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NPDES Permitting Program

The NPDES is the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System set up by the EPA with the goal of eliminating discharges of pollutants in the nation’s waters.

Purpose of the NPDES permitting program

The Clean Water Act established the NPDES permitting program to regulate discharges into U.S. waters. All "point source" discharges of pollutants are prohibited without a NPDES permit. These permits require treatment of pollutants to a degree that will comply with established water quality standards.

Examples of Activities that Require a Permit

An industry discharging process water into natural waters
A municipality wastewater treatment facility discharging into natural waters
Piping a sanitary drain directly into a lake or stream
Discharge from an animal feedlot's lagoon
Storm water run-off from industrial activities

Issue and Enforcement of Permits

NPDES permits are issued by the Water Quality Protection Division of the EPA. The Water Enforcement Branch assures that all discharges comply with NPDES permits. A number of states have assumed responsibility for directly permitting and enforcing the NPDES program, but the EPA is still oversees these state-run NPDES programs.

Permit Catagories

Typically, permit applications fall into one of three categories: (1) general, (2) municipal, or (3) industrial. In each category, a facility may be designated as a minor or major facility. Each permit contains a set of limits and conditions that provide adequate protection for the environment and human health.

Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)

DMRs (Discharge Monitoring Reports) are used to report information required by NPDES permits. Most facilities are required to complete prepared DMR forms which are mailed to them. Unfortunately, like many government forms, these DMR forms tend to be rather obtuse. Many permittees have difficulty understanding how to complete them correctly. Information about DMR forms, and instructions on how to complete these forms, may be found on the EPA website at "".

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Page last updated: 07/22/99