living with the lab
boosting hands-on learning in engineering education

Living WITH the Lab is a project-driven experience. Links to some of the projects in our three freshman courses are provided below.

Course Project Description and Links


PUMP PROJECT: Teams of two students model, fabricate, and evaluate the performance of a centrifugal pump in ENGR 120. More information is available on the ENGR 120 download page.
FISHTANK PROJECT: Teams of two to four students fabricate a system to provide closed-loop control of the temperature and salinity of a small volume of water. Students fabricate and calibrate their own conducitity sensor and RTD and learn to switch heaters and values using their microcontrollers. More information is available on the ENGR 121 download page.
DESIGN OF A SMART PRODUCT: Teams of two to four students conceive, design, fabricate, test, and demonstrate a smart product to a panel of judges. More information is available on the ENGR 122 download page.
College of Engineering and Science
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana

Project supported by the National Science Foundation's Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program under Award No. 0618288.Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Louisiana Tech University adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability. The Title IX Coordinator is Carrie Flournoy, President's Office, P. O. Box 3168; phone: (318) 257-3785; E-mail: