Louisiana Anthology
Lafcadio Hearn.
La Cuisine Creole.
Table of Contents
- Broth, Scotch Barley
- Consomme of Fowl, White
- Egg Balls for Mock Turtle
- Green Pea, Queen Victoria's TAKEN
- Gombos,
Oyster, with Filee, No. 2 COLLINS
- Oyster
- Stock for Soup
- Stock to Clarify
- Stock for Gravies
- Turtle, Mock No. 2
- Turtle, Mock No. 3
- Vermicelli No. 1
- Vermicelli No. 2
- Vermicelli or Macaroni
- Codfish, Baked and Stewed
- Codfish au Beurre Boux
- Crabs, Fricassee of
- Croakers and Mullets, Fried
- Flounder, Broiled
- Flounder and Mullet, Fried
- Fish, Fricassee of TAKEN
- Oyster and Beefsteak Pie
- Oyster and Sweetbread Pie
- Oysters, Scalloped, No. 1
- Oysters, Scalloped, No. 2
- Oysters, Stewed with Milk
- Oysters, Stewed on Toast
- Oysters, on Toast
- Red Fish, a la Provencale Tedeton
- Stuff and Bake, to
- Trout a la Venitienne
- Turtle, to Dress
- Forcemeat, Liver and Ham
- Forcemeat, for Stuffing
- Glazing for Tongues, etc
- Pies, Meat or Chicken, to serve TAKEN
- Pies, Meat, Spices for
- Sausage Meat, Seasoning for BEAU COCO
- Tongue, Braised, with Asipic Jelly
- Truffles and Chestnut Stuffing DREHER
- Truffles and Liver Stuffing
- Veal, Pig or Turkey, Seasoning
- A l'Aurore, for Fish
- Apple, Fried TAKEN
- Brown Onion
- Butter and Flour
- Caper, for Mutton, etc
- Celery, White, for Poultry
- Chestnut, for Turkey, etc
- Cream
- Cucumber, White, for Meats Latino
- Duck Golden
- Froide
- Hard Sauce
- Horseradish Sauce Kayla Lynch
- Horseradish, To Keep
- Jelly, Savory, for Cold Turkey, etc
- Lemon, for Fish
- Lemon, Rich, for Puddings
- Mint
- Mushroom
- Onion, Brown
- Onion, White Carballo
- Oyster, Brown
- Oyster, White
- Oyster, for Turkey
- Parsley and Butter
- Piquante, for Cold Meat Latino
- Robert Sauce
- Salad, for Lettuce Latino
- Stock, for Gravies, etc
- Tomato Sauce
- Vinegar, Cheap
- Vinegar, To Make, No. 1
- Vinegar, To Make, No. 2
- Vinegar, for Pickles, To Make
- White Onion
- Calf or Pigs' Brains, Fried
- Calf or Pigs' Feet, Fried
- Calf Head, Collared
- Calf Head, Potted
- Fricadellons, Veal or Mutton
- Mustard, French, To Make
- Mutton, Scallops, with Mushrooms COLLINS
- Pie, Veal and Ham
- Sandwiches
- Stew, Kidney and Mushrooms DREHER
- Stew, Lamb Chops
- Stew, Tripe, Plain
- Timbale TAKEN
- Tripe, with Mushrooms
- Tripe, To Fry Brown
- Veal and Ham Pie
- Veal Loaf
- Veal, Minced, and Poached Eggs
- Veal or Mutton Fricadellons
- Veal Salad TAKEN
- Beef, Round, a la Baronne
- Beef, Steak, to Fry as if Broiled
- Beef, Steak, Roasted TAKEN
- Boiling, Remarks on
- Daube Glacee of Beef
- Ham, to Boil
- Mutton, Leg of, Boiled
- Mutton, Leg of, Roast
- Mutton, to Taste like Venison
- Chicken, Boiled
- Chicken, Broiled TAKEN
- Chicken, Cold, Scalloped
- Chicken, Stew or Fricassee
Chicken, Saute, with Oyster Sauce
- Duck, Canvas Back
- Duck, to Stew with Green Peas
- Duck, Tame and Wild
- Game, Venison, etc., Remarks on
- Hare or Rabbit, Roast
- Pie, Squirrel or Rabbit
- Pie, Rice Bird
- Pie, Roast
- Pie, Pigeon
- Pig, Roast
- Rice-Bird Pie
- Roast Pigeons
- Turkey, Boiled, with Celery
- Sauce
- Turkey, Boiled, with Oyster Sauce
- Turkey, Boned
- Turkey, Roast a la Perigord
