band.
And fame proclaim that they alone
(In triumph's loudest note)
May wear henceforth, for valor slioicn,
A icoman's petticoat f Eugexte.
A vessel lying beside tlie steamer, having a number of
ladies on board, was started off! It was impossible to return.
The ladies were on board all night and the greater part of
the next day without food or extra clothing !
jSTo doubt it was considered a "good joke," as "joking"
was quite the fashion at Washington.
The " Hod ITivor oxpctlitioiv' was tlie grand finale of
(n'lioral r>anks in tho Department of the Gnlf. It is said
tliat tliis ex})edition was underlaken to drive the Confederate
army out of Louisiana, and to purchase cotton (wliicli was
Btowed away in large quantities on the dillerent plantations)
at a very low price.
The .Southern army, under General Smith, was concen-
trated in Louisiana. IJanks's first attack was at Yellow
J]ayou, where the Confederates were forced to retreat.
General Banks and his troops scoured the whole country.
AVe heard of him in Le Tcche, La Fourche (where Butler
had confiscated cvei-y thing), Bayou Kapides, Bayou de
(daise, and liayou Cotile. This was the wealthiest i)ortion
of the country. There was sad destruction wherever their
footsteps were heard; houses robbed and burned; cotton,
negroes, horses, etc., stolen. A large wagon load of silver;
another of cut glass, and the most elegant table furniture,
followed in the rear of his army !
After the attack mentioned, General Banks retired to
Alexandria, where he had a ball and quite an entertainment.
The Yankee army advancing and the Confederate retreat-
ing, until arriving at Xachitochcs, where another cntcrtaiii-
lacnt was given.
Another attack was made at I^lcasant Hill ; the Confed-
erates still retreated.
A slight skirmish took place at Robinson's Mill. Tho
army then fell back to ]\[oss's field, one mile from Mansfield.
Here an awful, bloody battle was fought. It was tho
closing battle of the exi)edition. The Confederates fought
as they ever have fought — bravely. Thousands were shiiu
and many wounded on both sides ; but at last the Confud-
erates were victorious !
Banks, " as usual," had the choicest viands and confec-
tionery in the rear of the army, to enable them to have
their country "ball and entertainment" when again tri-
umphant ; but " the race is not always to the swift, nor the
battle to the strong."
Ho who has said " Vengeance is mine, I will repay," over-
threw the invaders. Great was their discomfort and
mortification !
What feasting the poor Confederates had when the " ban-
quet" fell into their hands ! and what rejoicing when the
wagons of silver, cut glass, ^;«^>cr collars^ and stores were
captured ! They were generously distributed round in the
General Banks was at ISTachitoches during the battle of
Mansfield, and, hearing the evil tidings that his army was
beaten, he left all, jumped into his carriage, and took F'rench
leave — not stopping to look back.
The Confederate army followed in close pursuit to Pleas-
ant Hill.
Many will remember that lovg^ straUjld road from Pleasant
Hill ! — the Confederate cannon planted in the rear, and
rakintr the whole extent where the Yankees were retreating
at breakneck speed.
Looking back, the " negro brigade" could be seen standing
motionless, Avhile the doctors, generals, and privates were
" skedaddling."
The Confederates pursued them to Nachitochcs, and from
there General Banks returned to the city.
The "lied River expedition" reflected no credit upon
him ; it seemed to finish off General Banks's career.
y I X A L E.
After passing thvougli such dire events, v,-ho cnn imag-ine
our lierirltc'It emotions, joincil Avitli thanksgivings to Al-
miglity God, I'or all Ilis blessings to us, when we lieard tiie
war was ended — that General Lee had honorably surren-
dered !
Not to I^orthern foes; wc liave always thought we could
have vcniquishcd them. But we could not stand before a
combined army of German, Irish, Dutch, P^'rench, Spanish,
llussians, and English ! and, rather than have any more
bloodshed. General Lee, so soon as the authority was vested
in him, " surrendered" — retiring gracefully, amidst the
l)laudits of both armies.
For some time we have had com|)arativc peace — but our
country is destroyed ! And now, there are rumors of other
biekerings " borne upon the wings of the wind," about
Avhich we wish to have nothing to say.
