PHS 50th Anniversary Celebration - Aug. 9-10, 2002
(Click on any snapshop to see the full image. The full images are probably larger than your screen, so be sure to use the scroll bars to see the whole picture.)
Front Row: Suzie Cantrell Darbonne, Barbara Kees Wallace, Carol Strohschein Noble, Sandra Carruth Caston, Jeanie Fallin Simmering, Ann LeSeur Campo, Kathleen Baker, Julia Briley Coody, Irene Baker Richard, Peggy Ratcliff Doucet.
Back Row: Steve Farrar, Donnie Williamson, Shirley Price Beauregard, Joe Campo, Ruth Wetherford, Danny McGraw, Carolyn Atkins Smith
OK, now let's see the pictures that the whole town is talking about!
Here's little Donnie Williamson and Jeanie Fallin at the 9th grade sweetheart banquet at First Methodist Church.
And here they are today. One can hardly see any difference, can they?
Ah, the joys of reunions! While an accomplice off camera creates a diversion for Sandra and Charles Caston, Jeanie Fallin Simmering goes for Sandra's throat while Jeanie's husband, Rick, stares aghast at the raw animal aggression exhibited by his normally docile wife!
The following snapshots were provided by Donnie Williamson.
The new school sign at the corner of Claiborne and Line St.
Entrance to "new" PHS from Claiborne St.
Closer shot of new entrance showing PHS Alumni Banner
Elaine Walker Hicks - A "mover and shaker" for the class of 1965
Peggy Ratcliff Doucet and Elaine Walker Hicks
Barbara Kees Wallace, Kathleen Baker, Blaine Drake (Carol Strohschein Noble's son), Irene Baker Richard
Ann LeSeur Campo & Shirley Price Beauregard
Steve Farrar & Joe Campo
Sandra Carruth Caston, Barbara Kees Wallace, Peggy Ratcliff Doucet
Jeanie Fallin Simmering & Danny McGraw
Peggy Ratcliff Doucet, Carol Strohschein Noble, Sandra Carruth Caston, Kathleen Baker, Suzie Cantrell Darbonne
Ordering Pictures: Carol Strohschein Noble, Sandra Carruth Caston, Jeanie Fallin Simmering, Ann LeSeur Campo, Ruth Wetherford, Julia Briley Coody
Front Row: Suzie Cantrell Darbonne, Barbara Kees Wallace, Carol Strohschein Noble, Sandra Carruth Caston, Jeanie Fallin Simmering, Ann LeSeur Campo, Kathleen Baker, Julia Briley Coody, Irene Baker Richard, Peggy Ratcliff Doucet.
Back Row: Steve Farrar, Donnie Williamson, Shirley Price Beauregard, Joe Campo, Ruth Wetherford, Danny McGraw, Carolyn Atkins Smith
The follow pictures were provided by Jeanie Fallin Simmering
Danny McGraw and Steve Farrar with Sherry Collins Rusk hidden behind the flowers.
Donnie Williamson, Sandra and Charles Caston, Billy and Elaine Hicks, Rick Simmering.
Jeanie Fallin Simmering, Wade Coody (Julia Briley's husband), and Suzie Cantrell Darbonne
Jeanie Fallin Simmering, Suzie Cantrell Darbonne and Julia Coody battle for the affections of Wade Coody. (But wait a minute! Is that a grin or a grimace on Wade's face?)
David Smith (Carolyn Atkins' husband), Kathleen Baker, Irene Baker Richard.
Louise Barron Phillips, Suzie Cantrell Darbonne, Carolyn Atkins Smith
Blaine Drake, Suzie Cantrell Darbonne, Julia Briley Coody (back to camera), Tom Darbonne, Wade Coody
Julia Briley Coody, Blaine Drake and Barrett Noble (Carol Strohschein's sons), Suzie Cantrell Darbonne, Danny McGraw, Carol Strohschein Noble, Steve Farrar
Jackie and Daniel Klug, Donnie Williamson
Barbara Kees Wallace, Peggy Ratcliff Doucet, Ray Doucet, James Rusk
Jeanie Fallin Simmering and Jan Girlinghouse Oreck (class of 1968?)