- Venison Pasty
- Artichokes, Burr
- Beans, Snap, Stewed and Boiled
- Cauliflower, with White Sauce
- Corn, Green, Stewed
- Corn Oysters
- Egg Plant
- Mushrooms, Stewed, on Toast
- Onions, Boiled and Fried
- Peas, Green English, to Stew
- Peas, Marrowfat
- Potatoes
- Browned
- Potato, Irish, Stewed
- Potato, Sweet
- Pumpkin, with Salt Meat
- Salsify, Fried in Batter
- Spinach, to Cook
- Squash, Stewed
- Succotash
- Tomatoes, to Broil
- Turnips, to Cook TAKEN
- Eggs, Boiled, Soft or Hard
- Eggs, with Browned Butter and Vinegar TAKEN
- Omelet, with Oysters Willis
- Omelet, Soufflee Ozol
- Omelet, Soufflee, in mould
- Catsup, Mushroom Beasley
- Celery, etc., Vinegar
- Garnishes
- Salad, Chicken, Small
- Salad, Tomato, with or without Shrimp
- Slaw, Cold, with Hot Sauce BEAU COCO
- Slaw, Cold, Plain
- Thyme, etc., Flavor
- Tomato Catsup Tedeton
- Tomato, Green, Soy
- Cabbage, Chopped
- Cabbage, Pickle, Yellow
- Cabbage, Red
- Cantaloupe, Sweet Pickle of
- Cauliflower
- Chow-Chow
- Country Green
- Cucumbers, Old-time Sweet
- Cucumbers and Onions
- Cucumbers, Plain, without
- Spices
- Cucumbers, in Whiskey
- Figs, Sweet Pickle of
- Hints on Their Management
- Lemons
- Mustard
- Onions
- Oysters
- Peach
- Peach Green
- Peach, Mangoes Beasley
- Peach, Plain
- Peach and Apricot
- Plum, Sweet Pickle of
- Tomato, Green, Sweet Pickle of.
- Tomato Sauce HOUSER
- Walnut
- Biscuit, Cream of Tartar
- Biscuit, Light, or Roll
- Biscuit, Soda or Milk
- Biscuit, Soda, with Cream of Tartar
- Biscuit, Sponge, with Yeast
- Biscuit, Sponge, without Yeast
- Bread, Good, to Make
- Bread, Family
- Bread, Light
- Bread, Sponge
- Buckwheat Cakes Tedeton
- Buckwheat Cakes, Griddle
- Corn Batter Bread TAKEN
- Corn, Mississippi, Bread
- Dyspeptics, Bread for
- Graham Bread
- Hard-Yeast Cakes
- Indian Bread
- Indian Cakes
- Indian Cakes, Griddle
- Muffins, Graham
- Noodles
- Pain Perdu Shrestha
- Pocketbooks for Tea THOMAS
- Puffs, Flour
- Rising with Yeast Cake
- Rolls, Fine
- Sally Lunn
- Turnpike Cakes
- Wheat Bread, with Potatoes
- Yeast, Hard Fig-leaf
- Yeast, Home-Made
- Yeast, Hop and Potato
- Yeast, Liquid, of Corn and Hops
- Yeast, Milk
- Yeast, Potato
- Yeast, Remarks on
- Yeast, Salt
- Crullers OZOL
- Doughnuts, with Hop Yeast
- Doughnuts, without Yeast
- Doughnuts, Sour Milk, without Yeast
- Rusks, Miss Lester's Tea
- Cakes, for the inside of
- Charlotte Rousse ALLEN
- Citron Cake
- Cocoanut Cakes
- Cocoanut Silver Cake
- Corn Starch Cake
- Cream Cakes
- Cream Cake, Another with Crust and Cream
- Delicate Cakes
- Diamond Bachelors
- Drop Cakes
- Drops, Coconut
- Egg Kisses
- Francatelli's Spanish Cake
- French Loaf Cake
- Frosting for Cake
- Fruit Cake Weldon
- Fruit Cake, Cheap
- Fruit Cake, Family
- Fruit Cake, Nougat
- Fruit Cake, Wisconsin
- Genoese Cake
- Ginger Nuta
- Ginger Snaps
- Ginger Bread, Sponge
- Gold Cake
- Gold and Silver Cake
- Hard times, Louisiana, Cake
- Icing
- Icing, Boiled
- Icing, Boiled, Hot
- Indian Cake
- Isabella Cake
- Jelly Cake
- Jelly Roll, Young Cook's
- Jumbles
- Jumbles, Ring
- Lady Cake
- Lady Cake, Yellow
- Ladies Fingers
- Ladies Fingers, German
- Little Drop Cakes
- Little Jessie?s Cake
