Oreo Cake

"The ambition of every good cook must be to make something very good with the fewest possible ingredients." - Urbain Dubois

Introduction          Supplies          Ingredients          Instructions          Hints and Tips          The Team


     1.  Mix 2 cups of milk and the pudding mix in the mixing bowl.

Milk in Mixing Bowl  Mix in Chocolate

     2.  Stir the mixture until it has a constant consistancy.

Mix Well

     3.  Place Oreos in plastic bag and smash them.

Crush Oreos

     4.  Fill the serving cup with the pudding 2/3 of the way.

Pour in Glasses

     5.  Place worms halfway into pudding around the cups edge.

Add Gummies

     6.  Cover the pudding with the oreo dirt. making sure to leave the worms' heads exposed.

Add Oreos

     7. Enjoy!
