Memory verse:
Hebrews 4:15 | A high priest must be in sympathy with those of whom he ministers. Christ, who took upon himself our infirmities, is such a high priest. He was tried and tempted as man, but remained sinless. (PNT 307) |
Words to chew on:
The most significant thing that Jesus did for each
born again believer is die for our sins and be resurrected for
our new life. Although this is essential in every Christians life,
Jesus did something that is often overlooked, He provided a
perfect example. Even if Jesus was not my Savior we could
look to him as a man that we could aspire to be like. Many people
fail to look at Jesus' humanity (hungered/Luke 4:2,Matthew 21:18;
was tempted/Luke 2:28; got tired/John 4:6). Many people only look
at Jesus from a religious standpoint, but fail to look at Him
as a great man.
We use people such as Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy,
and General Douglas McArthur as our examples, while Jesus provided
a perfect example. These three men and many like them are great
men, but none compare to Jesus Christ. Many men have said and
did great things but they don't compare to the one we call the
MLK said "free at last free at last thank God Almighty, I am free at last", while Jesus says "He would make us not only free but free indeed" (paraphrase of John 8:36). MLK gave us a sense of freedom, but Jesus actually set us free from a lifestyle of sin (Romans 6:23).
JFK says "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country", while Jesus says "seek first the kingdom (country) of God and all the things that are desired in your country will be taken care of" (paraphrase Matthew 6:33). JFK's way said give to your country, but Jesus says give to God and you will have plenty to give to your country.
When General McArthur left the Phillipians he said "I shall return", while Jesus says "I go and prepare a place for you and I will come again and receive you to Myself" (paraphrase John 14:3). McArthur conquered soldiers, while Jesus conquered death (Colossians 2:15)
Jesus birth was the turning point in all of history. It is said that His Story is History. The time before Jesus' birth is called BC (before Christ) and after that time is called AD., which means in the year of our Lord. When looking for a role model, look no further than the pages of the most popular book in history (His-story), the living word of God. The Old Testament points to His birth. The Gospels portray His life. The Acts show His power. The epistles teach His principles. Revelation prophecies of His return and reign. From Genesis to Revelation we have a picture of the perfect example - Jesus the Christ.
We can follow the perfect role model who:
o was obedient as a child (Luke 2:52) - Obey parents, teachers,
and those in authority
o did not conform to the world (Mark 3:1-6) - Do not do
things just because your so called friends are doing them. Only
follow Jesus and those following Jesus.
o served others (Matthew 20:27-28) - Put God first, others
second, and yourself third.
o lived a sinless life (The Gospels; Hebrews 4:15; 2 Cor. 5:21;
1 Peter 2:22; 1 John 3:5) -
Hide the Word of God in your heart so you will not sin against God (Psalms 119:11)