We go on our way rejoicing, still trusting in our Heavenly
Father, who has brought us through so many and great
Although there may yet be troubles in store for us, aii<I
although magnates may be an-ayed against us, yet we leel
assured, rellecliufj^ upon past mercies, that "some unforeseen
]>ath will be oi)eiu"!d for us among the hills.''
Let " Nil dcsjicrcuuhiiit'' be our motto.
The fullowing sketclies of Generals Lee and Jackson are
very ably written, and are interesting :
General Robert E. Lee, called "The Hero of the Revolu-
tion" by his Confederate friends, was, at the earlier j^ei'iod
of the war, and still is, commander-in-chief of the Confed-
erate army. This officer was born in the State of Virginia,
about the year 1808.
His father was the distinguished General Henry Lee
(called by his cotemporaries, familiarly, Harry Lee), the
known friend and eulogist of the Father of his Country.
In fact, the whole family of Lees always, until now, devoted
their energies and ability to the cause of the young Re-
public and to the union and integrity of government.
The present General hee, whose name is the subject of
this memoir, married the daughter of Mi: Ciistis, the repre-
sentative of the AVashington family, and by this marriage
became the proprietor of the Arlington estates, and, through
]\[rs. Washington, of large possessions in the County of New
Kent, among which Avas the famous and recently-destroyed
"White House, on the Pauiunkey River, in which Washing-
ton and his family passed many day3. The young man, who
])ossessed a high order of ability, graduated at West Point,
in the year 1829, standing second in his class of forty-six
members, among whom we find the names of General C. P.
Buckingham, acting adjutant-general of the United States
army; O. M. Mitchell,- and others now in the service of the
Union, and Joseph E. Johnston, a general in the Confederate
Sliorlly aflcr lliis the suLject of our sketch visited Europe,
wliere liis manner and acquirements secured him an entree
to tlie best society of the European capitals.
During tlie jMexican Avar ho was entrusted by Generals
Scott and Trotten with the imjiortant charge of the en-
gineering department of the army in Mexico.
General Lee was formerly a colonel of cavalry in the
United States army previous to his joining the Confederates,
who made liim a major-general.
General Lee graduated with great distinction in the year
1829. lie was next, on the lirst of July, brevetted as
second lieutenant of the engineer corjis, receiving his com-
mission on the same day.
Among the public duties assigned hini in his career, in
all of which he exhibited talents of the highest order, are
the following:
In 1835 he was astronomer for fixing the boundary be-
tween Ohio and Michigan ; a lirst lieutenant in Sei)tember,
183G; captain in July, 1838; chief engineer in General
Woofs army in the Mexican war, in 18-17; brevet major
for the battle of Cerro (iordo, April, 1847; brevet lieuten-
ant-colonel for the ])attle of Contreras and Cherubusco,
August, 1817 ; brevet colonel for the battle of Chajjultepec,
in which he was severely wounded, Se}>tember, 1847; Su-
jterintenilent of the United States Military Academy at
West Point, 1852; lieutenant-colonel of cavalry, 1850. On
the loth of Mar(;h, 1801, lie was promoted to colonelcy of
the First United States cavalry, and on the 25lh of April
resigned the service and joined the Confederates.
Of the personal api)earancc audp/n/si'/ue of General Lee,
one of liis admirers and laudators thus spoke not many
months ago :
"Speaking of General Lee, ho appears to be every inch a
gentleman and oflieer. IV-rsonally, in many characteristics,
he is a seeuiid ediliun of General IJcauiegard, bound in a
large volume — being, perhaps, tliree or four inches taller.
lie has a broad, expansive forehead, which loses itself in
locks of iron gray hair ; well-developed intellectual organs,
especially the perceptive faculties; a fine profile; a keen,
expansive, dark-brown eye, whicli, undisturbed by any thing
behind it, Avould not be unbecoming to a Quaker, but
aroused, looks as it might penetrate a two-inch 2)lank ; which,
iu repose, has an air of military rigidity, but lit up with a
smile, seems to contain a sort of intelligent benediction ; a
nose slightly on the Roman style of architecture, and a
mouth, if one may judge from the lines around it — for it is
concealed by a heavy iron -gray moustache — full of spirit
and determination. Like Beauregard, his manners arc
aflable, courteous, and refined, combining so nicely the hon
lioninie of a man of the world with the dignity of position
that you can hardly tell where the one begins and the other
ends. He dresses in plain black clothes, wears an old black
hat, which, in nine times out of ten, is knocked in one side,
and in this attire, is the last man in the world who would
be taken for General Lee, the first commander-in-chief of
the Virginia army."
