Sentence Outline
Your Name:
Your e-mail address:


A. Sentence Outline

A sentence outline should be assigned as the second part of the sequence leading to the completion of the research report. This outline should be used to develop the major divisions of the long report; because it is in sentence form, it will help the student to get the content of the report solidified before the first draft of the report is written. The outline should be written after or at the same time that the student is turning in note cards.

Thesis: (Write your thesis sentence here)

Write your sentence outline here. Be sure to use COMPLETE SENTENCES.


B. Report "Dummy" (A mock-up of the report--focus on format)

Include the items listed below:

  1. TITLE PAGE (Not numbered; counted as page i, Roman numbers)
  2. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (Has no heading; numbered as page ii) Woe betide you if you make me your audience!
  3. ABSTRACT (1st order heading; numbered as page iii)
  4. TABLE OF CONTENTS (1st order heading; numbered as page iv)
  5. LIST OF FIGURES (1st order heading; numbered as appropriate)
  6. INTRODUCTION (1st order heading)
    • Purpose (2nd order heading)
    • History of the Problem (2nd order heading)
    • Review of Recent Literature (2nd order heading)
    • Research Procedure (2nd order heading)
  7. BODY Use the TITLE OF YOUR REPORT (used as a 1st order heading. Begins Arabic page numbering as page 1. The page number is on the bottom center. Subsequent pages are numbered on the top right.)
  8. CONCLUSIONS (1st order heading. The page number is on the bottom center. Subsequent pages are numbered on the top right.)
  9. RECOMMENDATIONS (1st order heading. The page number is on the bottom center. Subsequent pages are numbered on the top right.)
  10. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1st order heading; arranged alphabetically. Do not number.)
  11. APPENDIX A (1st order heading, with a title below it.

C. Audience Analysis [Do NOT make me the audience.]


D. Notes

Notes are due; 15 note cards (or equivalent) accompanied by photocopies of 5 pages from 5 sources used for the note cards.