Professor: Dr. Charles Patterson

Office: Bogard Hall 217A

Louisiana Tech University

Ruston, LA 71272

Phone: (318) 257-2538


Personal Web Page

This syllabus must be copied and studied so that you will have access to the information necessary to complete the assignments in this course.


The Weekly Syllabus will be your daily guide after you begin work in the course.


2023-2024 Catalog Description of Math 100B/C:

MATH 100B: College Algebra Lab

2 Semester Credit Hours . 2-0-2 Prerequisite See MATH 100C. Corequisite Concurrent enrollment in the corresponding section of MATH 100C is required. (Pass/Fail). Supplementary review material including rational exponents, integer exponents, multiplying polynomials, factoring, rational expressions. A grade of S" will be assigned in MATH 100B if and only if the student earns a minimum grade of "D" in MATH 100C. A student who drops MATH 100C and wishes to continue attending class to be better prepared for repeating MATH 100B-MATH 100C may remain enrolled in MATH 100B for the remainder of the term. Such a student who does continue to attend class will be assigned a grade of "NC" in MATH 100B."


MATH 100C: College Algebra

3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH ACT score between 19 and 21 inclusive, or MATH SAT score between 500-540 (460-510 prior to 3-2016), or successful completion of MATH 099 OR MATH 103B/C OR PLACEMENT BY EXAM.


Course Goals: To understand and apply the following concepts: rational exponents; radical expressions; complex numbers; miscellaneous equations; inequalities; functions; conics; graphs; inverse, exponential, logarithmic functions; applications; system of equations.



Technical Requirements


The system requirements for using MyMathLab can be found at


·         You will access MyMathLab at

·         You will complete your homework assignments and quizzes using MyMathLab.

·         Any issues with accessing technology, which are related to a disability, should be reported to the instructor as soon as possible. For more details on the Office of Disability Services, refer to






College Algebra (6th ed.) by Dugopolski packaged with MyMathLab. The use of MyMathLab is mandatory. The textbook and supplements can be purchased through the Louisiana Tech Bookstore. Link to Louisiana Tech Bookstore--to order book.




A scientific calculator (TI-30X II only) is required for this course. You will need the calculator for some homework problems and a few exam problems. A calculator will not be allowed on most homework and exam problems. The use of a graphing calculator is prohibited.



You will access MyMathLab at

Note: MyMathLab offers a free trial period in which you may login to the course without an access code. Therefore, lack of an access code or textbook is not a valid excuse for not enrolling in the course on MyMathLab at the beginning of the quarter and completing assignments in a timely manner. At the end of the trial period, you will have to purchase access to remain enrolled in the course on MyMathLab unless you chose to participate in the Bulldog Bundle. Students who chose to participate in the Bulldog Bundle will retrieve their MyMathLab access code via a link in Canvas. Students who chose to opt out of the Bulldog Bundle will need to purchase access on the MyMathLab website. Any issues with accessing technology, which are related to a disability, should be reported to the instructor as soon as possible.



If you are enrolled in the Math 100 internet course at Louisiana Tech University for the current quarter, you will be enrolled in Dr. Patterson's College Algebra Course on the Louisiana Tech University Canvas site. This site will contain a link for Bulldog Bundle students to retrieve their MyMathLab access code. It will also contain links to the course syllabus, weekly assignment syllabus, and course calendar. The online quizzes, HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS, and your grades will be posted in MyMathLab (rather than Canvas). Click Here to Go to and Print Instructions for Accessing and Using Canvas.


A computer lab is available to students in the Student Center. There are many other computer labs used in the individual academic units of Louisiana Tech University.

Click here for information about obtaining access to and using the student computer labs.


It is necessary that you check your LA Tech E-mail, Canvas Announcements, and the MyMathLab Announcements at least once a day and that you keep in contact with the teacher. Since there are no regular class meetings or lectures, it is necessary that each student complete the homework assignments and quizzes and bring up any questions or problems by using MyMathLab, by personal visits, by telephone, or by email. 

To receive credit for the course, all assigned work must be satisfactorily completed.  

  • It will take as much or more of your time to take this class, as opposed to a class that meets on the Tech campus. YOU must decide on and set aside regular times you will dedicate to work on the course.

Grade Determination Procedure

The Homework Exercises assigned from the textbook must be completed before taking the Quizzes. These problems will be included in determining your final grade. Any questions about these problems can be answered by using MyMathLab, by faxing the work to me, by telephone, or by office visit. A total of 350 possible points can be earned in the course according to the following:

MyMathLab Homework Exercises = 30 points

MyMathLab Quizzes = 20 points

Exam I = 100 points

Exam II = 100 points

Exam III = 100 points

(Optional Final Exam = 100 points / If taken, the Final Exam will replace the lowest Exam score.)

Final Grading Scale Based on the Percentage of 350 Possible Points You Have Earned:

    90%-100% = A
      80%-89% = B

      70%-79% = C
      60%-69% = D

 BELOW 60% = F



Refer to the “Academic Misconduct” section of the current Louisiana Tech University Catalog. If it is determined that academic misconduct has occurred, the penalty may range from dismissal from the University to a failing grade in the course.


The Louisiana Tech University Honor Code Statement: "Being a student of a higher standard, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity."  If it is determined that academic misconduct has occurred, the penalty may range from dismissal from the University to a failing grade in the course. For details on the Academic Honor Code, violations of the Honor Code, and procedures for dealing with behaviors alleged to be in violation of the Code, please refer to Louisiana Tech University 2023-2024 Catalog.


Attendance will be recorded based on your individual login time and progress with MyMathLab and the dates your individual assignments are submitted.


All Louisiana Tech students are strongly encouraged to enroll and update their contact information in the Emergency Notification System. It takes just a few seconds to ensure you’re able to receive important text and voice alerts in the event of a campus emergency. For more information on the Emergency Notification System, please visit




In compliance with Acts 635, 637, and 640 of the 2018 Regular Session and Act 382 of the 2019 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and the 2019 Board of Regents Uniform Policy on Hazing, the System reaffirms its policy that any form of hazing of any student enrolled at any institution of the System is prohibited. Violation of this Policy can result in both disciplinary action imposed by the organization and/or institution as well as criminal charges.


The assignments and dates in the Weekly Assignment Syllabus are subject to change if conditions during the quarter require that such be done. ALL ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES, AND EXAMS must be completed by the date specified in the Syllabus (or on a new date, if that date is changed).

To Go To The Weekly Syllabus for All Weekly Assignments, Quizzes, and Due Dates, Click Here


Smart devices (phones, watches, glasses, etc.) are not to be visible during an exam. If such a device is visible at all during an exam, a student’s exam will be taken immediately and will result in a zero test grade. Students will not be permitted to leave a room once a test begins. Correct answers on exams without supporting work will receive no credit.


NOTE: EXAMS I, II, III, AND THE OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM will be administered in MyMathLab and will be monitored via Zoom. You will receive more detailed instructions as each exam date approaches.