- Loaf Cake, Plain
- Loaf Cake, French
- Maizema Cake
- Molasses Cake
- Naples Biscuit
- Pecan Cake
- Portugal Cake TAKEN
- Pound Cake, Cocoanut
- Silver Cake
- Shrewsbury Cake
- Soda Teacakes
- Sponge Cake, Jenny's
- Sponge Cake, White DREHER
- Sponge, Ginger Bread
- Superior Silver Cake
- Tipsy Cake
- Tea Cakes
- Teacup Cake
- Trifles
- Wedding Cake
- White Cakes
- Wine Cakes
- Almond Meringue TAKEN
- Ambrosia of Orange, etc
- Apple Compote
- Blanc Mange, Gelatine
- Blanc Mange, Maizena
- Charlotte Eusse
- Cheesecakes, Lemon
- Cheesecakes, Orange
- Cream, Barley or Sage
- Cream, Berry, Frozen
- Cream, Biscuit in Moulds
- Cream, Chocolate, Iced
- Cream, Orange
- Cream, Whipped, with Wine
- Custard, Apple COLLINS
- Custard, Boiled
- Custard, Lemon
- Dessert for a Delicate Person
- Floating Island, without Wine
- Glazing for Pastry
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cream, without Cream
- Jelly, Calves' Feet
- Jelly, Isinglass
- Jelly, Wine, for Gelatine
- Jelly, Yellow Custard
- Mange, Chocolate
- Oranges, Croquante WILLIS
- Peaches and Cream, Frozen
- Pies or Pudding, Cocoanut
- Pudding, All-the-Year-Bound
- Pudding, Batter
- Pudding, Cabinet, Steamed
- Pudding, Delicious
- Pudding, Francatelli's Lemon
- Pudding, Gelatine Snow
- Pudding, Macaroon, Iced
- Pudding, Meringue
- Pudding, Prince Albert's
- Pudding, Roll, of Fruit
- Pudding, Suet
- Pudding, Transparent
- Tart, Lemon
- Trifle, Apple
- Trifle, Delicious
- Apple Dumplings, Baked
- Apple Meringue
- Apple Tarts, Marlborough
- Blackberry Pie
- Cranberry Pie or Tarts
- Cranberry Tart, with Apples
- Cream, Tapioca
- Cream, Tapioca, Plain
- Directions for Making, etc.
- Dumpling Crust
- Mince-meat
- Mince-meat, for Christmas
- Mince Pie Meat
- Mince Pie Mixture
- Mince Pie Mock
- Mince Pie, to fill, etc
- Mince Pie, without Meat
- Molasses Pie
- Molasses Pie, A Richer
- Orange Pie
- Pie-crust, Buttermilk
- Pie-crust, Family, Short
- Pork and Apple Pie
- Pudding, Another Christmas
- Pudding, Baked Suet
- Pudding, Bird?s Nest
- Pudding, Delicious Bread
- Pudding, Cheap and Delicate
- Pudding, Cheap Gingerbread
- Pudding, Cottage
- Pudding, Country Batter
- Pudding, Crow's-Nest HOUSER
- Pudding, French Fried
- Pudding, Maryborough
- Pudding, My Own
- Pudding, Parisian
- Pudding, Plain, without eggs or wine
- Pudding, Plum, Boiled
- Pudding, Plum, Cheap
- Pudding, Plum, Cottage
- Pudding, Plum, Plain, for Children
- Pudding, Plum, Six-Ounce
- Pudding, Plum, without Flour
- Pudding, Quickly Made
- Pudding, Rice Meringue
- Pudding, Soufflee
- Pudding, Soufflee, Omelet
- Pudding, Sweet Potato
- Pudding, Temperance Cabinet, Iced
- Pudding, Very Rich
- Puff-Paste
- Rice Milk, for Children
- Rice Custard
- Supper Dish
- Apple Compote for Dessert
- Apples, Crab, To Preserve Green
- Citron, Preserved
- Fig Preserves
- Fruit, To Candy
- Fruit, To Green, for Preserving, etc
- Hints on Preserving
- Huckleberries, Preserved
- Jam
- Jam, Tomato
- Jellies, Apple, without Water
- Jellies, Blackberry
- Jellies, Crab Apple
- Jellies, Fruit, To Make
- Jellies, Lemon
- Limes, Home-made
- Marmalade
- Marmalade, Orange
- Marmalade, Orange, with Honey.