Numbers of our readers, who may not have seen the
following, will be gratified, at its republication in our
columns :
General Orders No. 9.
Headquarters Army of N. Virginia,
Apri] 10, 1805.
After four years of arduous service, marked by unsur-
]iassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Xorthern
Virginia hns been com})elled to yield to overwhelming
nmnbors and resources.
I need nut tell the brave survivors of so manv hnrd-iuiight
battles, wlio liave remained steadfast to tlie last, that I have
consented to this result Ironi no distrust of them.
But feeling that valor and devotion could accomiilish
nothing that could compensate for the loss that Avoulil have
attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to
avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose })ast services have
endeared them to their countrymen.
By the terms of the agreement, the ofilccrs and men can
return to tlieir homes and remain xmtil exchanged. You
Avill take ■with you the satisfaction that i)rocceds from the
consciousness of duly faithfully performed, and I earnestly
pray that a merciful God ■will extend to }ou His blessings
and ])rotection.
Witli an unceasing admiration of your courage and devo-
tion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your
kind and generous consideration for myself, I bid you an
affectionate flu'ewell. II. E. Lee, General.
A Xorlhern co)-resi)ondent thus ■writes of these two Con-
federate Generals:
Lee is believed to be the brains, as Jackson is the liand
and loot, of the rebel army. Lee plans ; Jackson executes.
In their marches Jackson leads- the advance and Lee brings
!!]• the rear. Lee will talk to some extent, but Jackson is
always silent. l'^\eii his IViends are unable to obtain I'roni
him any clue to his plans. Jackson is described as a man ot
very ])eculiar temfter and habits. ]Ii' dresses in the com-
monest maimer, wearing no badge that can indicate his
rank. He lives entirely in the field, sharing the half rations
of his men, and disdaining the elVeminate luxury of a house-
roof or good bed. At a recent stopping- place he was in-
duced to occupy a dwi-Uing-housc as his headcpiarters, but
he became uneasy at such unwonted comfort, and was prcs-
ently found in his old place again among his soldiers. His
Avhole baggage is his Bible and a few maps ; and when not
on the march he spends his time reading the former or lying
on the ground studying the latter. lie is of intensely reli-
gious habits, and would seem more a type of the old Puritan
soldier than any other man in either army.
A lady thus describes the appearance of Stonewall Jack-
son, as she observed him in Maryland, on his late raid :
While the officers were dashing down the road, and the
half-naked privates begging at every door, General Jackson
stood sunning himself, and talking with a group of soldiers
at the pump across the street — a plain man, in j^lain clothes,
with an iron face and iron-gray hair. Only by his bearing
could he be distinguished from his men. lie stood as if the
commonest of all, marked only by the mysterious insignia
of individual presence by which wo know, instinctively, the
genius from the clown. No golden token of rank gleamed
on his rusty clothes — of the shining symbols of which, alas!
too many of our officers are so ridiculousl}'' fond, that they
seem unconscious how disgraceful is this glitter of vanity.
They were nowhere visible on old Stonewall's person.
When General Jackson had drunk at the pump and talked
at his leisure, he mounted his flame-colored horse and rode
down the street at the jog of a comfortable farmer carrying
a bag of meal.
Have you ever seen General Jackson ? Many of your
readers, at least, have not. I am not much at pen-and-ink
portraits, but I cannot resist the temptation to give you a
short and rough sketch of the hero of the Valley. Imagine,
then, a man about five feet ten inches liigh, rather thick set,
full chest, broad, stalwart shoulders, and, indeed, the M'hoh
2')Jtyslq}(i', iiulicarmc;; what is connnonly calluJ a " ■well-made"
man. lie is the pictui'e ol" health, yel there appears no rc-
diiiulaney of llesh. His face is sligiitly bronzed from the
constant cx])osure of his campaigns. It was said of Ciesar
tliat if lie had not been a conqueror, he would have excelled
all his cotemporaries as a boxer or athlete ; and so I should
say of Jackson, he would be a dangerous antagonist at listi-
cufts. His ai)i>earance at first impresses you with the idea
of great powers of endurance, strength, and elasticity of
frame. The expression of his face adds to, rather than
diminishes, the general ellect.
