LAB 7- Convection Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate
One of the fundamental problems of interest in convection heat transfer considers flow over a heated flat plate. While the geometry could not be any more basic, parallel flow over a flat plate, as shown in Figure 1, occurs in a number of engineering applications. In addition, this geometry may be a good first approximation for flow over surfaces that are slightly contoured, such as airfoils or turbine blades. In this type of external flow, the boundary layers develop freely, without any constraints imposed by adjacent surfaces. Consequently, there will always be a region of the flow outside the boundary layer in which velocity and temperature gradients are negligible.
By nondimensionalizing the boundary layer conservation equations, it can be shown that the local and average convection coefficients may be correlated by equations of the form
Nux = f1(x*, Rex, Pr) (1)
where Nux = Nusselt number (hx/kf)
Rex = Reynolds number (ux/)
Pr = Prandtl number
x* = dimensionless axial location (x/L)
h = heat transfer coefficient
kf = thermal conductivity of the fluid
u = free stream velocity
= kinematic viscosity
Note that the properties of the fluid are based on the film temperature and that the subscript x has been appended to the Nusselt number to emphasize that the interest here is in local conditions on the surface. The overbar indicates an average value of the Nusselt number from x* = 0 to the point of interest. One of the primary objectives of convection heat transfer is to find the functions f1 and f2. Either theoretical or experimental approaches could be used for this purpose.
Two boundary conditions that are frequently used in heat transfer analysis are 1) uniform surface temperature and 2) uniform surface heat flux. For a uniform heat flux boundary condition on a flat plate exposed to forced convection flow, integral methods [1] may be used to determine the local Nusselt number for laminar flow. The correlation that results is
In a similar fashion, it can be shown that for turbulent flow
When compared to the results for a uniform surface temperature, these solutions give values of Nux that are 36 % and 4% larger for laminar and turbulent flow, respectively.
It is quite common to have a situation where the leading edge of the
flat plate is unheated, otherwise known as an unheated starting length.
In this case, the surface temperature of the unheated section equals that
of the fluid (Ts = Tf).
As shown in Figure 2, the velocity boundary layer begins to develop at
the leading edge (x = 0), while the thermal boundary layer development
starts at x = .
An integral boundary layer solution can be used [1] to develop an expression
for the local Nusselt number that accounts for the unheated length. The
equation for laminar flow is
is given by Equation 3. Similarly, the unheated starting length affect
on heat transfer from a flat plate experiencing turbulent flow can be expressed
is given by Equation 4. The equations for the unheated starting length
apply for x >
According to Incropera and DeWitt (1990), in order to obtain average Nusselt
numbers for
< x < L, these equations would have to be integrated numerically.
The primary objective of this exercise is to measure the local heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number for a heated flat plate experiencing forced convection cooling. The plate has a short unheated starting length. The measured data is to be compared to theoretical predictions.
Experimental Apparatus
The flat plate for this experiment consists of a smooth rectangular surface, 18 inches long by 11 1/2 inches wide with a metal rectangular plate (10 inches by 5-1/2 inches) embedded in it. The metallic plate is located such that there is a 6 inch unheated starting length. Surface temperatures of the metallic plate may be monitored by 15 type-T thermocouples installed along the center of the plate in the flow direction. These thermocouples are located at 0.625 inch increments starting at 0.625 inches from the front edge of the metallic plate. The thermocouples are connected to a data acquisition system that provides the temperatures of the thermocouples on a computer screen. A film heater is embedded in the metallic plate and is connected to a DC power supply. The total power to the heater may be determined from measurements of the total voltage supplied to the heater and the total current to the heater determined from the voltage drop across a 10 mW shunt. Assume the power supplied to the heater is divided equally between the top and bottom surface of the metallic plate. A dimensioned drawing of the flat plate apparatus is shown in Figure 3.
The AEROLAB Educational Tunnel supplies the forced air for the experiment. The flat plate apparatus has been installed such that the flat surface is centered within the 12 inch square test section and air flows over the top surface as well as the bottom surface of the flat plate. A variable speed motor drives the wind tunnel centrifugal fan, allowing different free stream velocities to be tested. The free stream air speed within the wind tunnel is displayed on the wind tunnel control panel in mph.
Newton's Law of Cooling may be used to calculate the local heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number. This equation may be written as
where qw is the heat flux per unit area.
Experimental Procedure
Calculate the wind tunnel Reynolds number. Determine the heat supplied to each plate. Find local values of hx, Rex, and Nux. Compare the experimentally determined parameters with the theoretical predictions. A graphical representation of the results is desirable.