- Orange, Myrtle, Preserve
- Peach Compote for Dessert
- Peaches, Another Way to Preserve
- Pears, To Preserve
- Pineapple Preserves
- Plum Preserves
- Preserves, To Make
- Pumpkin, Candied
- Syrup Orange
- Syrup, Orgeat, without Orange Flowers
- Watermelon Preserves
- Watermelon, Another Rind Preserve
- Apricots in Brandy
- Apricots and Peach Wine
- Blackberry Cordial
- Blackberry Wine
- Champagne Punch
- Fruit, Mixed, Wine
- Orange, Sour, Wine
- Peaches in Brandy
- Peaches and Apricots in Brandy
- Raisin Wine, with Elder Flowers
- Raspberry Cordial
- Temperance Beverage
- Tomato Wine
- Almond Custard
- Apple Tea, or Water
- Apples, Baked
- Arrowroot Blanc-Mange
- Arrowroot Gruel
- Barley Water
- Beef Tea
- Carrigeen Moss
- Dimples
- Jaune Mange
- Jelly, Lemon, without Lemons
- Jelly Wine
- Ladies? Fingers, German
- Milk Punch as a Kestorative
- Milk Porridge
- Prunes, Stewed
- Rusks, for Convalescents
- Sangaree, Wine
- Sherbet, Orange TAKEN
- Sherbet, Strawberry
- Sponge Cake Pudding
- Syllabub
- Syllabub, White Wine
- Tapioca Milk
- Tartaric Acid Instead of Lemons
- Water Gruel, of Corn Meal or Oat Meal
- Chocolate, to make
- Chocolate, to Make Another Way
- Coffee TAKEN
- Coffee Cream
- Tea, Green and Black OZOL
- Almonds, to Blanch
- Candy, Cream
- Candy, Cocoanut
- Candy, Molasses
- Candy, Pop-Corn
- Candy, Sugar
- Caramels, Boston
- Caramels, Chocolate
- Chocolate Paste for Cake
- Drops, Chocolate Cream
- Drops, Lemon TAKEN
- Drops, Sugar
- Everton Toffy
- Kisses, Sugar
- Marsh-Mallow Paste
- Pop-Corn Balls TAKEN
- Absinthe, How to Mix
- Absinthe and Anisette
- Absinthe and Sugar
- Biscuit Glace for Twenty
- Bouille-abaisse
- Brule, Grand, a la Boulanger
- Brule, Petit
- Browned Snipe a la Fauvet
- Cocktail, Champagne
- Cocktail, New Orleans style
- Cocktail, Royal (Moran?s Own)
- Cocktail, Spoon
- Gin Fiz, No. 1
- Gin Fiz, No. 2
- Juleps, Mint
- Ponche Romaine
- Pousse Cafe, No. 1
- Pousse Cafe, No. 2
- Pousse Cafe, No. 3
- Pousse Cafe, No. 4
- Punch, Fancy
- Punch, Jamacia Rum
- Punch, Parlor (Moran's)
- Punch, Whiskey, Plain TAKEN
- Red Snapper a la Chambord
- Rum, Hot Spiced
- Salade a la Russe
- Soupe a la Reine
- Squirts
- Suississe
- Toddy, New Orleans
- Toddy, Virginia
- Wines, The Service of
- Fading, To Prevent
- Fruit Stains
- Ivies for Inside Decorations
- Soap Boiling, etc
- Soap Hard, for Household Purposes
- Washing Mixture
Hearn, Lafcadio. La Cuisine Creole: A Collection of Culinary Recipes. 2nd ed. New Orleans: F. F. Hansell & Bro, 1884. Web. 12 December, 2006. Internet Archive 20 May 2015. <https:// archive.org/ details/ lacuisine creolec00 hearrich>.