There you sec self-command, perseverance, indomitable
will, tliat seems neither to know nor think of any cailhly
obstacle, and all this without the least admixture of vanity,
assumacy, jiride, fool-hardiness or any thing of the kind.
There seems a disposition to asseit its pretensions, but from
the quiet sense of conviction of his relative })osition, which
sets the vexed question of self-importance at rest — a pecu-
liarity, I would remark, of great minds. It is only the little
and the frivolous who are forever obtruding their j^etty vani-
ties before the world. His face also expresses courage in the
highest degree, and his plirenological developments indicate
a vast amount ol' energy and activity.
His forehead is broad and i)romincnt, the occii)ilal and
sincipital regions are both large and well balanced ; eyes ex-
pressing a singular union of mildni'ss, energy, and concentra-
tion ; cheek and nose large and well I'ormed. His dress ifj
a connnon gray suit of liuled cassimer, coat, ])ants and hat —
the coat slightly braided on the sleeve, just enough to bo
]>crceptible, the collar displaying the mark of a ^NFajor-Gen-
eral. Of his gait, it is sufhcient to say that he Just goes
along, not a particle of the strut, the military swagger, tur-
key-gobbler j)arade, so common among ofllcci's of small rank
and small minds.
It would lie a prulilabic study fur stnue of oiii" military
swells to devote one hour each day to the conlera2)lation of
the magnificent plainness of " Stonewall." To military fame,
which they can never hope to attain, he unites the simplici-
ty of a child, the straightforwardness of a Western farmer.
On last Sunday he was dressed as above, and bestrode as
common a horse as one could find in a summer day. There
may be those who would be less struck with his appearance,
as thus accoutred, than if bedizzened with lace, and holding
the reins of a magnificent barb, caparisoned and harnessed
lor glorious war.
Ihit to one who had seen him, as I had, at Cold Harbor
and Malvern Hill, in tlie rain of shells and the blaze of the
death-lights of the battle-field, when nothing less than a
mountain would serve as a breastwork agairist the thirt^'-six-
inch shells which howled and shrieked through the sickly air,
General Jackson in tatters would 1)0 the same hero as Gen-
ei'al Jackson in gilded xmiform. In my simple view he is a
noni)areil — he is without a peer. He has enough energy to
supply a whole manufacturing district — enough military
genius to stock two or three military schools of the size of
West Point,
Probably at no jieriod of the war has the religious element
in the army been more predominant than it is at present.
In many instances chaplains, army missionaries, colporteurs,
and tracts have accomplished great benefits; but by fir the
most cogent influences that have operated upon and subdued
the reckless spirit of the soldier, are those which are born in
the heart itself upon the field of battle.
It is not strange, therefore, as you go through various
camps, even on a week day, that your ears are here and there
saluted Avith the melody of a choir of voices, rich, round, and
full, sung with all the seiiousness and earnestness of true de-
votion ; or that, before the lights arc out in the evening,
manly tones arc heard in thanksgiving for the blessings oi
the day, or that the Bible and ])rayer-books are common
l)ook.s upon the mcss-lable ; or tliat, when Sunday arrives,
the little stand from wliicli tlie eliaplain is wont to dis-
course, is tlie centre of a chister of interested and pious lis-
In many of the regiments much of this kindly influence
is due to the pure and elevated character of the oflicei-s.
AVherevcr those arc found, you invariably also find a neat,
well-disciplined, orderly, quiet command, as prompt in the
camp as they arc brave upon the field. Now and then you
may hear a taunt about " our praying captain," or " colonel,"
but even these thoughtless expressions come from men who
venerate their oflicers, and would follow them to the death.
