Session 1

Up ] CWA Purpose ] CWA History ] NPDES ] W.E.T. Testing ] WET Endpoints ] Review 1 ]

Government Regulations for Aquatic Pollution Control

Purpose of the Clean Water Act
History of "Clean Water Act"
Water Pollution Control Act, 1948
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 1972
Clean Water Act, 1977
Water Quality Act, 1987
Results of Clean Water Act

What are NPDES Permits?

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Three main permit categories: general, municipal, industrial

WET Tests

WET (Whole Effluent Toxicity)
Rationale for WET tests
Two basic types of WET tests: acute and chronic
Acute toxcity tests -- 96 hours or less -- determine lethal toxicity
Chronic toxicity tests -- 7 days -- measure sub-lethal toxicity

What are the end-points for biomonitoring tests?

NOEC (no observed effect concentration)
LOEC (lowest observed effect concentration)
IC (inhibition concentration)

  Up ] CWA Purpose ] CWA History ] NPDES ] W.E.T. Testing ] WET Endpoints ] Review 1 ]
Page last updated: 07/22/99