Instructor: Judith Roberts
Office: 152 Keeny Hall
Phone: 257-4907
Preferred Conference Hours: WF 8-11 a.m., 2-4 p.m.; TR 8-9 a.m.
Required books/info:
You need to have a basic knowledge of how to use a computer and access the Internet. Over the course of the quarter, we will delve deeper into social media and multimedia skills, which will be addressed as the assignments come up. Please refer to this website as the official website of the class where assignments and information will be posted. The Facebook page should be used for updates, for point person, and for further in-depth class discussion.
Goals of the course:
The aim of this class is to teach journalists to use their experiences to write in a variety of columnist capacities. Students should learn to write columns from 500 words long to 2,000 words, to draw inspiration from other writers, to use related community activities as motivation, and to write for the Web.
All of the work that you complete in this class will help you become more effective in your work and is therefore necessary.
Points can accumulate from:
Introduction (25 points): Make sure to “like” the Facebook page, Journalism 275: People and Events. This is where all of your assignments, notes, and discussions will take place. If you do not have a Facebook account, you will need to create one by going to
After you “like” the page, leave a comment telling the following: 1) why you are taking this class, 2) your classification and major, and 3) what you plan to do after graduation, to introduce yourself to your classmates.
Short columns (100 points total; 50 points each): You will have two short column (around 500 words) assignments on various topics. The day before your assignment is due I will assign you that topic, and you will be required to write that column by the due date. This is to assist you to write with deadlines.
Long columns (200 points total; 100 points each): You are to write two 900-1,200-word columns. The topic for each of these essays is your choice.
Point person (100 points total; 50 points each): Two times during the quarter, you will be required to post a column that you find well-written and discuss why on Facebook. The rest of the class is required to post at least one comment for the columns for participation credit.
Participation (75 points): If you participate in all of the class discussions and respond to each point person column, you will receive the full 75 points. However, for each column or point person you miss, you will lose five points each time.
Tests (200 points total; 100 points each): As this class is online, your tests will be in-depth essay discussions where you will have to back up your statements on lecture material that has been posted throughout the quarter. Each test will consist of five questions, and you are required to answer three of those questions using 500-700 words and basing your information on the course material.
All assigned work must be completed and turned in at the designated time unless you have an excused absence; it cannot be made up otherwise. All excuses should be submitted to me in writing, through e-mail, no later than the next class that you attend. A doctor’s excuse should be written on the physician’s letterhead or a similar official form.
NOTE: Assignments may be rearranged as the quarter progresses if the need arises. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to learn what changes were made.
Students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability are encouraged to discuss those needs with me as soon as possible.
Academic honor code:
In accordance with the Academic Honor Code, students should ensure the following: “Being a student of higher standards, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.”
In other words, don’t cheat. Don’t plagiarize. If you have any questions that you MAY be plagiarizing, ask me. For example, one student didn’t realize that plagiarizing included turning in two identical papers to two different teachers. If you need a run-through of this, just ask.
Retention Policy on Graded Materials:
Graded material that I hand back to you to keep is your responsibility. In the event of a question regarding an exam or final grade, it is the responsibility of the student to retain and present graded materials which have been returned for student possession during the quarter.
Course Schedule
(Subject to change)
Week 1
– Introduction; What makes a good column
Week 2
– Basic guidelines for journalistic writing
Week 3: June 14-18
– Getting down to specifics
Week 4: June 21-25
– Creative Writing hints
Week 5: June 28 through July 2
-- Midterm
Week 6: July 6-9
– Types of essays
Week 7: July 12-16
– Sensationalism in columns
Week 8: July 19-23
-- Journalism and social media
Week 9: July 26-30
-- Journalism and social media (continued)
Week 10: August 2-6