As you know, some of our ablest generals are men wlio have
dro]>ped the gown of the Christian for the apparel of tlie
General Jackson never enters a fight without invoking
God's blessing and protection. The dependence of this
strange man upon the Deity seems never to be absent from
his mind, and Avliatevcr lie does, or says, it is always pre-
faced, " IJy God's blessing."
In one of his ofticiul dispatches he commences, " 13y God's
blessing, we have to-<lay defeated the enemy."
After a battle lias been fought the same rigid reinembrancc
of Divine ])0wer is observed. The army is drawn up in line,
the General dismounts from his horse, and there, in the
])resence of his rough, bronze-faced troops, with heads un-
covered and l)cnt awe-stricken to the ground, the voice ot
the good man, which but a few hours before was ringing
out in (piick and fiery intonations, is now lieard subdued and
calm, as if overcome by the ])resence of the Supreme Being,
in holy api)eal to the "sai)phire throne." Few such spectacles
have been Avitnessed in modern times, and it is needless to
add that few sueh cvainples have ever told with more won-
dious ])ower upon tlie hearts of the men.
During the war many beautiliil pieces of prose and poetry
appeared in print. We placed them in our scrap-book, and
think nom '' they will be appreciated."
War is tlie greatest of all calamities. It contains in itself
the most direful evils mortals are subject to. It is the fruit-
ful source of all manner of sin and misery. Its course is
marked by tears, and anguish, and blood. The heart of
wife, mother, sister, is tortured by anxiety for the objects
of their love and pride, who have gone forth to the conflict,
and tlie agony of suspense is often changed for the keener
agony of actual bereavement. The rich are brought down
to want, and those whose prosperity is still untouched by
the hand of the destroyer realize painfully the uncertainty
of worldly substance. Those blessed with a competency,
accustomed to generous living, now find their income barely
adequate for the stinted maintenance of their households.
This judgment develops the baser jDassions of human na-
ture. We might suppose, overlooking for the moment the
sad fact of inborn depravity, that a war waged in defence of
natural rights, of liberty, land, honor, virtue, life, appealing
as it does to the noblest and strongest feelings of the heart,
would call into active play only the better qualities and traits,
and that we should witness no exhibitions of selfishness,
falseness, and sordidness. But while the strife in which we
are engaged afiibrds numerous and bright instances of ten-
derness, generosity, fortitude, and courage, its course, has
been marked by manifestations of the vilest and meanest at-
tributes and instincts. Wo have seen the healthful and
strong choosing rather the delights of home than the priva-
tions and perils their country called upon them to endure
and confront. We have seen those toko tcere foremost in
urging on tlie movement that led to this war, refusing to
take vp arms, under the false plea of physical inahHity,
And infinitely worse than this, these troublous times have
broiiglit prominently before .a suflering peo])]e a race of
heartless, unprincipled, avaricious creatures, who, dead to the
inspiration of our lioly and glorious cause, arc devoting all
their cunning and energy to the increase of tlieir substance.
It is to these human cormorants, who prey upon the neces-
sities of the needy Avhose straitened circumstances call for
sympathy and assistance, and who are suffering because they
who maintained them are fighting for independence, that wo
owe many of the evils that grievously try our })atience and
The evils of this calamitous disjiensation fall with heavy
weight u])on our noble soldiers. We talk about the discom-
forts we sufl'er — about scantily furnished boards and dimin-
ished incomes — about enforced separation from those who
made home a joy; but we should be ashamed of our com-
plaints Avhen we consider the hardships, toils, privations, and
sufferings they are enduring, on whose obedience and valor
depend the issue of this conflict. Performing the most ar-
duous labors, subsisting on the coarsest fare, whose sameness
is unvaried for months, exposed to heat, and cold, and rain,
sleeping on the damp ground, with no covering but the blue
arch of heaven, kee[)ing watch and ward while footsore and
weary with toil and marching, these gallant defenders of our
cause, against a numerous and ruthless foe, are, by fir, the
greatest sufferers from this cruel Avar.
And these noble spirits are exposed to greater evils than
any of the multiform ills we have glanced at. Vices grow
rankly during the inaction of camp life. Temptation to sin
lurks in the houi's of idleness ; and having nothing to do, aiul
weary of the dull moiuitony of the unvarying routine, the
tempter finds easy access to willing ears. And the sin in-
dulged in again and again, the remonstrances of con.scienco,
tiaiued and enlightened by the teachings of l>iety, put to
silence, the youthful transgressor becomes the victim of
vicious habits whose power can be broken only by divine
grace. Lips unused to profane words in a short time drop
oaths and blasphemies, unclean stories are listened to with
increasing interest ; and a taste is formed for the grosser
I)leasures, which will be indulged when opportunity presents
itself. These moral evils are the evils we most heartily de-
plore, and their existence causes us to regret the more deeply
the existence of this strife. It is these that make war the
greatest of all calamities.
" Corporal Green," the Orderly cried ;
" Here !" was the answer, loud and clear,
From tlie lips of a soldier who stood near ;
And "Here!" was the word the next replied.
"Cyrus Drew!" — then a silence fell —
This time no answer followed the call
Only his rear-man had seen him fall,
Killed or wounded, he could not tell.
There they stood in the falling light,
These men of battle, with grave, dark looks.
As plain to be read as open books,
While slowly gathered the shade of night.
The fern on the hill-sides were splashed with blood,
And down in the corn, where the poppies grew.
Were redder stains than the poppies knew ;
And crimson-dyed was the river's flood.
For the foe had crossed from the other side,
That day, in the face of a murderous fire
That swept them down in its terrible ire ;
And their life blood went to color the tide.
"Herbert Cline!"'— At the call there came
Two stalwart soldiers into the line.
Bearing between them this Herbert Cline,
Wounded and bleeding, to answer his name.
"Ezra Kerr!" — and a voice ans\\'ered "Here!"
" Hiram Kerr !" — but no man replied;
Tliey were brothers, these two ; tlie sad Tvind sighed,
And a shudder crept through the corn-fiekl near.
" Ephraim Deanc !" then a soldier spoke :
"Deane carried our regiment's colors," he said,
" When our ensign was shot ; I left him dead
Just after the enemy wavered and broke
" Close to tlie roadside his body lies ;
I paused a moment and gave him to drink ;
lie murmured his mother's name, I think ;
And Death came with it and closed his eyes."
'Twas a victory — yes; but it cost us dear;
For that company's roll, when called at night,
Of a hundred men who went into the fight.
Numbered but twenty that answered "Here!"
"When the present war sliall be over, wlint a glorious his-
tory may be Avritten. Not that the "world will teem Avilh
histories of it. But I speak not of generals and contnianders,
who, under the inspiration of leadership and with the mag-
netic eyes of the M'orld upon them, shall have achieved their
several triumphs — but of those who liave laid aside the
})lough, and stepped from behind the anvil, and the printing
press, and the counter, and from out the shop, and with leap-
ing pulses, and without hope of reward, laid an honest heart
and a strong right arm on the altar of their country; some
to languish, Avith undressed wounds, di'fying taunts and
insults, hunger and tliirst, their places of sepulchre even
tmknown, and their names remembered only at some deso-
late hearthstone, by a wcejMng Avidow and orphan.s, and
whose last pulse-beat was " for their country," By many a
cottage fireside shall old men tell tales to wondering child-
lioocl that shall bring forth tlieir own precious harvest;
sometimes of those who, inclosed in meshes too cunningly
woven to sunder, wore hated badges over loyal hearts, and,
with gnashing teeth and listening ear and straining eyeballs,
bided their time to strike ! Men who planted, that the
tyrant might reap ; whose wives and children Avent liungry
and shelterless, that he might be housed and fed ! Nor shall
woman be forgotten, who, with quivering heart and smiling
lip, bade God-speed to him than whom only her country
was dearer, and turned bravely back to her lonely home, to
fight the battle of life, with no other weapon than faith in
Ilim who feedeth the ravens. All these are the true heroes
of this war ; not alone they who have memorials presented,
and, if they die, pompous monuments erected, but the
thousands of brave fellows who know, if they fall, they will
have mention only among the " list of killed and wounded."
Who, untrammeled by precedents, shall write ns such a
history ?
"We have heard of several occurrences lately in connection
with the Federal troops now in our city which are vouched
for by responsible parties as entirely reliable. Many of the
incidents are laughable, others grave and affecting. We
will relate but a portion of them.
