Louisiana Tech Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Micro/Nanoengineering


Research Mentors


The faculty who participate as research mentors vary from year to year.  The faculty below have participated in past programs, and most are likely to participate in the summer of 2013.


From 2012


       Mark DeCoster

       Sven Eklund

       Dentcho Genov

       Steven A. Jones

       David K. Mills

       Chad O’Neal

       D. Patrick O’Neal

       Ardash D. Radadia


From Earlier Summers


       Niel Crews

       Yuri Lvov

       Long Que

       Shengnian Wang



The term Mentor comes from the story of Odysseus.  Before Odysseus sailed off to fight in the Trojan war, he left his son Telemachus with his wise friend Mentor to tend to the young man’s education.  The choice was an excellent considering that Mentor was in reality Athena, the goddess of wisdom, in disguise.  It is thus no small honor to be in a position as Mentor to a student.


By an odd linguistic coincidence, Mentor has the form of a word that means “One who ments,” where the verb “to ment” can be thought of as being some derivative of the word “mental.”  It is thus not uncommon to refer to a personal teacher as a “mentor,” and to the student as a “mentee.”  Despite the natural development of the term, I would prefer to designate a student participant in this program, not as a mentee, but rather as a Telemachus.