A highly respectable lady was called to her door by the
ringing of the bell the other morning. She was there met
by a handsome officer in a neat uniform, with hand out-
stretched :
"Aunt, don't you know me ? I come as a friend."
Here he was cut short by the lady starting back as from
a fiend.
"I know you not in that x;niforra ; you are no friend or
blood of mine ; begone this instant."
The officer suddenly retired ; the lady, withdrawing to her
cliamber, gave vent to Iier feelings in bitter tears, and was
so all'ected as to border on alarming illness. It had been but
a year or two since she was on a visit to the officer's parents,
her own blood relations, and the fond memory of the past,
and bitter realities of the present, entirely overpowered her
womanly sensibilities.
An old gentleman was sauntering along the street, his mind
intent upon the present troubles, when he was brought to a
sudden halt in front of a Federal officer, with the remark —
" Give me your hand, old friend ; how do you do V"
The old man gave but one look — such a look ! — and
placing both his hands beneath liis coat-tail, replied in simple
but emphatic words, " I don't know you, sir," and on he passed.
Two splendidly uniformed officers Avere enjoying a ride in
our street cars, and "were greatly astonished to find that al-
though they Averc frequently stopped by ladies, yet not one
had got in. This occurring so often, they at last inquired of
the driver :
" Sir, wliat is the meaning of this ; why is it tliat the la-
dies never get in the cars?"
" Sirs," replied the driver, " you are Federal ofiicers, and
they don't exactly like your company."
Each officer stared at the other — mute and grave astonisli-
ment — at last their risibilities could be contained no longer,
and they burst into a wild laugh. Their merriment in part
subsiding, one of them spoke —
" We are not Federal but French ofiicers, are entirely too
gallant to deprive the ladies of their ride, and will therefore
And suiting the action to the word, they left the cars and
proceeded on their way on foot, meditating on " the course
of human events."
A carriage was driven rapidly to a house in the First Dis-
trict, Avhere, on stopping, a Federal officer alighted and in-
quired for the house of a brother of au officer in the Coufed-
crate service. Xo one knew ; of course they did not. But
his directions enabled him soon to suppose he was " at tlie
right door," He was slightly mistaken, however. He en-
tered the yard of a house wherein resided a lady whose son
is with General Beauregard. The lady, on hearing who was
at her door, sprang from a sick bed, Avhereon she had been
long confined, and rushing to the door in great alarm, seized
the officer's hand and arm. Another lady, but a few doors
apart, whose husband is also with the General, reached the
spot in very few bounds, and seized the officer by the other
hand and arm.
" Wliat do you here? tell me of my son."
" What do you know of my husband ? Is he dead or
alive? Quick, quick, sir, speak!"
The officer stood perfectly affrighted, turned pale, and
some say trembled — well he might. Gathering self-posses-
sion at last, he spoke :
" Ladies, for Heaven's sake, let me go ; I know nothing of
your son or husband. I am looking for Mr. , and if he
does not live here, I wish to know it."
He did not live there ; and he retired more suddenly than
lie came.
We are delighted with the displays of patriotism of which
our exchanges continue to bring us the evidences from all
parts of the Confederacy. The contributions for the relief
of the soldiers, and the soldiers' families ; the readiness to
endure all manner of privation and loss when necessary to
resist the enemy ; the indomitable spirit which cries never
give up, and Avhich is but energized by disaster — all show
Oiat the courage and resolution of our population are, if
possible more unbending and enthusiastic than when the war
upon us was first coinmcnced. Let those manifestations
abound more and more. Our privations may increase — let
our clieerful endurance keep full pace. The wants of our
soldiers will be more numerous and urgent, now that winter
is u})oii us — let every dwelling be a workshop for their sup-
ply. Our cities may be summoned — let Fredericksburg be
quoted for answer. They may be bombarded — let glorious
Vicksburg be the animating examjile.
Our soldiers in the field it is impossible to praise too much
or to cherish too liigldy. It is one of their highest merits
that they are not soldiers from their love of war and carnage,
but from love of country. Some of the most gentle-spirited
and modest youths of the land are among the bravest heroes
of the army. They all long for home and its sweets. But,
obedient to the voice of duty and the instincts of manliness
and patriotism, they are braving the hardships and discom-
forts of a soldier's life and the perils of the terrible field of
battle, and they have won amid those bloody scenes a re-
nown for courage tliat has drawn the praises of the world,
and will prove a heritage of imdying fame for their country.
A foreign ofiicer, who was at the siege of Lucknow, and
who has seen much of fighting and of fighting men, says
that the Confederate soldiers are the best men in the world.
Another, who Avas at Sebastopol, says that nowhere but here
are raw troops seen to fight with the courage and efticiency
of veterans. Surely, if any stimulus w^as needed to prompt
towards our soldiers those deeds which an aff'ectionate pride
inspires, it is abundantly furnished in their noble sj^rit
and in their pre-eminent fixme, worthily Avon in the most
glorious of causes.
But, to the credit of the people, it can be truly said that
the soldier is never forgotten. The homo Avhich he loves
loves him truly and dearly. There is, perhaps, no lionr in
no day in Avhich he is not in the thoughts of all those whom
he has left behind him, and whose prayers constantly ascend
fov his safe return. It Avill be a clay of mutual transport
and joy when, tlie battles all fought and the grand victory
■won, the broken families shall be reunited and bask in the
sunshine of peace. May the day soon come !
Meanwhile let us all, in camp and in council, in field and
at fireside, continue the display of those qualities which, un-
der the blessing of Providence, have brought us safely to
the present stage of the war. We quoted on yesterday the
following from a London j^aper : " Never, we assert with
the utmost confidence, was there known a people so heroic,
so brave, so prudent, so devoted." Superlative praise ! We
must not fall below it now. We must not prove unworthy
of it. Rather let us, by new deeds of virtuous heroism and
new manifestations of prudent counsels and patriotic devo-
tion, add additional brightness to our present flxmc. Let each
stimulate each, and all encourage all, as we travel the rough
road whose length we do not know, but whose end is certain.
APRIL 20, 18G4.
Three years ago to-day
We raised our hands to heaven.
And on the rolls of muster
Our names were thirty- seven ;
There were just a thousand bayonets.
And the swords were thirty-seven.
As we took the oath of ser\'ico
With our right hands raised to heaven.
Oh, 'twas a gallant day,
In memory still adored.
That day of sun-bright nuptials
With the musket and the sword !
Shrill rang the fifes, the bugles blared.
And beneath a cloudless heaven
Twinkled a thousand bayonets,
And the swords were thirty-seven.
Of the ■ thousand stalwart bayonets
Two hundred march to-day ;
Hundreds! lie in Virginia swamps,
And hundreds in Maryland clay ;
And other hundreds, less happy, drag
Their shattered limbs around,
And envy the deep, long, blessed sleep
Of the battle-field's holy ground.
For the swords — one night, a week ago,
The remnant, just eleven,
fathered around a banqueting board.
With scats for thirty-seven ;
There were two limped in on crutches,
And two had each but a hand
To pour the wine and raise the cup
As we toasted, " Our flag and land !"
And the room seemed filled with wliispers
As -we looked at the vacant seats,
And, with choking throats, we pushed aside
The rich, but mi tasted meats ;
Then in silence we brimmed our glasses.
As wo rose uji — just eleven,
And bowed as we drank to the loved and the dead
Who made us thirty-seven !
L. V.
Private 5t7i, Co. Bat. Waf<Jdnfjton Artillery oflfew Orleans,
killed at Joncsboro, Ga., September, 1804.
" Dulco et decorum est pro patria inori."
With night had ceased the fearful struggle.
And naught was heard along the liiu-s
But the carriers' solemn tread,
As they bore to the surgeon's glittering knife
The wounded, or to the earth returned
Those Aviiom she claimed — the dead.
Aud among the latter a comrade dear,
Who in his country's cause had fallen
Facing the foe ;
A woman's face, but a lion's heart,
lie had, like a warrior, in the breast
Received the blow.
And far away ou Georgia's soil
He awaits the last roll-call of Ileaven
Calmly, without dread,
Whilst o'er his grave the birds are singing,
And the murmuring pines are softly chanting
Requiems for the dead.
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